Who would marry into the family after being reborn?

Chapter 19: No gain, no hurry, actually come to matchmake

This price inversion was beyond Wu Wei's expectation.

But the People's Department Store had just opened not long ago, and the customer flow was obviously less than that of the county department store and the county supply and marketing cooperative.

The consumption habits of the people have not changed yet.

It is understandable that they were forced to lower the price.

Wu Xiuchun opened the handkerchief and counted the money three times before handing over 202.60 yuan.

He issued the invoice and pushed the car.

Wu Wei tested the faucet and the front and back gas to make sure there was no problem.

At the door of the People's Department Store, he raised his foot and put the car firmly on the ground.

He turned his head and said to Sanmei and Qiaoqiao: "Get in the car and go to get the license."

Wu Xiuchun was puzzled and said: "Second brother, can you ride?"

Wu Wei glared: "Are you afraid that I will fall?"

Wu Xiuchun pouted, "I'm a little scared, so I'd better sit in the back."

Then he said to Qiaoqiao: "Qiaoqiao, I'm sorry that you have to sit in the front."

If Sanmei hadn't said the last sentence, Wu Wei wouldn't have known that she did it on purpose.

Poor Yang Qiaoqiao foolishly, with a red face, crawled into Wu Wei's arms, half of her buttocks leaned on the big bar.

She couldn't sit steadily or stand straight.

Wu Wei took a quick look and thought what a bad idea the third sister had come up with!

She didn't know that Yang Qiaoqiao had a big buttocks, and it would be hard for her to sit on the big bar. If she didn't slide to the left, she would fall to the right.

When Wu Wei stabilized the handlebars, he pushed hard.

Oh my god.

Wu Wei found that not only the big bar couldn't bear Yang Qiaoqiao's buttocks, but also the handlebars couldn't bear Yang Qiaoqiao's chest.

Anyway, from his angle, he couldn't see the bell on the handlebars at all.

He could only reach out to feel the handlebars based on his impression.

This touch inevitably touched something else...

But there were people coming and going on Xingfu Road, so he had to touch the bell and ring it.

Fortunately, the 28-inch big bar turned into a small alley very quickly.

A moment later, it appeared on East Street.

There is a police station on East Street, which is responsible for bicycle licenses.

After showing the invoice and displaying the new bike, it took less than ten minutes from beginning to end, and a brand new bicycle license was issued.

Little red book, plastic shell.

It looks like the real deal.

The total cost of production is 1.2 yuan, and the department store dares to charge 12 yuan.

It's really a rip-off.

When leaving the East Street Police Station, Wu Wei set up the bike as before.

Yang Qiaoqiao said a little shyly: "Xiuchun, can you sit in the front?"

Just when Wu Wei thought that the third sister would refuse in every possible way and would not sit in the front, Wu Xiuchun agreed.

Not only did she agree, but she also stood by the front bar and said: "Qiaoqiao, I know it's uncomfortable to sit on the big bar, I'm sorry for having wronged you just now."

Upon hearing this, Yang Qiaoqiao, who had already sat in the back seat, got off again.

He pulled Wu Xiuchun over and said, "You should sit in the back. I don't feel uncomfortable sitting on the big bar."

After saying that, he added, "Really."

Wu Wei could clearly see that the third sister was smiling, but he still saw her asking seriously, "Really?"

Foolish Yang Qiaoqiao nodded her head very hard, "Really! I lied to you that it was a puppy."

It's over. There was a puppy on the front bar.

Fortunately, not long after leaving the county, the traffic and pedestrians on the road were reduced by more than half.

Wu Wei's hand holding the handlebars did not have to frown at the bell all the time, and he did not have to touch the heavy soft flesh from time to time.

It took only 40 minutes to walk back for two hours.

This was even when the road was not good and there were two girls in the car.

When they got home, the door was locked.

It seemed that Xichun had gone to find Qiao Yuyan.

Xiuchun found the key under the brick next to the door and opened the door.

Yang Qiaoqiao touched the shovel at home and prepared to turn back with Wu Wei.

Go to Beiguan Bridge to find work.

But Wu Wei stopped her and said, "Don't leave in a hurry, I'm going to make something first."

Yang Qiaoqiao didn't know what was going on, but she saw Wu Wei holding a vise, cutting a lead wire in the middle, and making a loop on the front fork and the rear fork respectively.

Then he took the shovel on her shoulder and put it into the two loops, just right.

It didn't get in the way and was easy to carry.

At this moment, Wu Xiuchun, who was busy in the vegetable garden at the door, suddenly ran back in a hurry and said, "Second brother, eldest sister is back, push the car into the house quickly, don't let her see it. Otherwise, she will have bad ideas again!"

Wu Wei kicked the pedal without saying a word, and directly pushed the brand new 28-bar into the dark kitchen.

Leaning against a corner that can't be seen from the outside.

The eldest sister Wu Shuchun was used to living in the city, and she would never enter the dirty kitchen of her mother's house.

So the new car was absolutely safe there.

It happened in a flash.

I saw Wu Shuchun taking small steps and turning down the gravel road of the rural road.

She entered the muddy road in the village, and walked with a look of disgust, jumping left and right, like dancing.

She was a mother of two children, but she still complained about this and that, like a little princess.

Yang Qiaoqiao didn't understand what Wu Wei and his sister were doing. She only knew that she couldn't leave for a while, so she simply hid in the vegetable garden behind the house and continued to plant cucumber seedlings.

Not long after, Wu Shuchun appeared at the door of the house.

Wu Xiuchun, who was busy in the vegetable garden, couldn't pretend not to see it anymore.

She raised her head and said unhappily: "Sister, why are you here?"

Wu Shuchun immediately put her hands on her waist and put on the airs of an elder sister, saying: "Old Third, how can you talk to me like that? After all, I am your elder sister, and we are born of the same mother!"

Wu Xiuchun curled her lips.

Even if she had many complaints about her elder sister, she would not argue with her as soon as they met.

Seeing that the Third Brother had lost his temper, Wu Shuchun shook her head more and more proudly, fanning herself with her right hand as a palm leaf fan and said: "Besides, I came here this time to find a wife for your second brother and to continue the incense of our Wu family."

"You dare to show your teeth to me, believe it or not, I will turn around and leave now?"

When Wu Xiuchun heard that she was talking about a wife for her second brother, her attitude immediately changed 180 degrees.

Even if she wanted Yang Qiaoqiao to be her second sister-in-law, she also wanted to see if the elder sister in the city would find a better one.

After all, she didn't want her second brother to be wronged for no reason.

"Big sister, why didn't you say so earlier? Come in and sit down. Our melons are ripe. I'll pick one for you to try."

Wu Wei looked at the size of the melon and thought: You might as well pick a summer cucumber, at least it's really edible.

As for the cucumber vines that Yang Qiaoqiao had set up, they were autumn cucumbers.

But having said that, this coaxing really satisfied Wu Shuchun, and she sat down in the main room and said, "That's about right!"

Then Wu Shuchun began to look around to see what had been added to the family and whether she could take it away.

After all, she had worked so hard to come to her mother's house, so she couldn't go back empty-handed.

Wu Xiuchun fiddled with the melon in the basin, washing off the dirt on the surface, washing it repeatedly, but she didn't take it out.

But she urged, "Big sister, tell me quickly, what kind of person is the wife you introduced to my second brother?"

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