Why Did It Have To Be Yu-Gi-Oh!?!

36 – Anubis, The Bully

Thanks for your votes on the last chapter! The Starter Decks will be Yugi & Pegasus, containing some great staple magic and trap cards, and for the Booster Packs, you voted for me to choose!

Based on the fact that the 2,2,2,3,& 3 option was the 2nd highest, I will be choosing something similar. 

1 Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon, 2 Metal Raiders, 1 Spell Ruler, 4 Pharaoh's Servant, and 4 Labrinth of Nightmare. Personally, I think this spread gives him the best chance at the cards he is lacking in his deck. You can see his card pulls at the end of the chapter in the author's note if you are interested. 

Quick Edit: I changed the limitations for the decks in chapter 34 from Five 7+ Stars to Three, and Five 5-6 Stars to Four. In my testing, I realized having so many 2500+ ATK monsters in a 40-card deck without tributing was incredibly broken and would make things too easy for Anubis. I made the change to keep the story interesting, so I hope you all don't mind. 

Lastly, this is the first chapter in which I am really diverting from the official manga and anime stories and making this into my own unique universe. For those unfamiliar or who don't remember the anime or manga plot, don't worry! I will explain everything you need to know in the story, and it should all flow together nicely. You shouldn't need that prior knowledge to enjoy it. This is the first major ripple that Toshiaki's influence has led to, and I hope you all enjoy it! 

Without further ado, let's get this party started!

36 - Anubis, The Bully

POV 3rd Party - ??? x2

'How has it come to this!?!'

'To think all my carefully laid plans would be ruined... This is all your fault!'

'Me? Don't pretend you weren't thinking the same thing when they first met!'

'Fine, I admit we had the same idea at the start, but how could we have known it would end up this way!?!'

Two evil spirits glared daggers at each other as they hovered in the air, invisible to everyone but themselves. Their hate-filled eyes soon shifted from one another and glowered down at the two boys sleeping peacefully on the futon below them.

They shouldn't be here. 

This wasn't how it was supposed to go.

They both should have been sneaking their way onto Pegasus' cruise ship right now...Instead, they were sleeping with contented smiles on their faces.

The spirits had been whispering and urging these boys forward toward their individual goals for years now. Each one had something they wished to accomplish, and for that, they both needed to collect all of the Millennium Items.

So, imagine their surprise and delight when another weak-willed boy holding one such item suddenly appeared before them!

It was too good of an opportunity to pass up. 

The two children were, of course, Marik Ishtar, who went by Namu Yuusuke at school, and Ryo Bakura. The two evil spirits that hovered above them and bickered back and forth were Yami Marik and Yami Bakura. 

Yami Marik looked like a twin of the regular Marik, but with much spikier hair. He was an evil spirit that contained all of Marik's anger and hatred created from the ritual he had undergone to become the heir of the Tomb Keepers and due to his father's murder. The innocent boy, the Marik of old, had created him in an effort to keep his sanity under the immense pressure he had felt as a fragile 10-year-old.

Yami Marik's goal was to get revenge on the Ancient Pharaoh, whom he was convinced was the cause of his father's death...A rather bold sentiment, considering, in reality, he was the one who killed his own father...Still, that weird Mystic, Shadi, had told him it was due to "The will of the Pharaoh," so he was pretty sure he was in the right for hating him. 

Since the Egyptian God Monsters were unreleased and sealed in their stone tablets outside of his current reach, his plan for revenge was to gather all 7 Milennium Items and, thereby, claim the position of Pharaoh himself - Destroying the very prophesy he was sworn to protect and abide by as a Tomb Keeper. 

Yami Marik had been in complete control of normal Marik for a while now, but, when he noticed the timid Bakura and the Millennium Ring the kid wielded, he decided to give back control to his more naive self in order to get closer to Bakura and eventually steal his Millennium Item. He could have just acted, - He was pretty good at playing a part so long as he remembered not to monologue - but something told him the Ring Weilder would be able to see through him if he did. It had to be natural, or, at the very least, seem that way. 

A brilliant, foolproof plan...or so he had thought.

