Why Did It Have To Be Yu-Gi-Oh!?!

21 – Family Shenanigans Part 1

Thanks for all your comments last time! Shoutout to furnace for the most liked comment! As always, we will be going with that for this chapter. Time for some brotherly love. =P

Time for a bit of a comedy and fluff mini-arc before we get into Regionals and Duelist Kingdom. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

21 – Family Shenanigans Part 1

Sunday morning was a blast. 

Ishizu and I went to the store early and bought ingredients to bake a cake as well as a traditional Egyptian bread pudding called Om Ali, which also happened to be her favorite dessert.

After cooking breakfast for us and her brothers, we quickly got to baking for tonight's dinner with the Yamagata family as well as Ren. 

When he heard we were making Om Ali, Marik stayed to watch and, surprisingly, even offered to help. He got about halfway through before he scowled and made excuses to leave, however.

Odion stayed and I felt his glare on my back the entire time, especially when Ishizu offered some cake batter on her finger to me to eat. 

He too left after that.

I don't get what the big deal is, but, in retrospect, we probably should have toned down the flirting a bit. Not like we were making out in front of them! ...Though once they both left...

Anyway, once the food was in the oven, I quickly made my way to Kame Game so I could speak to Solomon about my mail.

I made sure to use 4 different personas before finally entering the shop as Anubis.

When I arrived, I saw Mrs. Muto, Yugi's mom, standing behind the counter instead of Solomon. She was a kind-looking woman with short brown hair that fell to her shoulders and reminded me of Téa's a bit - That is to say, it was still styled crazily, but less so than the Yugi's.

She gasped when she saw me but otherwise kept her professional smile in place. 

"Mr. Anubis, my father-in-law has told me about your situation. I have your mail in a box in the back, please give me one moment to retrieve it." She says with a slight bow as she makes her way to the back of the shop. Her voice was soft, sweet, and held a hint of excitement.

"Of course. Mrs. Muto, I am in no rush." I answer in my deep Anubis voice.

She pauses at the curtains, and says, "Please, call me Akiko. Any friend of Dad's is a friend of mine! Now, just a second..." She trails off as I hear things shifting and the flutter of papers. 

She walks out with a small box filled with 4 letters and a medium-sized package, about the size of a toaster, as well as a large manilla envelope.

"Right, this is everything. Did you need anything else Mr. Anubis?"

"No, that will do it Akiko-san. Thank you very much...Also, just Anubis is fine." I answer and take the box from her.

She smiles brilliantly up at me and asks coyly, "Alright 'Just Anubis...' Say...There isn't a Mrs. Anubis is there...?"

I freeze and blink rapidly at her behind the mask as she bats her eyelashes at me.


"Ha! Just kidding. I just wanted to mess with someone who seemed so stoic. Your reaction was cute by the way. Have a nice day, Mr. Anubis." She says with a wink as she returns to her spot behind the counter. 

I leave the store in a daze. I did not expect Yugi's mother to have such a playful personality. She would have been popular in the anime if she was always like this...but she wasn't even given a name in the anime, so...

Anyway, It appeared that Yugi was out with his friends, so I didn't succeed in my secondary goal, which was confirming where we were in the plot. The only thing I knew for sure was that the Blue-Eyes White Dragon event from the first episode of the anime was going to happen soon, probably in the next week or so.

Considering Yugi and his friends were watching the Regional Tournament when he got his invitation to Duelist Kingdom and Solomon's soul was captured by Pegasus, I knew we were, at most, 2 weeks away from the start of the anime plotline. 

I was feeling very nervous about this, as the last tournament taught me that I was still nowhere near the big leagues, but with the new cards I would be getting from the shop after Regionals, I felt pretty secure in my chances of at least making it to the Semifinals. I honestly had no chance of winning past that point due to all of that plot armor bullshit, however, so I was counting the Semis as my win condition for Duelist Kingdom. If I got farther, great, if not, no big deal. I was going to play to win, but it was also important to be realistic. 

I also wasn't thrilled about letting Solomon's soul be taken, but I didn't want to mess with the plot. That would not be very "In the shadows" of me.

