Why Did It Have To Be Yu-Gi-Oh!?!

28 -The Perfect Getaway

Holy cow! The Ishizu persona look poll was completely in Esdeath from Akame ga Kill's favor, but then, outta nowhere, the Yoruichi & Bleach fans came in strong! They are both now tied and I can't wait to see which pulls ahead!

Thank you all for your comments on the last chapter! We are diving into this one...and it has a very big question for you at the end. This will be a defining moment for Toshiaki, and I am curious about which decision you make!

28 - The Perfect Getaway

WHAT. THE. FUCK. JUST. HAPPENED!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Before me, laying on his side, was the creator of Duel Monsters as we know it today.

'I just knocked out Pegasus...' I think taking a step back and holding my hand to my mask.

'No! You did! What the fuck, Exodia!?!' I scream internally, quickly shifting the blame. 'Okay, well, thank you for protecting me from the Shadow Magic. That was dope. But, still! WHAT THE FUCK EXODIA!?!?!'

If my necklace-bound passenger minded my curses, they didn't make it known to me. 

'Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit fucks and a barrel of donkeys.'

What the hell was I supposed to do now?

I'll tell you what I am doing: Panicking. 

'Fuck, calm down Toshiaki. Deep breaths. This is no time to freak out, I have to fix this. Now.'

I do as I internalize and after 3 or 4 deep breaths I am calm and collected once more. In the period from Pegasus getting K.O.'d by a God, me freaking the fuck out, and then me focusing on the problem at hand, roughly 20 seconds had passed. 

Time is of the essence. Let's break this down into steps. 

Step 1: "I" needed to not be here. 

I quickly transform my appearance into Emergency John Doe #1. This was one of 4 John Does I had ready to use as a throwaway face at any time. The idea was to use it to get out of whatever situation I was in, and then treat that face as blacklisted and never to be used again. I also had 4 Jane Does as well, just so I could really throw people off if things went FUBAR. 

I will probably use at least 1 of her as well in this situation, but let's focus in on the task in front of me first. 

Step 2: To rob or not to rob. 

He had the Millenium Eye. This was my chance, my one opportunity to steal it without anyone knowing any better. I mean, he would know, of course, or at least suspect, but still...I would be saving Yugi's grandpa, Seto Kaiba's brother Mokuba, and who knows how many others from terrible fates... 

I rubbed at my temples in frustration as I decided against this idea. 

I needed Duelist Kingdom to happen and removing Pegasus' eye was way too risky. Hell, he might even cancel it! I couldn't let that happen. I needed the rewards I would get from there.

After I finally buy my packs from the shop, I expect my deck will be STACKED. I am almost guaranteed to make it to the finals if nothing else.

Plus...taking out someone's eye? Gross. No thanks.

'I am truly sorry, Solomon. But, if something changes or goes wrong, I will be sure to save you. I still have complete confidence in Yugi's plot armor, however, so I doubt it will come down to that. Still, I owe you something great in the future for not saving you when I could have.' I make a promise to myself as my eyes then shift to Pegasus' coat pocket.

His deck box was in there, most likely, or it was attached to his belt somewhere...

He might have some good cards...

'Fuck! What, is Anubis a petty thief now? Saving the souls of others was a noble reason to steal. Stealing because I was greedy just made me an asshole.' I quickly dispelled that thought as well. 

No stealing today.

Step 3: Securing my escape.

I take a deep breath and then...

"M-Mr. Pegasus, sir! Mr. Pegasus, sir!!! Help! Help, someone, please! Mr. Pegasus has collapsed!" I yell at the top of my lungs. 

This might seem counterintuitive but just go with me on this for now.

The doors I had left the dueling arena crashed open after my scream, and I put on my best terrified face as I turn to look at the person from my position crouched by Pegasus' side.

A techie runs into the room, see's Pegasus on the ground, freezes, then looks at me as if demanding an answer.

Luckily, my costume had a copy of the lanyards I had seen the crew wearing. It was not very detailed and would fail under close inspection, but for what I had planned it would work fine. I was also dressed in the full black that matched what the rest of the techies wore, so I definitely looked like I belonged here.

"What happened???" He cries in a high-pitched falsetto, panicked at just the sight of the Muti-Billionaire on the ground. 

