Why A Dimensional Chat Group?


'He really has a great physique,' Shinobu thought as Yuu possibly had the best-defined body that she had seen till now. 

"This is …..light work," Shinobu didn't fail at making a snide remark even though she was on her butt fully spent while Yuu was still standing with only his breath being a little irregular and sweating heavily.

"I see," Yuu said as he wiped the sweat off his neck and chest by moving his kimono a little.

'Damn it Nee-sama,' Shinobu shook her head quickly as her sister's words were ringing her head. 

She didnt have the mental capacity to think about this till now because she was too focused on the training but now that Kanae said it, Shinobu couldn't get it out of her head.

"Get your own towel, I am not giving you mine," Yuu said to Shinobu as he saw her looking at him with a little blush.

"Who would want your towel?!" Shinobu snapped in anger as she saw Yuu being defensive, shouldn't this be the other way around?

'He is so irritating,' Shinobu stormed off the backyard by stomping her feet in anger.

'Why is she getting angry? Whatever,' Yuu blew the unimportant thoughts away as sat down in the backyard for a few minutes.

'Increasing the intensity was the correct choice, And Shinobu has been following the regime without complaints as well,' Yuu's plan was working although slowly.

He just needed some more time before he gets the desired result. And during that time…

'I should increase it once again,' Yuu would focus on getting into his best shape possible.

A week later, At 5:00 A.M in the morning, Yuu and Shinobu were in the dining hall like usual, They had cooked the food and placed it all on the table.

Yes, Shinobu had also helped in the cooking since she was learning from Yuu. She had already started preparing her own food alongside Yuu in the kitchen.

Normally the breakfast would go in silence but there was another person joining them today.

"Ara, Shinobu-chan, Are you sure can eat all of this food?" It was none other than Kanae who was fully healed and discharged yesterday.

She came early in the morning since she wanted to see how Shinobu trains and it was really shocking.

"Yes, I can," Shinobu said with a sigh, there was no way around it. She had seen results, they weren't that big, but results were results and she was more motivated than ever to continue.

If not for Yuu's stern refusal Shinobu would've increased her daily training by more.

"I see, If your tummy hurts come to Onee-chan for Medicine, okay?" Kanae smiled brightly making Shinobu's eyes twitch.

"Don't laugh at me," Shinobu pointed at Yuu who tilted his head.

"I am not laughing though," Yuu said flatly since he was used to Shinobu's salty behavior.

"Fufu, you guys get along so well," Kanae giggled.

"In which world do we look like that?" Shinobu shouted as Yuu thought the same thing but stayed silent.

Kanae kept on giggling happily while looking at her younger sister.

Kanae still had to regain her strength which she had lost due to the time she was bedridden.

"Tachibana-sama would be alright if I join in as well?" Kanae asked Yuu since that was her plan, she knew Shinobu very well, and for her rowdy little sister to follow someone else's training without any complaints meant that it was working.

So, Kanae also wanted to try it and increase her strength. She didn't have any doubts about Yuu's method.

"After Kocho-san has recovered it won't be a problem as long you're fine with it," Yuu said while eating.

"Thank you very much Tachibana-sama," Kanae bowed her head with a smile, she was really grateful to Yuu for a number of things.

"Nee-sama, why are you bowing to him?" Shinobu got angry as she glared at Yuu.

"I just want to thank Tachibana-sama, I didn't get to do that properly before," Kanae said as she calmed down Shinobu.

"What are you looking at?" Shinobu snapped at Yuu's gaze that was directed at her.

"You should learn from your older sister," Yuu said flatly.

"Look Nee-sama he is already getting a big head," Shinobu said pointing at Yuu who shrugged it off and continued to eat.

'They get along really well,' Kanae giggled happily looking at the two as they ate.


May 1, 1911.

Yuu had now been in the demon slayer world for over a month now. In this time he had only focused on getting stronger while doing a few other things.

'I need to get as strong as possible before putting the plans in motion, Good thing there was no time limit for this mission,' Yuu thought as he saw Shinobu and Kanae place the breakfast on the table.

The cooking duty was taken over by the sisters as they had learned how to make these dishes. Of course, Shinobu wasn't very happy about this.

"Make your own food," Shinobu was angry since Kanae was cooking Yuu's portion which has increased yet again, she didn't like him just sitting there and letting Kanae handle the cooking. 

Yuu just ignored Shinobu since this was an everyday thing now.

"How is the chicken Tachibana-sama?" Kanae asked as she had made the food with extreme care.

"It is tasty," Yuu said while eating, even though he preferred food from back home, 

'Mom told me to be polite even if the food isn't that good, but this is actually tasty, better than my cooking,' Yuu had been thought by Kyouka to always praise a woman's cooking if one ever makes something for him and he does follow it.

"My, how kind of you," Kanae smiled while eating herself.

'Why did I have to offer to help Nee-sama with this bastard's meals,' Shinobu gritted her teeth as she was making half of the food Yuu was eating.

"How about the tamagoyaki? It was Shinobu-chan who made it," Kanae asked as Yuu was eating the eggs.

"It is good," Yuu said while eating more.

'Bastard, Are picking a fight with me?' Shinobu got angry as she ate the food quickly wanting to leave the table a second faster if possible.

"Fufu, Shinobu-chan is so shy," Kanae giggled looking at Shinobu as they continued to eat.

'She seems more pissed off than shy,' Yuu thought as he looked at Shinobu's glare, but he didn't butt into their conversation and continued to eat.

After the food was done the three went to the backyard and started training.

Kanae was done with her rehabilitation and as promised she also joined them for training. She followed what Yuu told her without any objection, unlike Shinobu who asked questions about everything.

At this point, she wasn't distrustful but rather she wanted to learn more about how this all works, of course, she won't admit to it because of her nature.

"How can he lift that so easily?" Shinobu muttered in frustration as she saw Yuu lifting up a rock that was as tall as her, it was bigger than her height but not by much. 

She did this almost daily as she still couldn't believe it.

"Tachibana-sama is strong like Himejima-sama," Kanae said with a smile, and Shinobu sighed as she also thought the same.

'But the rock in Himejima-san's house was a lot bigger than this,' Shinobu thought for a while before she got back to her training.

Both Kanae and her were hard workers when it came to it, so seeing Yuu do something like that only fuelled their desire to get stronger and work harder.

'This is around 500 pounds, currently, this is my limit,' Yuu thought as he looked at the rock in front of him. It was quite taxing to work with this but he wasn't one to care about that.

'Alright on to the next one,' Yuu took a deep breath in as it was time to train his legs so that he doesn't lose his swiftness.

"Also, Nee-sama did you hear about some of the trees around the area being broken?" Shinobu talked to her sister during a small break.

"Hmm, I wonder who is doing it, it doesn't look like a work of a wild animal ...…it also looked like the trees has been hit with blunt force," Kanae wondered what had happened as they had heard about a few broken trees in the area, the news was told to them by the Kakushi who transported the injured to the butterfly mansion.

'Maybe I should do that a bit further away,' Yuu thought as he heard that. He had no idea that it would reach the sisters.

Leaving that aside the days passed as Yuu was training while waiting for something and in the middle of May, The thing Yuu was waiting for finally happened.

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