Why must I be a woman? (WMW)

Chapter 8 – Taking the new ‘equipment’ for a test drive

This weapon was not only impressive in appearance and background, but also in adaptability. A second after I finished complaining about the appearance, it started to glow a dull green and reshaped itself to my requirements.

The golden colour was one, there was no gold left on the spear, only leaving the undecorated golden leaves without the green gems to hold the spearhead and the shaft together. Second, the azure veins on the shaft vanished and the shaft itself too turned into a colour closer to the colour of pine.

The spearhead was less flamboyant, without the sharp thorn wrapped around and adorning the leaf blade of the spear. The spearhead no longer looked like an exquisite piece of jade but more like an unusual metal.

Overall, the spear was still nice but instead of the majestic and vibrant atmosphere, it only maintained its sense of elegance. It was still a fine spear that may catch people's eyes, but it wouldn't make the local lords and kings chase me for it.

Since there was such a unique and useful treasure, I decided to look around and see if there was anything else that would be of use in the place before I attempted to leave. Searching around I found many valuable and precious things. Unfortunately, none with practical value or the ones that were useful were simply too eye-catching.

In the end, I only managed to salvage two things I could take with me this time around; one was an expensive-looking gold ring that had a small space inside. It was odd since things looked so valuable and incredible, yet this had a space that was barely half of a Rubik's cube.

"Maybe a space ring or whatever you call it is so rare that a small space like this one is already incredible? If that's the case I can use it to hold some more valuable coins like gold or that green, shiny one over there. I'm too scared to take the really heavy black one or any other coin..." Some of these coins were so outlandish I didn't have the guts to touch them.

In the end, I filled the ring with a dozen old coins, 3 green, shiny coins and 1 coin that looked like it was made of wood. Holding that coin made me feel really refreshed and was so electrifying on first contact I almost orgasmed, definitely worth taking.

The second item worth taking was surprisingly the small bag with silver nuggets from before. On closer inspection, I found that the bag was covered in lots of strange and magical sigils and formations.

I don't know what it really does but it was clearly of great value and easy to miss when I turned the bag inside out. There were no sigils on the inside and with a little dirt the material would be well hidden, just like the ring.

With everything I could think of being complete I took a step towards the exit and stabbed my World Tree spear into the ground, I stood on the end of the spear since it was a blunt, golden end. The spear sunk another inch as I carefully climbed and balanced on the tip.

I was surprised when the spear didn't move even though I had felt how flexible the shaft was when I was holding it, I wondered if it was luck or whether the spear was doing something. I looked up and found where the door that let me out is. I also found the way to open the door.

There was a handprint-shaped stone jutting out of the wall on the right of the exit, I put my hand on it and felt a pulse of something like a deep vibration pass into my arm. It was far less painful or uncomfortable than a vibration but before I could ponder on the feeling the exit pushed out and started sliding to the left.

"It's about time I actually saw the world I'm in." I grabbed onto the gap where the exit was and lifted myself up. I then turned around and hung myself from my feet and grabbed the spear. It took a few tugs and almost slipping off once before I managed to pull it out.

I pulled it up slowly because of its weight, then I stepped into a corridor. It was only a few meters long; I could see that on the other side was a lot of greenery and I could hear the sound of water flowing too.

"It's good to know I won't die of dehydration at least." This habit of talking to myself isn't a good one but I'll excuse myself until I get some company.

I felt a great rise in humidity, and it was warm enough that clothes would feel stifling. My erection had gone down around the time I found the ring, but I could feel it rising with the increased blood flow from the smothering heat... am I going to get an erection every time I take a hot bath?

When reached the end I saw an awe-inspiring sight, I was in what looked like a deep valley with two large cliffs covered in greenery. A river that was a hundred meters wide was running through the middle with life thriving on each side of it. The water was so clear I could see the fish and other creatures inside if it, the entire ecosystem underneath was laid bare before my eyes.

I stepped out of a cave on one of the two cliffs. The cave was just above the trees, around five stories off the ground. This gave me a great vantage point to see the entirety of this wondrous view, it also gave me a wonderous view of the woman who was currently at the bank of the river in nothing but what looked like a purple corset.

Her lower half was in complete view as she had her back to me, leaning forward while untying her last piece of clothing. My half erection went to full attention as a grin appeared on my face, "Time to take my new 'equipment' on a test drive."

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