Why Did It Have To Be Yu-Gi-Oh!?!

32 – A Thread Followed

Hey Gang! Thanks for your votes in the last chapter's poll! Toshi will be telling Ishizu immediately, and that was a wise decision as we will soon see.

Just for clarification, I am trying to move this back in the direction of a choose-your-own-adventure-type novel. I strayed pretty far off of that recently, but I want to get back to it. Certain plot points will be concrete, but how Toshi handles and navigates them is completely up to you all!

I will also try to keep it to polls from now on as I know many people don't want to comment. Polls should allow for the most diversity of votes. Please vote for whatever you want and feel free to discuss the choice, the chapter, or any questions in the comments! I want my community to be warm and inviting. =)

Hope you all enjoy this newest chapter! 

32 – A Thread Followed

POV Ishizu Ishtar

I woke slowly from a restful sleep when I felt a slight disturbance beneath to me. 

I raised my head off my boyfriend's chest, brushed and quickly mopped up the drool that had spilled there with a corner of the bedsheet, and then took a look at Toshi...before freezing solid. 

Something was wrong. 

Toshi sat there, breathing heavily, his eye completely dilated as he stared at a card in his hand. 

Freaked out by his current state, I called out to him, "Toshi! Toshi, are you okay!?!"

He didn't respond, so I shook him lightly. Still, he didn't respond and continued to take quick breaths as I felt his heart racing through his chest. 

Was he having an epileptic fit???

Then I noticed something that made all the hairs on my body stand up. 

Thanks to my Millenium Necklace, I could see people's pasts and potential futures as waves that radiated off of them. Everyone had them and, usually, dozens of them were visible to me at any given moment. Everyone except for Toshi, that is. Since I had reunited with him, Toshi had never once had a wave of past or potential future around him. He was singularly unique in that aspect...but now he was singularly unique in an entirely new way. 

Radiating off of him so faintly that it was almost unnoticeable was a single strand of past memories. What made it so unique was that, for the first time ever, the strand was only the past. 

'This...isn't possible...'

Time didn't just work in one direction, even theoretical time. Anything that was done in one reality sent tiny ripples out throughout all possible future realities. We formed countless new futures every time we so much as took a breath. Just the fact that there was a past strand meant that there needed to be at least a single future one as well!

But...for some reason...there was only the past. For some impossible reason, it was a finite thread with no possible futures...as if...as if it had already ended...

Terrified of what that might mean and worried Toshi might be under attack from some artifact or form of shadow magic, I did the only thing I could think to do. I used the only clue that was present as to why he was feeling this way.

I quickly sent a text to Ren and Kimiko asking one of them to come to pick us up ASAP and that something might be wrong with Toshi, then I grit my teeth and took a deep breath.

I grabbed firmly onto the singular wispy thread around my lover with the ancient power of my Millenium Necklace and pulled myself within the memory of the past.

* | * | *


Swirling Spirals of Dancing Color...

I find myself sitting on a wooden bench just outside some large ancient house. Torches line the smooth stone walls mounted by iron sconces. Outside of their radius of light, the world was masked in darkness. That is not to say it was pitch black, however.

A brilliant starscape lit the night under an enormous harvest moon. The sky was tinged orange by its glow and the city all around seemed to hum with electricity. It was a special night. A night of freedom. A night of lovers. The Festival of Bast celebrated women and fertility...It was the night most couples came into being...

...And I was alone, once again. 

I sighed as I sat under a wooden and canvas shade in the gardens of my Priestly home. Normally, I would not be able to live alone, what with being an unmarried woman, but I was given special permission due to my position and need to be near the palace...But that small freedom was somewhat lessened by the round-the-clock guards my father had protecting the perimeter of my manor. 

"Daddy is such a worrier..." I say with another defeated sigh.

I knew it was silly to hope...but a small part of me always wished-

"He has every right to be." A smooth voice behind me made me jump out of my skin and nearly scream my lungs out. If not for the hand that covered my mouth, I would have summoned guards from all over the city with the noise.

I spun around manically, but, halfway through the turn, I registered the words that were spoken and the obnoxious smirk I heard within them. 

"What if a bad man snuck into your backyard just to assault you? Hmm? What would this helpless little lamb-"

The sight of his smug expression as he leaned over me was all the proof I needed.

'Toshi!' I shouted in indignation and excitement as I launched myself at the love of my life.

"Taleem!" ...I yelled instead.

I froze. 


A wave of confusion and incomprehension washed over me at the name. 