Yami Bakura, meanwhile, looked like a twin of Bakura...only with spikier hair, - Sensing a theme? - and was much more complex as an evil spirit than the dramatic braggart who he was exchanging glares with. In actuality, he was 2 fragments of different evil spirits wrapped into one...neither of them actually being Bakura. Regardless, his goal was the same: To gather all 7 Millennium Items. The result of completing this goal would be vastly different than his other Yami counterpart, but that was something he was keeping to himself.

Still, when he had noticed a naive boy who wielded the Millennium Rod trying to make nice with his host, Yami Bakura had seized upon the opportunity for much the same reasons as Yami Marik. In fact, it was even more perfect in his case.

For normal Bakura, friendship was the entire reason he trusted and listened to the voice within his Millennium Ring in the first place. He desperately wanted a true friend and would have done just about anything to get it. He had even captured the souls of his past friends and implanted them into dolls because of this drive, though that was unknown to him at the time1This actually happened in the manga before the anime starts. That shit was kinda dark and demented. lol. Yugi and his own Yami side had put a stop to all that, however, and Bakura had earned some real friends as a result.

This had been a failure on the part of the spirit of the Millennium Ring and weakened Yami Bakura's influence in the process. Just as Bakura was desperate for new friends, Yami Bakura had been desperately seeking a way to take back control ever since, and, seeing Namu for the golden opportunity he was, he pushed normal Bakura to become friends so that he could steal his Millennium Rod. 

It should have been easy...Should have.

Once either of them secured the other Millennium Item, they would have taken full control again and moved on to the next steps of their plans. Unfortunately, that never happened.  

Without the evil that usually warped Marik's personality, he was just a normal, moody teenager. He had been prickly in their first meeting, but, urged on by the evil spirit's whispers, had soon bonded with Bakura over the loss of family members, as sad as it was. They could empathize with each other and actually understand one another's pain, unlike most kids their age. Marik had lost both of his parents, and Bakura had lost his mother and sister in a car accident2Again, this is true and from the Manga.. That loss acted as the catalyst, and they soon became fast friends.

This was seen as a great success for both evil spirits, and it should have been only a matter of time before their whispers and suggestions let them obtain the other's Millennium Item.  

The problem was that it worked a little too well. 

The kids stuck together like glue and, quicker than either of the evil spirits could have imagined, had forged a bond that was impossible for them to break. They spent almost every day together, playing video games, challenging each other to Duel Monsters, reading manga, watching anime, and discussing girls, their lives, hopes, and dreams. In short, they became normal Japanese High Schoolers.  

It was an absolutely disgusting development - At least from the viewpoint of the evil spirits. 

Marik and Bakura had become close, just as intended, but, despite practically screaming at the kids to follow their orders, neither of the Yami spirits could make their hosts move to secure the other's Millennium Item. The thoughts crossed their minds, but, ultimately, they decided to ignore them in favor of keeping their newly formed friendship.

Yami Marik and Yami Bakura's gambit to steal each other's Millennium Items had not only failed catastrophically, but their hold over the boys had even greatly weakened as a result of this friendship. It had weakened to such an extent, in fact, that they no longer had the power to take full control. 

Yup. The power of friendship had utterly destroyed all of these two beings' plans.

''Curse that detestable word!!!'' The two spirits shouted in unison.

'We have to do something about this.' Yami Marik says after a long-suffering sigh. 

'Simple, let me absorb your power. Then at least I can complete my goal.' Yami Bakura answers with a nod of his head as if it was the only solution available.

'How about you go fuck yourself?' YM counters.

'Now, now. No need to be so grouchy. I'm the older one here, respect your elders.' YB says with a frown.

'If you let me absorb your Ka, I could gather the power of the Ancient Pharaoh and succeed in both our plans.' YM offers.

'You literally just flipped what I said, and phrased it as if it was your idea all along. At least come up with something original!' YB scoffs.

'My goal is noble, you incompetent buffoon! I would seize control of the world and destroy the legacy of the Pharaoh once and for all! People would bow before me and the might of the Millennium Items!' - YM

'I don't care.' - YB

'You are being short-sided! You do not know the secrets of the Millennium Items. You would not be able to control them like I, a Tomb Keeper, would! Your unfamiliarity would spell disaster long before you achieved whatever insignificant plans you have! With my superior knowledge and talent, it would be a trivial matter to enact whatever you wish to be done!' - YM

'I don't care.' - YB

'Do you not see your foolishness!?! You could have everything you wanted handed to you on a silver platter, all you would need to do is submit to me and give me your power! Victory is literally within your grasp, and yet you bumble around like a blind idiot! I could easily succeed where you would stumble and fall!' - YM

'I don't care.' - YB

'...You're kind of a douchebag, you know that?' - YM

'I don't care.' - YB

And so, glaring at each other with hatred burning in their eyes, the two spirits watched on as the two boys slept.