"I have no idea! I was just starting my break and walking back to get my- Oh! My phone! It is nearby, let me grab it real quick! You look after him while I will call Paramedics!" I say, jumping to my feet, and looking nearly as panicked as he was.

"You were supposed to leave that in your locker...but, I suppose, I can forgive you this time. Hurry! I will wait with him." The man nods and takes over my position where I was. 

I need no further instruction as I sprint down the hallway and around the corner. I duck into the women's bathroom a short ways down and, thank all the Gods in heaven, there was no cameras backstage. 

'Maybe I should be thanking the fact that I am in the 90s...?' I push that random thought to the side as I transform into Emergency Jane Doe #1. She is in casual clothes and is wearing a VIP lanyard for audience members that I had seen some people wearing on my way to my room yesterday. 

I walk out of the room, giving off the air of someone irritated and not wanting to talk. I even stomped my feet a little for emphasis. 

I stormed my way through the backstage area, looking like a woman on a mission, and people quickly got out of my way. Just as I suspected, no one so much as waved at me as I passed. 

'Hell knows no fury like a woman scorned.' I think with a chuckle as I did my best to channel the raw anger I should be feeling at an imaginary person who was cheating on Mrs. Doe. 

When I was near my room, I ducked into a supply closet, changed into my Emergency John Doe #2 persona, grabbed some spare sheets and a pillow from the shelf, opened the door once more, and carried them all the way to my room without interruption. I didn't even cross paths with anyone, but I still felt it was worth the precaution all the same.  

'Yay! I don't have to get rid of this appearance!' I think with a chuckle as I use my keycard and open my provided suite door. 

Step 4: Decompress. 

I collapse to the floor as soon as I have closed and locked my door, and I rip my mask from my face as I rub at my eyes. 

'That was too close. I would have been FUCKED if I got caught there. No way I could talk my way out of that. What would I do? Explain how a magical fist somehow came out of my chest and Hulk-Smashed Pegasus into the wall? I would either be arrested or put in a mental hospital.' I think as I let out ragged breaths. 

I was winded and my heart was beating rapidly despite the low exertion the act had taken. I was also mentally drained and just wanted to sleep. 

I pushed myself to my feet and made my way to my bedroom, intent on doing just that, when there was a knock at my door.

I groan quietly as I reach down, scoop my mask off the ground, put it back on, and then walk to the door. I wait for another knock so I can take another deep breath and calm myself further.

'There is no way this is the police or anyone who suspects me. My escape was perfect. It is probably just another reporter with a VIP badge.' I think as I steel myself and open the door.

"Yes? May I help yo-Ooof." I start to ask when a blur slams into my chest, knocking us both down onto the floor and taking the wind out of my lungs. 

"Oops! Sorry! I was just really excited! No one was nearby so I thought it would be safe!" The woman who clings to my chest says as she raises her head from her position on top of me.

Her silky black hair falls all around my face like a cascading waterfall of darkness, and her olive-toned face smiles down at me warmly. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkled with delight and a hint of mischief and her lips glistened with a light pink gloss.  

"Hi," Ishizu says with an adorable bashful smile as I stare back up at her in shock. 

"Hi," I answer in bewilderment as she removes my mask from my face and leans down to kiss me softly. 

I glance at the door to see if firmly closed and allow myself to enjoy this moment. 

"How did you get here, Zushi? I thought the public wasn't allowed to visit competitors?" I ask in confusion when we break the kiss. I sit up and pull her onto my lap, facing me, not willing to let her go for a moment. 

"Well..." She answers coyly with a smirk as she wraps her arms around me and kisses me quickly once again, "I'm not here as Ishizu Ishtar, girlfriend extraordinaire. I am here as a representative of the Domino City Museum of Ancient History, and I would like to request some time for an interview. My boss is very interested in you and your costume as well as the historical significance of your namesake." She explains, holding up a real VIP badge from the lanyard around her neck. 

"You might be able to convince me to spare a few minutes..." I offer as I rub a hand down the skin of her arm and then pull her onto my lips once more.

When we break from the kiss, I scoop up the playful little kitten into my arms and carry her into my bedroom where I close and lock the door.

'I think I've earned a reward for all my hard work!'

* | * | *

One Long Makeout Session Later

"You did what!?!" Ishizu demands with wide, shocked eyes. 

"I didn't do it on purpose!" I try to explain. 