'That's Toshi and I am obviously me...but where are we? What am I doing here...? Weren't we in Domino City?'

My point of view suddenly shifted completely as I was looking on from the side instead of from my own eyes. It was very disorienting and I had a hard time focusing in on the two of us for a couple of seconds. Then I saw us once more but...it wasn't us...

'That isn't me...'

She was dressed in a deep ruby robe that wrapped intricately around her. Her long black hair, much longer than mine, was done in a loose braid across her shoulder, the shawl to protect it had been abandoned in her leap at him.

Taleem looked almost exactly like Toshi, except that he was much bulkier and had a multitude of scars across his exposed skin. He wore simple brown slacks and an off-white tunic, but that might have just been to help him sneak in easier and not draw attention.  

She had tackled him to the ground and was lightly hitting him on the chest with her fists as he held her in his arms and laughed. 

It was so familiar...A scene that could have happened any night in the last few weeks...but...this wasn't us...

"You are an ass, Taleem." I saw "me" say with a scowl down at Taleem but it was clear from "my" badly hidden smile and adoring eyes that "I" was not angry at him at all.

'What the hell is going on...?'

Not gonna lie. I'm freaking out right now. The memories of just before I came into this...past memory...came flooding back to me, but that only made things worse. 

'How? How was I seeing this? How was I here like this? This isn't how I normally view memories at all!'

For one thing, that was not Toshi and this was supposed to be his memory...This was a memory of his...from a past that seemed to end...

I stared on with dawning realization as ideas flooded and overwhelmed my brain on what this could mean. 

"Isis, my love, you know I would visit openly if I could." Taleem said with a gentle smile as he pushed her silky black hair from her face as it hung over him.

'Isis...' The name gave me chills. It was going to be the name of my persona to match Toshi's Anubis...A name I had picked out myself...How was any of this possible!?!

Isis leaned down to kiss him tenderly and it didn't take long for the passion to increase.

For the first time ever, I got to watch what one of Toshi and my makeout sessions looked like from the outside.

...I was a bit uncomfortable at how excited it made me feel seeing it play out right in front of me...

...Especially outside where anyone could walk by at any time and see them...There was an edge of danger to it...And I loved the little thrill of excitement it gave me. 

I was suddenly reminded of some of the many- *Ahem* some of the select few Otome games I had played and of some of the steamier cut scenes that made my toes curl. 

...I was getting distracted. 

After what I decided was far too long of a time, and was not at all how long Toshi and I made out for on average, the two split apart. 

"Stay." Isis demanded boldly with a husky voice after a long stretch of silence where they cuddled on cushions under the beautiful night sky.

'Damn. Get it, girl!'

Taleem gave a sad chuckle and responded, "You know I cannot."

"Please. I want this. I want you-" Isis started to beg with tears pooling in the corners of her eyes, but Taleem shushed her with another soft kiss as he wiped the fresh tearstains off her face. 

He pulled away a second later and looked down at her with pure adoration. "Were it within my power to do so, I would pick the moon from the sky to give your father as a gift for your hand. There is not a monster I would not face, there is not a sea I would not swim, there is not a King I would not dethrone for your love, Isis."

'Holy shit...I need some popcorn...' I think as I start waving my hand at my face. I would be remembering that line, though I thought Toshi's were still better. 

If I was impressed by it, the intended recipient was over the moon. She melted at the words.

Unfortunately, his next ones cut the pink atmosphere short.  

"But, until I can win your father's approval, I will not stay. I cannot stay." Taleem finishes with a sad kiss on her forehead. 

"Why does his approval matter so much to you!?!" Isis shouts in annoyance. 

"It is more than that, Issi." Taleem started, and I smiled at the nickname. It was just like Toshi and him calling me Zushi.

"It is our honor I protect. You know the geezers on the council will take any opportunity they can to strike you down from your rightful position. They are stubborn in their ways and refuse to see the brilliance of your mind because of your gender. If we get married or, by the God's blessings, have a child without your father's permission and outside of the official wedding ceremony, they will spread their greasy money to all the corrupt viziers to smear your good name. They will stir the people to anger over our break from tradition and force you to resign."

"Taleem...That is just your brain overthinking-" Isis tries to reason with an eye roll, but Taleem interrupts her with venom in his words, though not directed at her. 

"I am not crazy, Isis. I am certain. I overheard them talking about it." He said and spat to the side in disgust. "Not just you, either. They have plans for ruining all of the 6 Priests and installing their puppets. They want to control Atem."