A stupid Shonen anime played on the laptop in the background. The main character was shouting about the power of friendship as he defeated the villain - As if to mock the two beings of evil incarnate. 

There truly was no justice for evil spirits in this world.  

* | * | *

POV Anubis

Standing on the bow of the cruise ship, I gave Ishizu in her Eset Isis persona one last wave before she stepped back past the guards at the port entrance and out of sight. 

She was adorable. 

After doing all that she had with such confidence, she clung to me in embarrassment and needed a full 10 minutes before she was composed enough to get back into character and see me off. I was honestly surprised she didn't squat down holding her face in her hands, but she managed to make do by squeezing my arm and asking for reassurance over and over again in a whisper. 

I had dutifully done my part, as any good boyfriend would, and promised she looked magnificent and acted perfectly. No doubt Ren would take over for me as soon as she got home. 

The check-in process was nothing like I had remembered seeing in the anime. Each duelist had to present their invitations, ticket cards, and Star Chips as well as have all of their belongings, their deck, and their extra deck checked by giant gorilla men in suits before they were allowed to board. There was no line of people waiting off the side of the ship, and it looks like they were fine with people entering the ship early.

I was given some strange looks as I was one of the only ones who didn't have a backpack or any other luggage as I was checked in. Truth be told, I was wearing a backpack, but it was covered by my cloak and, therefore, part of my Anubis transformation. I realized after the fact that I could have smuggled anything I wanted onto the island if I really felt the need to. 

I did think about bringing extra protein bars, water bottles, and camping equipment to try and sell once we were on the island to make some extra DP. I had spent almost all of mine in the shop, after all, but I didn't think that would fit my image, so I held off. 

'If things go to plan, I shouldn't need to worry about DP for a long while after this.' I think with a silent, conniving chuckle. 

Ishizu had earned quite a bit of attention, as was to be expected, but nobody tried to talk with us despite every single head being focused on her. Her intimidating glare and icy expression were enough to ward off anyone, and I was actually quite grateful for that, as it meant I got to enjoy my time before boarding in peace.

Once the time came and I was next in the small check-in line, we shared another, much more chased kiss, and she wished me luck before striding off to stand at the side.

Curiously, I did notice quite a few people trying to bring friends or other duelists along, but when they were told only those with Star Chips could board, they gave up. It seemed no one was as generous as Yugi and was willing to give up their precious Star Chips with so much on the line. 

Once I was on board, I was directed to meet at the bow of the ship where they had a small stage set up with a bunch of chairs for an orientation that would happen before we departed.

This brought me back to the present, waving goodbye to Ishizu and making my way over to one of the chairs. 

This whole time I had been looking for other duelists I recognized, but I had yet to see any major contenders nor any main or side characters. I was still quite early, however, so this wasn't too much of a surprise. 

I hadn't known how long the check-in process would take, but, being familiar with airlines in Josh's world had taught me to come early and be happy to wait instead of being late and missing my ride. As it turned out, it only took 45 minutes, so there was still over an hour before the departure time. 

Luckily, Ishizu had been smart enough to get me a new phone I could use as Anubis, a solid black device that looked similar to the original Eyephones but with a larger screen, so I could use the time on something worthwhile - Texting Ishizu and our friends in our group chat. Of course, I was smart enough not to use their full names in case anyone peered over my shoulder. Hell, even the numbers weren't their original ones. They were VOIP numbers set up by Ishizu that were redirected to their actual phone numbers. 

Have I said recently how weird this world's technology is? We had smartphones with satellite access and hologram dueling stations, but we still used VCRs and cars that matched what you would expect from the 90s. I guess we had Kaiba Corp to thank for the newer stuff...


[A] On board the ship now. This place is pretty swanky. [Picture Attached]

[R] Oooooo~

[K] Aaaaah~

[A] ...You are the ones who told me to report in when I was settled...

