White Ring of Douluo

Chapter 16: Oscar's talent

   "Come on Oscar, you only have the last five laps left today."

   is sinking to the west, and the sun has become a bit dim.

   Outside the college, Le Bai and Oscar are running laps around the college with load.

Le Bai carried a metal block larger than others, and wore a pair of outsole shoes made of metal under his feet. In order to prevent his feet from falling into the ground because of the heavy load, Le Bai specially made this pair of shoes. Not enough load.

   Lebai's total weight is now close to 2 tons, but he still walks like flying, breathing very smoothly.

   Oscar didn't carry any weight on his body, but he was panting like a cow. He opened his mouth and didn't say anything, but his breathing became heavier.

   Lebai tied Oscar: "Stop talking, your breathing will be messy. You can say anything after the exercise is over."

   After speaking, Le Bai suddenly accelerated, and Oscar couldn't see Le Bai's people after two breaths.

   "I shouldn't have promised him exercise together!"

   Oscar thought with annoyance.

   He promised to start exercising with Le Bai. In the past year, the two were eleven years old.

  Because of the existence of soul power, the growth rate of soul masters will be faster than ordinary people. The eleven-year-old Oscar and Le Bai are already about the same as the average fourteen-five-year-old teenager in terms of their development level.

   Compared to when they first arrived at Shrek five years ago, the two of them have undergone a major change in body shape. The original slender body has become stronger due to improved food and exercise. Even if it is separated from the clothes, it will not give people the feeling of weakness or thinness.

   In addition, as the body gradually develops, the distance between the appearance of the two people is getting bigger and bigger.

   Oscar inherited the good appearance of his father, especially the pair of peach eyes, which caused him to be strongly watched by the little girls from the appearance association in the nearby village when he exercises every day.

   Le Bai's appearance is not high, at best, it is at the upper-middle level. It is the kind that is difficult to find out when put in the crowd. When he is with Oscar, he is almost even used as a foil.

   Fortunately, Le Bai's mind is all on the panel and liver skill levels, and doesn't care about those.

   After a year of hard training, Oscar has been able to keep the spirit power in his body running while moving. Although he can't do the same as Le Bai's, Oscar has already seen the way and mastered the essentials of one mind and two purposes.

   This greatly improves Oscar's "durability", otherwise, even with the help of spirit power, Oscar would not be able to run forty laps around the academy in one day.

   But this kind of talent has made Le Bai very envious!

   Lebai relied on the golden finger of the panel to master parallel thinking within a few years.

   But Oscar has no gold fingers!

   He just relied solely on his talents, and it took a year to reach the progress that Le Bai took three or four years to arrive.

   Although it is three or four years in which Le Bai has not fully realized the effects of his own panel, it is enough to prove that the Oscar's talent is terribly high.

   This time Le Bai wondered whether Oscar also has gold fingers. However, Le Bai didn't have a way to verify this conjecture, and quickly put the idea behind him.

   The people who amazed by the high talent of Oscar are not only Le Bai, but also the teachers of the academy.

   They didn't pay much attention to Le Bai's growth process. After all, Le Bai was not a student of the college at the beginning. When he entered the academy, he was already a "monster".

   But Oscar can be said to have grown up a little bit by watching them.

   This makes many teachers feel emotional: Why is such a talent an auxiliary soul master? !

   There is similar emotion, and there is Ma Hongjun. But the object of his emotion is not Oscar, but Le Bai.

   After solving the problem caused by the spirit of martial arts, Ma Hongjun's interest in the opposite **** gradually became normal. Although he still liked it, it would not affect his body, and would devote more time and energy to cultivating soul power and exercising.

   Especially the latter.

  Because Ma Hongjun wants to maximize the advantages of his mutant martial arts, he must add more kidney energy to the flame, which will undoubtedly increase the burden on the kidneys.

   Unfortunately, people in this world don’t know how to exercise their internal organs.

   Flanders thought about it, and finally came up with a stupid way: to temper the body through the omnipotent soul power.

   "As long as you can use your soul power to temper your body inside and out, your kidneys will naturally become stronger."

   Flander said so, and threw Ma Hongjun directly to Le Bai, and let Le Bai take him to train with Oscar.

In the follow-up training process, Ma Hongjun was able to feel the strength of Le Bai’s exercise at close range, and marveled at Le Bai’s inhumanity. Ma Hongjun also faintly regretted what he said. After he could fly, he challenged Le Bai’s. Such words.