"W-What? You...heard them conspiring against the Prince!?!" Isis asks in a harsh whisper as if even saying it above that would bring the wrath of the Gods down upon them. 

"Yes, but don't worry, I have already informed Atem. He is working on a solution with Pharaoh...but they want me to play a part in it, Isis!" Taleem explains with excitement bubbling through his words.

With a savage grin, he continues, "I will be infiltrating their coup under the guise of making a deal to spare you from harm, and to allow our relationship so long as I assist them. By positioning myself as a traitor and asset in the eyes of the elders and due to my overall strength, Atem reasons they will put me in the upper echelons of their leadership. Most likely as a pawn, but a well-informed pawn. They will need a strong leader for others to gather behind, and they are all too old to try it themselves. With my strength supposedly backing them, they will feel bold enough to act, and we can capture them all in one fell swoop." Taleem finishes with a clap of his hands.

"That sounds very dangerous, Taleem..." Isis expresses her concern with a frown.

"Come on, it's me! When have I not been in a boatload of danger? Did you forget who slew the Cursed Dragon?" Taleem teases...in a very annoyingly identical way to how Toshi tries to get out of trouble with me. 

'Now he will drown her in small kisses so she forgets to complain further...'

Sure enough, Taleem tacked Isis and started giving several little kisses to her cheeks, mouth, and nose while smiling over her. He ran a hand through her loose bangs and brushed them aside as he leaned in to kiss her more passionately. 

When he rose, he held her gaze with an iron will and total seriousness, "I will be fine. And with this, I will finally win your hand. Your father cannot stop me if Pharaoh himself wishes us to be married, after all." 

Isis gasps. "Taleem! You didn't!?"

"He asked me what reward I wanted for playing my part. I named it." Taleem shrugged like it was no big deal. "If it makes you feel better, Pharaoh Aknamkanon was laughing quite a bit after I asked. I nearly made Atem fall over too, so I count it as a win."

"Ta~Leeeeem~!" Isis squealed, embarrassed, but also happier than she had been in a very long time. 

The scene came to a sudden halt.

Taleem smiled down devotedly at Isis, and she basked in the warmth and love in his eyes. A beautiful starry sky framed the background with the corner of an orange harvest moon just peeking out over the tiled roof of the house. 

Stunning. Thrilling. Picturesque.

Then it shattered into thousands of tiny fragments of glass. 

Images flashed past me then. They were both too fast to focus on and viscerally clear in my mind as they passed. 


I was born in Cairo to a wealthy merchant family. 

I was raised as a princess, living my life like a glass ornament on display. I hated it.

I was not satisfied with "womanly things" and wished to learn to read and write. I absorbed knowledge like a sponge and even my overprotective father was unable to halt my progress. 

I was accepted as a scribe apprentice at the palace. I am concerned my father got me this position to keep me someplace safe, but I do not argue against it. 

Once again I excel, learning all I can, and I gain the attention of one of the 6 Priests. He quizzes me on very abstract thought puzzles and, though I am not confident in my answers, I seem to impress him with my reasoning. 

I am selected as the next wielder of the Millenium Necklace, I am to be one of the next Sacred Guardians. 

I meet with my other prospective guardians often and I get to know them well. We form friendships and rivalries. Seto and Atem are particularly prickly at first, but we all grow and learn together, building a strong bond. 

Atem is the Prince. I just found out. I feel so embarrassed about how I acted around him! He begs me to treat him the same as always and I reluctantly agree. 

A nuisance has appeared. He wears stupid, pointy armor and is a shameless flirt. I hate him. 

A rouge group of Ka1Egyptian Spirit Monsters (The Card Monsters) summoners attacked the Palace. The guards held them off, but a few got through their defenses. I fought one in a shadow game but was attacked from behind after I won and knocked out...I was trapped in a dark cell for over 18 hours, scared the next moment might be my last...But the nuisance saved me...I guess he isn't so bad.

A group of elders from the council confronted me and demanded I resign from my position in the next 6 Priests. I, of course, refused and they were not happy. They called me some very nasty things...I wish Taleem was here...

I am in love. He is annoying, but he is also adorable and sweet. I even think his armor is sort of cool now...just a bit.  

My father refuses to let Taleem and I marry due to his lineage. I cry and scream and throw a fit, but he will not budge. Taleem promises he will gain a position my father cannot ignore and win my hand. Even with his firm stance of disapproval, I can tell my father likes Taleem. It makes me no happier about the situation, however. 