[I] I appreciate it, even if they don't. Good luck, babe!

[R] OMG! More importantly, Isis is all over the news!

[K] She already has a fan page on Readit

[I] Shut up. No, I don't.

[K] 5,600 members and climbing. [Link Attached]

[I] ...Should I be happy or creeped out...?

[R] Happy lol

[K] Happy rofl

[A] Both? XD

[I] (ಥ﹏ಥ)


I chuckled and continued to chat with my friends as time slowly passed. After a while, I noticed the seats around me filling up more and more. I took a second to look around and spotted a whole lot of nobodies. It seems all the main cast was arriving stylishly late - or right before it was too late, as the case may be. 

I was about to ignore everyone again when I heard a shout and a commotion from the dock area. 

A number of duelists quickly moved over to the edge to see what was happening, but I didn't need to as someone laughed and reported to his friends behind me, "It's just some blonde loser in a green jacket fighting with the big guys in suits."

'That has to be Joey. That means it is time.' I think, letting everyone in my chat group know I would connect with them later, before standing up and turning to look at the people sitting around me. 

I only now realized that nobody was sitting within 3 seats of me. The closest was a group of 3 girls 2 rows back. 

Walking over to them, I was about to call out, but their heads snapped up to me with wide eyes. They looked like deer in headlights, but I proceeded without worrying about it. 

"Excuse me, would you mind keeping my seat for me? I want to take a quick look around." I ask in my deep Anubis voice. My mask was back on after Isis' little show, so I didn't think they would make too much of a fuss about my appearance. 

They each nod slowly in unison without saying a word, their eyes locked onto the golden pits in my mask. 

"Much appreciated," I say with a small, courteous bow to them before making my way back toward the ship's gangway. The girls break out into giggles and hushed whispers as I leave, but I turn my attention back to the important people about to board. 

I didn't really want to talk to them, but I did want to see if things were following what I knew from the anime or if anything had changed. I was not unaware that my presence here would probably change some things. I was taking the place of one of the 40 who had originally been invited, after all. 

I walked down the port (left) side of the ship and pause about 1/2 to the middle, taking a place on the railing and looking over to see what was going on. 

Despite myself, I smile under my mask. 

Standing below me, happening in real-time, was a scene from the anime. Not in the same place, but close enough. 

"I'm glad they let you on board, Joey," Yugi says as he climbs the gangway and enters the port side of the ship about 30 feet away from me. His attire was almost exactly what I remembered. Our blue school uniform, a white undershirt, and the unbelievably gaudy golden Millennium Puzzle. Yugi could give any of the 90s rappers a run for their money with that bling. His hair was unbelievable. How it stood perfectly still in that shape, despite being real, actual hair, I had no idea. 

Well, that isn't exactly true. It was a combination of a type of cowlick and natural hair stiffness that was native to this world. No, I am not joking. Instead of having frizzy hair in the rain or humidity, some people's hair was naturally stiff and harder than others. I had no idea how it worked, but I did notice my hair felt quite a bit coarser than I was used to as Josh. Either way, I wouldn't be able to miss his hair even if I tried.

"I guess Pegasus isn't all bad," Joey answers, following Yugi onto the ship proper and wearing a giant grin. He has on his iconic green jacket, white undershirt, and blue jeans. His hair is also as wide as his shoulder span...I wonder if his neck hurts because of it. It doesn't seem well-balanced...

As much as I would love to watch them more, I knew that would be weird for my character. Instead, I leaned over the railing and looked out towards the other ports and the lights of Domino City as I eavesdropped on them. 

Joey mentioned how much he owed Yugi, presumably for giving him a Star Chip, and I heard them approach my location as Yugi tried to play it off as no big deal.

'If I remember correctly, Mai Valentine is introduced soon. I would really rather avoid her, if at all possible, so I guess I will head back to my seat.' I think, pushing off the railing and starting to move away, still about 15 feet in front of them.

"Yugi! Holy crap, that's Anubis, right? We watched him in Regionals!" Joey exclaims, nearly causing me to trip. 

"Yeah, we saw Rex Raptor and Weevil Underwood earlier, but I guess he was invited too. He sends his mail to Kame Game, so we should go and say hi! My mom and Grandpa already met him, so I want to introduce myself...and I should probably warn him about Pegasus and tell him about what happened with Grandpa!" Yugi answers, and I immediately regret getting curious about seeing them. 

