Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 2 – Chapter 5 – Weird black cat, Weird Fallen and A Nun


Third Person Point of View

Japan, Kuoh

Kuoh Academy, Occult Research Club


Rias stared at the door after Jin had left, she was glad the person Akeno, her [Queen] had been praising before she met lived up to her— Their expectations, but something was bugging her…


Rias called out to her best friend.

"Yes, President?"

She answered back while tilting her head, curious as to what she had to say. Rias stared suspiciously at her [Queen] and squinted her eyes.

"I found Jin's reaction… How do I say this… Lackluster? Almost like he was expecting this? Or…"

"He showed no reaction at all?"

Kiba Yuuto finished the sentence on behalf of his king. Rias nods.

"Yes, he lacked an actual reaction, I don't want to accuse you, Akeno… But did you already inform him?"

"T-That's true… Jin-senpai did look way too relaxed and way too accepting of us being devils. Wouldn't the normal reaction be to freak out o-or yo-you know… A little bit more surprised?"

Gasper agreed with his King, it didn't really add up.

"....Yes, Akeno-senpai, did you tell Jin-senpai?"

Shirone joined in while playfully smirking at her, earning a menacing smile in return from the peerage's [Queen].

On the surface, Akeno Himejima was smiling her usual smile, but on the inside, she was quite nervous. Akeno shakes her head from side to side.

"No, I haven't, President."

She denied it, in fact Jin was more involved with the supernatural… But they'll find out eventually. She continued.

"I have only ever popped over to his home to sometimes have a meal with him, usually dinner. The other time I helped him with homework... With certain subjects…"

'Like Sex ED, hehe.'

Akeno Himejima wouldn't say that out loud though… Yet. Rias Gremory obviously didn't fully believe her, she wanted to, but it still didn't all add up…

"I see, so, where does Jin live, Akeno?"

Akeno smiled, pulled up a map…. From somewhere, and showed Rias where Jin was currently living. This caught her a bit off guard as she didn't expect her [Queen] to just, well, show her.

Rias Gremory, on her part, didn't ask Akeno where Jin was living, as she trusted her [Queen] to report everything back to her in full detail— The whole truth in a way. During that time, she was also only interested in the power that Akeno felt.

Whether it was Sacred Gear or high potential in magic, she wasn't fully convinced about Jin, until she heard a few more reports and stories from Akeno. Only then that the entire peerage became interested.

Even so, the reports made it clear that he was just an average human being going about his normal life. Based on Akeno's reports, he appears to possess some magic potential.

'Above-average in athleticism, a talented cook, kind and caring to those around him, friendly and easy to get along with.... Even when I met him that one time before the start of the school year, I felt nothing.'

Rias thought and looked back at her [Queen], who was smiling at her.

'Could Akeno have been mistaken? Or….'

The timing of both Jin and the masked man appearing was almost too coincidental.

'Could they be related? Or perhaps..... They're the same person?'

Rias had dabbled a bit into this realm of thought, she had no concrete evidence, but some slots to the puzzle almost fit perfectly.

"Everyone should be excited for Jin's meal for tomorrow, whatever that may be."

Akeno tried to move the conversation along, Jin has said time and time again he doesn't want them to know about him until a certain time. Whatever that time may be, she suspected it may be soon. She loves him and will respect his decision.

"You all did enjoy the stew I brought before."

Akeno turns to Gasper.

"I can tell Jin not to make anything with garlic, if you wish, Gasper-kun."

"I've personally eaten quite a bit of his meals, and his dishes range from many cultures as well as styles, perhaps influenced by his parents? He did say they traveled around a lot… Before their passing that is."

Akeno explained with a sad smile. She hasn't tried to ask more about them as Jin seemed to not want to, but she has also thought… Why doesn't he just revive them? But she also thought he did try and perhaps they declined? She wants to talk about that topic with him in the future.

'I also want to make something amazing for him tonight… I promised after all, Kuroka and I received some training from Grayfia after all.'

The peerage perks up and started to nod, with the exception of Gasper as he didn't get to try.

"Yes, he has said he will bring something for tomorrow. I look forward to it."

Kiba nodded as he did enjoy the meal from before. Koneko nodded rapidly. Even though she eats his meals on a regular basis, she still loved them and always looked forward to dinner and breakfast.

Since the school year started, she had to buy lunch from school... She has been too hesitant to ask Jin to make her lunch. This is also the same with Grayfia as she's always been an intimidating figure to her. But that has started to change recently, as she has seen more sides to the Head Maid of the Gremory Clan.

"If you're that enthusiastic, I look forward t-to it."

Gasper was also curious. They've praised it now and he heard them praising it before, so he had fairly high expectations.

"That… Reminds me…"

Everyone looks towards Gasper.

"When did you all meet him?"

"I met Jin first, he was new to the area and was exploring Kuoh. He came across the shrine that I called home. I was hesitant with him at first but felt at ease so I opened up to him quickly… I found it strange since I had a negative view on men… Hahaha…"

"But I guess the night I tasted his food was when our friendship started. I've since been over to his home from time to time to enjoy his cooking. I also offer to pay for some ingredients so I won't be a total leech."

She chuckled, even though a lot of that was a lie. Jin could essentially summon or create anything. But he has a weird quirk that he sometimes insists on buying groceries or items normally. He always chalked it up to 'not wanting to rely on magic all the time' which was strange, but Akeno didn't give it much thought.

"…..I met him by chance. Akeno-senpai had described him a lot, so I was out buying things and came across him, he also knew how I looked like…"

Koneko looks towards Akeno.

"I can only assume Akeno-senpai told him our appearances."

Akeno nodded in response to her question.

"I met him by chance too… I was out….. Buying light novels and manga…."

Rias explained while blushing.

"He wandered inside the store by chance and recognized me by my hair. We got to talking and parted ways soon after."

Rias smiled remembering their little interaction.

"I didn't have the chance to see him before school started, so I first met him when he first came here to the clubroom. He seems like a kind person, he lived up to Akeno-san's hype, I guess you could say."

Kiba chuckled.

Gasper was nodding along to all their stories.

'I-I guess I can trust him…? Akeno-senpai seems to trust him a lot… He's also open to not adding garlic to dishes… Plus he likes anime, manga, and light novels since he went into the same store as President, we have a potential hobby we can share…'


Everyone was brought out of their thoughts by their King clapping her hands.

"Alright, we should get started with club activities then."

"Yes President!"

'I need to get my contracts done quickly…'

Akeno was a lot more determined today, as she had an alternate goal in mind. Which was cooking.

Later that day

With Akeno


Akeno had finished her contracts quite quickly, surprising her King— Rias Gremory. She was asked why she was in a rush, and Akeno responded that she wanted to cook for her boyfriend.

Rias was a bit surprised but accepted her reasoning, even if it was a little strange.

Akeno Himejima was coming home from the local supermarket as she made a stop there to buy the ingredients, she needed to make her dish for tonight. Jin, along with everyone else would taste it. She wanted them to remember it as something good and tasty and not the opposite.

'I can also get one up on Kuroka and Ingvild…'

Even though they all get along in Jin's harem, a lot of them were still quite young, she was still a teenager and he was her first love. She wants his attention all for herself— But that was impossible.

So, every small victory she had over the others was a reason to celebrate. Akeno and Kuroka had taken cooking lessons from Grayfia. The Maid had a lot of experience so she was the one she turned to help with it.

'Reni cooked with mom back in Grigori, so in a way, Jin had already tasted her cooking…'

She had to admit it tasted delicious, even if her mom had a hand in it.

'Jin really enjoyed it too…'

Akeno felt her role as the main wife was slipping before that. That's why she offered to cook for tonight's dinner. What was Akeno planning to cook? She had discussed it with her mom a few hours before they left her parent's home.

'Chico Ramen with Roasted Chicken Dashi and Shoyu Chicken, Version Himejima…'

Her mother had shared a recipe she had enjoyed as a child, but this was modified to her— Their style, like the one Jin had served her back then. 'The Skyward specialty.' She giggled at remembering the name.

'Oh… That didn't take too long.'

While Akeno was monologuing to herself, she had reached her home and opened the door. When she entered, she saw Jin with everyone else in the living room.

"Hello everyone."

She stepped into the living room with her bag of ingredients and greeted them. They all turned and greeted her back.

"Welcome home, Akeno. Need help?"

"No, I promised to make dinner for tonight."

Jin greeted her as she turned around to head to the kitchen. Once she had arrived, she saw Grayfia waiting for her. Akeno was confused but moved over to the counter and got herself and the utensils ready.

"I will be supervising you tonight, Akeno. I won't be helping; I just want to see how much my 'training' helped you."

Grayfia explained as Akeno continued to prepare. When she was done, she turned around and nodded her head with confidence. She'd already vowed that she'd make this dinner memorable, and dammit, she would. Also, it was to prove to herself that she could be a good wife as she previously told Jin…

With everyone in the living room

Shirone was sitting on Jin's lap. Since she had gotten used to him, living with him, and basically being fed and spoiled by him…this was the natural process for this white-haired cat girl.


Shirone called out to Jin who was just idly petting her. Jin turns towards her waiting for her to continue.

"Is Akeno-senpai making dinner for tonight? Why?"

"Yes, she is. When she found out that Reni helped her mom make lunch for us back in Grigori, she's been wanting to make a meal for me— Well now it's for everyone, so it's a win-win for everyone, I guess."

Jin explained and Shirone nodded along.

"I'll be falling behind Akeno nya…"

Kuroka scrunched her face up, she stops and looks at Ingvild and gives her a toothy grin.

"But not behind everyone."

Ingvild Leviathan— Just blushed and shook her head, she didn't want to say anything, it might rile up Nekomata girl, and didn't want that attention on her.

'He's probably already aware though… He's not that dense.'

Kuroka turns to Lavinia Reni, who sits beside Jin, all cuddled up. She had lost the rock paper scissors earlier and had to sit at another seat. Her little sister was already taking up both his laps, irritating her a bit.

"I can always one-up Reni a different way."

Kuroka grins at her while groping her chest. Jin rolls his eyes and Shirone stares disappointedly at her older sister.

"So vulgar…"

She muttered, but thanks to Kuroka's hearing she heard it. Lavinia lightly glared at Kuroka, earning a snort from her, she turns back to her little sister.

