Why are you special?

045: Mythic 10

Death’s office?  Wait, why? I already beat Fred, I shouldn't be getting XP for him twice. I look at Death as I'm reaching for the books… he's reading, as per usual, "Why am I here?"

Death chuckles as he looks up from his book with his twin voids, "You properly killed a creature who had more Mythic ranks than you did. And when you did… you looted them. Mythic counts as part of your build, so here you are."

Does this mean… "So if I revoke my priesthood…"

I get Death's grin in response, "You get to re-pick your entire Mythic path, and you are still Mythic rank ten."

I may be here for a while… Archmage path is a keystone, so I'm absolutely keeping that... "That's handy. JIMMY! Thou hast angered me! I withdraw thy Priesthood!"

Death laughs.  I don't feel anything. Never did get much from Hierophant, so I drop that, but I do still want dual path. There was a specific ability… "I need to keep to the forms, don't I? It's the simplest way to trigger things."

Death’s laugh calms down to a chuckle, "It gets the job done, yes. So what do you intend to do with your power?"

Ah, there it is; Borrowed Power, lets me spend my unlimited Mythic power to temporarily gain other Mythic path abilities. Spheremaster for my dual path, then. Yoink! "I'm actually mostly satisfied with my choices… Hierophant was a 'forced' choice due to giving myself Mythic, and that no longer applies; so really, it's just a handful of new things from hitting tenth."

Death nods, "So you won't be here for too terribly long, then."

And the feat… Extra Path Ability. Because Spheres added Eternal Soul, which prevents folks from trapping or damaging my soul, and that's one of the few sorts of things that can still get me, "Heh. Everything… one at a time. I'm planning on reviving what's left of Fred. Does my Mythic go away when I wake Wanda?"

Death shakes his head, his black horns casting eerie shadows around the room from the fire he has for hair, "Nope. She will be Mythic-free: Mortal, other than what you give her."

A few numbers change, Hierophant had a slightly higher hit point impact… "I'll need to rewrite her a little then.  Or maybe just claim the experiments did it… that should hold well enough. Oh, and tell me… if I can steal Mythic… is there some fixed amount of it?"

Death nods, "One Mythic at rank ten, two at nine, four at eight, and so on down the line. You made for an anomaly: A third Mythic nine. Which you can return if you get worshippers. The rank ones you can produce would add to that as well, but is a bit less noticeable."

Mythic Capstones, of course… not that the SR matters, "Interesting. So what happens when a Mythic dies of natural causes?"

Death shrugs, "It cascades down. If, say, a fifth ranker dies, a seemingly-random fourth ranker becomes fifth, a third becomes fourth, a second becomes third, a first becomes second, and some random person, somewhere, ascends to first rank."

Oh, I can re-pick my domains… haven't been getting much use from anything except the Warp Storage, mostly because spells can do most things, and are easier to grab to boot… so keep warp… via Void, grab Darkness for Dark for Shadow Stash, Animal and Scalykind for Alteration as the Blank Transformation works well for me… oh, I get six now… Liberation and Travel for more Warp goodies? Plus Liberation sets me up for Self-Realization as a subdomain, which can get me Paragon Surge on my list for a second floating feat if I pick up the Domains feature from a Cloistered Cleric … "Interesting… so I'm getting close to ready to revive Life’s child and beau… anything I need to prepare for, specifically, for hosting people who have been stuck in the lower planes for millenia?"

Death shakes his head, "They won't remember being dead. As far as they'll be concerned, it'll still be the day they died… which has some issues, as they died fighting."

So be ready to dodge… "Well, I’m basically done. Care to check my work?"

Death stands close behind me, "Ohh, that's … it isn't one at a time, then. It's basically all of them."

I crinkle my forehead, "Oh?"

Death explains, "You didn't notice? Borrowed Power interacts with Technological Wonders: Whatever you copy, you keep… and it has no clauses preventing you from having two instances running."

Oh… my… so everything except Spheremaster specific abilities… nice… and potentially one of those via Path Dabbling from the Trickster… "And if I switch my Legendary Item to an Heirloom via Spheremaster, that means I could have two at full potency, other than the 'no more than tier plus three' clause in Heirloom… and it lets me trade in those extra Mythic feat ones I grabbed 'for free' because I can re-grab the feats… give me a minute… and everything else I'm not getting directly from Spheremaster, which means I pretty much only select path abilities from Spheremaster…" I shift a few things, getting set up for a second Legendary Item by that route, "Thanks."

Death smiles, "Seems you're not a perfect optimizer."

After I'm done shuffling, "Nobody is. Not without the Sarrukh's Manipulate Form ability, anyway, and Pathfinder nerfed Shapechange."

There's that itch again, and Death pipes up, "That… is some serious optimization. Of course, you could get it directly eventually…."

I roll my eyes, "Even with negative templates, I have another nine levels to go before I reach the point where I can grab abilities from that one."

