Why A Dimensional Chat Group?

End of the World

"Do you not like it?" Yuuka asked teasingly.

"…I have a few problems with it," Yuu stated as he turned off the TV.

"Fufu, would you please state these problems of yours?" Yuuka seemed to be having fun.

'There are two problems pressing against my arm right now,' Yuu thought as he felt Yuuka further press her breasts on him, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

"Oi, Yuuka you can use the bathroom now," Shizuka's voice was heard in the living room, she seemed to be done with the shower.

"I guess we'll need to postpone the talk about your problem till night, Yuu," Yuuka smiled as she stood up and stretched her body a bit.

Yuuka was wearing a cropped t-shirt and tight shorts, so it was quite a sight and she was doing this in front of Yuu on purpose. She smiled when she saw that Yuu was looking at her before she went out of the living room.

'Why is she like a cat?' Yuu wondered for a brief moment before he looked at his phone once to check the dimensional chat group. 

Seeing that there was no change he stood up, he went upstairs to wash up and change into his uniform before coming back down.

"Your collar is crooked," Kyouka fixed Yuu's collar as he walked into the dining room.

"Thank you," Yuu sat down on his chair as Koharu came towards him, he wordlessly lifted his right hand up.

"It'll just take a few seconds, If it hurts, tell me, alright?" Koharu smiled kindly and Yuu nodded, seeing his approval Koharu carefully wrapped the compression band around his hand after she raised the sleeve up.

'It is peaceful like always,' Kyouka sat down to have breakfast and smiled looking at the two.

"Be careful during the day and don't get hurt again, Okay?" Koharu said very seriously and Yuu nodded with a slight smile.

"Did Shizuka-nee leave already?" Yuu asked while drinking some coffee.

"Yes, she ate quickly and took her bento as well so no need to worry," Kyouka answered as they ate their food.

Yuu used his left hand to eat, he didn't have any problem eating. The breakfast was silent as the three ate at a non-hurried pace.

"Then I'll leave first, be careful you two," Kyouka stood up after she wiped her mouth with a handkerchief. She smiled seeing Yuu nod to her, leaning she kissed his forehead lightly before taking her leave.

Yuu finished his food and went upstairs to his room. He checked his bag to see if he was missing anything before he went downstairs.

"Leaving for school already?" Yuu ran into Yuuka as she was on her way to the dining room.

"Yes," Yuu replied as they reached the dining room.

"If you miss me just call me alright, no need to be shy," Yuuka winked before she sat down on her seat.

"Be careful on your way Yuu-chan," Koharu smiled while handing him his bento.

"I will," Yuu said while looking at both Yuuka and Koharu before he left.

"Yuuka-nee, why is your face red?" Koharu asked tilting her head.

"I-It is the make-up," Yuuka quickly said.

'But you don't use make-up,' Koharu didn't say it since there was a chance Yuuka used it today and went to wash the dishes while Yuuka ate her food quickly.


Yuu had reached his class and he was the only one there at the moment.

The clock inside the class read 8:05, which meant that there were still 25 minutes left before the class began.

Yuu sat down on his chair placed his phone on the desk and was looking at it, waiting for something. Sadly nothing happened as time passed but he didn't take his eyes off the phone.

Many of his fellow classmates came in after him, some of them greeted him to which he replied, but still didn't look away from the phone.

They just brushed it off with 'It is Tachibana being Tachibana' it wasn't something new since Yuu would stare at his desk silently very often.

Miyamura and Hachiman walked into the class about 10 minutes before the homeroom starts and saw Yuu sitting in his chair.

Hachiman quickly took out his phone and typed something.

"Really? That is uncalled for," Miyamura held his head as he saw what Hachiman was doing. He had searched 'Is the world ending today?'

"Just making sure," Hachiman looked at Miyamura with a shrug making the latter sigh.

'Well, he hasn't changed the time he comes to school from the first year till now,' The two knew how consistent Yuu was about the time he reached school or anywhere for that matter but it seemed to have changed now, but even then it isn't serious enough to be seen as a sign of the end of days.

"Ah, Tachibana-kun you came earlier today?" Miyamura and Hachiman looked on as Hayato who had just walked in with his group came straight to Yuu.

"Yes," Yuu answered still looking at his phone.

'Oi Oi, Yuu how can you not feel that glare?' Hachiman shivered a little as he saw Yumiko glaring at Yuu like she'll bore a hole through him.

"Say, Tachibana-kun would you join the soccer club for one more session? I swear this is the last time, if you don't want to join after this, I won't ask again," Hayato sounded genuine and most of the people in the class were watching the conversation, even though they knew what the answer is going to be.

Hachiman was having a sense of deja vu at the moment.

"Ok," Yuu answered.

Yeah, everyone knew he would say no, it ha-

"I knew you'd decli-wait! What?" Hayato was dumbfounded, and so was most of the class since this was unexpected.

"Would it be alright if I join in a few days? My hand is hurt, I would be in trouble if It worsens," Yuu moved his right hand in front of Hayato so that he can see the compression band.

"A-Ah Yes, No problem next week it is," Hayato quickly recovered and agreed since he didn't want to take the chance of Yuu second-guessing his own answer.

'I didn't even have to use the plan I came up with,' Hayato thought as he went back to his group.

"Miyamura something is wrong today? Miyamura?" Hachiman looked around him and didn't see Miyamura at first before he saw him standing on the balcony looking between his sun and his phone.

'Is he confirming if the sun has risen from the west?' Hachiman tapped his chin, Yuu's actions this time were just that bizarre. He had turned down invitations to various sports clubs at school no matter how many times they'd asked.

The only reason Yuu actually went to the football club for a day was that Shizuka told him to try it, after that he had just outright said 'No' and Shizuka also didn't intervene since it seemed Yuu really had no interest in sports.

"So you do get it after all," Hachiman patted Miyamura's back with a sly smile, he remembers the same scene that happened when Yuu said yes to him about hanging out with him, but that time the whole class was freaking out.

"Shut up," Miyamura muttered under his breath and Hachiman smiled happily, Miyamura couldn't believe he was caught in Hachiman's flow.

"Yuu, what happened to your arm?" Hachiman asked Yuu as he and Miyamura sat down in their seats.

"I got a little careless," Yuu answered.

"Did you run into a telephone pole again?" Hachiman had seen Yuu walk into a telephone poll once when he was deep in thought, just like right now as he seemed awfully focused on his phone for some reason. 

"No, it was something else," Yuu didn't go into the details and left it at that.

'Did he fall from the stairs or something?' Hachiman could see it happening but he didn't talk about it further.

"Would you be able to take notes?" Miyamura would help if Yuu couldn't do it himself.

"I can use my left hand," Yuu said reminding the two that he can write with his left hand as well.

'Since he is avoiding using his right hand it might be a serious injury,' Miyamura thought looking at Yuu before he looked at Hachiman and their thoughts connects for a second.

'How much longer is he going to stare at his phone?' They both thought while looking at Yuu while leaving the school for today.

Yuu has been staring at his phone intently, aside from lectures of course, but leaving that Yuu was fully absorbed into the phone whether during lunch or in the toilet, or during the breaks.

This was noticed even at home where Yuu would pick up the phone as soon as the notification sound was heard even at the dinner table. 

He would leave the phone alone after that but it still worried his family to a certain extent as he has never been this way. It was even more concerning since he never really liked using smartphones and computers more than necessary.

It has been three days since and Yuu could still be spotted in class 2-1 having a staredown with his phone all day long.

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