"Is he okay?" She asks, ignoring my retort. 

"No idea. I booked it out of there as soon as I could." I answer her honestly.

"Well...That probably was for the best. But...I can't believe it...I have never heard of any powers that the Keeper of the Forbidden One was supposed to have before...I wonder what else you can do? Do you think this is the reason I can't see you with my Millenium Necklace?"

"Who knows? I can't take my necklace off, so we won't be able to test that theory. It would make sense, however. You said it yourself that you stopped being able to see me when I experienced my awakening and became the Keeper. "

"Yeah, maybe...but Millenium Items have never stopped me from seeing a person's past, present, and possible futures before...and that doesn't feel quite right to me for some reason. Anyway, we are getting off-topic. Do you think he will retaliate against you or name you as the culprit?"

"I doubt it. He really wants me at his tournament next week, so I think I am safe. Oh, yeah. Duelist Kingdom starts next week!" I tell her, a little haphazardly. 

"So soon? We need to do look into your shop and pick out some useful items."

"The Waypoint Obelisks and your costume," I answer with a nod.

"More than that, as well! We need to have a deep look at the magic items and spells you said they offered. Building your deck is a short-term benefit, but some of those might be long-term benefits that will help you for years to come." Ishizu explains wisely.

"You just want to shop on my dollar." I quip.

"Psh. Please. If anything, I am your sugar mamma."

"I didn't know you had that kink. I can start calling you "Mommy" in the bedroom if you wan-" Ishizu covers my mouth with both hands as she glares at me.

"Don't. You. Dare." She demands, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

Once freed from her grip and death glare, I chuckle and pull her deeper into my arms to cuddle closer on my bed. 

We end up falling asleep, which was a bit dangerous, but she is able to sneak out undetected later in the evening with a promise of a follow-up interview after my next match. 

My reward was very satisfying. 

I lay in bed once she left and think about the craziness of the day. 

'Are all tournaments going to be this insane?' I wonder as I put my hands behind my head and cross my ankles to get comfier. 

Still...to think I have the power to resist Shadow Magic and even retaliate against it! I mean, sure, I wasn't the one to do it, at least not intentionally, but it still felt nice knowing I had one extra layer of protection.

But...why do I feel like one of the two pendants is greyed out? Do they have a recharge timer or something? I can still feel the first one well enough...

Oh well, questions for another time.

My mind then wanders back to my Transmigrator Shop. I had put off shopping for, what seemed like, an eternity as I built as much DP as I could, and I really think it was worth it. With the results from today's match, I had a total of 33,876 DP and 15 free packs in my shop.

Considering that each card pack in my shop cost 1000 DP, those 15 packs were worth 15K DP! That meant that, as of now, I could afford all the packs and the 2 Starter Decks worth 6K each!

But...What else should I spend my money on? The new costume for Ishizu, 1 permanent Waypoint Obelisk, and a few regular Waypoint Obelisks was a given. I needed those. But...what else could I use? Ishizu was right, it was better to invest in my future than for short-term gains...

'Hmm...I wonder what I will find in the store. It is probably filled with useless junk...Then again, I did get a piece of Exodia added to my necklace from the shop. Not to mention the costume. Okay, I take it back. They are not ALL bad.'

Who knows? I might find a diamond in the rough.

Thanks for reading!

Question Of The Day:

Which of the following items do you want Toshiaki to purchase from the store?

***Note: Your choice will have a major impact on the story!!!***

The items will be listed below and you can vote for them in the poll at the end of the chapter. 

  1. Ring of Shadowmeld: A magical item that allows the user to move a short distance through the shadows once per day. The ring is a simple silver band that lacks embellishment and is completely inconspicuous. The distance traveled depends on the user's power and control in Shadow magic. The user must be unseen to use the ring.
  2. Skeleton Key: A key made from the ancient skull bone of a rodent. This key can be used to unlock any physical object once per day.   
  3. Bracelet of Shadow Magic: This bracelet empowers Shadow Magic and increases its potency at the time of casting. The user is also immune from the mental and physical fatigue that naturally accrues the longer they stay in the Shadow Realm. It is pitch black obsidian and looks to be made from chains of inky darkness.  

Keep in mind that while these items may not seem immediately useful, they each have some sort of utility that will be invaluable later on in the story.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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