"You're no better Shirone, you've been occupying Jin's lap ever since you got home. Are you a lap cat now?"

This made Shirone blush but she didn't retaliate, she just remained silent. Jin laughs and scratches Shirone's chin, earning a purr of approval from her. Lavinia was gushing beside Jin as she began to pet Shirone.

"Tch… Using your cuteness to win him over."

Kuroka stared at her body.

"Ugh… You know, I sometimes think Jin might have erectile dysfunction since he almost never reacts to our bodies."


Jin had started to cough violently.

"E-Excuse me?"

He didn't expect that slider ball from Kuroka.

"I mean… You had sex with Akeno twice! You have a growing harem! Fuck us already!!! Nya!!!!"

Kuroka almost screamed, if it were for the sound barriers Jin placed all over his home… His neighbors would be complaining weekly— No, daily about the noise his home causes. Everyone in the room was blushing, Jin wasn't exactly spared from that. Grayfia had also come into the room giving Kuroka a strange look.

"You do know, you'll be having orgies will your harem in the future, right nya?"

Again, with Kuroka's new comment the room fell even more silent.

"We don't know your fetishes, are you more or a vanilla guy? I know you're interested in our butts since Akeno said about you putting a finger in there."


Shirone was mortified and blushing furiously. She didn't expect her older sister to launch into a lewd tirade. Kuroka put her foot towards Jin.


She then pulled up her obi and showed her armpits.


Then pulled down the front of her obi.

"Tits?! Which is it?! Or is it all of them nya?!?!"

Grayfia had facepalmed as this happened, Jin was just left speechless.


Grayfia called her name, which caused the cat girl to turn around to her.

"Regardless of what sexual preferences Jin has or the fetishes he is into..."

She looks at her with cold dead eyes.

"Please refrain from saying such vulgar things."

Kuroka flinched and slumped down.

"I… Ugh… I was just curious nya! He literally hasn't shown any signs of interest?!"

Grayfia sighed again, but sported a small blush.

"We had a moment not too long ago in the bathroom upstairs, I can assure you, that Jin is healthy and responsive down there."

She turns to leave after saying her bit.

"I-I agree with Grayfia… He does respond…"

Lavinia stuttered out; she was also blushing deeply as she remembered her recent moment with Jin.

"Yes, he is."

Ingvild also chimed in, making Jin's head snapped towards her in shock. Ingvild smiled shyly

"While it wasn't intentional, it happened in Kyoto and Asgard. The open bath and when we slept together."

Ah, crap… Morning wood, you always betray me. Jin's eye twitched, he didn't think that Ingvild would remember those times.

"Kyoto? Open bath?"

Shirone was blushing but managed to ask the question.

"Mmm, we traveled to Kyoto last month and were invited to stay in Yasaka— The West youkai faction leader's home. She only has a spacious open bath since only her daughter and herself live there."

"She made it into a mixed open bath for that night."

Ingvild looked over at Jin, who had a defeated look on his face.

"Yasaka tried to seduce Jin, but she was ultimately rejected."

Ingvild shakes her head.

"But that didn't mean his lower half didn't respond, she grinded herself on his lap, but afterwards...."

Ingvild was blushing harder remembering the scene.

"Y-Y-You know what I'm trying to say… Right?"

"That he was turned on by it? And the towel he had around his waist was sky high?"


The room fell silent again. Shirone clutched her head out of shame, embarrassment, and annoyance at her sister's vulgarity. Ingvild answered with a nod as Kuroka nodded sagely.

"Then what about you? That was just Yasaka."

This made Ingvild put her head down as she blushed.

"….Morning wood… I— I found myself clinging onto Jin when I woke up, during those two times….. So…. My thighs…. You know, felt it."


Kuroka nods sagely and looks back at Jin.

"Blowjob, handjob, titjob, footjob, buttjob, thighjob, armpitjob, full on deep throating and various sex positions. I'll keep them all in mind, Jin."


"OWWW NYA!!!!"

Kuroka was smacked hard on the head, she turned around to see a blushing Grayfia who had covered her fist with some demonic energy.


Grayfia grabs Kuroka's obi's collar.

"You will be spending the rest of your time in the dining room."

She turns and bows at the rest of the occupants of the living room.

"I'm sorry about this, Jin."

"Ahhh!! Help me nya!!!"

Kuroka shouted… But no one came to help her.



"OWW NYA!!!!!"


The entire room was speechless after the weird rant by Kuroka.

Shirone was squirming on Jin's lap as she blushed. Everyone noticed this and Jin was silent.

"Shirone? What's wrong?"

Reni asked Kuroka's little sister— She turned a brighter shade of red, confusing Reni.

"....Senpai is very healthy...."

She muttered as she spread her thighs apart, only to see a bulge poking out. Reni and Ingvild's eyes widen as they see that Jin had gotten hard during that time. They kept looking between Jin's face of shame and what was poking through Shirone's legs.

"Uhhh— HEHU—?!"

Jin tried to make an excuse but made a weird noise as he felt someone's finger poke at his bulge, the finger belonged to none other than Shirone.

"W-What the hell are you doing…?"

Shirone didn't answer as she kept poking his bulge. The other two were also staring, slack-jawed.

Poke! Poke! Poke!

"Shirone… You can stop now."

As if on cue, Kuroka had sneaked back into the living room.

"Nyahaha….. HA?!"

She giggled to herself until she saw her little sister poking Jin's bulge in between her thighs.


Grayfia had noticed her leave and dragged her back.


"....Senpai, which part of Nee-sama's lewd speech made you like this?"

Shirone wasn't poking it anymore, she was fondling it. Shirone in her usual monotone voice asked Jin as she kept up her attack.

The two girls were turning the same crimson color as Rias Gremory's hair but didn't take their eyes off what Shirone was doing.


Jin didn't know what to do. Should he be honest? Should he tell a lie? If he tells a lie, how long until they find out he lied? What would they do after? What they didn't expect was Jin to come up with a different answer. Shirone was staring at him as she waited for his answer.

"Shirone, you made me hard."


Caw~ Cricket~

The sound of a crow's caw somehow got through the sound barrier and a random cricket sound resounded in the dead silent room. Shirone's usual stoic face slowly turned into sheer and utter disbelief, her face becoming redder and redder with each passing second.

Rub! Rub! Rub! Grip!

Even then— During all of this, she didn't stop rubbing Jin, hell— She even gripped it.

"That hurts, Shirone…"

Jin didn't feel the pain, but that would be his response if he did feel the type of grip Shirone was doing to his manhood. It wasn't a grip during an intimate moment— It was a grip someone would do out of sheer shock. A crushing one.


Shirone came back to her sense and released Jin's member that was being crushed by her hand.

"...Sorry…. Senpai…."

"That's going to leave a mark… Haha."

After the crushing grip was released, Jin's boner almost instantly vanished, and Shirone had a somewhat disappointed look.


Grayfia calls out to everyone in the living room. The room had been mostly silent, the TV was turned on by Reni as she was snuggled right into Jin, forcing his arm in between her breasts, Ingvild was on her phone as usual but was clearly tense— She was also glancing at Jin every now and again.

Shirone had stayed in her spot, strangely enough. Even after the incident, it didn't deter her from wanting to stay on his lap. It was comfortable and was slowly becoming her favorite spot to be at. She had relaxed even more, letting her body weight be supported by Jin, sometimes rubbing her head into his chest or neck.

'Is this her way of showing affection? Seduction? Something else entirely?'

Jin wasn't sure, but it was something. He was being stimulated in many areas, including his arm, and a certain loli shoujo's butt. He didn't know if she was doing it intentionally or not, but he was betting it was the former.

"Well, time for dinner."

Jin announced as he picked up Shirone, who didn't resist. He put her down on the ground as she was the first one to leave the living room.


Reni had gotten up at the same time Jin did as she still clung to him.

"Let's go have dinner…"

Ingvild had also gotten up but was averting her eyes away from him, a bit of an obvious reaction because of what had happened a few minutes ago. Ingvild was also the next to leave after Shirone.

'What is this weird and awkward atmosphere? Who do I blame? Myself? Kuroka? All of us?'

Jin sighed again, but he felt a tug from Lavinia.

"Hmm? What's u—"

Lavinia pulled Jin down and whispered into his ear.

"B100-W59-H88 cm…"

Once she was done, she gave him a kiss on the cheek and blushed.


He looked at her shocked as she pulled them away.

"Ehehehe, let's go, shall we?"

Lavinia asked as she pulled a stunned Jin into the dining room.

Once Jin and Lavinia walked into the dining room, they could see that Kuroka had already moved on from the mess she created. She was breathing heavily and visibly drooling.

Shirone was shaking her head as she watched her sister act almost like an animal.

"Nee-sama, didn't you say that you didn't want to fall behind?"

"This and that are different things nya!"

"It's been thrown out the window once food is involved, give up, Shirone."

Shirone giggles.

"Yes, I agree, senpai."

Kuroka just huffed at the teasing she got. Everyone sat down and began to eat the dinner Akeno had provided. Kuroka was obviously devouring the food like she hadn't been fed all day.

"Nee-sama… Why are you acting like you haven't eaten all day?"

Shirone asked but was ignored.

'How in the world did Team Vali manage to feed her?'

Jin was staring at Kuroka in confusion.

'In theory, they would be financially ruined with her appetite… Am I spoiling her— Them too much…?'

"This is good! Really good, Akeno nya!"

Kuroka stops eating as she praises her friend. Akeno smiles and nods, everyone else also agrees that the dinner was delicious.

"Mmm, you certainly went above and beyond, Akeno. Well done."

Grayfia smiled as she elegantly ate her fill.

"Thank you, Grayfia…"

She was happy with the praise from everyone.


Also present was Ophis, who gave Akeno a thumbs-up in approval. But she was waiting for one person to give his opinion. She slowly ate her fill and was mostly staring at Jin.

Jin finally looks up and gives Akeno a thumbs up.

"Delicious, this is amazing, Akeno. Thank you."

Ophis followed Jin and gave her another thumbs-up, making everyone giggle at the Dragon God.

"!! Thank you…"

A bright smile was present on her face as she happily ate her dinner, relieved to hear that he liked it.

"One step closer to becoming a good wife ~"

She said in a sing-song-like tone.

"Wife…. Wife…. Wife…."

