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A Normal Morning

7:00 A.M, 1st April, Chiba City, Chiba.

In a moderately sized bedroom containing a double bed with a bedside table, and a big wardrobe, along with a work desk near the window through which the fresh morning wind came in.

On the chair in front of the desk sat a beautiful girl with waist-length brown hair that framed her face.

She adjusted the black-rimmed round glasses and looked at the pages in her hand with her brown eyes. She was looking at the pages intently as it caught her attention so much so that she forgot her initial reason for coming into the room.

The page had a drawing of a woman with short black hair and black eyes, wearing a white buttoned shirt with a cream-colored coat and a long grey skirt that reached her ankles, she was sitting under a tree near a small rock, touching the scarf around her neck while looking at the bird that flew off in the distance.

'Mom,' in the next panel a small boy comes running towards the woman making her look at the boy, The boy looked about 6 to 7 years of age with short black hair and lively grey eyes wearing brown trousers, a green shirt with string tassels and a brown coat along with brown shoes.

But the woman smiled after wiping the tears in her eyes with her sleeve as she looked at the people who came behind the running kid.

'Eren everyone has come to visit you,' was what she said as she hugged the boy that jumped into her embrace.

And that was the last page.

The girl held back her tears trying to not cry as she placed the pages back on the desk. That was the last chapter of her favorite manga, and she read it before anyone else.

"…..Haru-nee, what are you doing?" But before she could go deep into why she loved this manga so much a lazy-sounding voice came from the bed.

The girl's name was Koharu Tachibana; The most straightforward way to define their relationship would be brother and sister, With the boy being the younger one.

"Ahh, Yuu-chan you're up, No, wait, I was supposed to wake you up," Koharu panicked as she stood up quickly, looking at Yuu who was rubbing his purple eyes while sitting at the edge of his bed. his shiny black hair reached his ears as he swept to the right side.

"I am up now so no worries," Yuu stood up and started to make his bed.

"I'll do that, you should freshen up quickly so that you aren't late for your first day," Koharu came into the room to wake Yuu up but got distracted. She looked up to see him as he was taller than her, she was by no means short at 1.78 meters.

"Thanks," Yuu smiled slightly and walked out of the room heading downstairs after he washed his face.

Walking inside the dining room he was met with a familiar sight.

"Yuu-kun you're up, Where is Koharu? I sent her up 10 minutes ago," Asked a beautiful woman with brown hair tied in a bun, her hair parted in the middle framing her face on both sides, she was dressed formally in a white shirt with a blue coat and office skirt along with black stocking on her legs. She was about the same height as Koharu.

Her outfit suited her very well while highlighting her well-endowed figure just like her daughter Koharu. Her name was Kyouka Tachibana and in simple terms his mother.

"I was really sleepy and it took her time to wake me up, Haru-nee said she'll also help with cleaning my room, so that I don't get late for the opening ceremony," Yuu said after drinking a glass of water.

"I see," Kyouka smiled softly looking at Yuu with her black eyes.

'Was it a bust?' Yuu wondered looking at Kyouka.

"I have ironed your uniform, so take a shower upstairs and change quickly while I get your breakfast ready," Kyouka handled Yuu his school uniform and he went back up going straight into the washroom seeing that she didn't pursue the matter.

He came out after taking a shower in his uniform which consisted of a white collared shirt with a green tie, a black jacket with white trims, and black pants. His body was outlined by the clothes now as his athletic build wasn't shown because he was wearing loose clothes before, his wide shoulders and chest along with his toned thighs could be seen more clearly now.

Walking down the stairs Yuu enters the dining room again to see Koharu and Kyouka placing the plates on the table.

The breakfast was a simple miso soup with tofu, rice, and rolled omelets, Simple but all he needed to start his day.

"Thank you for the food," Yuu sat down as he saw that only he was eating since the other two had already finished their breakfast. He ate at a pace that was not too fast but also not too slow either.

"Alright good luck for the start of your new school year, I will be leaving for work," Kyouka said as she lightly kissed Yuu's forehead after moving his bangs out of the way.

"Be careful on the way," Yuu was used to it as it was something Kyouka would do daily before leaving.

"Rather than worrying about an old lady like me, you should worry about your own safety out there, You too Koharu," Kyouka smiled gently looking at both of them as they nodded.

'She isn't lying about being old, but it is normal for a family to worry about each other,' Yuu thought as Kyouka was 42 years old this year but that was just her age, she didn't look a day older than 30, she could give young models and actresses a serious run for their money even at her current age.

"Is the soup alright?" Koharu asked as Yuu was eating.

"It is tasty like usual Haru-nee," Yuu saw Koharu get happier as he said that. Yuu has eaten Koharu's cooking often and she is unsurprisingly very good at it, given she learned it from her mother.

As Yuu was eating his sight was suddenly covered, Well suddenly wasn't an apt way to put it since he was well aware that it will happen.

"Yuuka-nee I am eating," Yuu complained since he could've spilled the hot soup over himself in shock, not that it would happen because he had placed the cup on the table before he was attacked.

"You guessed that it was me so easily, what gave it away?" Yuuka removed her hands from Yuu's eyes and asked.

"Your loud footsteps and your hands helped in the process," Yuu move a bit forward with a shrug.

'And those things on my back helped as well,' Yuu kept the thought to himself as he took a bite of the rolled omelet.

"So you can know it is me just by my touch, You are getting quite naughty lately Yuu," Yuuka grinned and leaned further onto Yuu's back intentionally speaking in his ear.

'You are the only one in this house who'd put herself on me like this, so it isn't hard to guess it was you,' Yuu could feel the breast more than normal because Yuuka only had a towel wrapped around her body because she just came out of the shower. And as Kyouka's daughter, she had inherited her mother's figure just like Koharu.

Yuu could tell so because her hands were a little wet and warmer than normal because she took a hot water shower.

"Yuuka, You should get dressed quickly or you'll be late for college," Koharu reminded her.

"Oh right, I'll be back in a bit, can you get a toast done for me?" Yuuka asked Koharu as she stepped back from Yuu.

"Sure," Koharu smiled gently and started to prepare the toast for Yuuka who ran to her room upstairs to change into her clothes.

Given how Koharu and Yuuka were one would guess the former to be the older sister but that was wrong. Yuuka was older than Koharu by a year making them 19 and 18 respectively.

While Koharu was gentle and patient like her mother, Yuuka was the energy ball that bounced all over the place without being able to sit still. She also likes to tease Yuu especially.

'Being the younger one is surprisingly tough,' Yuu was the youngest of the three at the age of 17.

After finishing his food and washing his hands, Yuu picked up his bag that was brought by Koharu ready to leave, he put his shoes on, before leaving he checked if he had everything and he wasn't missing anything from his bag.

"Best of luck for your first day Yuu-chan, here's your bento and also one for Shizuka-nee she left in a hurry this morning," Koharu came to see him off at the door smiling brightly.

"Thank you, I'll go first," Yuu left the house after keeping the lunchbox in his bag as Koharu waved at him.

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