When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 32

Chapter 31:

Hagihara Kenji is very tired, both physically and mentally.

The former was caused by a four-day trip to study, and the latter—that was his two stupid friends who didn’t care about socializing at all!

Xiao Zhenping is okay, he just doesn’t like it. But empty…

Seriously, don’t look at me at this time! You’re making friends, not looking for a partner… ah, no, you don’t even need to ask me if you’re looking for a partner! I’m not your elder—

With a smile on his face, Hagihara Kenji said to his stupid friend who had been worrying about him: “Kora, Jingguang-kun is asking you, so what’s your answer?”

For Zhu Fukongliang, this topic was beyond the scope, so he was accustomed to entrusting the question to those he believed. When I was in my own world, I could ask my family members, but here, there are only Kenji Hagihara and Jinhei Matsuda.

“Because the relationship with Matsuda has improved before, Hagihara is not happy, so if you want to make new friends, you must talk to Hagihara first.” Zhufu Kongliang was decisive: “That’s why I listen to Hagihara.”

Hagihara Kenji: “…Although I’m very moved, but you just want to leave the question to me, right?”

“Well.” Zhu Fukongliang nodded without hesitation.

“Hesitate for a moment, Xiaokong Ryo-” Hagihara Kenji wanted to cry without tears, but after joking with Zhu Fukong Ryo for a while, he remembered that there were two unfamiliar people at the scene, and noticed the two of them. Looking at the sight, Hagihara Kenji coughed lightly, trying to pull back his image a little: “I don’t mind being your friend, Jingguang-kun, can I?”

“Of course, this is my honor.” The smile on Zhu Fu Jingguang’s face was really as warm as the spring breeze, making people unable to pick out any faults.

Hagihara Kenji: But I always feel a chill behind my back.

Because both sides were on a school trip, and the itineraries were not exactly the same, Jiang Gu Ling and Zhu Fu Jingguang had to leave temporarily, but unlike before, both sides exchanged contact information this time.

Well, the replacement of Hagihara Kenji, Zhu Fu Kongliang did not give it.

Hagihara Kenji and Zhu Fukong Ryo walked side by side to the meeting point agreed by the teacher, silent and slightly quiet all the way.

Then on the way back, I saw Matsuda Jinping eating skewers waiting for them on the way back, Matsuda Jinping swallowed the last bite immediately and destroyed the evidence, and then waved his hand handsomely: “Yo? It’s finally over.”

Hagihara Kenji: “If you’re going to be handsome, wipe the sauce off the corners of your mouth first, Xiaojinping.”

Matsuda Jinping: “…”

Zhu Fu Kongliang, who was originally distracted, also glanced at Matsuda Jinping at this time, with a little disgust on his face.

Matsuda Jinping: “…”

Matsuda Jinping wiped his mouth and said, “So what’s the situation?”

“Hmm—” Hagihara Kenji extended his voice a little, and after drawing out Matsuda Jinping’s curiosity, he pulled his eyes and made a face: “Don’t talk to Matsuda who left me halfway and escaped!”

“Are you a primary school student?!” Matsuda Jinping’s eyes widened, his tone unbelievable.

“I’m sorry, Ken Erjiang is only three years old this year!”

“You really have no shame at all!”

“Songtian, you have seaweed on your teeth.” Zhu Fukongliang said a digression.

Matsuda Jinhei immediately covered his mouth, and Hagihara Kenji couldn’t hold back, and finally he couldn’t hold back the expression he pretended to be angry just now.

“Let’s gather first, aren’t we going back in the afternoon? Said on the plane.”

“Okay.” Matsuda Jinping nodded, carefully not showing his teeth during the conversation.

And this performance made Hagihara Kenji want to laugh even more.

“How do you say it, you really need to be good-looking at your level to make friends.” Hagihara Kenji touched his chin and sighed: “Even if I really want to be angry, looking at the faces of you two, I can’t get angry. already.”

Matsuda Jinping: “Oh, let me tell you, I ate the box of pudding in your refrigerator before.”

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

Hagihara Kenji: “I thought it was my sister…! I clearly wrote my name on it – Matsuda!”

Matsuda Jinhei: “I agreed not to get angry?”

“The crying pudding has given me 100% resistance! Your face is useless now!” Hagihara Ken said with two teeth and claws.

The two of them chatted for a while, and both turned their attention to Zhu Fukongliang who was in a daze by the window. Matsuda Jinping took the initiative to say, “So what do you think, raki?”

“If he said he was my brother, I would reject it outright.” Zhu Fukongliang said truthfully, “But he said he wanted to be my friend…”

Hagihara Kenji didn’t ask why the first half of the sentence was directly about the elder brother, not the younger brother. He just smiled and helped his friend analyze: “If you are a friend, you don’t need me and Xiaojinping to agree. You see, I usually meet new friends. When did you report to you?”

“But other friends of Hagihara, is it important to have me and Matsuda?” Zhufukong Ryo asked.

“…” After being silent for a few seconds, Hagihara Kenji grasped the point: “So, Kong Ryo thinks that after becoming friends with Jingguang-kun, will he be as important to you as we are?”