Time passes and months turn to years turning into almost a decade in the blink of an eye. I continue my training with Atem and the other 5 Priests as I meet with Taleem on the side in a (Not-so-secret) secret relationship. Wars are fought, bandits are captured, monsters are hunted, and my father was still not convinced of Taleem's worth. I was past the marrying age and was starting to feel depressed, wondering if I would ever get to marry my love. 

A coup is discovered. Taleem agrees to infiltrate their group before helping Pharaoh remove them all at once, and, with his success, our marriage will be secured. Father cannot refuse if Pharaoh gives his blessing!

Tragedy. Taleem was betrayed.

He dies in my arms, swearing to protect me in this life and the next. We share a final kiss, and he disappears, letting his soul merge into a Ka spirit.

I am lost and hollow without Taleem. I will mourn him forevermore...

Darkness enshrouds me once again...


I wake with a startled gulp of air as I blink my eyes rapidly to clear them of dark spots in my vision. 

My throat feels dry and my heart is beating like a stampede of horses. 

'I'm back...' I think in shock. 'What the hell was that?'

I look back to Toshi. He is in the same position and in the same state. 

I quickly reach over to check if I missed any calls from Ren or Kimiko, but I have to rub my eyes a few times to make sure I am seeing things correctly when I look at the screen. 

I sent the texts out at 6:43 am.

The time on my phone showed...6:43 am.

I flipped back over to stare at the faint memory strand I had seen around Toshi, my mind completely blown by no time passing despite...Years seeming to have passed in the memory. 

My shock peaks when I see that the memory strand is gone. 

Like it was never there. Poof. Gone.

There was nothing around Toshi once more. 

Goosebumps ran up and down my body as I felt a shiver crawl down my spine.

Needless to say, past strands of memory don't disappear. Ever. 

'It's like it was all a dream...'

But it wasn't.

It couldn't have been. That was too real, too vivid to be made up. 

Besides, it was nothing like any memory I had viewed before. I could usually feel what the person felt and was able to see the space from any angle. 

In this one, however, I was in the first person for a bit but then shifted to a fixed position off to the side. I also felt no physical sensations...well aside from the pangs to my heart at the sweeter moments. 

It couldn't have been a dream.

I shook my head and focused back on what was most important right now: 


He was in the same condition as before, staring at the card in his hand with dilated pupils and taking quick shallow breaths. 

I nestle my phone in my arm and cuddle into Toshi like I was when I woke up before, closing my eyes and wishing that either he would get better soon or that Kimiko or Ren would call me.

'I feel so useless...'

As I rested against his chest, feeling tears well up in my eyes, something occurred to me that I hadn't thought of before due to all the chaos. 

'Where did he get the card from...?'

Then, everything clicked into place. 

I knew about his shop and about the strange powers and boxes surrounding him, I just didn't think that they could affect him in this way. 

Well, to be fair, we really hadn't gotten much exposure to the shop or boxes. Toshi told me about all of them he experienced, but we only had a sample size of about 20 to work with. Who's to say what they can and can't do?

I wasn't certain, but this is what made the most sense.

The card was gifted and somehow...gave him these memories? Or maybe the memories were trapped inside the card? It was a vision of a past life, or, at least, the illusion of one, that much was certain. I didn't really believe in the concept of reincarnation, but we do live in a world with magic, so anything is possible I suppose.

The card had probably given the original memory to Toshi, and that is why he had a temporary thread of past memories around him earlier.

...That made me realize the most terrifying thing yet. 

'They...whoever they are...they gave me that memory...It's a memory of mine. Of a past me. It wasn't even centered on Toshi or Taleem. They placed that there...for me, specifically...'

Before that had a chance to really sink in, Toshi jolted and his breathing became less labored. It took me a moment to look up, with the revelation that something powerful might be watching us still clouding my mind, but I pushed it aside to focus on my love.

He was currently staring confusedly at the card in front of him, but that didn't worry me too much. 

What did concern me were the tears that ran down the corners of his eyes. Toshi hated crying. He did everything he could to never cry, or, at least, never in front of others. He will probably make me swear to keep him bawling his eyes out last night a secret until we both die. 

So to see silent tears falling from his eyes broke something in me. 

"Toshi!" I call out with a mixture of so many different powerful emotions coursing through me as I swing myself on top of him and hug him tightly. 

The warmth of his body fills me and feelings associated with memories I didn't even have were clawing holes inside me.

I start to sob brokenly as I hold him.