I pondered all of this as I walked into a nearby alleyway, put my mail and packages into a backpack I brought and stashed here, and then shifted personas again. I continued my thoughts as I made my way back home, switching personas another 3 times. Being consistent and not letting my guard down was an important part of staying hidden, after all. 

As far as being a powerful player in the shadows goes, that was still my goal. Sure, I told a few people of my identity, but I am not a loner, and I needed people to confide in.

It was just as dangerous to go into everything blind and without allies as it was to trust in others. To that point, who can I trust if not family?

As I have said before, I have no illusions of keeping this secret going forever, but that doesn't mean I was going to advertise it. Having allies that can help to secure my alibi, think of things I might miss, and assist me on my journey was nothing but a boon.

I would keep Anubis' identity secret for as long as I could, and I even had some red herrings I was planning to throw people off my trail even further. 

That being said, I am not a huge fan of lying to those I truly care about. I trusted those I told with my secret and felt they were reliable. The same could be said with those I planned to tell tonight. 

* | * | * 

When I got home, I confirmed that the manilla folder was the info I needed for Regionals. I quickly filled it out and would be dropping it off at a random mailbox on my way to school tomorrow. The 4 letters were my first pieces of fan mail, and I planned to read them and open the package I got later.

It was early afternoon and we had several hours until our dinner plans, so Ishizu and I decided to watch a movie up in our room and cuddle in bed until it was time to get ready. 

30 minutes later, we were laying on our bed with her spooning me from the side while I lay on my back with my head propped up with pillows. The TV was on playing some early 90s Romcom that Ishizu said she wanted to watch. It would probably take another 3 times of watching for her to see it all the way through, however, as she always fell asleep when we watched movies together like this. 

I took this as a good opportunity to ask her about buying the common cards for me. 

"Hey, Zushi?" I asked as I poked her cheek to keep her from falling asleep again. 

"Hmm?" She responds sleepily.

Honestly, what a lazy girlfriend I have.

"Would you be willing to buy some common cards for me to supplement my deck with? We know that I can't use your money to buy things from the shop, but the window I saw yesterday said it was fine if you bought and gifted common cards to me." I explain.

"Ah, so that is what you were talking about yesterday...But, why would I buy common cards for you?" Ishizu asks as she looks up at me with a raised eyebrow from her position laying on my chest.

"Ah...I mean...You don't have to, I was just wondering-"

"No, you misunderstand me, I am not opposed to gifting you common cards, but there is no need to buy them. I am the head of a large family. We have a card vault back home with hundreds of copies of common cards. Just make me a list of what you want and I can ask to send them here via priority mail." She explains, leaning up to kiss me, offering reassurance, and then flopping back down again. 

"Oh. Oh! Okay! That makes sense! I guess I never thought of that..." I comment, thinking of the logistics of large families buying card packs to outfit their members with better decks. It made sense for them to have a large collection stored away.

"Mhmm. I can even get you a list of rarer cards if you want?" She says with a giant yawn.

"Nah, I don't want to mooch off my girlfriend's goodwill or that of her family. The rare ones I can get myself. Do you want me to pay you for them?" I ask as I kiss her forehead affectionately. 

"Yes. You can pay for them with your body." She answers boldly.

"Um...What?" I ask in bewilderment. That came out of nowhere.

"You heard me." She answers, looking back up and waggling her eyebrows at me.

"Like...now?" I answer, my confusion turning to eagerness.

"Sure, you can give me a massage now if you want...or were you thinking of something else?" She asks, with a teasing smile.

I sigh.

'Of course, that is what she meant.'

"I would be happy to do that for you...but if I do it now, you will 100% fall asleep." I comment in a deadpan.

"Spoilsport." She pouts.

Then she raises herself up on the bed to face me, her head inches from mine.

"We can't do that until you are 18." She says with finality in her tone and a poke of her finger into my chest. "I refuse to be a Pedo."

"So you say, but you are the one who always gets handsy-" I am cut off as she kisses me passionately. 

She then pulls away with that teasing smile back in place and shakes her finger at me. "Not yet."