Luckily, I was pulled away by someone else. 

Unluckily, that person happened to be the other one I just talked about not wanting to meet. 

"Hey, Pretty Boy." A confident female voice calls out to me. "Anubis, right? You seem to be the talk of the town."

Yup. I am regretting this decision. 

I turn halfway around and tilt my head as I stare back into the sparkling brown eyes of Mai Valentine. Her blonde hair frames her face in sharp lines and spills out around her head, almost like a mane. She wears a white leather bodice tied together with string that barely contains her bust and that shows off her toned stomach and navel for all to see, a purple leather collared jacket over the bodice with the sleeves rolled up, a matching purple leather miniskirt, and purple leather boots with at least 5 inch heels.  

"I am Anubis, that's correct," I answer simply. 

"Well, now, how about you take off that mask? It's rude to talk to a lady with one on, you know?" She goads with a smirk. 

I almost, almost quip back, "When you find a lady, you let me know." But I decided on a more diplomatic approach. She was a main supporting character and one of the only heroines on the show, after all. No reason to make her an enemy if I didn't need to.

"I'd rather not. The sea air is rough on my skin." I say instead, turning to face her completely. It was, literally, the least I could do for her.

She pauses for a second and blinks, before throwing her head back and laughing. "I suppose you would care about that, wouldn't you, Pretty Boy? Now you have me jealous that I don't wear a mask!"

'I doubt one would fit over your hair.' I think.

"I'd send you to my tailor, but Hedjhotep only works on the other side," I offer instead, going for humor.

She quirks a brow at me, "Hege Ho-who?"

"Hedjhotep. The Goddess of fabrics and clothes. She sometimes assists me in weaving outfits for the recently deceased as they travel to their eternal afterlife." I answer with a giant smile. Man, was I happy I memorized all of the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses! Technically Hedjhotep has been represented as both a God and a Goddess at different times, but I went with my gut on this one. 

Mai smiles awkwardly back at me, just the response I was hoping for. Hopefully, she will leave me alone now.

"Ah, I forgot to introduce myself." She says, changing the subject, "I'm-"

"Mai Valentine. Two-time Japanese Regional Champion and three-time World Championship Competitor. Once, even a finalist." I answer for her and then give a bow, "It is a pleasure to meet you. Your reputation as a duelist is as becoming as you are." 

Everyone likes flattery, right? 

Standing back up, I am a bit surprised to see she is looking at me with trepidation. It seems I might have pushed my "God" act a bit too far. 

"...You better not know anything else about me," She says flatly.

"You're still alive. Don't worry, you won't be judged by me for several years yet." I can't help but answer with a deep chuckle. I thought this would be annoying, but I was actually having quite a bit of fun. 

Mai is saved from my further teasing as the grating voice of Joey Wheeler asks in a tone far louder than he needs, "Yo, Yuge, he doesn't actually think he is a God, does he?"

"I...don't know, Joey..." Yugi answers slowly. 

Oh, come on, how can I resist? 

It is only now that I realize we have drawn a bit of a crowd. Front and center in that crowd are none other than the dynamic dueling duo.

"Forgive me for my rudeness, Miss Valentine, I didn't mean to intimidate you. I am genuinely honored to have met you." I apologize, giving another quick bow. I then turn a bit further and pause, as if only just noticing them. Turning fully to face the two who were just talking about me, I offer another bow. 

'My back is gonna hurt if I keep this up!'

They both gulp. 

"Yugi Muto and Joey Wheeler, I don't believe I have yet had the pleasure of making your acquaintance. You both show great potential. Yugi, you are an inspiration to many for defeating Seto Kaiba. Your grandfather spoke very highly of you."

"Yugi?" Mai snaps out of her, frankly, terrified state, and latches onto something more normal. "You're that Yugi Muto everyone has been talking about?" 

"Whoa! What a babe!" Joey says with a wide, perverted smile. They must have only seen her from behind. Yugi can't even speak as Mai closes in.

"You seem a bit young for someone who supposedly defeated Kaiba," Mai comments as she bends over to look more closely at the short boy. "I'm amazed such a little boy is so talented and famous."