Ophis muttered to herself quietly, she looks at the food for a few seconds before nodding to herself. Jin was confused by this


He didn't understand why Ophis would suddenly start muttering the word.

'Did it pique her interests? Why? Because of Akeno?'

Jin saw a couple of the girls doing the same thing as Ophis, looking at the food and then nodding to themselves.


He was utterly confused.

[Maybe something to do with the word wife?]

{Perhaps, food?}

Cúntóir: Answer: Food and wife, they want to cook for you, Jin.

'I see… Then I welcome it. I wonder what they'll try to make…?'

The occupants of Jin's home enjoyed their dinner while chatting, and the evening ended quite chaotically.



A being says with a scoff.

"A human besting a god? One that's considered to be in the top ten strongest of our world?"

The being scoffed again.

"Regardless of what the new middleman has accomplished recently, we must proceed with caution. One does not simply lie about such things."

"I agree, we must send our own and spy on the young man, we must determine if he is a threat or not and what he's truly capable of."

"Yes, I agree."

"I concur."

The gods of a certain pantheon were discussing the recently leaked information about the new Middleman. The fact that he fought the God of Thunder, Thor of the Norse Mythology, and bested him in a fist fight. Such a thing has never happened before. Even the previously mentioned Vasco Strada had trouble fighting Gods of that strength.

As such, this was quite surprising news for the supernatural.


A certain goddess from a certain mythology was sitting on a chair made of shadows. She recently heard about what the new Middleman had accomplished.

"Interesting… Very interesting."

She smiled The goddess was an extremely beautiful woman. She has long purple hair and red eyes and wears a full-body outfit that highlights her curvaceous body, with metallic shoulder pads. Over her head, she wears a black veil and over her shoulders, she wears a short cloak connected by shoulder pads.

"You've piqued my interest, Middleman-kun."

She spins her blood spear around and taps it on the ground.

"To be able to best the God of Thunder himself…"

Another smile crept up on the goddess's face.

"I wish to test and confirm that rumor. You also apparently hail from Ireland— Just like a previous student of mine."

The Goddess let out a hearty laugh as she couldn't wait to meet him.


"This is true, Spriggan?"

A voluptuous woman with floor-length black hair asked her attendant and protector.

"Yes, my queen."

The being known as Spriggan was kneeling in front of the woman who was presumably his queen.

"How peculiar, to be able to do such a thing. This middleman seems like an interesting individual….. He hails from our country, apparently."

"Hmmmm ~ well, we did invite him to come here at some point, should we send the invite now? ~"

A male with green hair and deer horns and hooves playfully says.

The Queen sighs.

"Oberon, our kingdom— The Faerie Kingdom, rule over the entirety of Ireland… If such a rumor is true and if he truly does hail from Ireland, we must have him as an ally, perhaps even join the peace treaty of the other factions."

The Queen scolds her husband. The more relaxed husband giggles.

"It's no problem, Titania ~ he seems like a nice and relaxed guy, we can just invite him for tea and talk to him ~"

"Haaah… you're aware that other supernatural beings and gods of our country will try to make contact with him, yes?"

"Pfft— Of course! I'm not that dumb ~ hmmm let's see ~"

Oberon went into a thinking pose and sat up.

"The beings of Tir na nOg, the Tuath De Dannan, Áine of Knockaine, and finally the Queen of the Land of Shadows herself— Scathach, perhaps even her student? Maybe the giants of the Giants causeway? Hehe ~"

"…There is a high possibility they may approach him too; we must send a letter to him."

Titania turns to the guard Spriggan.

"We shall create a letter of invitation and invite him here for talks. Once that is done find him at all costs and have him receive the letter, understood?"

Spriggan nodded.

"Hmm-hmm can't wait to meet him soon ~"


With the 4 Satans.

The Four Satans had gathered for a meeting once they found out about the information regarding Asgard was leaked.


Serafall was laughing her ass off after finding out it was leaked. Sirzechs was rubbing his forehead tiredly, Ajuka was amused as he didn't think it would spread this quickly.

'Perhaps my calculations were wrong? Did I underestimate Jin's reach of influence?'


Falbium was tired as usual but was amused by the new news.

"Serafall, this isn't really that funny…"

Sirzechs was tired, as he rubbed his forehead.

"Ahh... Yeah, maybe… But it didn't take that long for it to leak…"

She started messing with her hair.

"I wonder who leaked it though…"

"So, it is true?"

Even though Sirzechs had doubts, he didn't discount the possibility because of Jin's strength.

"Yep, I was there to watch it all, they really went at it, fist to fist, macho o macho, God versus Human— Err— Dragon?"

She corrected herself, though she was quite confused herself. Ajuka turns to his long-time friend.

"Are you really that surprised after we felt 'that'?"

Serafall stared at them curious if Jin showed them that portion of his power. Thinking back about it made her shiver, but she was glad that he wasn't a psycho that wanted to rule everything. Sirzechs chuckled.

"No, not really. But Jin himself said it, that he doesn't want unnecessary trouble, I was just covering his back, that is all."

"You've become fond of him, haven't you?"

Sirzechs nodded at his fellow Satan.

"Of course, do you have any idea as to how much Ria-tan has improved?! My own son has gained some motivation to train— While I was hesitant to allow him, he was quite insistent. So, I started his own training…"

"He's had a positive impact on my family… Haah… Did you know Ria-tan asked for my old war tactics and strategy books?"

Sirzechs smiled as he saw Ajuka's eyes open.

"Yes, Ria-tan is improving herself so quickly. I'm quite sad to see it, but also proud."

"Jin has been the catalyst to it all. I truly want to start a genuine friendship with him, even with our rough start."

Sirzechs sighs, he meant every word of it. He also helped him with his paperwork, he could spend more time with his wife and child. What kind of father wouldn't want that? While he was proud to be the current Lucifer of hell, he also wanted to be involved in raising his son and spending some time with his wife, Asteri.

"Mmm, I'm starting to share that sentiment, Sirzechs. He recently completed a request for myself and my niece Latia. He's certainly interesting."

"Mmm-mmm, Jin is great! But also, an idiot!"

The three Satans turn to the Leviathan a bit shocked.

"W-What do you mean by that, Serafall?"

Sirzechs didn't quite understand what she meant.

"While the whole match was Odin's fault since he called for the entirety of Asgard to watch their match… It's also Jin's as he just goes with the flow most of the time…"

"Then it's both their faults…"

Falbium yawns as he adds his input in.

"He could have asked for a private match but didn't. But also, Odin didn't make it a private match, no one else intervened…"

He looks at Serafall.

"You are also to blame for it."


Serafall flinched and slumped down.

"I guess it's everyone's fault then?"

She straightens herself.

"He's still young and quite lax, he should start to learn from this…"

She wasn't quite sure but hoped that Jin would. The other Satans nod in approval.

"As I said to him before, Jin is still quite young. While he has a higher level of maturity than some of his peers, he's still quite childish and naïve at times. This incident and others in the future will be a learning experience for him. It might even force him to grow even more."

"Growth, you're not talking about actual power, are you?"

Serafall asks a rhetorical question making Ajuka smile and nod.

"Yes, the only thing I can see Jin growing in is mental and emotional maturity. He still has a lot to learn."

"Right…. So, who do we tell about this?"

She went back to the topic at hand, the other Satans fall silent as they started to think about her question.

"I suggest we start with our own clan— But limited to individuals we trust. We must be sure that they will keep it with the utmost secrecy."

Sirzechs suggested.

"I'm in agreement, however, I do not think Jin will keep his identity a secret for too long now… Call it a gut feeling."

"That's quite rare of you, you usually rely on your calculations and intellect, not your gut."

Sirzechs mused as he saw Ajuka smirking.

"Perhaps he's been influencing me too? Haha…"

The other Satans weren't sure if he was joking or not.

"Alright, I'll tell my parents and So-tan."

"Mmm, I will also inform some trusted family members."

Falbium yawns.

"I have already informed Latia, I will ask her to keep it a secret from her peerage, I have a few others in mind."

"Very well, my parents, a few other servants, and Rias, as well as her peerage, shall find out."

"Then we're in agreement."

Sirzechs looks around and they nod.

With Rias Gremory

"Okay… Okay, of course… Yes… Okay, I will Onii-sama…"

Rias Gremory had just gotten off a call from her older brother Sirzechs Lucifer. She had just been informed of shocking pieces of information.

"To think a human could defeat a God… I can't see Jin doing that…"

She was just informed of what the middleman had done around a month ago. He had fought and defeated Thor, the God of Thunder.

"I can only tell my peerage and no one else… Does that… Include Jin? I will inform him who this middleman is. I want to gauge his reaction… Or lack of…"

She laughed at herself remembering his relaxed nature.

"He belongs to the club, as well as the supernatural."

'But… Is the middleman truly human? Perhaps he's another being entirely?'

She hadn't seen what was underneath the mask so she had no answers nor leads.

With Sona Sitri

"Yes, okay, thank you Onee-sama."

Sona dismissed the magic circle and sat back down on her chair.


She rubbed her forehead and thought back on what her sister just said and what Jin said.

"He fought with the God of Thunder of the Norse Mythology… Bested him in a brawl? Haah… Is that what he meant?"

'I'm more than meets the eye, Sona.'

"He may not be human then, if he's that strong, then it's impossible to reincarnate him. That's why he was so confident…"

"He has the [Boosted Gear], the soul of the Heavenly Dragon— The Dragon of Domination… Haah… Jin, what are you, truly?"

'Could he be a Humanoid Dragon? Did he sacrifice his entire body to the Red Dragon to gain power? It's a possibility… Or perhaps he was born a hybrid? Of what though? Human Dragon Hybrid?'

"…His parents."

Jin said that they died in an accident.

'But is it true? Could it be a lie?'

"I can't be brash about this, if I try snooping, he'll definitely be mad…."

Sona sighed to herself.

'Then a straightforward approach.'

She stared at her bedroom door.

'I'll just invite him into the Student Council, alone, just the two of us, and get to talking.'

She nods to herself, determined to find the truth.


Sixth Heaven

Michael's office

"Haah… He's always up to something, isn't he?"

Michael chuckled as he just found out what Jin had done the month prior.

The Four Great Seraphs had gathered in Michael's office, also known as the former God of The Bible's office. Uriel had something to tell them, so they rushed their way there, but what the other two didn't expect was it had something to do with Jin.