"Whatever you want, babe. You know I won't pressure you." I say, cradling her face in my hands and kissing her softly again.

She melts into the kiss and we share that moment before we turn our attention back to the movie.




"But, like soon, yeah?" I ask, trying and failing to keep a smile off my face.

"Shush, Toshi."

"Yes, dear," 

* | * | * 

At 4 PM, 2 hours before our dinner, I woke Ishizu up so that she could start getting ready. She thanked me for being so thoughtful by stripping then and there before sauntering off for a shower. 

I rather enjoyed being thanked that way.

For my part, I worked the new Mirror Force card I received for beating Takashima into my deck. Afterward, I showered myself, giving Ishizu the same view she gave me, and got dressed in a nice black button-down shirt and slacks - Sleeves rolled up and it unbuttoned at the top, of course. I also made sure to bring my mask and cloak so that I had proof for the grand reveal later tonight. 

Ishizu was in a lovely red dress with red heels, and her hair that shined line obsidian was down straight. She wore gold earrings and her customary Millenium Necklace. She looked every bit like an Egyptian goddess. 

* | * | * 

Once we were ready, we head out to the Yamagata residence. 

Standing before the front door, Ishizu shook her hands out nervously and looked up to me.

"How do I look?" She asks as she fidgeted uncertainly.

I reach out, engulf her in a hug, and whisper into her, "My darling, you look wonderful tonight."

I then lean back and smile at her with all the love I can.

Her fidgeting stops and she looks up at me with a bright smile and a blush. "Thanks, Toshi." She then takes a deep breath and does a fist pump. "Ready." She says with a determined look.

 'Gah! My Zushi is too cute!' I internally squeal as I stare at my lovely girlfriend.

"Then, time to meet the inlaws," I say with a wide smile, opening the door and not bothering to knock. 

"I-Inlaws!?!" I hear Ishizu squeak behind me, to which I chuckle. 

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" I yell as I take Ishizu by the hand, wait for her to pick up her bag with the desserts, and lead her inside. 

The house is as large as it is beautiful. It is a modern Japanese manor with dark oak being the theme. 

I lead Ishizu past a lavishly decorated living room complete with a billiards table, take the time to point out the first-floor bathroom in case she needs it later, then open the door to a large dining room where everyone is already seated at the long mahogany table. 

"Yo!" I say casually and wave with my free hand.

"Hiya!" Kin answers in the same manner from the table. He is dressed in a dark green dress shirt and dark blue jeans.

*High-Pitched-Ren-Noises* "Zu!! You look so~ good in that dress!!!" Ren yells as she rushes up to hug Ishizu. Ren is in a dress of her own, though hers is deep, royal blue in color. 

"Ah, Aki. Welcome back." Yamagata Ryo says simply with a nod. He is a tall man with black hair that is slicked back and light blue eyes. He wears a white shirt and tie along with black slacks and loafers.

"And this must be the lovely Ishizu Kin and Ren keep telling us about." He continues, standing from his chair to come over.

"Welcome home, Aki." Yamagata Kimiko says as she engulfs me in a hug. She wears a white and black dress and her black hair and steel grey eyes take me in as she leans back from her hug. She then reaches with her other arm and pulls Ishizu in as well. "And welcome to you as well, Ishizu. It is wonderful to have you here."

"T-Thanks!" Ishizu squeaks as she is smushed into me from the side. 

"I am happy to meet you, Mr. Yamagata," Ishizu continues with a bow after being freed from Kimiko's hug.

"Please, just call me Ryo. A pretty young lady such as yourself calling me 'Mr. Yamagata' just makes me feel old- Guh" Ryo says, leaning in to kiss Ishizu's hand, but then stops and takes a step back when he sees his wife's frosty smile. 

*Ahem* "G-Glad to meet you." He finishes with a handshake.

I laugh and hug him as Ishizu brings the bag we packed the deserts in over to the table. 

The group gushes over the desserts for a while, everyone excited to try the foreign dish, and then we sit down to enjoy a nice meal of rigatoni pasta with Italian sausage. 