Death considers, "So I can expect Dad to pull you out of the world in a month or two, then?"

That gives me pause, "What do you mean?"

Death chuckles, "He doesn't like anyone who pretends to be Him."

… "I'll just avoid that route, then."

Death smiles, "Probably a good call. He does not play fair."

Neither would I, but the guy who gets to literally make up rules wins if He wants, "Anyway… mind checking again?"

Death looks over my shoulder, "Seems to be in order, yes."

I nod, "In that case, I’m done."

Death waves his clawed hand, "Be seeing you…."

His office fades out, and the world fades back in; I'm again standing in ruins, my monster beside me. Actually… let's make that slightly less monstrous.

"Shapechange into a human female, please."

My beast nods and complies, turning into a woman… naked, as she doesn't have any clothing … suits me for now, I enjoy looking at her jiggling jugs, and as a construct she doesn't care.

But I also need to raise Wanda, and give her "back" "her" female body. And she will actively enjoy it. And of course, pulling someone out of Death's storage is just one spell, which is a swift action in my case.

I cast, and am looking at Fred… nude. Seems his gear was destroyed within the book..  quite the waste. Apparently he rolled well on his rod length and girth, though. He's flaccid and yet it's as big around as a soda can, and hanging down to his ankles, with his berries being the size of baseballs. I guess that's the other reason he had girl trouble… nobody could take him uninjured.

"Hey Wanda, are you OK? I hope you didn't suffer too much at that rat Fred's hands…" yes, I used her old name for the name of the fictitious evil man who tortured and killed her, "He did some awful things to you… here…" I hand her one of the Elixirs I looted from his demiplane, "this should let you get your beautiful big bust back, it's an Elixir of Sex Shifting, and will let you pick your own characteristics."

She seems a little disoriented,  and looks down at herself, then screams, "AAAH! I'm a man?! Gimme!" She practically tears it out of my hands, drinking deeply. I watch as Fred's body is replaced by Wanda's… and then some. His huge snake slips up into her body, forming a slightly large nub with a hood, hiding in her white bush; those baseballs shrink and pull into a newly-formed cavity, the sack becoming her new folds covering the entry; her hips widen outrageously, forming twin pillows to cushion her on the sides and rear. Her legs spread and become dainty, her waist and shoulders narrow, her Adam's Apple retreats as her neck gets longer and her chin narrower… and of course, she grows her chest. Ridiculously so. Her hips stick out about a foot from her waspish waistline, but her hooters? They're HUGE. She's got twin beanbag chairs on her chest, and few newborns will be able to wrap their lips around her taps… they’re like twin soda bottle tops (not cans, thankfully)... and they're already dripping white. And suddenly I'm thirsty… I'm sure it's psychological.

Wanda looks down at herself, "That's better…" and then back at me, "Say… why didn't you tell me about that little potion before? It's greatly sped up my quest…" her voice turns coy, "... want to help me measure?"

Yes, yes I do, "Certainly Wanda.  Here…" I use Major Creation to make a milking bench and some measuring buckets, "This should help…."

She lays down on the bench, her massive mammaries hanging down like it's the most natural thing in the world - because for her, it is - and straps herself in. I put a bucket under each globe, and start milking her, one hand per tap, teasing her with a steady squeezing rhythm. She moans, moos, squirms, and shudders like a good little cow… well, not so little… as I "work."

Now, I plan to keep my new pet. So I need to make her durable… which means buffs. And hey: I have my hands on her right now. First, though… control. If she ever figures it out, I don't want her to be mad at me. And right now, she has nothing boosting her saves, just her base stats… which means she's quite vulnerable.  Of course, I also don't want to be found out, so it can't be an Enchantment effect… so I use Attuned Mysticism (Humanoid) on a Persistent Spell Command Undead to Charm her, without it actually being a Charm. And while I work on draining her, I work on making this ridiculous form survivable. I buff her up… not as well as myself, but well enough that she's got nothing to worry about if, say, she goes up against Cthulhu (who's actually statted out in Pathfinder; let's hope we don't meet him). I also build a couple of shortswords for her, a bow, and a quiver of arrows… which I of course enchant with spells that would normally be temporary, but for me… forever. Well… until I dismiss them, anyway.

Of course, my pet is enjoying herself immensely, and the fact that I am seriously fondling a teenager's wet dream, gets me all hot and bothered… and my hands are busy.  When I've finally wrung the last drop of milk from the wanton wench I created… she looks at me as she unstraps herself: "How much?"

I count buckets, "These are four gallon buckets, and you filled three of them."

Her face lights up, "Yes! Thank you!" She rushes over and gives me a hug, picking me up and swinging me around between the pendulous pillows on her chest, and I let her.  So soft!

I'm quite red, and smiling, as she puts me down and gives me a wink, "Would you like me to help you with that?"

I look down, and yes, I'm dripping down the side of my leg, "I would enjoy it of you returned the favor, yes. I can only hope Fred didn't ruin your tongue…."

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