"Brother Michael... Are you not surprised?"

Uriel was a bit confused by his reaction, he expected for Michael to have a slightly different reaction. Michael smiles at his brother and shook his head.

"No, I have known Jin for a brief time, but I knew he would be doing many things in the future that will shake the supernatural world…. So, I expected something like this to happen."

"I see…"

Uriel understood what Michael meant, he also knew him even shorter but he could tell that he was abnormal, to him Jin became the middleman for unknown reasons, he was also the Red Dragon Emperor— Uriel suspected that Jin abandoned his humanity to gain power, perhaps sacrificing his body to the [Boosted Gear]?

The biggest mystery were the necklaces he made, to prevent angels from falling… Which was unheard of.

"Mmm-mmm, Jin has done something amazing again!"

Gabriel nodded along happily as she heard the news. She hadn't seen him for quite some time as her duties came first, she wanted to see him a lot, but she held that back in and did her part.

"An oddity as always….."

Raphael muttered to himself, while he didn't know much about Jin, he respected the human for trying to attain peace between the three factions— No, it seems like the entirety of the supernatural world, for what reason? He didn't know, but he suspects it has something to do with women…


Uriel started and the rest of the Seraphs turn to him.

"That begs the question, who spread or to be more accurate, who leaked the information? It seems that Jin's usual laid back and lazy personality wouldn't incur such animosity from someone?"

"Yes…. Such a strange coincidence, I wonder what truly happened…"

Raphael agreed with Uriel, Jin didn't seem the type to try to antagonize someone.

"Not everyone will like you, even if you try to do the right or good thing."

Michael stated and smiled "I'm sure Jin is aware of that."


Gabriel didn't understand what Michael meant, isn't it obvious? If you do a good thing or the right thing…shouldn't people like you? Or at least not hate you! Michael turns to her sister and nods.

"Gabriel, from what I have observed after many years…. Even if one does a good deed, or the right thing in certain situations, that won't guarantee that everyone will like or agree with that action."

"Some may not agree with your method of doing it, some may not agree with the result….. And some will hate or reject you just because they can. In those circumstances, we— You can't really do anything, can you?"

"As I said earlier, I'm sure Jin is aware of this, and also the fact that he knows that he can never achieve true utopia or peace."

Gabriel had a sad look that turned back to confusion, she cutely tilted her head. Michael smiled and continued.

"As long as we as individuals—Be it whatever race or species we are… There will always be a group of individuals or just one that won't be happy with the state of things."

Michael sighs.

"I also don't see Jin as being a tyrant, he has his own goals as I heard from Azazel."


Gabriel thought of what her brother just told her.

'True peace can never be achieved…. As long as there's even one person that disagrees with the world…'

"B-But we can try and strive for that, can't we?"

Gabriel asks Michael and he nods.

"While true peace or utopia can never be achieved, we can always try and arrive at that state as best and close as we can."


Raphael interrupts him.

"What goals does Jin have that Azazel informed you of?"

Michael wryly smiled at Raphael, he knew he couldn't hide it forever— Or at the least, they would find out why Jin wants peace, eventually.

"Jin— He… Wants peace to gather a harem for himself and live a peaceful life with them, that's the only thing he wants."

Raphael and Uriel were left speechless at his reasons for peace.

"A-A harem…? He wants peace for such an absurd reason….?"

Uriel couldn't believe it, surely there was more to it?

"Surely you jest, brother? That can't be all of it…. Can it?"

Raphael was also in a similar state, it just seemed inconceivable. Michael again shook his head from side to side.

"No, our former brother Azazel is a smart man, that's the conclusion he came to— Also, Jin unofficially confirmed it for him, as when he asked Jin the question…. Jin smiled and did not give an answer."

Uriel rubbed his forehead.

"…..We're really trusting a man for peace to all of the supernatural for such an absurd reason…."

Raphael had a defeated smile plastered on him.

"As he said before….. Times are changing, brother…"

'I wonder when I can visit Jin again…. I miss him.'

Gabriel didn't care why Jin wanted peace, so long as it was for the 'right' reasons, she was fine with it. The only thing in her heart and mind at the moment was to spend as much time with him as she can….but that was proving difficult.

'Jin… Please help me with this dilemma…'

She prayed to herself, perhaps her wishes may be answered in the future?

Nine Realms


One would think Asgard would be in chaos with the information being leaked. But in truth, it wasn't that bad, while there was a bit of tension and had an initial panic in trying to find the individual who leaked the information… Asgard operated normally.

"Haah, this was my fault."

Odin sighed as he stretched his body from his throne.

"A miscalculation on my part, maybe I'm getting too told…"

Odin turns to his sons.

"Maybe I should pass on the torch soon?"

He chuckled as his sons shook their heads.

"I was just excited to see the new Middleman fight one of my sons, can you blame me?!"

He whined to no one in particular.

"It should have been a private match; we do have a stadium below us after all…"

"I agree, father. But the blame goes to more than you. To Jin, the Satan, his companion, yourself, us, and Rossweisse."

Baldur tells Odin.

"We are all at fault, we should have had better judgment."

"Yes, you shouldn't have made the fight a public event, but Jin should have also said something about it, I could see he did but… He just went with the flow."

Thor nods along.

"I agree, I should have also said something. Even as Gods, this was such an oversight."

"Mmm, I agree, but we must focus on the present. We can't change the past but we can still do damage control, we must find that individual post haste."


Rossweisse stood silently behind Odin. She was concerned for Jin… But knew he could handle it, from their near-constant texting, that's the type of person she could tell Jin was.

'He'll be fine… This publicity will keep on rising for him in the future…'


Yasaka Mansion

"Ufufufufu, it seems his adventures in Asgard have come to light, my, who would have guessed?"

Yasaka had just been informed by one of her guards of a certain rumor.

"Jin is really strong… To be able to beat a God."

Kunou was in awe and was a bit giddy, she had slowly forgotten about the power she felt Jin exuded that day, perhaps it was just her body and mind doing it to protect her sanity?

"Yes, Kunou, as expected of my future husband ~ he'll have all eyes on him in the near future."

Kunou lightly glared at her mother but shook her head.

"What shall we do with this, mother?"

"We shall keep it tight-lipped, while only a few individuals in our faction— Our territory knows of the event, we shall keep it a secret until Jin is fine with it being widespread. Even then, it won't last long. He has a positive following from here after all, even if they find out… Their opinions won't change."

"Mmm, that's true."

Kunou agreed, Jin made a positive impact on their faction, even if it was during his brief visits, he left a positive impression on the West Youkai community.

"I just hope he doesn't get overwhelmed by all of it…"

Even so, Kunou worried about him. Yasaka smiled and brought her daughter into a hug.

"He will be fine; he is Jin after all. A 'human' who beat a god."

Yasaka had long left the thought of Jin being human, but what was he really? She didn't know, but she didn't care... she knew he would tell her— Both of them eventually, and she wasn't bothered by it.




Kokabiel didn't like what he just heard from one of his subordinates. The same with Azrael, he had a genuine look of concern.

"You are one hundred percent sure of this information?"

Kokabiel turned back to his subordinate.

"Yes, Kokabiel-sama. I have confirmed it through various sources and they all say the same thing… The Red Dragon Emperor— The Middleman bested the God of Thunder in a fist fight without his Sacred Gear."


Kokabiel fell silent again.

'Shit! What the fuck?! I'm not that strong, if he can do that… Then Darcel is…!'

Kokabiel turns to Azrael who had been silent this whole time.

"Leave us."

Azrael told Kokabiel's subordinate and they quickly left.

"….Should we send in reinforcements?"

Kokabiel didn't want to admit it, but Darcel wasn't strong enough for this mission anymore, maybe if he went? Or worse, Azrael had to step in.


Azrael weighed his options; he silently opened a magic circle.

"Hello? Azrael? Need something from me?"

The voice of Avezza resounded from the magic circle, albeit confused.

"How are the Divine Beasts coming along?"

"A few more weeks at maximum, at a minimum, around the middle of next month they'll be done. I found some nifty upgrades for them, so I thought it would be worth adding."

"Are you perhaps worried about the new info we got? The middleman beating the God of Thunder? Heh, that sure is something, huh?"

"….Yes, unfortunately, we're contacting you because of that."

Kokabiel confirmed her suspicions and she laughs.

"I can probably whip up a half-assed prototype in like a week that can have dragon-slaying properties if Azrael can send me some blood and any kind of dragon-slaying tools or magic."

"It should be enough to help Darcel deal with a Red Dragon Emperor."

"You're putting the Red Dragon Emperor as a God Class being then?"

Azrael asked her through the circle.

"Yes, it's better to assume that, than nothing at all, right?"

She asked and Azrael replied with a gruff yes.

"Very well, I shall send you some of my blood soon as well as some magic slaying tools to mix with the prototype."

"You have some? Perfect! I'll get to work on it then. I'll send it to Darcel's group after I get it done."

Avezza cut the magic circle as she had everything she needed.

"To think a brat like that can reach that power class so easily…. He's a bigger thorn in the side than I would have liked."

Azrael was silently seething; his plans were being delayed because of the Red Dragon Emperor.

Japan, Kuoh

With Darcel and Raynare's group

Raynare's group as well as Darcel were in the abandoned church of Kuoh. Kalawarna was the only one missing as she had to go back to their original base for something.

The group was just chatting and having a boring evening, talking about would-be plans and what-if scenarios of what they would do to the nun and Red Dragon Emperor. Darcel was quietly cleaning his tools and weapon, eager to fight the Red Dragon Emperor soon.


They all turn towards the doors of the Church, and there they see Kalawarna, face pale as she was heavily sweating.

"The fuck's wrong with you? Someone shove it up your butt or something?"

Mittelt asked with no concern or tact.


She stumbled towards them still pale and sweating.


Raynare was confused and was staring at her subordinate like she was crazy.

"I just heard…. From one of Kokabiel-sama's subordinates…. That the Red Dragon Emperor won against the God of Thunder, Thor in an all-out fist fight without his Sacred Gear!"

She screamed in one sentence. Kalawarna was breathing heavily, both from flying back here with all her strength and as well as having a slight anxiety attack.