'And I am amazed by how shameless you are.' I think dryly as I am almost inadvertently flashed with whatever is under her short skirt as a consequence of her bending - Something, I am sure, was tactical and not an accident. Maybe as payback for me throwing her off her game?

I quickly and quietly sidestep and move a bit closer. 

My guess is proven correct when Mai coyly looks over her shoulder with a smirk, expecting me to be standing behind her and ogling her long pale legs, only to then jump like a frightened cat when she sees me standing directly to her right with my arms folded instead.

"T-Thank you..." Yugi stammers out, ignoring me freaking out the Harpy Lady, and blushing up to his ears as he looks down shyly. 

'Is it just me, or am I sensing bloodlust?' I think quizzically, before remembering the 2 stowaways, Tea and Tristian, who were probably watching this interaction from somewhere. 

Sure enough, I spot a bob of brunette hair peeking over the railing from the floor above us and two severely narrowed teal eyes. 

'I guess she snuck on or was loaded with the cargo? With how thoroughly they checked everything else, I can't think of how they managed to pull that off...Maybe she is from a secret ninja clan...? Wait...Is she related to the Ninja Guards who protected Prince Atem in Taleem's memory!?!' 

New headcanon established and expanded, I turned my attention back to my immediate surroundings. 

"Yeah, Yugi's great! I'm Joey, his best friend and a fellow master duelist, by the wa-" Joey tries to introduce himself, the dopey, lovestruck smile still on his face. 

"I-I show no mercy, no matter the age...or how imposing they might be...So, be prepared to get crushed. A-All 3 of you!" Mai says as she quickly backs away. Or maybe runs away?

She now definitely reminds me of a frightened cat with its hackles and tail raised. 

"I'm Mai Valentine. You better remember it!" She finishes before spinning around on her heels and powerwalking towards the seating area for the orientation. 

"Heh. I wouldn't mind being crushed by her..." Joey mutters under his breath. He then flinches as he realizes I am looking right at him.

"Uh...Not into dudes, sorry." Joey mutters without thinking.

"Joey!" Yugi chastises his friend, shaking off his embarrassment at Mai's compliment. 

"Your loss," I answer, with a shrug. 

They both look at me strangely after that.

Have I mentioned I am having fun? Because I am. 

"A-Anyway, It's nice to meet you Mr. Anubis! Mom and Grandpa told me all about your meetings with them, and I have been excited to meet you as well!" Yugi recovers and pushes onward.

'What is with the Muto family and their insistence on calling me Mister!?!'

"Just Anubis is fine. Shall we head over to the orientation? It looks like they are pulling back the gangway and we should be departing soon." I ask, nodding to the crewmen...all buff dudes in suits for some reason...doing exactly what I pointed out. 

"Yeah let's- Oh! Wait!" Yugi agrees, but quickly stops and looks up at me with a tense, but determined expression. 

"Anubis, you need to know that Pegasus is not a good man. He...He captured Grandpa's soul...through...my TV. A-And he forced me to come here to save him. You can't trust him!" He somehow manages to get that out, but it seems he realizes how ridiculous it sounds after getting about halfway through.

I pause and turn back to him. "I am aware of his Millennium Eye. Don't worry, I have a strong feeling your Grandfather will be just fine. His time has not yet come, and he has a powerful fate protecting him." I answer mysteriously.  

Plot Armor. Lord help the villains, Yugi's got some of the thickest Plot Armor around. Hell, his Millennium Puzzle's power might as well be called Plot Armor. 

"This ain't a joke, man! Drop the God schtick already." Joey snarls out, seeming to think I was messing around about a serious topic.

This time I face him fully and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Your sister has the same fate surrounding and protecting her. It will be alright, Joey. Serenity will get her surgery."

If Mai looked freaked out before, Joey turning white as a sheet and stammering unintelligently for several moments eclipsed her easily. 

"H-How...Y-You...?" Joey stammers out.

'This is too much fun! I best stop here, however. I can't give them all the answers.'

If it turned out I was wrong and the Plot Armor didn't win through like I assumed it would, I planned to take responsibility for my words. I will save them all if the others can't, even if that meant busting Peagsus' kneecaps, elbows, and fingers until he gave in. Hell, if worst comes to worst, I will just rip out his Millennium Eye and have Ishizu help me save them.