Toshi wraps his arms around me rubbing my back instantly.

"Zushi, what's wrong? Are you okay, baby?" He asks sweet questions, showing his concern and love for me.

'He probably just went through something equally traumatic and all he cares about is making sure I am alright!?!'

As I feel indignation over how good my boyfriend is to me, a sudden tsunami of affection explodes from my heart.

At that moment, I was feeling the crushing weight of two lifetimes of longing crash down on me.

I wanted him desperately. I needed him. I was done holding back. Our lives were so very fragile. He could disappear at any time. I needed to feel him completely.

I waited an entire lifetime...I don't think I can wait anymore...

* | * | *

POV Toshiaki

As I stare at the amazing card in front of me, questioning what all of this means, Zushi decides to pounce on me, glomp on top of me, take several deep breaths, and then started crying her eyes out.

I blink and am unsure of what to do, but I quickly change gears.

I put the card down on the bedside table and wrap Ishizu up in a tight hug. 

I ask what's wrong and try to see what I can do to help her, but, rather than tell me or give me any sort of indication as to the problem, she instead lifts her head up and...growls at me. 

Gonna be honest. Not sure what to do with that. 

"Um...Ishizu? You good?" I ask feeling, frankly, baffled. 

"I'm done waiting, Toshi," Ishizu announces much to my visible confusion.

"...Okay?" I ask again, really feeling like I was missing something. 

Ishizu shimmies up my lap and mounts me with her legs to either side of my hip and her hands on either side of my head. She looks at me with a heavy-lidden gaze and a slight scowl...almost like she is mad...but it's not quite mad...I am honestly not sure what to think. 

'It's sorta like when she gets aggressive in the bedroo-'

Ishizu rips open my pajama shirt in one fluid motion sending buttons flying everywhere and then ricocheting off the walls.

I gawk at her.

"These are my favorite pajamas!" I scream indignantly, but my giant smile gives the true game away. 

I understood what was going on now...though I still had no idea why it was happening...

Ishizu leans down over me with a triumphant smile. She looked like the cat that didn't just get the milk, but the whole damn dairy. Her face moves within an inch of mine and I can feel her hot breaths on my skin as she commands, "This time, when I tell you to stay, you will stay." 

My eyebrows nearly rose out of my skull. I am not sure why, but I felt a tingly thrill run down my spine at her words. They seemed...familiar...

'Honey, I will do whatever you want...So long as I can do whatever I want when you're done. Mwahaha!'

I was about to surrender myself to a good time, but I stopped for a second and thought about the situation. 

'Damn me. Damn my fucking morals.' I cursed when I realized that she just went from lunging at me to crying to ripping my clothes off in a minute flat. She was clearly feeling unstable right now and I should stop this so we didn't regret it later. 

Oh! I will tell her about the memory! That should distract her and get her to calm down. 

'Hmm...How do I tell her though? Will she think I'm crazy or will she think I was just having a dream? I guess, if nothing else, it is a cute love story. I don't have to tell her about the bad ending...'

First, should I tell her at all, though?

Yes. 1,000,000%, yes. We don't do lies and deceit. We might each still have a secret or two, but we don't hide anything other than those select few and always talk honestly to each other.

Next, how do I tell her?

I could say it was all a dream...but it wasn't. I know it wasn't. 

No, I would tell her everything. 

'She deserves to know everything. It's not like it doesn't concern her.' 

"Ishizu, wait...stop, please," I say words that I never thought I would say...At least in this context. 

Zushi, who was kissing her way up my abs stopped abruptly and stared at me in horror as if she only now realized what she was doing. 

Truth be told, we had done far worse, but I had never stopped her before now. I always encouraged her explorative side.

Ishizu's body started shaking and then tears formed at the edges of her eyes again.

'Wow...lots of mood swings today. Got it.' I think, not complaining - This shit happens. Just part of life. - But, rather, trying to plan out what I could do to help. 

I started by wrapping her up in my arms and comforting her. 

"Zushi, it's fine. I am not mad. Everything is fine. I am just calling a time-out so we can make sure there are no penalties. Hell, a large part of me didn't want to stop you...But I want our first time to be more special than this. Let me wine and dine you and completely sweep you off your feet...before I pin them behind your head-Ow!" I explain before I am interrupted by her smacking me.

"You were doing so well, too," Ishizu whines with an adorable laughing sob.

