When I Bind the Plot Maintenance System

Chapter 38

Chapter 37:

Zhu Fukongliang is a person who is naturally difficult to be affected by emotions, and his emotional threshold has always been high. It is easy to make him feel relaxed and happy, but it is not easy to make him feel sad.

He doesn’t grieve over the death of others, read so many books, and doesn’t understand why the sad, empathetic plot lines in the books make people cry.

But he is indeed easily influenced by a few specific people. Just like his mother will be happy or sad because of the trend of the TV series, Zhu Fukongliang doesn’t understand why the development of the TV series makes people feel such emotions, but he will react accordingly with his mother’s attitude.

When his mother is happy, he will stay on the side quietly, but when his mother is unhappy, Zhu Fu Kongliang will try to get close to each other, showing a cautious micro-expression on his face, showing comfort with his actions.

The Zhufu family didn’t know whether this was good or bad, but they chose to lead Zhufu Kongliang like this to slowly contact the world.

Even if he was bullied by his classmates and locked in the warehouse, Zhu Fukongliang didn’t feel scared or angry. After finding the flashlight, he even felt that the environment was very quiet.

Almost from birth, he was protected by his family in an ivory tower of absolute safety.

Even the first and second friends I met were two people who were very good at taking care of others.

So at this moment, he couldn’t explain the reason why his heart was suffocating and uncomfortable, and he could only look to Hagihara Kenji, who had always been good at this, for help.

Hagihara Kenji always complained that his two friends were idiots, but at this time, he was the most reliable person.

Hagihara Kenji took the newspaper, put it on the table, met Zhu Fukong’s bright eyes, and replied softly, “Because we are humans.”

“We naturally feel sorry, sympathetic, and even fearful for the death of the same kind.” The half-long-haired teenager said, “But, to this extent, it’s just our attitude towards strangers.”

“If it’s a relative or a more important relationship, like if something happened to you, Sora, Matsuda and I would also feel very sad.”

“Because we will not only sympathize and regret, but also empathize. We will grieve the passing of each other and realize that the other party can no longer connect with us. When you miss each other, the other party will no longer appear in front of you. already.”

[“This represents… empathy.”

“Kong Liang will be uncomfortable because his brother is injured, because Kong Liang likes his brother.”

“Like Kong Liang, if he gets hurt, my brother will also feel very uncomfortable.”]

[“When my brother pointed the gun at himself, I… felt very uncomfortable.”

“I don’t quite understand the feeling, it’s just uncomfortable.”

“That’s fake, I shouldn’t feel bad, should I.”]

Similar keywords flooded my mind with memories of the past, and the mature Zhufu Jingguang on the rooftop pointed the muzzle at his memory again—

Zhu Fukongliang clearly knew that it was not the same person, and tried very hard to separate the influence of several people on him. But at this moment, those memories were no longer under control, and they rushed up without reason.

Relevant, irrelevant, uncomfortable, pleasant—even those dull and repetitive memories.

Zhu Fukongliang’s forehead was dripping with cold sweat, his temples were beating suddenly, he pinched the corner of the table, his fingers were turning white with some force.

“Kora?” Hagihara Kenji supported Zhufu Sora, who was a little unsteady, and his worries about him were obvious.

Matsuda Jinping also asked: “Are you alright? Where is the discomfort? Are you going to the hospital!”

Zhu Fukongliang shook his head.

The library itself closes late, but it is not open 24 hours a day. When the library manager arrived at off-duty hours, he yawned while sitting at his work station, and then lazily pressed the closing radio announcement.

The words of Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinhei were interrupted by the broadcast, and the two of them did not hesitate, put the newspapers back in their original positions, and left their position together.

There must be no way to go home at this point. Fortunately, there are two days on the weekend, so they don’t have to worry about skipping classes the next day.

They found a hotel nearby and chose a double room and a single room – because the store didn’t have a triple room, and Zhu Fukongliang refused to join them.

“I want to rest by myself.” Zhu Fukongliang said this, and it seemed that this was the first time he had rejected two friends so strongly.

At this time, no one can refuse Zhu Fukong Ryo, watching Zhu Fukong Ryo leave his field of vision, Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinping looked at each other, and also opened the double room next door.

As soon as he entered, Matsuda Jinping said, “What should I do?”

Hagihara Kenji also had a headache: “What else can I do? Kong Ryo wants to be alone, we can’t force him, right?”

“Give him some buffer time, and I’ll see what to do tomorrow.”

“So, what do you think… what’s going on?” Matsuda Jinping spoke again.

“…You have an idea yourself, don’t you?” Hagihara Ken was paralyzed on one of the beds in the double room. “Although I guessed it must be related…but the relationship is probably closer than we thought.”

“Tsk, let me ask Jing… Forget it, let me ask Zero.” Hagihara Kenji picked up the phone, and they just exchanged their communication methods.

