Why A Dimensional Chat Group?


"That is good to know," Kyouka walked downstairs after saying that.

"Yuuka let's go in," Shizuka went inside Yuu's room and Yuuka followed her. In a sense, she seemed more interested in this than Yuuka.

It wasn't their first time inside the room so they knew what was kept where. Yuuka went straight to the bed and looked under it with her phone flashlight.

"Found them," Yuuka smiled as she saw the magazine under the bed but there was one problem, she couldn't reach the books since the gap was too narrow for her hand to pass through and they'll need to lift it.

"Shizuka-nee help," Yuuka turned to Shizuka who seemed really happy at the moment.

"Look Yuuka I found Yuu's next manga," Shizuka waved the stack of paper in her hand.

"Really? No wait help me with this first," Yuuka pointed at the bed and Shizuka nodded before she lifted the bed up so that Yuuka can take out the magazines.

"Hehe," Shizuka and Yuuka went to the latter's room with a new jump in their steps after exiting Yuu's room as they found what they were looking for.

Kyouka went back downstairs and kept the sake back in the fridge. She wasn't in the mood to drink right now and Shizuka seemed to have forgotten about it. Kyouka sat down on the sofa in the living room looking at the clock.

'It is already 10 P.M. I hope Yuu is okay,' Kyouka was still worried but she decided to wait for Yuu to come back before going to sleep.

Yuu indeed went out for a walk around after dinner a few times before but…

'This area is safe so there is no need to worry,' Kyouka thought.

Meanwhile Koharu,

"Yuuuuuu~ Tilamishu ish nunning (Yuu Tiramisu is running)," Koharu mumbled in sleep as she drooled hugging a pillow.


Yuu was walking down the empty road without paying attention to his surroundings. The few people who he met on the road scurried away looking at him.

Yuu noticed this and stopped taking a deep breath trying to calm down his mind. He couldn't help but take what was written on the screen seriously. He didn't have any questions like why did it appear now or why him, the only thing that mattered to him was his family being in danger.

'Stay calm, stay calm,' Yuu said in his mind over and over till he noticed something.

"A shoe?" Yuu found a single shoe on the side of the road, and it looked inconspicuous.

Taking out his phone Yuu looked at the time, it has only been 10 minutes since he left the house. Given that he walked north from his house without taking any turns with his speed he should be...

'Around the sports center, this part is always clean since there are many parks around here,' Yuu picked up the shoe, it was a size 7 and looked worn out like it has been used for a while.

One would almost think that someone threw a used shoe, But the nearest garbage stop was a minute from here, In some other country, it might be possible that a person just chucked it to the side of the road rather than walking another minute to the next garbage stop. Such a thing wasn't done here at least, and...

'The shoe is still warm,' Yuu looked around and saw a CCTV on the side of the road, and from the angle, this road should've been captured.

Yuu also noticed the tire marks on the road right in front of the shoe. Looking at the distance between the front and the back tires Yuu was coming to a conclusion.

'A mid-sized van... going straight down the road and taking a right towards the east,' Yuu followed the tire marks to the next corner, he knew what was up down that road.

"…An abandoned shrine," Yuu muttered as he looked at the white Toyota Van parked near the stairs that led to the shrine.

There were a number of shrines in this area and this one was the only abandoned one in the area. It was the only logical option to commit a crime in the vicinity.

'My guess was correct, So we have 17 to 25 people who have no qualms committing crimes this openly,' Yuu looked at the CCTV right across the entrance of the shrine. There were also over ten motorcycles parked near the van.

Yuu walked up the shrine stairs, If this was another part of the town or another city he wouldn't have cared. But…

'No one likes garbage piling up next to where they live,' The only reason he was doing this was that such a group was lurking around the place he lived, this would put his family in danger. That was the last thing he wanted after seeing those words from before.

"This is weird," Yuu muttered while looking at the phone in his hand.

'Where did my phone go? Did it get absorbed in this one?' Back at home, Yuu kept his own phone and the phone that appeared in his room in the same pocket, but when he check earlier and he only had one.

'And it doesn't seem like I was hallucinating as well,' Yuu looked at the Dimensional chat group on the phone with all of his apps from his previous phone.

'All of the contacts, photos, and emails are in here, it is good that there isn't anything important on the phone,' Yuu checked the content while climbing the stairs but he kept the phone back in his pocket since he heard full-blown laughter from ahead as he reached the top of the stairs.

Yuu saw nearly 20 men with various things like baseball bats and steel rods in their hands laughing while looking at two people in the middle.

"Haha, this bitch really thought she could run,"

"Well, someone needs to pay the money,"

"Haha, you can only blame your deadbeat dad that ran away with the money,"

Hearing those remarks made the girls in the center of these guys shake in fear. One of them looked in his twenties and her hands and face were wounded as she shielded the younger girl that seemed to be in middle school.

It seemed like the older woman was hit as she tried to protect the smaller one. But the men around her were laughing at them with evil grins.

"Oi bastards the room is ready, drag them in here," A jacked man in his thirties with a scar on the left side of his face came out of the shrine office building. He looked at the girls while licking his lips making the older woman cry as her body quivered.

"It looks like I was right about you all," Yuu's voice attracted the attention of the people there, some who were near him even jumped in shock since he appeared without making a sound.

"Who are you bastard?" One of the guys near Yuu flared up wanting to attack him but.

"Oi, Stop, I am interested in what the runt has to say," The jacked man said with an intrigued look, the man didn't feel any threat from Yuu given how much they outnumbered him.

"Ok boss," The guy who was about to attack stopped.

"You guys are low-rank thugs," Yuu looked around the twenty men.



"I'll rip you apart,"

"Hahahaha, that is funny," The guys around gritted their teeth in anger but the jacked man was laughing loudly which stopped them from making any moves.

"But it is too bad that is all you could see, I suppose making you a cripple should be suffice for letting me down," The man's face went blank as he looked at Yuu like he was already dead. He thought someone caught up to what he was doing but apparently not.

If Yuu talked about some sense of justice or how he'll call the police then he would've ordered his men to beat them to death. But since he got something right the man thought to be a little lenient.

"I haven't finished yet this is why I called you all low-rank thugs," Yuu shook his head and the man's ears perked up.

"The tire marks, the shoe, the presence of the CCTV at both the place from where you kidnapped the person and the location of the crime, along with the use of a non-stolen Van, only points towards two possibilities, One that the crime was committed by greenhorns who are doing this for the first time or two, the person committing this crime has enough connections inside the police force to not worry about such things as evidence," Yuu finished what he wanted to say.

"How did you find out that the van wasn't stolen?" The man seemed amused.

"I didn't," Yuu stated.

"Cheeky fucker I quite like you," The man smirked since everything Yuu said was true. The guy himself was a young master of a famous yakuza group based in Shibuya. His father could cover up such a case without even lifting a finger since he knew quite a number of people in the government.

And above all…

'No matter what happens to those girls no one is going to care about them,' The man grinned since the girl's father had already sold them to him in exchange for having his debt waived.

So no matter what he does to them no one is going to come looking for them because no one was going to file a missing complaint. And above all, he has done such a thing a dozen of times already.

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