What's wrong with me promoting my girlfriend as a diva?

Chapter 291

The truth is, it is not the truth.

Netizens tried their best, but they still couldn't find out which four sentences were true from Qiao Sheng.

Qiao Sheng did not respond, but he just posted a Weibo post, which said: "People who lie should swallow a thousand needles."

Once his confusing post was published, it once again triggered condemnation from netizens and fans.

People who lie should swallow a thousand needles?

What does this have to do with the four truths?

Also, why do we use the modal particle "oh" at the end?

We are here to let you solve the mystery, but you are playing dumb with us, and using such a cute modal particle "oh"!

But they don't know that this sentence has nothing to do with the four truths.

This sentence is just a sentence from the MV of the song "Lie" on Earth.

Qiao Sheng's Weibo brought another wave of popularity to "Lie".

With the help of the "Ear Hole" music review analysis, on the second night, the ranking of "Lie" on the two charts briefly surpassed "Honest".

It probably surpassed for a few minutes, and then it was quickly surpassed by "Honest".

The time it surpassed was so short that no one would have noticed it if they were not watching the charts all the time.

In addition to the idle fans on both sides, Zhou Cong was also one of the people who watched the charts.

It was his first time to release an album seriously, and no one in the company cared more about his data than him.

Although Qiao Sheng had comforted him and told him not to worry, it was useless. He was still nervous.

He was always looking at the charts, with his mouse on the refresh button of the web page, clicking it every few seconds, and clicking it every few seconds.

Seeing Zhou Cong like this, Yang Lihuan also put on a leader's airs and pulled him away from the computer screen.

It was useless, he took out his mobile phone and watched it.

Everyone had no choice but to let him go.

"It's okay, after a few days and weekends, when all his songs are released, it should be relieved a little." Qiao Sheng comforted Yang Lihuan: "Now he is selectively deaf, no one can persuade him."

The two were standing behind Zhou Cong at this time, watching Zhou Cong become "Zhou deaf", and could only shake their heads helplessly and walk away.

Time went back three days, and Xueqiu Entertainment announced the names of the next three songs to be released.

That is, Qiao Sheng selected the "Dog Licking Trilogy" for Zhou Cong - "Waste", "Let Go", and "Absolutely Crazy".

"Waste" is the same as "Lie", and it also comes from Lin Youjia on Earth.

Unlike the forced lying to maintain dignity in "Lie", "Waste" is simply a bitter song exclusively for dog lickers.

When Zhou Cong was recording this song, he almost sang depression.

The other two songs were from Li Shengjie.

Li Shengjie is a strange singer. He has some popular songs and many people like him, but he just can't become popular.

You say he has no talent, but he is actually a great singer.

That year, he was in the audience of Jay Chou's "The Strongest on Earth" concert, wearing a shirt and trousers, like a social animal who took great pains to ask for leave and rushed out to watch his idol's concert.

The camera stayed on him, and many people couldn't even recognize this ordinary man at once.

When Jay Chou, who was the focus of everyone's attention on the stage, handed the microphone to Li Shengjie, he leaned against the railing and sang "Quiet" directly.

Shocked the whole audience!

Even Jay Chou on the stage joked that he sang so well that he didn't dare to sing.

This person, who Jay Chou admired, had been ignored for more than ten years before that.

It was also because of this concert that he was invited to participate in the "Singer" stage the following year, which also allowed many audiences in their twenties and thirties to return to their youth.

Li Shengjie has the so-called "three spare tires", two of which are "Let Go" and "Absolutely Crazy", and the remaining one is "You Love Her So Much".

His fate with Jay Chou is not limited to this.

In 1997, in the variety show "Super Newcomer King" hosted by Wu Zongxian, Li Shengjie made a stunning debut and won the championship in one fell swoop, and naturally debuted as a singer.

Among the contestants who participated in "Super Newcomer King" with Li Shengjie, there was another person, that is Jay Chou.

The fate of the two is completely different.

Because the record company went bankrupt, Li Shengjie could only go to the bar to sing for a living, and he sang for more than a year.

What is Jay Chou, who is six years younger than him, doing?


When Li Shengjie was singing in the bar, Jay Chou had already released his first album of the same name "Jay".

Later, some people said that the "Um~" at the beginning of Jay Chou's first song "Lovely Woman" in this album opened a new chapter in the Chinese music scene.

Jay Chou became famous with this album and appeared on the stage of the Golden Melody Awards the following year.

The same background, different circumstances, is really sad.

Later, Li Shengjie finally gained favor again, and the well-known producer Huang Mingwei produced the album "Absolutely Crazy" for him.

It was also this song with the same name as the album that made Li Shengjie's name spread all over the streets and alleys a year later.

However, during this year, because the company was unable to package and was not optimistic about him, it directly gave up the promotion of the album.

Li Shengjie fell into a difficult situation again. In order to realize his dream of a concert for tens of thousands of people, he could only work part-time to support himself.

Later, after "Absolutely Crazy" became a hit, he finally experienced the feeling of being famous from Taiwan Province to the mainland, and then to Southeast Asia.

But that was all. He almost vomited singing "Absolutely Crazy" in various commercial performances, but he was still confused about the future.

He found a blackboard and drew a line on it every time he sang "Absolutely Crazy".

He thought that if he sang it 5,000 times and no one asked him to release a new album, he would return to his hometown in Kaohsiung to live a stable life.

Finally, when he sang it more than 4,000 times, he waited for the signing of Rolling Stone Records and his new album.

"Absolutely Original Heart Let Go" was born.

In the same year when this album was released, he finally waited for the concert he had dreamed of.

Later, he sang many songs one after another, but in the end, he gradually disappeared in the ever-changing Chinese music scene.

In 2017, Li Shengjie's song "Quiet" at Jay Chou's concert brought him back into the public eye.

Li Shengjie self-deprecatingly said: "I have been a singer for almost 20 years, but I can't compare to that one minute at the concert."

Even after participating in the program "Singer", he still couldn't escape the curse of not being popular.

God seems to have always been stingy with this man's luck.

His songs are very familiar to the audience, but he is a person that everyone feels very unfamiliar with.

Qiao Sheng likes several of Li Shengjie's representative works. In the past, when the company went to KTV for team building, many colleagues would sing his songs. Unfortunately, he is a model of a person who is popular but not popular.

Qiao Sheng also felt sorry for Li Shengjie. When making this album for Zhou Cong, he made two of the "spare tire trilogy".

If you can't be popular on earth, then I will change to another place to make you popular!

Qiao Sheng's idea is like this, but later he thought that it seemed even more cruel to him.

If these two songs become popular, it still has nothing to do with him!

However, Qiao Sheng can only help up to this point, and the rest will be left to the ears of the audience around the world!

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