Now that I couldn’t care about the phone bill, I contacted by text message and email, and Hagihara Kenji directly called Zero Tani.

The other side didn’t answer the phone in time, and it wasn’t until Hagihara Kenji made a second call that the other side connected.

After being connected, Hagihara Kenji didn’t have any buffer, and asked the key point directly: “Do you know Jingguang’s family situation?”

Fortunately, the relationship between them is a lot closer today, otherwise Jiang Gu Ling would definitely hang up as a harassing call after hearing such a line.

Fukutani zero can be regarded as agreeing with the identity of Hagihara Kenji’s friend, so he did not get angry immediately, but asked Hagihara Kenji in a slightly cold tone why he asked this.

Hagihara Kenji told the truth: “Sora is not in the right state now. After separating from Jingguang, he now has a headache and is very uncomfortable, and he is sad about the death of Zhufu and his wife… Jingguang’s parents.”

Falling Valley Zero was silent for a while, seemingly struggling. Matsuda Jinping snorted and grabbed the phone: “Don’t talk to your mother-in-law, just say it if you can, forget it if you can’t, if it really doesn’t work, I’ll go ask Jingguang directly!”

If you explain the situation, Zhu Fu Jingguang will definitely give a certain answer.

However, Jiang Gu Ling gave an unexpected answer, [Even if you ask Hiro, you may not get an answer. 】

Matsuda Jinping: “Why?”

[…about his parents, Hiro’s memory is not complete. 】Jiaogu Ling’s voice is still very cold, 【Yes, as you think, Hiro has mild amnesia. 】

[That’s all I know, any more questions? 】

“…No, no more for now, thank you, and sorry for bothering you so late.” Hagihara Kenji took a deep breath and replied.

This answer was beyond Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinhei’s expectations. The two teenagers looked at each other and felt a headache this time.

The tone of the lower valley is finally a little better: [It doesn’t matter. But if it’s not necessary, please don’t bother Hiro with these questions. 】

“Well, we know.” With that, they hung up.

Matsuda Jinhei: “…You said that you should go and shave Raki’s hair now and test the blood relationship with Jingguang, how about it?”

“Good idea, you can knock on the door now and ask Kong Liang to pull a hair.”

“…Tsk.” Matsuda Jinping scratched his hair: “What the **** is going on?”

“It’s completely complicated.” Hagihara Kenji also had a similar reaction: “So why is it related to amnesia? Coupled with Sora’s ambiguous attitude, I really want to doubt whether these two are brothers or twins. It’s gone!”

“Ask directly tomorrow?” Matsuda Jinping suggested.

Hagihara Kenji: “…Are you serious?”

“Seriously—well, not that serious.” Matsuda Jinping said, “Wait tomorrow and see the guy’s reaction.”

“It’s best if you can ask, but what else can you do if you can’t ask? It’s not like you don’t know how troublesome that guy is.”

“Go to sleep, go to sleep, have a good night’s rest, and talk about it tomorrow!”

After saying this, the room was quiet for a few minutes after turning off the lights.

Matsuda Jinping: “…Are you asleep?”

Hagihara Kenji: “…”

Hagihara Kenji: “It’s broken, shouldn’t I have insomnia?”

Matsuda Jinping: “What a coincidence, I think so too.”

When they were racking their brains, the two of them couldn’t imagine that after Zhu Fukongliang entered the single room next door, he just disappeared into the room out of thin air.

After Zhu Fukongliang woke up on the bed in the room, he still couldn’t control his headache. This was the first time in his history that he was so uncomfortable.

He couldn’t even tell if it was physical discomfort or just mental.

Supporting this discomfort, Zhu Fu Kongliang did not stay in bed as usual, or closed his eyes to buffer. But the first reaction was to open the door, and walked to the first floor with a mess of uncombed hair.

My mother has always been the first person to get up in the family. Brother Jing Guang, because of his work, mostly lives in the police dormitory, and only comes back when he is resting.

But if Brother Jingguang is at home, he also wakes up very early.

When going to the first floor, Zhu Fu Kongliang found his mother standing in the kitchen preparing breakfast at a glance. He walked in without hesitation, bent down and hugged his mother directly, which even affected Zhu Fu’s mother’s movements.

Zhu Fu’s mother was obviously stunned for a moment, but noticed the slightly red corners of her youngest son’s eyes and the obvious discomfort on his face, and immediately put down all the work at hand worriedly: “Kongliang, where are you uncomfortable?”

Zhu Fu Kongliang nodded sullenly, and Zhu Fu’s mother immediately changed her apron and left the kitchen with her little son.

When Zhu Fu Jingguang opened the door and walked down, he didn’t see his mother at first glance, and before he had time to wonder, he smelled something burnt.

Zhu Fu Jingguang’s pupils trembled, rushed to the kitchen to turn off the fire, and instinctively shouted: “Mom—”

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