The conversations start and the women quickly get to talking. I am happy to see that Ishizu loses her nervousness and has fun with them...even if it is at the expense of some childhood stories of myself.

Ryo eats quietly, as always, and listens to the conversation. He adds some points now and then, but mostly eats his meal in peace.   

Kin seems to be in a really good mood tonight, for some reason, as he keeps asking me what I think of the pasta. 

'Did he make it? It is a bit too spicy for my tastes-' I think, and then I start coughing.

It starts off as a familiar burn I am used to from spicy foods, but I quickly realize that this is not normal. My mouth feels like it is on fire. My lips start to go numb and my eyes start to water nonstop. I have to keep sniffling violently to keep everything inside. 

'Something is wrong.'

"Toshi, are you alright?" Ishizu asks, her conversation forgotten as she looks at me with concerned eyes. The others all look over as well as I quickly start to devolve. 

"Oh no! Aki-chan!~ You are pale as a sheet...or maybe white as a-Ghost?" Kin says with a concerned tone that morphs into a manic smile as he pauses on the last word and tilts his head. 

Realization strikes me.

I look at Ishizu's plate next to mine and compare it to my own. 

The difference? Hundreds of little red flakes.

"*Hic* Kin. *Hic* What did you *Hic* do?" I ask as the heat in my mouth and chest starts making me have hiccups.

"Ha....Haha....HAHAHA...MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Kin roars in laugher as he stands up from the table and points at me. "That's what you get for ditching me, bitch!" 

Silence in the room except for my coughing and hiccups.

"Kin," Kimiko says, quietly and in a sweet voice that nonetheless sends chills down Kin's spine. "Did you purposefully ruin the dinner I spent 4 hours making?" 

"I...um...Mom... I can explain. It was just a little joke. You see, Aki ditched me yesterday and I-" Kin backtracks, sweat starting to pour down his neck.

"Kin Hotaka Yamagata." Kimiko stands and moves over to her son. 

Every step she takes feels like a death sentence to the panicking Kin.

"What did you put in his food," Kimiko commands, she does not question.

"I...um...g-ghost pepper flakes..." Kin says, sliding down in his seat to try and avoid the incoming banshee.

"Trash," Ren says derisively. *Once again, this is Kin's loving girlfriend.*

"I see," Kimiko says with a nod, her smile never falling from her face. "Switch your plates with Aki."

Kin pales.

"M-M-Mom, please, y-you know I-I-I am not good with s-spicy-"

"Switch. Plates. Now." Kimiko interrupts softly, her words like hammer blows. "You will eat it all and lick the plate clean."

Kin does the only thing he can, he tries to run. 


Two hands as strong as steel beams slam onto his rising shoulders.

"Now." Kimiko whispers, and Kin realizes there is no escape. There is only the doom he made for himself. 

With great reluctance and shaking hands, he picks up my plate and switches it with his own.

Despite my tears and the snot leaking from my nose, I manage a smile. 

"Serves *Hic* S-Serves you right. *Hic*" I say while Ishizu holds me in her arms worriedly and fans my face with a napkin. She then grabs several ice cubes from her water glass, puts them in another napkin, and rubs them on the back of my neck.

When I look up at her, I no longer see a mere mortal. I see an ethereal Goddess blessing this unworthy soul with her administrations. 

Ren leans in on her elbows and watches Kin as if she was seeing something extremely entertaining. 

Kin, blinking back tears just from the fumes of the dish, looks up at her.

She smiles at him and mimes taking a bite eagerly, clearly taking pleasure in his pain.

I can see regret and true fear in Kin's eyes. 

Then, his phone buzzes. 

He grabs at it like a lifeline, hoping beyond hope that there is an emergency that needs his attention right now.

His eyes lose all life when he reads the text.

[Aki-Chan!!! -  Who's the bitch now?]

Screams could be heard for miles as Kin suffers from his own hubris.

Like Icarus, Kin flew too close to the sun, and like Icarus, he got burnt. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Question of the day:

Do you think Kin learned his lesson? LOL

Thanks for reading!

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