The building fell into silence, they all slowly processed what they just heard… It didn't sound right, what? Is she for real? Could she be pulling their leg? But one look at the fallen and how panic-stricken she is…


Darcel gets up from his seat and starts cackling.


The group stared at Darcel in shock, didn't he hear Kalawarna? He beat a God! And not just any God! But Thor! THE THOR! Darcel walks over to Raynare and grabs her throat as he lifts her up.

"If you even think of running away, I swear to all that is fucking holy Raynare… I'll kill, violate and torture you if you do run away or abandon this mission."

He tightened his grip as Raynare kept on struggling, but it was futile, she slowly turned blue at the lack of oxygen.

"Ahk… Ahh…"

Her eyes begin to go white, but Darcel finally lets her go.

"Haaah…. Haaaah…."

Raynare was taking large gulps of air as she lightly gripped her own neck. She was close to death, she felt it.

"The same for you little fucks!"

He turns to Raynare subordinates and they furiously nod, not wanting to get treated the same way as Raynare.



A magic circle appeared beside Darcel.

"Darcel, I'm sure you heard of what the Red Dragon Emperor did?"

Avezza's voice came out of the circle.

"Avezza, yeah I fucking did, the fuck do you want?"

"Change of plans, I'm making a new prototype that's dubbed 'Dragon Killer' Azrael has changed the middleman's threat level to God-class, we'll be sending a half-assed Divine Beast to you, that can kill dragons. It will be done in a week."

"Heh, I'm fine with that. I can just fuse with it if I get my ass kicked."

A psychopath, killer… Darcel was many things, but stupid he was not. Once he found out of what the Red Dragon Emperor did, he knew he didn't stand a chance, even with Azrael's blood.

But that didn't mean he was going to back out or run away, hell— It made him even more excited for their fight. So, he'll take any advantage he's given, even if it's from Avezza. A woman— A fallen he loathed.

"A week from now…. We start our mission."

A crazed grin appeared on his face.

"I can't wait to fight you, RED DRAGON EMPEROR!!"

Flashback end

Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward

The next day

After school

School had ended not too long ago; Sona was giving me even stranger looks. Clearly she wanted to ask or say something, but I didn't pursue it; whatever she wanted to talk about, I will let her take it up with me.

I was making my way to the Occult Research Club along with everyone else. I also got a lot of death glares throughout the day. Perhaps it's because I joined the Occult Research Club? Or maybe it was because of Aika Kiryuu spreading my relationship status and then confirming it was true?

Well, whatever it was, I got more attention, perhaps the same hate as Kiba felt from the male population. That also started something weird. The girls started to ship Kiba and I.

These people…. Are at horny levels that shouldn't be possible.

I just ignored the questions that asked if we were a gay couple or something… I mean the other rumor literally proves it false…

"Haah, the students here and their imagination, they're probably worse than my previous school."

I sighed as we approached the Old School building.

"How was your school back in Ireland, Jin?"

This piqued Rias's interest since I didn't really talk much about my past… I can't since I don't remember much about myself, but school? I vaguely remember it, kind of…

"Uh, interesting? There were a lot of… How do I say this, dumb teenagers? Couples making out by their locker rooms. Each year had a designated room with lockers, so when I went into the place in the morning… There was always a couple making out."

"None of them took school seriously. I mean I took it as seriously as the next guy, but they take the cake. Always messing around in the classroom, talking all the time about parties after school or during the weekends…"

"Sex, a lot of sex talk, also drugs. I saw some of them smoking weed and the two times I saw some younger juniors snorting cocaine… That didn't end well for them. Finally, I came across two couples at different times having sex. Like, really? Do that at your homes…"

I look back up after my tirade and everyone was looking at me like I had three heads.


"A-Are Irish schools that…. Rowdy? Undisciplined? What word would fit…"

Rias was a bit speechless.

"Unhinged? I mean, my school wasn't exactly the best, it was just a local school with subpar funding, a public one too, so you know, expect the worst. But honestly? I think western schools are a bit wilder."

"I've only been to Kuoh Academy so maybe I'm biased? I can just look it up on my phone but… Geez, you're a lot more proper and serious about this stuff."

"It's just a difference in cultures, Jin-senpai."

Kiba with everyone laughed at my comparison.

"Yeah… I guess so."

"B-But… To do drugs on school premises… It's a bit…"

Gasper muttered to himself but I heard it.

"Yeah, it was extreme, but most of the time they smoked across the school by a convenience store. I mean the administrators weren't happy with it, but it wasn't on school grounds so… They couldn't do much about it."


While we were talking, we had reached the clubroom, Rias had opened the door and went in, followed by the rest of us. Ingvild went home earlier, she said she was talking to Grayfia about something, she decided to walk back home today, which was strange. She usually teleported… If she wasn't out with her friends.

We arrived in the main room and they all sat around the table, Akeno went to make some tea and bring out some refreshments. Everyone was staring at me with anticipation, making me chuckle.

"I see you're all eager, alright… So, this is what I made."

I brought the plastic bag I had been carrying with me from the classroom. I turn to Akeno.

"Thanks for using fire magic, keeping it warm throughout the day was useful, I really should learn magic, it's convenient."

Rias smiles.

"….Maybe if you reincarnated into a devil you can start using right away? ~"

I laugh again.

"Thank you but no thank you, I'm fine the way I am."

"I tried, so, what's this?"

She sighs and points at the two types of food I brought out.

"I made some Irish Bread Pudding with Whiskey Caramel Sauce and Irish Stew Pie. I was originally planning on making something else, but Akeno reminded me that Gasper doesn't like garlic so I made these instead."

The young former Dhampir laughed nervously.

"T-Thank you for your consideration, senpai."

Akeno had brought some plates, forks, and spoons.

"Bon appetit."

I gestured for them to go ahead and eat. They did so, each picking up a fork and trying the bread pudding first.

"I didn't put much whiskey as everyone's still underage, but a little bit won't kill us."

They chuckle at this.

"We're devils, Jin-senpai, so it's fine."

Is that so? I didn't think devils would be immune to alcohol… Rossweisse even when she became a reincarnate devil, wasn't exactly good at holding her drink, maybe Kiba is just saying that?


Shirone was the first one to comment on the dish. I didn't let her have any after I made them food this morning, she was a bit pouty but understood. My taste testers were Ingvild, Reni, Grayfia, Ophis and Kuroka. Akeno and Shirone weren't allowed since they would have to wait until after school.

"Mmm! This amazing! We should start eating more dishes from different countries and cultures…"

Rias agreed as she was nearly stuffing her mouth with the food without care. The rest of her peerage agreed, Akeno was giving me a weird look.

[It's called 'She'll fuck or suck you dry' eyes partner.]

{Can you not be so vulgar like Kuroka?}

Albion sounded done with Ddraig.

[Oh please, Kuroka went on a tirade yesterday and you didn't say anything.]

{Because I can choose when to listen to something, you did, I didn't.}

[Whatever. Just do it, partner, I kind of agreed with what Kuroka said. You'll be doing with them quite regularly soon enough.]

Alright, enough, I don't' want to talk about that… Jesus. Am I a vanilla guy? I would like to think so, I mean I don't mind trying out other things with them… The things Kuroka mentioned yesterday, I wouldn't mind trying.

I look at Shirone, she notices and pulls her skirt down to hide her thighs as she blushed and averted her eyes.…. Okay it won't take a night of sleep to forget about it…but still.

Akeno had noticed this and winked at me, she swirled her tongue on her spoon and then swallowed her food. I'm scared and aroused. I'm scaroused.

"Jin-senpai, do you make the same types of food at home? Or do you change it up to different ones from other countries?"

Kiba had finished his pudding and asks me an interesting question.


Akeno and I answer at the same time, we laugh at each other, gaining a suspicious look from Rias.

"On weekdays? I tend to stay with just basic Japanese dishes since the ingredients are easier to find in the supermarket, but on the weekends, I do splurge a bit and change it up, so yes in a way I do. During the summer or holidays? Yeah, it'll be an everyday thing, I think."

"Do you plan on being a chief in the future, Jin?"

I haven't thought of my future here at all, well to be specific, I haven't thought of my future as a 'normal human' should be. But… Being a chief doesn't sound bad…. I got that itch again.

Was that my goal or occupation in my past life…? I almost never get an itch unless it has something to do with my past…

"Well, honestly, I haven't thought of that, but… I guess I might pursue that for my future. I already have an interest in cooking after all…might as well make it a job rather than a hobby."

I told her how I felt honestly. Rias nods as they try the next dish, the Irish stew pie.

"Pie and stew, never in my dreams have I thought to mix these two…"

Rias says as she takes her spoon and tastes it.

"Mmmm! But it tastes delicious!"

She squeals and takes another scoop, and so did the rest. Their faces said it all.

"Looks like the food I brought is approved then, haha."

Which got nods in return. Akeno gets up to refill the kettle with tea. She came back with it and a mischievous smile. Oh, no… What's she thinking?

"Looks like they like your cooking, Jin."

She pours everyone brand-new tea and set the kettle down.


Akeno teasingly sat on my lap and put a finger to my lips, bringing her head closer to mine.

"Uh— What are you doing, Akeno?"

I pretended to be shocked at what she did. She smiles.

"Maybe I should try to seduce you into joining my King's peerage instead of doing it the straight laced way?"

She asks shocking everyone.

"That way we can eat delicious food all the time."

Rias was the most shocked—

"Ahem… Akeno… Aren't you in a relationship with the masked man?"

Her King asked with concern.

"Masked man?"

I again act confused and feign ignorance to everything.

"Who's that?"


Akeno finally got off of me and turned to her King.

"I was just joking, President ~"

"The masked man is the new middleman for the three factions, well, it seems he's been spreading his reach, as he's aiming for all factions and pantheons lately. He's also gathering a harem. Akeno and Koneko's older sister, Kuroka are in that man's harem."

"Harem? Yeah, you did mention something about that being common in the supernatural…"

I could see Akeno and Shirone rolling their eyes at me. Trust me you guys, I'm also doing the same on the inside.

"Right, he started training me and my peerage recently, for reasons I cannot reveal right now.... Sorry, Jin."

I wave her off.

"Don't worry about it. So, can I meet this guy or what?"

"I don't see why not, meet us here on Friday, he usually trains us that day."

Rias says with a happy smile.

"Friday, huh? Sure thing."