Hagihara Kenji paid special attention to Zhu Fukong Ryo’s expression, and after realizing that he didn’t even realize it, he sighed: “Xiaojinping and I won’t ask about your relationship with that Jingguang-kun – but Sora Ryo knows him and doesn’t hate him, right?”

“So, if you want to refuse now, are you afraid or worried?” Hagihara Kenji said: “I think that Jingguang-kun is not a bad person. If you really become friends, it will be a good thing.”

It was difficult for Zhu Fukongliang to explain the situation in the parallel world, so he did not answer.

So Hagihara Kenji thought for a while: “Is this good?”

“Jing Guang-Jun, he is obviously seeing you for the first time. If Kong Liang’s impression of him is not so bad… how about giving him a chance?”

“Don’t refuse completely, just stand where you are. No matter whether Jing Guangjun chooses to come to you or take a step back, Kong Liang, you just need to stand where you are. That’s it.”

“After all, it’s Jingguang-kun who wants to be friends with you, not Kong Ryo. You want to be friends with him, don’t you?” Hagihara Kenji gestured with his fingers: “At this time, the initiative is entirely in your hands, little boy. Empty.”

Matsuda Jinping got more and more wrong: “Why do I think… Are you teaching this guy raki to fall in love?”

Or that advanced fishing tactic that leaves the confidant on the sidelines?

Hagihara Kenji was extremely innocent: “Then I will definitely call the police! Sora is still a child!”

“Why don’t you just say he’s still a baby?”

“So that’s what you think of Kosora Ryo?” Hagihara Kenji showed a subtle expression.

Zhu Fukongliang also squeezed to the edge in cooperation, and made a move to stay away from Matsuda Jinping: “Xiao Zhenping’s words are so strange.”

“…The strange thing is obviously Hagi, right?!” Matsuda Jinping was tired, but he still said firmly: “In short, although it feels strange to say, there is nothing wrong with what Hagi said.”

“Since you don’t hate him, the other party also wants to show up to you, so don’t do it in vain? It’s okay to have multiple friends.”

Hagihara Kenji: “Why can Xiaojinping talk about this kind of thing like a supermarket discount?”

Zhu Fukongliang: “Because it is a small formation.”

Hagihara Kenji suddenly said, “Yes.”

Matsuda Jinping: “…Am I really going to be angry?”

After these conversations, the atmosphere was noticeably lighter.

But at this time, Matsuda Jinping propped his chin and said, “However, it’s actually a bit unfair, isn’t it?”

“What?” Hagihara Kenji was a little puzzled.

“It’s the raki side.” Matsuda Jinping’s sharp blue eyes looked in the direction of Zhu Fukongliang, and looked at the clear cat’s eyes. Matsuda Jinping has always been good at getting to the point and his words are slightly sharp. : “You put that Zhufu… tsk, I mean that Zhufu Jingguang, Zhufu Jingguang doesn’t know you at all, right?”

“For that Zhufu, it was the first time to meet you. You usually ignore others equally. This kind of obvious rejection and rejection is quite… a disaster for that Zhufu Jingguang?”

“So I think it’s quite unfair? Because of one-sided prejudice, it makes it more difficult to become friends or something.” Matsuda Jinping said, his tone was quite casual.

Hagihara Kenji pulled Matsuda Jinhei’s arm subconsciously, feeling that his friend had gone too far, and whispered, “Okay, Xiaojinhei—”

“I’m not wrong.” Matsuda Jinping continued with a casual attitude: “And I’m not accusing raki.”

“Raki didn’t break the law, he just double-standards others. This kind of thing doesn’t matter to me, can he just be happy?”

Matsuda Jinping yawned lazily. He scratched his hair, and the messy curls became more messy: “It’s just a sudden thought, I’ll sleep for a while, and call me when I get off the plane.”

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

“…” Zhu Fu Kongliang looked at Hagihara Kenji, his tone was calm: “Xiao Zhenping is right, it seems that it is a bit too much.”

“But I’m a little out of control.”

For example, when I saw my brother during the same period, because the other party used the same face as his friend, but the eyes he looked at him were unfamiliar, so he would be a little unhappy or something.

“Hagihara, what do you think should be better?”

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

You just guessed Xiaokongliang’s reaction, so you just lied to sleep! Asshole Matsuda—! Don’t pretend to be asleep, open your eyes for me-!

Probably sensing Hagihara Kenji’s emotions, Matsuda Jinhei not only did not open his eyes, but also made a snoring noise on purpose.

Hagihara Kenji fisted hard.

“Well… Anyway, how do you say it.” Hagihara Kenji tried hard to find a pertinent suggestion by pressing his temples: “Uh, if it’s not the other party’s fault… Sora just needs to keep his attitude!”

“Just as I told you, you don’t have to take the initiative, but don’t deliberately refuse… How about it?”

“Anyway, the fate between people is very wonderful. Don’t do anything deliberately, just let it go.”

Zhu Fukongliang nodded thoughtfully: “I understand.”

So, next time you meet your brother at the same period, don’t try to avoid it—that’s what Hagihara meant, right?

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