I had no remorse for those who preyed upon the weak and innocent. I was no hero, but I sure as shit had no qualms about becoming an avenger. 

Serenity was actually the easiest to deal with. One call from Ishizu and they could have her prepped for surgery in under an hour. 

I'll quote Kaiba on this one, "Screw the rules, I have money!"

...At least I'm pretty sure that was something he said...?

But I also didn't want to rob Joey of the opportunity to save his sister himself. He had a lot of growing to do in the next 2 days on this island, and I wasn't going to interfere with that if I didn't have to. 

"Sister? Surgery? Joey, what is he talking about?" Yugi asks in confusion. 


I guess Joey didn't tell him yet.


"Attention Duelists!" Before Joey or I had a chance to speak, Mr. Pointy Hair Gorilla Man, another buff dude in a suit with his hair literally shaped into a spike sticking straight up in the front and straight down in the back, called out with his favorite catchphrase. "Please take your seats. The Duelist Kingdom Tournament Orientation will begin shortly."

I nod to the duo politely, then take my leave and walk quickly back to my seat before either of them can say or do anything else. 

Oh, would you look at that! One of the girls I asked to save it is standing by the seat, scaring others off with a brutal scowl.

As I approach, she offers me a big smile and steps aside. 

"Thank you very much," I answer her, providing one last bow, "I am in your debt."

"No problem, but...um..." She asks, blushing a little and looking down at the wooden deck.

"Yes?" I prod, with a smirk under my mask. Was she going to ask for my autograph? I mean, I guess I could. It's not that big of a deal, and if it made her happy-

"Do you think I could get your wife's autograph? Isis was SO cool earlier~!"

I blink and deflate a bit before sighing and nodding my head. "If you remind me when we come back, I will make sure you get one as well as a picture with us before we leave."

"Really!?! Can my friends join!?!" She squeals in delight. 

"I don't see why not. They helped me as well and I doubt she will mind much."

"Yay! Thank you!" She answers with a fist pump as she quickly rushes to her friends to share the good news. 

I roll my eyes. 

Not even 2 hours have passed and Ishizu is already more popular than me. I should have expected it. 

I may have been a teensy, itty-bitty bit bitter, but I was genuinely proud as well. How could I not be? She had put so much effort into this and it looks like it was already paying off. 

Sitting down in my seat, my mood immediately improves right back to where it was. 

Sitting next to me, rigid as a board and suppressing a groan, was Mai Valentine. 

Clearly, she wasn't told whose seat this was when she sat down, or she was otherwise preoccupied.

I can't imagine why?

"Fancy meeting you here once more, Miss Valentine." I chuckle but leave my teasing at that...or at least I try to for about 30 seconds.

"Odd...I am smelling quite a lot of different perfumes all of a sudden..." I mumble to myself, pretending to be confused. Mai was a cheater who marked her cards with 40 unique perfume scents, and who could identify each of them to know what her cards were.

'Ok, for real, what!?! How in all of the fucks can she do that? Also, how is no one else blown the fuck away when they find out!?! I really need to make sure I am there for her duel with Joey so I can point out this amazing talent. She could open her own casino and make bank!" 

Mai starts shaking and there are tears brimming in the corners of her eyes as she stares to the front and does her best to completely ignore me. 

Yup. This was already starting out great!

Though I better text Ishizu about her. I would hate for me to come home and be in trouble for smelling like a different woman's perfume, after all...

Smiling brightly and feeling all the jitters and nerves wash off of me, I look ahead at the buff man in a suit giving our orientation. 

This tournament is gonna be a blast, I just know it.

Thank you for reading!

Sorry for only releasing 1 chapter for both last week and this one, but these have both been over 6k words and took me forever to write, so I hope that works for you all. I would rather write more and not leave cliffhangers than write only 2-3k words and spread things out. 

Before I get any comments! 

I know that Marik and Bakura's scene might seem cheesy, but please keep in mind that both of their characters were literally purged of their evil spirits through the power of friendship in the anime and mangas. That was Kazuki Takahashi's entire message for the Yu-Gi-Oh! story.

TVtropes.org states that the [main, central theme of any Yu-Gi-Oh! installment is The Power of Friendship.]

Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/KazukiTakahashi

Little Kuribo said it best in his post honoring Takahashi:

"Yu-Gi-Oh tells us that the bonds we share exist long after we’re gone. That even when we lose the ones we love and hold dear, they are still with us."

Source: https://twitter.com/yugiohtas/status/1545189861321105408?lang=en

So I decided to go a different path in my story. Don't worry about the villains, they will be there, but I wanted to give the two sad kids a bit of a happier time as they grow as characters. 

Plus, I thought it would be hilarious to have a running commentary from the two evil spirits as they try their best to manipulate their hosts. lol

Anyway, I hope to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments below!


The New Cards, Decks, & Question of the Day!

Here is a list of his full collection/trunk currently: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qiSxNeokotollAyzQlL8LBuWYYOIyyerVCczaEBz3-A/edit?usp=sharing

You can find all the card pulls and the csv file of the collections here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bQDpLZo6j5P-lmjLwLG6kh22HNNK23Wx?usp=sharing

You can download the CSV file and upload it here to view the full collection with card info: https://ygoprodeck.com/collection/

(Click on "Tools" on the left-hand side, then click "Upload .CSV/.YDK," choose the .csv file in your downloads - Boom, card access to his collection. =D)


For the vote today, you will get to choose which deck Toshiaki will use for Duelist Kingdom!

I created 3 decks that should allow him to do well enough to make it to the finals. Each comes with a link to the actual built deck and a note of what to expect from it. If you think I missed anything, please let me know! 

*Quick Note 1: BLS Envoy of the Beginning is technically an unrealized card at this point both in the TCG and OCG. This means Anubis using it will tip off Pegasus that he somehow has access to unreleased cards. I am leaving the decision up to you, but I wanted to warn you about the Implications of that first!  

*Quick Note 2: Toshiaki has access to all common cards in the TCG due to Ishizu, so if you are wondering where some cards are coming from outside his collection or trunk, they are commons he got from Ishizu. Cards being available from the OCG and some GX normals make things a bit tricky. Several rare cards were printed in common in the OCG (Like Graceful Charity lol), so I am a bit hesitant about giving him access to those commons as well. I promise to work on a solution during this arc, it is just a lot to manage. lol

Deck Options:

Deck 1: Classic Beatdown - High ATK Monsters, Removal, & Staple Spells & Traps (No BLS)


Note: Your classic, playground, big monster summoning, beat-em-up type deck. Very rarely bricks (Drawing nothing that is immediately useful) and its monsters are almost always enough to beat anything thrown at them. If they are destroyed, more are always waiting in the wings. I won every test duel I played using this deck.


Deck 2: No Fun Allowed - Control Deck, DNA Surgery + Insect Barrier, Crass + Dream Clown, & Staple Spells & Traps (No BLS)


Note: Keep in mind that destroying a monster deals 1/2 ATK as LP damage. This deck has nothing but denial and removal...but if it bricks, he could be in trouble. Luckily, with so much removal and draw power, the likelihood of bricking is only 1/10 hands, but that is still a bit risky for a tournament with so much on the line. The other benefit to a control deck like this is that the opponent's strategy literally doesn't matter. This deck has a counter and a way to prevent nearly anything from sticking on the board.

The biggest downside is that I think this deck might be a bit boring to write about since everything an opponent tries, Anubis will be able to take care of with ease. It is basically easy mode for 90% of the tournament. The primary mechanic is a strategy that literally prevents an opponent from being able to attack until they remove the spell or trap...and there isn't a lot of spell and trap removal at this point yet. lol Still a fun deck, though!


Deck 3: BLS Special - Black Luster Solider, Chaos Engine, Powerful Monsters, & Staple Spells & Traps


Note: This deck is built around lights and darks. It has the elements of the classic beat-down deck, but its main focus is on getting lights and darks in the graveyard to summon BLS. Graceful Charity, Painful Choice, and the recruiters (Monsters that search other monsters when destroyed) are all options when it comes to getting monsters in the graveyard, but, in my playtesting, I very rarely succeeded in getting BLS out. The duel is usually won by the high-attack monsters themselves. Could be a fun gimmick, however! The good news is this deck almost never bricks, and starting with Painful Choice and BLS in hand is pretty much an auto-win. 


I am looking forward to your thoughts and opinions! 

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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