Rias clearly looked shocked at my answer. Does she have an ulterior motive? Is she suspicious that I am the same person as before? Not bad... But I can just use an avatar to play as 'Jin', the normal human, then I'll wear the mask to train them. Speaking to myself on Friday will be weird…

"I-I see then see you then… Oh yes, I also received some new information regarding him last night from my Onii-sama…"

"Onii-sama… Oh your brother, you said he was one of the… 'Four Satans' right? Mr. Lucifer."

She nods.

"Yes, last night he contacted me and told me that around sometime last month… The middleman fought and bested Thor, the God of Thunder in a duel. It's unbelievable, they claim he's also the Red Dragon Emperor, but that's up in the air for now... Regardless, he did beat him with his own strength. He didn't use the [Boosted Gear]…"

Her peerage, with the exception of Akeno and Shirone, were shocked. They were already aware of this after all.

"[Boosted Gear]… Those Sacred Gear thingies, right? Is it that impressive? I'm more surprised that Thor is real."

"Yes, the [Boosted Gear], one of the original thirteen Longinus created by the biblical God. The soul of the Red Dragon of Domination resides within it. It can double your power every ten seconds."

I whistle.

"Sounds cool, wish I had one of those Scared Gear things."

Again, Akeno rolls her eyes at me… But who the hell leaked that? Was it the kangaroo being I forgot about?! Dammit, man!! I genuinely forgot, ah shit!

[This will be an experience to learn from.]


Haah… Maybe I should find him and apologize, maybe sign whatever the hell he wanted, but the damage is done. Shit, are factions and pantheons going to be contacting me— Worse, spying on me? I'm paranoid as hell so they won't find me easily… Hopefully, but they know how I look— I think.

[It's your fault partner, you should have requested it to be a private match.]

{It's everyone's fault, Odin could have suggested it too, or his son, or even the Satan.}

[Mmm, true. Everyone's fault then.]

Now that I think about it, isn't Thor considered to be part of the Top Ten Strongest of the world? Ahh— That's always changing so it's not reliable… But yeah, I got caught up in the excitement…


Rias claps her hands gaining our attention.

"Alright, let's get club activities started then!"

"Yes, President!"

They answered her enthusiastically. I got up and gathered up the plates and brought them to the sink.

"I'll clean up then, I'll leave you guys to do your devil duties."

I got a smile from everyone and started to clean the dishes. Once I was done, I threw the plastic bag I had into the rubbish. This is because we didn't need it anymore… Usually, I would just burn it, but I'm not supposed to know how to use magic yet. It really is convenient…

When I got back to the spot where we ate the food, everyone was absent, save for Rias. I strolled up to her.

"So, how about your Rias Gremory-sama? Not going to do contracts?"

She looked up from her desk as she took out… A light novel. She was blushing slightly.

"I-I- I do contracts from time to time, however, it's not a priority of mine. Contracts are a way for my peerage to spread my clan's power and influence, as well as theirs. They can also rise up in ranks through this. I was born into a High-class devil family, so I was already a high class."

"Once you become a high class as a low-class devil, in ranking, not power, you can earn your own evil piece set."

She smiles after explaining the contracts to me.

"Are you interested in a harem, Jin?"

I wasn't expecting this question.

"As an otaku from abroad? Hell yeah, sounds great… But it would probably take a lot of work, I'm kinda part of the supernatural now, guess I can dabble in that, huh?"

I grinned at her as she smiled back.

"Yes, many magicians in the supernatural will have one or more women with them. But you need power to achieve that."

"I know, I know, magic and all that."

I dismissed her making her giggle.

"So, what are you reading?"

I made my way back to the couch since I'd rather not stand the whole day. Seeing this Rias followed me and sat beside me.

"That time I was reincarnated as a Walrus. I'm only on Volume one since I started it… Well, a day ago."

That weird-ass Tensura knock off again…

"What's it about?"

Rias proceeds to tell me what she knows so far, and yep, it's a 1-for-1 story of Tensura, but… Well, as a Walrus. How would that work?

[They're in that world, just as a Walrus.]

Yeah, thanks Ddraig, who would have thought?

"Want to read it with me?"

She asks and I nod, so she scooted a little closer towards me and put the novel between us.

"Sorry, I can start back from the beginning…"

"Nah it's fine, I more or less understand from your explanation earlier."


I felt a little uncomfortable so I put my arm around the couch. This was so I could have a bit more breathing room. I could see her eyes widen for a moment before they returned back to normal. Please don't tell me you thought I was about to do that…?

Flip~ Flip~

Damn, this guy's human form is a lot more… Manlier than Rimuru's, like a gruff mid-thirties old man, packing a six-pack.

[It takes a real man to become the best girl, he can't do that anymore since he doesn't have the body of Shizue.]



Cúntóir: Answer: Bruh.

[I am not into traps!]

No comment.

{You're not exactly helping yourself by that line from earlier.}

[Screw you guys!]

"J-J-Jin… You're too close…"

Rias squeaked out. Huh? I came back to reality and noticed I had wrapped my arms around Rias's shoulder and pulled her closer to me. Reflex… I do this all the time with Ingvild or any of the girls…

"Ahh— Sorry about that."

I let her go but she stays there and continues reading the book, the blush ever present on her face.

"It's fine…"


{Fine, this time, it was on reflex so I'll let it slide.}


Rias and I spent the rest of the time reading the Light novel, we managed to start Volume two, and even agreed to only read this together. Her peerage eventually came back after a few hours.

Later that evening

Skyward household

"Enjoy your time with Rias, Jin?"

Akeno asked me while we were relaxing in the living room. We had finished dinner and everyone was unwinding for the night.

"Akeno… We read a light novel together."

The other started to listen in on our conversation, even though the TV was on. Shirone one the game of rock paper scissors earlier between herself and Kuroka, I wonder if she's a natural at that? Kuroka was in her cat form on top of my head lazing about, she was a bit salty, but found a workaround.

Reni…was attached to me as usual, but she's been a bit more…. Straightforward? Explicit? With her clinginess. She usually just let her chest rest on my arm, but now— After yesterday's little debacle, she's been shoving my arm in between her chest. She's embarrassed by it but still does it. I wonder what's going through her head.

I mean, I don't mind— I love it actually, so it's a win for me. Akeno was on the other side as she started her… Interrogation?

"Really, now? Even though you were that close to each other?"

"Yes? Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to read it together…"

I gave her a strange look as she shook her head and went back to hugging my other arm.

"Anyway… How will you appear as Jin and the masked man on Friday?"

I was expecting her to ask that, I already have that planned…

"….I'm also curious, senpai."

Shirone who had been silent until this point joins in.

"I already mentioned this to Grayfia, but I can create Avatar's or clones of myself. So, I'll be going as the masked man, and my Avatar will go as 'Jin'."

I explained and snapped my finger. An exact Avatar of me appears in front of us. I snapped my fingers again and he disappears.


"Oh! That opens up so many avenues, Jin!"

Kuroka perks up, I didn't like where this was going. I look at Grayfia and she gave me a horrified look, seems like she understood what Kuroka was about to say.

"Are you going to use your Avatar or clones to fuck us all?"

Kuroka asks, as everyone just froze, Grayfia facepalmed and I sighed defeatedly.


I could feel Reni and Akeno's grip on me tighten, Shirone froze on my lap, and Ingvild staring at Kuroka in shock.

"What? I'm being serious?"

She was confused by our reactions.

"No, no, I will not. I am not into that kind of play, Kuroka."

I look up and give her a disgusted look.

"I was just asking nya!"

She jumped down from my head

"You also never gave me an answer nya!"


I pretended to not know what she was talking about.

"Don't play dumb nya! I'm talking about your kinks! Your fetishes!"

Kuroka throws her obi off of her.


Kuroka stood there, naked as the day she was born.


She has to be sexually frustrated… This is my fault.


Shirone looked sick and tired of her older sister.


Grayfia called out to her and she turned to look at the maid.

"Are you frustrated?"


Now that— That was not what I was expecting… I snap my fingers and put the obi back on Kuroka, I didn't expect her not to be wearing a bra or panty, a bit worrying, but whatever…

"NO— YES! I got that burden out of the way, I want— No, I need Jin to fuck my brains out!"

She turned back to me.

"I know you got hard from something yesterday! I don't know from what! Shirone! Tell me!"

"....I don't know, Nee-sama."

Kuroka looks at Ingvild and Reni, they both turned their heads to look away. Kuroka stomps over to Akeno and grabs her by the shoulder.

"Eep?! K-Kuroka?!"

The girl was caught off guard.

"Double. Blowjob. Me and You."

She points at me.

"And that guy's cock."


"Owww nya!!!"

Kuroka clutched her head again after being smacked by… A fan that Grayfia pulled out from somewhere.

"There is a time and place for this type of discussion… And tonight is not one of them."

Grayfia dragged Kuroka to her couch and placed the girl there.

"Do. Not. Move."

"Yes, ma'am nya…"

Kuroka didn't fight back and just sulked. But she didn't give up there. She tried one last time


Kuroka's tail was frozen by Grayfia as she screeched. She summoned fire and melted it away, she started to cradle her tail and mumbled something to herself.

"So, about what Rias mentioned earlier…"

I tried to move the weird atmosphere and conversation along.

"My time in Asgard was leaked, I think I know who it was."

They look at me to continue and I tell them what happened the second time I went to Asgard.

"It's your fault."

Was the consensus. Okay! I know it was my fault, okay?! But I didn't think he'd react like that? Right? That's not normal? Am I wrong?


I open a magic circle and connect it to Odin.

"Hmm? Oh, hello Jin, how can I help you?"

Odin answered from the circle, surprising the girls.

"Hey old man, I have some info for you, I think I know who leaked my fight with Thor."

"Oh? Then do tell, we've been searching for them high and low."

I nod and tell Odin the description of the street, the being's clothes, and the fact he had kangaroo features, as well as the reason as to why he might have done it.

"Bahahaha! Now that is your fault."

"I know, I've had multiple people tell me that."

I sigh as he continued to laugh at my expense.

"What's done is done, lad. I'll inform some Valkyries about it then. He'll receive the appropriate punishment as well."

"I'll leave the judgment to you then."

I was about to dismiss the circle when Odin continued.

"That reminds me, you're going on a date with Rossweisse soon, huh?"

