When I Abandoned the Protagonist

Chapter 75

Chapter 73: C Position In The Fish Pond (8)

According to Su Hui’s assumption, the frail human body was pushed down from such a high cruise ship, so she should have fainted, and she just took the opportunity to bring the fainted prey back to the territory.

When Su Mingxiu wakes up, there is no way to escape.

But… this human being is more powerful than she imagined.

Something went wrong in the plan, and there is no hurry to look back. Since entering the water, the pink shirts that the program team prepared for the members of Class S have been lost by her in the wide sea.

At this moment, the long silver-white hair like seaweed is floating on the chest, from the waist down, you can see the extremely graceful silver-blue long tail, the transparent fins are open, thin as cicada wings, Beautiful.

She waited for Su Mingxiu to hold her breath, and the time came when she had to take off this leisurely look and go to the sea to breathe. At that time, she would still have a way to play tricks on this careless human being.

Thinking of this, the silver-blue tail is so shallow that it swings in the sea water, which is particularly comfortable and leisurely.

Su Mingxiu saw that she only stopped in front of him, but did not take the next step, nor was she in a hurry, she felt that the breath in her chest gradually diminished, and at the moment when she was exhausted, she Press the stringed shark bead on the neck into the lips.

The silver-haired merman stopped in front of him with surprise.

She didn’t expect this human to know that shark beads can avoid water.

In this way, she is afraid that she will not be able to wait for the moment when Su Mingxiu drowns. Thinking of this, Su Hui easily swam in front of her, leaned forward with his soft and powerful waist, raised his hands to hold the woman’s face, and pressed his thin lips onto it.


The water-repellent membrane spreads along the body to block the salty sea water. And the revelation when they exchanged breaths was like a string of fine foam, rising towards the sea.

Su Hui neither took the initiative, nor was he able to **** the shark back to see this human being in a state of embarrassment. Unconsciously, all her mind was used by her to seize the initiative. The long silver-blue tail swayed in the sea water, pushing them all the way to an unknown distance along the ocean current.

Until Su Mingxiu took the initiative to stop the entanglement.

, After finding out that this is a cruise ship far away from the program group, I quickly got excited again.

Her voice entered Su Mingxiu’s ears without any hindrance. It was less ethereal than when she was on land, but it still sounded good.

“Want to go back?”

According to the script designed by Su Hui, Su Mingxiu will fall into a coma after being pushed from the boat into the sea. Then she can take the person away in an upright manner, and when she wakes up, she says that she doesn’t know who pushed her down, and she is anxious to show her original appearance to save her—

…Now, her script is only at the beginning, and if she wants to regain the initiative, she has to find another way.

If Su Mingxiu begged her to return to the cruise ship, she could force him to lay eggs before leaving…

Although this is not the best strategy, it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter how the merman achieves the goal.

… Obviously with such a beautiful and delicate face, Su Mingxiu saw a flash of slyness in her eyes, full of malicious intent.

“What if you want, what if you don’t?”

Her voice also entered the ears of the merman.

Su Hui was stunned.

But she quickly made a decision and wrapped her arms around Su Mingxiu’s waist. Immediately, the graceful fish tail swayed vigorously in the sea, and the seawater, which was originally only undercurrent, was immediately dispersed by this force—

Su Mingxiu was instantly pushed into the deeper sea by her.

It is a place where even light cannot penetrate.

I don’t know where it came from.

She pursed her lips, and under the pressure of the deep sea water, she also tightened the strength of her embrace.

Su Hui was prevented from swimming by the pain from her waist. Just when she stopped, the faint light from the front made Su Mingxiu open her eyes and look at the far away A magnificent underwater building complex.

Eight huge statues stand outside the city, refracted by the light of the sea, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression and heaviness.

And the city exudes a splendid rainbow light, making it hard to imagine how the rainbow was picked from such a deep seabed, like a fairy tale full of dreams.

While Su Mingxiu was looking at this underwater city, Su Hui was looking at his waist connected to the fish tail. To be precise, it was a few fingerprints on the waist.

The sea blue eyes flashed with surprise.

The merman’s body is strong and powerful. In the sea, even whales and sharks can only be used as their recipes. As the top overlords of the ocean, they are rarely injured unless they cannibalize each other.

…This human being can actually make her feel pain?

Thinking of how Su Mingxiu used a kitchen knife in the back kitchen of the program group to handle all kinds of seafood neatly and neatly, as half of the fish was looking back, she suddenly felt a little coldness .

Su Mingxiu retracted her gaze and saw Su Hui caressing her waist thoughtfully, she also saw the marks on the other side’s waist, and instinctively said: “Sorry for hurting you. Yet?”

But maybe there is something wrong with this fish, or maybe there are shark beads in its mouth. In short, her apology was not much, and it sounded like a light and perfunctory perfunctory.

When she spoke, she was also thinking about how she had such a strong power, could it be that…

Su Mingxiu’s expression was subtle for a moment.

She asked the system, “Is a mermaid an ingredient?”

The system certainly knows where her doubts are, but at this moment it is even more impossible to say that this is because you have successfully completed the tasks of several worlds. Therefore, the power of the soul is so powerful that it can already affect the mortal body.

So it vaguely read to Su Mingxiu a record of mermaid flesh in ancient books.

This time, Su Mingxiu’s eyes became more subtle when she looked at Su Hui.