I chuckle and squeeze her tighter. "There's no rush, Zushi. We will have time when we are ready. I tease about it, but I am not desperate. I have enough of you as it is. Make sure you think it through and we'll only do it when it feels right for you...Though forgive me if I test your boundaries every once and a while. I get a bit into it with you..." I say as I scratch the back of my head awkwardly. 

"You are perfect about it, thank you. I...I just feel really connected to you right now. Desperate to have you close to me." She explains as she snuggles deeper into my embrace.

"I am glad you feel that way! I actually...um...well, I had a vision of my past this morning...what I actually think might be a past life. Sounds a bit odd, I guess...It had you in it too, though! ...Or a past version of you anyway. Even in this other world, we were still in love. I fought monsters and you served the Pharaoh! And, you'll love this, guess what your name was-" I start to say, feeling very unsure of myself. This sounded really crazy to say out loud...but I didn't struggle for long as Ishizu interrupted me with a blinding smile, pinning me forcefully to the bed once more. 

"Isis." She says, not as a guess, but as a fact. I stare at her with wide eyes as all the pieces fall into place. 

"You too!?!" I shout in wonder.

'Now her words from earlier made sense! That scene was an image I had seen. It must have been important to both of them.'

"Yes...It was very intense...You looked good with muscles."

"You looked good in white."

"...That wasn't fair." Ishizu looks away, blushing at my double meaning2He's saying she would look good in a wedding dress - Just wanted to clarify in case that phrase is not common elsewhere..

"What do you think, are we their reincarnations?" I ask, meaning it as a joke, but Ishizu looks very serious as she nods slowly. 

"That is a real possibility."

I quirk an eyebrow at her, "I mean...I don't disagree, but I am a bit surprised you are on board with it."

"I was there, Toshi. I lived it. I felt it...not in the memory, but from within. It was me. I was Isis, I'm sure of it. Now that I know...It just resonates within me. It amplifies everything I already felt tenfold. I...I feel like I'm flying, I am so happy to have you here with me. I have no choice but to believe it is true." Ishizu tried to explain.

I nodded at her. I felt much the same. It was a huge thrill knowing that it was real. That we both lived it. That we found each other again. I wasn't exactly merged with The Black Luster Soldier, but I could feel pieces of those experiences rub off on me. Improve me.

I was still unpacking the sudden influx of memories I now had from Taleem. They weren't complete by any means, and I certainly wasn't going to be picking up sword fighting as a hobby, but I could already feel something had changed inside me.

Apparently, I was not alone.

Ishizu ground herself against me, immediately halting any thinking I might have been doing. 

"Do you know what this means, Toshi?" Ishizu purred into my ear.

"That we are star-crossed lovers?" I ask with a wiggle of my eyebrows.

Ishizu laughs really hard at that. It felt like a lot of tension bled off from her with that laugh. She even stopped rocking her hips for a second to giggle with me long after the joke was done being funny.

...Then she locked her fingers in my hair and slammed my head back on the bed. 

"No~. This means that you left me unsatisfied for an entire lifetime. I am demanding repayment with interest. You will not get away from me this time, my love." Ishizu says with a husky growl right into my ear as she lowers herself down onto me again. 

So much activity in that region had gotten a reaction, and her smile only widened when she felt it.

'My sweet, innocent Zushi! What happened to you?? ...I mean, I really don't mind...but still!'

I am not sure what switch flipped in her, but she was not messing around.

***Warning - Warning***

This is not a drill, people! I repeat this is not a drill!

I was a bit overwhelmed by her sudden lust for me...Was she holding this back before? Was this a consequence of whatever happened in our memories? Did she inherit Isis' sexual frustration and now her mission was to take revenge on Taleem's reincarnation?

...That last one sounded like a crappy novel plot...

Head in the game, man. 

Gotta focus on this raven-haired beauty and not freak out. The last thing I needed was to get too excited during our first time. I was not going to have a repeat of Josh's first experience3Josh was Toshi's previous name before he transmigrated.

I shudder at the memory.

...Did I have any condoms?

'Fuck! Was this really happening?'

Because I am not evil, I will tell you now. There won't be any sex in the next chapter. We are getting close to that, but I will make sure that is a separate R18 chapter that will not impact the story at all. Fate, or, rather, a worried Mama Bear who gives no shits about sexy time when her cub is at risk, has other plans.

Thanks for reading! In the next chapter, we will go through the shop and have a big choice to make! I will have more options in the shop for you all to choose from after he gets his mandatory purchases. 

I don't have a question for today, but we will have a lot of impactful ones soon!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.