….What? I didn't set up a da— Oh, that… Well… If you look at it that way, then I guess it does sound like a date.

"Wahhhhh!!! Odin-sama?!"

A familiar female voice screamed from the magic circle.


"Ow! Rossweisse! I'm your God?! Why did you hit me?!"



The magic circle disappeared when Rossweisse started to scream.


I— What— How do I respond to that?

"Rossweisse? Who's that?"

Reni asked beside me, the rest staring at me waiting for my response. Kuroka had also stopped tending to her tail.

"Odin's personal bodyguard. She's… How do I put this…? The unluckiest Valkyrie of Asgard?"

They looked more confused than anything. So, I continued.

"She's a hard worker and a genius, she's only 19 but has completed all her college work already. She graduated at the top of her class on all subjects… But she…"


"She's been given the title 'The Valkyrie who never had a boyfriend' by Odin himself and other Valkyries, as well as 'Odin's servant girl.' We only briefly met and had a short interaction, well initially that is."

I pulled out my phone and waved it around.

"We sometimes— Okay almost daily text, though it's mostly her complaining about Odin."

I could see Grayfia's eye twitch. Now that I think about it… She has it worst, she's been alive longer and had zer—


"Jin. You aren't thinking of something rude, now, are you?"

She smiled at me as ice slowly started to appear by my feet. Shirone tucked herself closer to me, to avoid the ice.

"No ma'am."

How the hell can women know these things? Are they psychic?!

"Haah… Another one for the harem, let's go…."

Kuroka says defeatedly, making everyone chuckle at her.

Third Person Point of View

Friday, After school

Kuoh Academy

Avatar Jin joins the ORC as they wait by the field for the masked man to join them. After a few seconds of waiting, since it was after school, he showed up.

Rias's eyes widen as she looks at Avatar Jin and the masked man. The masked man lands on the ground and beckons everyone to gather around him. He notices a new face there.

"This is?"

The masked man turns to look at Avatar Jin.

"Jin, a new member of the club, he's not part of the peerage but is aware of the supernatural… He just wanted to watch us train."

Rias quickly explained.

"I see."

The masked man nodded.

"Alright, you can start, call for me if you need help or advice. Otherwise, I'll make my usual rounds."

They nod and go to their respective spots. Avatar Jin goes back to the sidelines and watches the peerage train. The masked man walks around to see how everyone was progressing, he stops at each individual and they speak for a bit and then he moves on.

Akeno and Kuroka were clearly smirking at the masked man who just shook his head. Once he finished his first round of checking on everyone's progress. The masked man made his way to Avatar Jin and stood beside him.

"So, anyone suspects anything so far?"

The masked man (The original Jin) asked.

"No. They're clueless, the only ones that knows are Akeno, Kuroka, and Shirone."

The Avatar replied.

"I see."

The masked man turns back to the ORC.

"I wonder how they'd fare without the [Boosted Gear] and Ise's existence."

"It's obvious, you saw two futures, but they can change. However, you're working towards the first one, so copy that. Take Himejima Akeno into the pocket dimension during training camp. Get her to Ultimate-class, teach her anti-healing and get her to start her [Fallen Angel Mode] it's that simple. She will be their sole carry, in order to win."

"No, Akeno will be a key factor for them. But seeing as how Asia will join the Gremory peerage, I'll need to train her too, Gasper is also here now. I increased his sets to 200 each but kept the run to 10 km. He's improving a lot faster than I anticipated."

"He's still prone to panicking and freaking out if provided with too much stimulus though."

The two of them laugh. After they stop talking, the masked man floats away to start his rounds again, the Avatar just stands there and watches. The rest of the training went fairly well, nothing out of the ordinary.

"That should be fine for today, well done. I'll see you same time next week."

The masked man praises and then leaves.


Koneko stretches out her tired body.

"We should go back to the clubroom and then go from there."

Rias informs her peerage and they nod.

"Ugh… I should have used the bathroom when all of you were training…."

The Avatar complained, and they all laughed at him.

"You didn't go?"

Kiba asked still chuckling.

"I was invested in it, okay?!"

The Avatar blushed.

"Anyway, I'll go to the closest one!"

He then ran away.

"Let's just wait for Jin, inside them."

Rias laughs as they all go back into the clubroom.

Jin and the Avatar high five, the avatar disappears and all the memories it had accumulated and went back into Jin. Why did he think of such a weird excuse? Jin shook his head and went back to the ORC.

He joins everyone in the room and stands with the rest waiting for Rias.

"What did you think?"

Rias turns to Jin and asks him.

"About what? The training? Well, you could see I was invested as I didn't go to the bathroom… But if you're asking about the masked guy? He's a real mystery and intimidating."

"But, seeing you all use magic and all that crap, was exciting."

"Pfft— All that crap? You can be quite vulgar at times, Jin."

"Blame the Irish blood in me. We tend to curse a lot in normal conversation. I've just been trying not to since it may be or sound rude here."

"Is that so? Alright everyone, that should be fine for today, you're free to leave."

She dismissed everyone and Akeno, Kuroka and Shirone teleported away.

"Ah, I wish I could teleport…"

Jin whined as the three who were left chuckled at him.

"Maybe if you learn some magic, senpai, y-you can start teleporting."

Gasper encouraged Jin, which surprised him.

"Yeah, maybe. Thanks for the encouragement, Gasper. You are certainly becoming more confident. Good job."

Jin praised his junior and put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Y-Yes! Thank you very much!"

Gasper didn't understand why he felt proud of being praised by Jin but didn't think too deeply about it.

"I'll get going now, President. Have a nice night."

Kiba bowed and teleported away. Gasper crawled back into his cozy hidey-hole and closed the… Door?

Jin turns to Rias.

"Thanks for the opportunity to watch you guys… I should get going then. Have a nice evening, Rias."

Jin reflexively put a hand on Rias's head.

"Ah! My bad"

He pulled away immediately after.

"I've just been petting Koneko lately, bad habit I'm starting to develop."

Rias sported a small blush but nodded.

"Yes, it seems so… And yes, have a nice evening, Jin."

Jin left through the door as he waved to Rias one last time.


Rias watched as Jin left.

"Was I wrong?"

She had thought that Jin and the masked man were the same person… But, they were both present during the training session.

"Could he be able to use clones? You would need a Sacred Gear or use Senjutsu or even in-depth knowledge on illusion magic… And Jin can't use magic. I sensed it before and it's locked, while he has a lot, it hasn't been awakened."

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid… Jin definitely isn't the masked man… I can put that possibility away then… They have different auras and feelings to them. Koneko should be able to smell them too, but she said they have different smells…"

Rias nods to herself.

'They're different people.'

A week and a few days pass

Jin Skyward

Around a week and a few days have passed, and it hasn't been that eventful… Well my standards are a bit more skewed than the normal individual so me saying that isn't too reliable. I just enjoyed my school life, trained the ORC, and spent time with the girls.

I haven't gone and supervised Millicas's training yet, but I should once I deal with Raynare and this fallen called Darcel, the same with going to the Dimensional Gap to meet Irene again.

Ophis has also… Started to be a bit more expressive? Is that the right word? Honestly, she's more like copying some of the emotions and actions of the girls. She and Shirone have been sharing my lap lately, much to Kuroka's dismay. She's even been asking for more hugs and cuddling more, it happened after Akeno made the dinner that one time. I wonder if that influenced her?

I haven't asked her yet… The male populace has also started to hate me more. They can see that there are many females around me. Rias, Akeno, Ingvild and Shirone to name a few… Sona hasn't done anything, but I wonder what she's up to? Is she planning something? I'll talk to her soon, or she'll approach me soon.

I also got a stupid title from the guys of the school. 'The Uncrowned Bastard' what the hell is that supposed to mean? Are they that salty?! It's not my fault! Try harder you bunch of cowards!

Apart from Ophis, as I mentioned earlier, Shirone has been quite intimate with me lately. It's been happening since Kuroka's weird vulgar tirade. She hasn't done anything extreme, but has mostly used my lap… I've turned into a human chair for her, essentially.

We've seen Gasper make significant progress with his confidence, and he has been stuttering a lot less, to us - His peerage and fellow club members, but to anyone else. For example, the school populace... He still freaks out.

I don't blame the guy, they're borderline harassing him, so he just avoids them as much as he can. Kiba also has improved, during a training session I used a holy sword and he didn't freak out like the other times. He kept his calm attitude and carried out his attacks with precise and fast precision. The guy has his rage and hate under control, it didn't take him too long to do it, gotta praise the guy for it.

Akeno made significant progress in mastering her [Fallen Angel Mode]. She can enter it briefly, but can't keep it up yet. I believe the deciding factor is bringing her into the pocket dimension and letting her reach Ultimate-class… I'll spend a year in there with her and then come back out during the training camp.

Rias…well, our friendship is better, we've reached Volume 4 of the Walrus Light novel. But nothing more, she just seems confused most of the time, it's definitely not about Riser yet. I've seen her looking at me when I'm 'Jin' and when I'm 'The Masked Man', I don't want to admit it, but she might have a small crush on the both of 'me', this makes it a little bit more complicated.

The reveal should just throw it all out the window, so it should be fine.

Aside from my romantic and academic lives, I've spotted some spies... Well, they're spying on me. I don't know which factions they're from or pantheons since I just get rid of them quickly.

I realize that sounds aggressive, but I used concentrated Conquerors Haki to knock them out. There are usually two or three of them. I just look in their direction, knock one out and move on. They usually retreat after that. I'm not 'hurting' them, so it's not aggression…. Right?

Also, Raynare's group has become more aggressive, well Raynare herself has. She looks both confident and terrified when approaching me. I can assume she found out about the Thor thing, so she's a lot more cautious. She'll definitely approach me soon, to ask me out on a date.


I was walking past the same district as per usual when it happened.

"U-Um… Excuse me?"

Amano Yuuma or Raynare approached me acting in a timid manner.

I turn to her.

"Hmm? How can I help you?"

Let's play along.

"P-P-Please go out with me tomorrow!"

She bows while pretending to be nervous and blushing furiously. She was goaded by her 'friends' whom she brainwashed or altered their memories.

"Uh, sorry, do I know you?"

I acted confused towards her.

"So-Sorry, I'm called Amano Yuuma… I like you… Please go out with me…"

What to do…


I pretended to think for a bit before nodding.