Backtracking: “…”


Why does she feel so cold in the sea water she is used to?

Su Mingxiu was eventually brought into the undersea kingdom of the merman.

“You have a high status here?”

she asked.

Su Hui inadvertently raised his chin, obviously not showing much pride on his face. But her arrogance of course has been reflected incisively and vividly.

Then I heard her reply: “My mother was the last chief of the shark clan.”


Su Mingxiu raised his brows and said in his heart, this is not easy. If you teach this bad fish a lesson and run away, after returning to the land, won’t you be hunted down by the shark clan?

She looked at this beautiful mermaid in dark color with some regret, and the regret in her eyes was obvious.

So much so that Su Hui had to stop and ask her, “What do you think I do?”

Do you not want people to take a second look at the dishes you can’t eat?

Su Mingxiu calmly retracted her gaze, looked around at the swaying water plants and beautiful red corals, and asked, “What are you bringing me here for?”

“Don’t you humans pay attention to a good environment when dining?” Su Hui has now made no secret of his identity, even when talking about each other’s races.

“Dine?” Su Mingxiu slowed down and repeated these two words carefully.

Her eyes that were originally lacking in interest brightened again for some reason, “So, you want to eat me?”

Since she fell into the sea, she has never seen any fear in her eyes. Therefore, if the winning ticket was already in hand, he was a little hesitant when it came to his mouth: “It’s not eating.”

It is mating.

Under the questioning of Su Mingxiu’s interested eyes, the silver-haired merman with a strong aura didn’t know why, when he spoke, he was a little stern: “Yes… let you lay eggs for me!”

“Oh?” When Su Mingxiu heard such whimsical words, she didn’t even feel any sullenness, but went on with a good temper: “How?”

Su Hui didn’t realize the rhythm and unknowingly got into the hands of the other party, and replied obediently: “As long as I differentiate into a male merman, you can—”

“I suggest you don’t,” Su Mingxiu interrupted her with a smile, fingertips caressing her delicate cheek at some point: “She looks so beautiful, if she becomes a male, I will But it won’t be so pity and cherish jade.”

“What?” Su Hui hadn’t realized what she meant.

The woman with long black hair fluttering behind her ears like seaweed lifted her eyes slightly, and her gorgeous facial features gave birth to a sense of fierceness for no reason: “You know those fish that are not beautiful and cannot be admired. What will happen if it falls into the hands of humans?”


“They’re sent to the chefs’ cutting boards to figure out what to do to make the meat delicious.”

While speaking, Su Mingxiu’s eyes swept lightly from top to bottom, Su Hui finally realized where his previous coldness came from, this woman was studying how to eat her!

Thinking of the seafood that passed through her hands in the past, Su Hui inadvertently swallowed, and subconsciously retorted: “Even if I become a male, I will be beautiful.”

These words seem a little weak, rather like begging the cook in front of him not to put him on the table.

Su Mingxiu was noncommittal.

Can’t help her. ..

So the two of them walked forward with their own thoughts.

until they stop in front of a coral lair.

It is a bit insulting to say that it is a nest. This large piece of natural red coral is born according to the situation. After being carved, it looks like a fine art, and it looks like it is beautiful enough to hold a human The world’s leading architectural award-winning work.

Because the passage is too narrow and long, it is obviously not a passage for humans to enter and exit. Therefore, Su Mingxiu made Su Huan hug her waist again.

In this place where humans can breathe freely, the merman who is good at getting water wrapped himself in a ball of water.

Category wants to escape.”

She had just finished speaking, Su Mingxiu had already walked up to her, and the kiss was reappeared, hiding all those inconspicuous smiles: “Do you have to do this?”

Su Hui missed the last chance and only listened to her firm response: “Yes, you don’t want to run.”

…all right.

Su Mingxiu thought so.

Ten minutes later—

The silver-blue long-tailed merman was pressed on a soft and narrow bed specially prepared for humans to lay eggs.

The fingertips of the person who trapped her ran along the skin of her waist and abdomen, as if they were doing research seriously.

But the hot fingertips of humans made her tremble.

Su Hui couldn’t help but flicked his tail vigorously, and the bed let out an overwhelmed babbling protest. But the human being above her did not have the slightest influence, and even casually dropped a sentence at her: “Don’t move.”

While speaking, Su Mingxiu’s fingertips had touched the scales of the fish tail, each piece of beautiful silver and blue was hard and sharp, and even the edges were illuminated by the light of some beads in the room, Also emits a translucent shimmer.

“Beautiful,” she complimented from the bottom of her heart.

The merman who heard her praise was not as proud as she used to be, and there was even some panic in her blue eyes. She couldn’t understand why she couldn’t get rid of this man’s strength.

Just then—

The hot temperature on the back waist, along the texture of her scales, I don’t know where it touched, making her tail wag again.

The cot collapsed and they both fell. But this movement was not enough to let Su Hui get rid of Su Mingxiu’s control.


The person pressing on her fingertips plucked the special scale, as if she could not feel the violent trembling of her body, and said with a curious attitude: “Where is this?”

She didn’t answer, Su Mingxiu asked herself, “Is it… the place where your female sharks lay eggs?”

Su Hui’s face was reddish, probably because she was angry.

But when she was angry, those beautiful blue eyes were even more charming and watery, looking like they could cry at any time.

She said, “I haven’t even started bullying you yet.”

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