   He now has a mysterious trust in Le Bai. He believes that even if he can fly, Le Bai will have a way to knock him out of the sky and hit him on the ground.

   Today, Ma Hongjun also ran with Le Bai and Oscar, and he was a little stronger than Oscar, with a load of more than ten kilograms, and the maximum number of laps he could run per day was two more laps than Oscar.

   Because of a lot of exercise every day, Ma Hongjun is now much thinner than a year ago. Although his face still looks a little fat, his overall body shape is at the level of a normal person, and he can no longer be called fat.

   "Oh, Hongjun, what lap is this?"

   Lebai took brisk steps and rushed to Ma Hongjun's side, juxtaposed with him.

   "Also, there are three more laps..."

  Ma Hongjun breathed in big mouths, but he didn't speak very sharply.

   "Yes, you don't need to talk anymore."

   Lebai quickly told Ma Hongjun to stop talking, and waited for his breathing to slowly return to regularity, before he said: "I have a lot of laps left, take one step!"

   After finishing speaking, speed up again, and the whole person is like a large truck racing in Qiu Ming Mountain, leaving the dust.

  Because of the heavy load, every step Lebai steps on will leave a shallow footprint on the ground. This is because Le Bai wears roller-like outsole shoes on this road every day, stepping on the ground.

   Le Bai remembers that at the very beginning, he would sink half of his feet every step he took.

   Le Bai is now carrying a lot more weight than it was at the beginning, but there will be no obvious vibration when stepping on it.

In order to strengthen the control of his own strength, Le Bai conducts strength control exercises while running. Every time he drops his foot, he will retract the force just before the sole collides with the ground, and at the same time exert force in the opposite direction, in a very short time. Continue to reduce the speed at which the footboard falls, so that the footboard just stays still when it touches the ground.

   In this way, there will be no too much movement when landing, at most because the weight is too heavy, which compacts the soil on the ground more compactly.

   When he first started doing this, Le Bai felt very hard.

   Whether it is because of the weight of the shoe itself, or judging the distance between the sole of the foot and the ground, or the instant reverse force to reduce the speed of the foot, it is not something that can be done in a short time.

   At that time, Le Bai couldn't even finish a lap in a day.

   But soon, as the level of the skill [Power Control] on the panel gradually increased, Le Bai could finish a lap in a week;

   One month later, Le Bai can easily complete fifteen laps;

   After three months, power control has become as natural as breathing for Le Bai.

   Even so, Le Bai still did not stop his liver skills, and the progress bar on the panel kept growing steadily every day.

   The sun is slanting west, and the dim sunset announces that there is little left in the daytime balance. UU reading www. uukahnshu.com

   Today's daily training, Le Bai still completed earlier than Oscar and Ma Hongjun, even though his training volume was many times more than the two combined.

   "Huh, another refreshing day!"

   Le Bai returned to the house, washed away his sweat, put on dry clothes, threw the dirty clothes into the soapy water, and walked toward the cafeteria, thinking about what to eat tonight.

  Walking halfway, I ran into Ma Hongjun who had finished his daily exercise. He was soaked in sweat, but his spirit looked good: "Yo, Hongjun, you exercise..."

   "I'm so slimy and uncomfortable now, I have to go back to the dormitory to take a shower! I'll talk about anything later!"

   Ma Hongjun interrupted Le Bai directly, and rushed towards his dormitory as if running away.

   "Do you still have the strength to rush so fast?"

   Lebai looked at Ma Hongjun’s back and thought about it: "It seems that his training intensity can be increased a little tomorrow."

   At the request of Flanders, when Le Bai started training as early as a year ago, he also taught Ma Hongjun the skills of keeping his spirit power running while moving.

   Unfortunately, Ma Hongjun seems to be not very good at controlling soul power, and his current level is not as good as Oscar. But he is a war spirit master, and Wuhun has an extra bonus to his physical fitness. Overall, he is better than Oscar, so he can run a few more laps per day than Oscar.

   Le Bai remembers that six months ago, the biggest difference between Oscar and Ma Hongjun was seven laps a day.

   But as Oscar's second use of distraction became more proficient and his spirit power level gradually increased, the gap between him and Ma Hongjun had narrowed to two laps.

   "In two more months, the number of Oscar laps should be able to surpass Ma Hongjun. At that time, I will suggest to the dean to let the two of them practice in pairs."

   Le Bai thought of...

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