"Alright, Yuuma-san, I don't mind."

She pretended to be excited.

"Great! Let's… Let's meet here tomorrow… Around twelve noon?"

"Sure thing."

I reply as she smiles and runs back to her 'friends' as they cheer and celebrate. I then turned around to face the direction of my home. How should I deal with her? I start to walk back home, thinking about how to deal with this.

[What's our game plan, Partner?]

{I'm also curious, Jin.}

Maybe…make a clone that's at a basic human power level, have that clone go on a date with her, basically have him follow what Issei did, and then get killed by the light spear.


It's too early to say, but rumors about me have spread far and wide already, so it makes sense that they'd associate me with at least the God-class in power. I want to see their reaction to killing me with a simple light spear.

Raynare is stupid, so she'll think she bested me or something… I also want to see how Darcel will react.

[A bit of a reckless plan there partner, like getting about it in a roundabout way… But you do you.]

I won't deny that, but… I don't plan on killing them. Baraqiel, Azazel, and I have already discussed this issue. I'll strip Raynare and her group's power away, and I can deal with Darcel how I want, he's not the type to spill the beans on plans.

I'll bring them back to Grigori and have Azazel and the rest interrogate them. If we did the same thing with Darcel, he might just kill himself.

I arrived home and inform the girls of my plan. They were clearly concerned.

"Are you sure, Jin?"

Reni asked worriedly.

"Yeah… I've already discussed this with Azazel, we have a plan for Raynare's group."

Even with that, they're still a bit worried. They still worry out of reflex even if they know that there is nothing to worry about in reality.

"I'll be fine."

Maybe I'm being too lax about this? I'll leave Beru and Igris in their shadows then...

Third Person Point of View

Next day

12 noon

"S-Sorry I'm late!"

Raynare ran towards the Jin C (Clone) pretending to be out of breath.

"No, it's fine, I just got here."

Jin C offered his hand to Raynare and she happily accepts it.

"Let's get going then."

The clone of Jin and Raynare went around the town of Kuoh. They go to the cinema to watch a movie, and ate at a fancy restaurant, with Jin's clone getting some ketchup on his mouth and Raynare pretending to be a lovely girlfriend and whipping it off for him.

At the end of the date, they went to the same park, as Issei and Raynare went to. They were walking around the park hand in hand, as they reach the fountain they stop.

"This has been a great day, thank you, Jin-kun"

Raynare lets go of Jin's clone hand and walks forward.

"Yeah, it's been a pleasure, Yuuma-chan."

During their date, the clone avoided getting the flier from Rias's familiar, so there's zero chance of her appearing… Jin wanted to deal with this by himself.

"Hey, Jin-kun."

"What is it, Yuuma-chan?"

"There's something I want to do to celebrate our first date. Could you listen to my wish?"

Jin C nodded happily, waiting for Raynare to continue. But for a few seconds… Raynare said nothing, she stood with her back turned away from Jin C.

'What's she doing?'

Jin, the original had been invisible all day and followed them around. He was confused as to why she was hesitating. Could it be she was nervous? Or something else entirely? Finally, she turned around, tears streaming down her face.


Jin C was clearly alarmed and confused. The same with the original Jin.

'What? What the fuck? Why is she crying??'

Jin was confused, he didn't expect this. Did Darcel threaten her that hard or something? Maybe Kokabiel? Or shit, even Azrael?

Jin didn't know and just stood there staring intently at the scene unfolding in front of him.

"W-Will you die for me?!"

She screamed cried out the question?


Raynare started to float with her wings as she summoned a spear of light.

"?! Wha—"


"I truly enjoyed this day, Jin-kun, but I have a mission. So, will you die for me?"

She was shaking violently as she repeated the question, and a cruel and sickening smile morphed onto her face.


She threw the light spear towards Jin C, who didn't try to dodge it. Once the spear pierced Jin C, he tried to pull the spear out, but couldn't. He didn't have the strength.

He was losing blood fast…the light in his eyes slowly fading.

"Yuuma… Chan…"

Jin C muttered out as he reached his hand out to the girl, who flinched at the boy's attempts to touch her.

"I did it! I killed the Red Dragon Emperor who took down a God!"

Raynare was hysterically crying and screaming.

Flap! Flap!

"I need to t-tell Darcel!"

She quickly flapped up into the sky and flew away while still wailing.

Jin Skyward

'What the fuck was that all about? Did she lose her mind or something…?'

Once Raynare was fully out of sight I undid my invisibility. I look towards the clone of me that was impaled to the ground, blood still coming out of it.

That's disturbing to look at.

I scrunched up my face and removed the clone, light spear, and blood. I turn my head to the direction Raynare was flying towards to. I turn back to being invisible again.

Time to follow her then.


Abandoned Church

I had landed behind Raynare as she extracted her wings. During her entire time flying… She was bawling her eyes out for some fucking reason. Seriously, is this woman right in the head?


Hmm? What's up Ddraig?

[Humor me, what if and a big what if, what if she fell for you during it?]

Yeah, you're crazy.

[Haah… Well, whatever.]

She wiped her tears away one last time and composed herself.


She muttered to herself and opened the doors into the church.


She announced triumphantly. Her group, Mittelt, Kalawarna, Dohnaseek and a man… Who I can assume is Darcel… Looked at Raynare like she turned back into a pure angel.

"Did you go fucking crazy, you bitch?"

Darcel asks while getting up.

"I did kill him! At the fountain in Kuoh park! Just follow me!"

They were skeptical but decided to follow Raynare back. I decided to teleport back and wait for them.

Kuoh park

"He's th-there…."

Raynare pointed towards the ground, which was not empty, with no corpse and no blood.

"There, huh?"

Darcel scoffed as he looked around the area. His eyes went dead and marched up to Raynare and grabbed her neck, he increased his grip on her as she started to struggle.

"Ahhk… Ahhh… Help…"

Her subordinates looked away, they didn't want to be next, so they didn't help her. Tears started to flow down Raynare's eyes. She was going to die. She looked back at the spot where I was supposed to be at and smiled.

This woman… Haah…

I stand a bit away from them and undo my invisibility.

"I didn't think you were into BSDM, Yuuma-chan."


They all hear my voice and turn to me standing there like I was out for a casual stroll. Darcel lets Raynare go and a massive grin appears on his face.

"Red Dragon Emperor! I knew you wouldn't kick the bucket that easily!"

He happily shouted. Raynare started to violently cough and gasp for air, she also looked up at me in disbelief.

"Yo-You're… Alive…?"

I smile at her and nod.

"Did you enjoy our little date today?"

I ask her as she flinches.

"It's fine Yuu— No, Raynare."

I snap my finger and the corpse of the dead clone appeared in front of me. I didn't get rid of it yet, as it had some impact on her.


She stumbled backwards as she was surprised by the corpse.

"Well, you did kill a clone of me I made, so I guess you didn't lie."

She stared at it in disbelief.


She didn't say anything and just stared at me instead, looking hurt for some reason.

??? I sigh and erase the corpse permanently this time.

"So, what would a Fallen Angel be doing here in this quaint town called Kuoh?"

"I know for a fact Azazel didn't tell you to try to kill me, perhaps you've gone rogue?"

Raynare and her group flinch at my question.



Darcel dashed towards me but I just punched him away. He flew through the air and crashed somewhere in the distance. I turn back to them.


As I wait for their response.


They didn't answer though.

"I kind of hoped things were a little different, Raynare."

She was shocked.

"But I guess I was expecting a bit too much, I was too optimistic."

I remember reading some interesting plot lines that involved Raynare back in my old world… I sort of hoped she was a bit different here, but I guess not.


Darcel had recovered himself and dashed back.

"Darcel, wait! We have to follow Azrael's orders or he'll kill us!"

Kalawarna, seemingly like the more level-headed one of the group shouted towards him. Darcel stops and glares at the female fallen, who flinches.


Darcel laughs maniacally and stops.

"Our fated battle will have to wait, Red Dragon!"

Darcel jumps back towards his group and signals them to gather around.

"In a week, we will fight. Make it the best I have had, [Welsh Dragon]!"

Raynare was dragged by Mittelt as she didn't stop staring at me, making me even more confused.

"Get a hold of yourself, you fucking bitch!"

Mittelt screamed at Raynare.


They then disappeared from the spot. I could still feel their auras in Kuoh. They just headed back to the abandoned church.

[Partner, why didn't you stop them?]


[That Fallen Angel really distracted you with the way she acted, huh?]

Raynare was definitely the same person; her actions even confused the hell out of me. What's her end goal? Was Azrael instructing her to do this or something? If it was, it's very convincing.

They have to be waiting for Asia, and maybe Freed? That's the only thing that would make sense. I couldn't sense either of those in Kuoh at the moment. I'll let an Avatar deal with school then. The girls that are going will be informed... I will patrol Kuoh for the next week.

[Was this the smartest move you can make?]

Probably not, but they won't move for a week and that's a fact. They're waiting for something. Either Asia and Freed… Or something else. Azrael ordered them and it looks like his orders are absolute. I'll keep a close eye on them just in case they break what they said.

A few days later

My avatar has been the one attending school. I also made an excuse to Rias that I wouldn't be able to make club activities for the foreseeable week. I told her the house in Ireland had a few buyers that were interested and some family friends from back home were helping deal with it.

She believed it, thankfully. I also had Akeno backing me up, so she didn't push too hard on the subject. The moment I got home, I would dispel the avatar, get the memories, and deal with whatever crap happened.

Canon was in full swing, with the added factor of Darcel.

Just have to wait for—

Bump! Thud!


"Oh, sorry…"

I wasn't paying attention and accidentally bumped into someone. I look below me and see…

"Oh, I'm sorry, sister, are you alright?"

I offer her my hand and she takes it.


She responds as if she is fascinated by me.

"Is something wrong, sister?"

"I'm surprised someone can speak a foreign language so well even though you're Japanese…"

I laughed.

"No, it's just that I studied many languages when I was young…"

I lied through my teeth.

"Are you perhaps lost?"

"Yes! Um, do you know the directions to the church in this town…?"

"Of course."

I give her directions to it.

"I'm Jin Skyward, by the way."

I put my hand out for a handshake.

She stares at it before smiling broadly as she clasps my hand.

"Nice to meet you, Jin. I am called Asia… Asia Argento!"

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