Why must I be a woman? (WMW)

Chapter 15 – Cock blocked by your first F*ck.

Although I was taken by the beautiful view at first, a moment later I realised that the entrance to the canyon was surrounded by a caravan, a merchant’s caravan. This caravan was a dozen carriages long with around 30 horses, or the equivalent of horses as only 5 or 6 looked like regular horses. There were ostrich-like monsters but with three legs and giant lizards with longer legs that allowed for long distances movement, it was a mixture of these three creatures.

This merchant caravan was camping here and one of the carriages was a fancy-looking purple one. It wasn't hard to figure out that Joan was part of this caravan, in fact, she might even own it if I took into consideration the hint Lady Cassandra gave me about Joan's status.

I climbed down from the top of her shoulders, Joan took off her cloak and gave it to me so I can cover myself. The cloak felt smooth and felt even better than silk, a cooling sensation travelled into my palms, maybe some kind of temperature regulation magic? It was a dark purple colour and embroidered with silver decorations that left a glowing after-image in the air as it moved.

I wrapped it around me like a toga, once around my waist and once over one shoulder and under the other armpit. I tied it around my neck and tucked the other end around the waist, it held on well enough, so I turned to Joan and nodded who in turn reached out with her hand for me to hold.

Once we were in range the person on the watch called out, "Domina Joan!" Many people came out in response to her words, laughter and tears in their eyes. I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the intensity of the emotions displayed by these people, I took a step back subconsciously. I was never good with people in general, even less with crowds.

I didn't think my life was that miserable since I had good food on the table and a nice roof over my head, but my social life was really bad, no friends worth trusting and any woman I dated stabbed me in the back or just broke up not too long after. It's embarrassing to admit, almost humiliating, that those experiences were enough to make me hate being around so many people. I was simply that one guy who always made things awkward or messed up any relationships of those around him, I never figured out why.

A minute or two later I was sitting on Joan's lap next to the fire, the men were having a feast and drinking in celebration while the women were sitting and chatting with Joan. A few tried to talk to me but when it became clear I didn't understand, they just handed me food and made sure I was comfortable, it reminded me of how women flocked cute kids and coddled them.

The food was simple but fresh, cheese with bread and some kind of soup with meat that was salted; it wasn't a bad first meal in this world and I liked the taste that was completely natural. After I finished eating, I simply watched people dance and have fun, I think they were telling stories too, but I couldn't be sure. Joan stood up after approximately an hour and gave a speech, I sat down while she did that and drank some water, it had an earthy taste to it, I think that was because it was stored in ceramic jugs.

At this point I had had enough and wanted to just rest, I walked up to the extravagant purple carriage and point at it to Joan, she nodded at me and talked to the girls. After they sorted out who would help me from all the volunteers, two women came forward to help me get into the carriage. Turned out the carriage could only be opened by magic and I'm guessing only the woman who volunteered were allowed to know it, so around 8 to 9 people? Probably.

One of the two that were helping me reached for my improvised toga, she took the end that had a fancy symbol on it and held it to the door. The door let off a dull glow from around the handle for a second or two, it then opened with a click and opened by itself. The door had some kind of magic pass that allowed this cloak to open the door.

Just as the door opened I heard a soft gasp, the lady next to me had a look of astonishment in her eyes as looked down, I follow her line of sight and realised that when they lifted the toga to open the door, my cock was no longer covered and was dangling out in the open air.

I looked up at them, the second woman who had used the toga to open the door had just noticed what shocked her colleague. The two first looked with wide-eyed astonishment before calming down, now they were looking with curiosity. The lady holding the toga didn't let it down and the other didn't remind her, it was clear they wanted to see more.

If that's the case, I shouldn't disappoint them, right? I reached up and untied the toga around my neck and let it fall, my thick, yet still flaccid manhood was bare for them to see. I heard two clearly audible gulps, I had them hooked and all three of us knew it. I walked confidently into the carriage, my appendage swung left and right with each step, mesmerising the two women whose eyes never wandered off for even a moment.

I stepped into the carriage, it was surprisingly simple and elegant, portraying a low-key sense of prestige and wealth. This was very different from the outside of the carriage, which was decorated lavishly with silver and jewels, all of which perfectly complemented the royal purple that Joan liked. Or perhaps the colour was her symbol? It could also be a family thing instead, though she looks absolutely regal and sexy in purple, like it was a colour made just for her.

I sat down with my legs wide, showing all 9 inches in their glory and the two of them looked at each other hesitantly before they stepped forward. At that moment a voice came from the distance, it was Joan, the two jolted and snapped out of their lust-induced daze. The two came in and helped me by getting a blanket and tucking me in. Their hands grazed my balls a few times and it was clearly deliberate, but they immediately stood up and bowed before leaving quickly.

I grumbled under my breath when they left, "Damn it, Joan, couldn't you have just left us alone? Now how am I going to sleep when I'm hard like this?"

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