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"I might get a cramp if I stay this way," Yuu said as Yuuka noticed how he was standing. She was holding his head in her bosom given he was taller than her.

He was currently leaning forward trying to not put his weight on her. She was 5' 7'' she was an inch shorter than Koharu, while Yuu was 6 feet tall.

"Oh sorry," Yuuka let him go as she saw him straighten back taking a deep breath.

"Was that too uncomfortable for you?" Yuuka asked as she smiled looking at his red ears.

"Of course, it was," Yuu rolled his eyes.

"Would something more comfortable then, Like a lap pillow?" Yuuka pointed at her creamy white thighs with a smirk.

"Please don't joke Yuuka-nee," Yuu sighed.

"But I am not joking," Yuuka went up close to Yuu looking into his eyes with an impish smile.

"…By all means then," Yuu agreed since it wasn't a joke.

"Fufu, come on we are going to my room, You can read some manga as I feed you candy," Yuuka pulled Yuu towards her room with a smile but her face turned a little red, since they haven't done this in a while.

"Do you have Sour plum candy?" Yuu asked

"I always have them in my room," Yuuka answered as she opened the door to her room.

"But don't you hate those?" Yuu tilted his head, like why would she have them if she doesn't like them.

"You shouldn't ask too many questions Yuu," Yuuka said as she pulled him into her room and closed the door.

As she did Kyouka who was standing halfway up the stairs went back down shaking her head.

Just as she turned towards the hallway that led to the living room she saw Shizuka looking at her with a smile and an ok sign.

Kyouka shook her head and went to sleep since it seemed like there was no need for her to step in.

After spending nearly an hour in Yuuka's room Yuu read some Manga with Yuuka while getting a Lap pillow as she said. Yuu went back to his room and looked at his desk.

'It seems to have distracted them,' Yuu saw that the first volume of bleach was missing from the desk and it seemed to have worked like it was intended to.

'This as well,' Yuu looked under his bed seeing the mags and doujins missing before he laid down on his bed.

He still had a sour plum candy that was fed by Yuuka. Looking at the ceiling for a while and suddenly his phone rang.

"I want this done before morning so listen carefully..." Yuu picked up the phone and talked for a few minutes before he hung up.

'Not keeping my word always leaves a bad taste in my mouth,' Yuu thought while looking at the photo that was taken on top of Mount Everest before he when to sleep for the day.

April 2, 3:00 A.M. Tokyo bay area, Tokyo.

Outside a big warehouse near the docks there 12 different cars of varying colors and companies were parked in order.

Just then a car arrived at the place and parked near the other cars.

A man walked out of the driver's seat of the car. He walked to the backdoor and opened it looking inside.

"MHMMM," The jacked guy who threatened Yuu at the shrine, he was shouting or at least trying to since his mouth was gagged.

He was taken away in an ambulance but suddenly they were stopped by the police who apprehended the ambulance drivers saying they were fakes planted by the Hiratsuka group who wanted to kill them in secret.

The police officers explained it all to Shinju. Jr, who wasn't surprised that the police were helping him since his father had connections there. Now he was looking forward to making the guy who put him in this situation suffer worst, no just worse a thousand times worse.

So he happily complied as the police quickly took care of the ambulance drivers and the other people before they loaded the injured into their cars and brought them to another place which wasn't a police station, here the injured were given first aid.

After which they were all gagged and loaded into different cars again and then brought here. The man didn't know what was happening or who was behind it, all he knew was that he was fucked right now.

"Easy there you shouldn't move in your condition, it will worsen your condition increasing your chances of death and we don't want that, Do we?" The guy said in a lazy tone.

"Anyway I hope you don't hate me, I am just following orders you see, I wish you the best of luck on your journey through hell, may you live long," The man smiled kindly but the coldness in his eyes was seen clearly with the moonlight making it even more terrifying.


5:30 A.M. Chiba City, Chiba,

Yuu woke up at his usual time and went down to the kitchen after washing his face with cold water.

The lights were still turned off hinting everyone was still asleep.

'The Sun is already up in the sky,' Yuu drank a glass of warm water, after that, he went to the backyard and looked at the sky.

"It is good that you are awake I was just about to come into your room to smack you," Yuu looked towards the dojo's doors, He saw Shizuka standing with a smile in her kendo uniform, her dark hair pulled back tightly into a ponytail. The crisp white keikogi was secured by a black obi belt and a black hakama below.

"I am not really late," Yuu knew that Shizuka was half joking here.

"Stop being a smartass and change into your uniform or you'll really be late," Shizuka shook her head before walking into the dojo followed by Yuu, he walked straight into the changing room.

A few minutes later, Yuu walked out wearing his all-white Keikigo secured by a black obi and white pants below.

"Tch, you aren't late," Shizuka seemed unhappy he wasn't late as the clock read 5:40 A.M.

"That is the total opposite reaction Sensei," Yuu mused since normally the teacher should be happy that the student isn't late.

"Tch, can't use that excuse as well," Shizuka clicked her tongue again as Yuu called her sensei like he is supposed to in the dojo.

"Why are you looking for a reason to punish me sensei?" Yuu asked.

"You should know about it already," Shizuka huffed with some anger visible on her face; Yuu understood that this was the result of the incident that took place last night.

Yuu knew this would happen even if they didn't tell him anything last night because they were glad he made it back without any injuries. They would still reprimand him as what he did was dangerous.

"Sensei did you already clean the dojo?" Yuu looked at the shiny Matsu (Red pine) wooden floor.

"Yes I woke up early, Why do you look surprised?" Shizuka nodded, it had been a while since she had cleaned the dojo herself as Yuu was the one who took care of it.

"Hmm, I mean sensei usually sleeps late because you lose track of time while reading man-Ouch," Yuu was hit on the head with a chop while he was talking.

"Don't bad mouth your teacher in front of them," Shizuka looked happy she got a hit in for a valid reason.

"Ahem* Anyway, come on sit down we are meditating today," Shizuka cleared her throat after she wiped the happy expression off her face, she could still feel Yuu's gaze on her but chose to ignore it and sat down in the middle of the Dojo.

"Are we not doing practice today?" Yuu followed her and sat down in seiza position in front of Shizuka and asked his question. Normally they'd do practice swings, the meditation part was rare given Shizuka's personality.

She didn't completely ignore it but it was done less often than actual practice.

Shizuka wordlessly pointed across the room making Yuu look over.

There was a calligraphy piece on the dojo's wall written in traditional black ink on white paper. The characters are written in the traditional Japanese script, with each stroke carefully crafted and precise.

The words "The sword is the soul, the body is the sword's sheath" are written in the center of the paper, surrounded by a sea of negative space. The words were conveying the message of the importance of the sword and the unity of the body and soul in the practice of kendo.

The calligraphy was a gift to Shizuka's grandfather by a master calligrapher on the former's birthday, but Shizuka took it since she liked it and wanted to use it to decorate the new dojo built in the backyard of the Tachibana house,

She framed it and placed it prominently on the wall, It was mainly for Yuu to understand the philosophy and principles of the arts he was learning.

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