Wine and Slime

Chapter 2

I trembled as Laney spoke. She stood over me, smirking and winking flirtatiously as her long, pink tongue slipped from between her lips and lightly licked my cheek, just enough to lightly jiggle it, but not enough to pierce my surface tension. I shuddered, my feet melting into the floor as I struggled to reform them.


"Well?" She asked expectantly. "I said, do you know anywhere else I could find alcohol." She stared me down with hungry eyes, and I let out a pathetic little squeak, before stammering a reply.


“I-I think I might know a place, yeah.”


“Oh? And where is that, Cadence?” As she spoke, Laney leaned in, her tongue once again snaking out to lick up along my jawline and around my ear.


“Um,” I tried to keep going, but no more words seemed to form in my mind.


“You know, when you first got here, you thought I wanted to drink your blood. Ironic, isn’t it?” She smirked, baring her teeth before she leaned in and bit me on the neck. My moans echoed off the cave walls while my knees buckled, pleasure rocking my body. That was only the beginning, a moment later her tongue pierced the thin membrane keeping me in one piece and slipped inside me. There was no pain, my body didn’t seem to have any need for that. But there sure as hell was a lot of pleasure. I could scarcely keep myself together as her tongue drove deeper into me and scooped up my juices. I collapsed forward, fully leaning my weight into her arms as she drank from me, her lips and tongue sending rapturous pleasure through me as I felt her drain me of my essence.


The intensity was making me feel downright lightheaded as I bucked and moaned against her. This was just my neck. I couldn’t imagine the sort of pleasure I’d feel lower, where my arousal pooled and leaked. As though she could sense my thoughts, Laney pulled away, her lips coated in sweet, purple goo. Had she gotten taller? Or had she just lapped enough of me to make me noticeably smaller? Maybe it was just some subconscious desire to submit causing my body to sink lower. I didn’t know and frankly I didn’t care, all three options were hot as hell. My thought process was interrupted by Laney issuing a soft spoken, but firm command. “Get on the bed, sweetie,” she cooed. I nodded helplessly, and staggered on legs of literal jelly to her bed, then collapsed forward.


I watched, head spinning and pulse pounding as Laine bore down on top of me, flapping her wings to cross the room and pinning me with her hands and clawed feet. With a cocky smirk on her face, she reached into a small crevice in the wall, withdrawing a handful of blueberries of all things. “I think I’d like to try a new flavor,” she purred. Without a moment of hesitation, she thrust the berries inside my big, bouncy slimy gahonkadoongas, then crushed the berries with her hands, leaving only the juices floating inside my breasts. Needless to say, it was the most bizarre feeling I’d felt in my entire life, and I loved it. My entire form, inside and out, had just become a massive erogenous zone. And, for some reason, the bits on the inside seemed extra sensitive. It was impossible for me to do anything but just writhe and moan as my head swam and vision blurred, my awareness of my surroundings dulling and blurring, sex suddenly becoming the only thing I could concentrate on. With a delicious smile, she began to shake my tits, sloshing and mixing the juices around while giggling madly. As ridiculous of a sight it was, I couldn’t deny how good it was to feel her use me like that.


Satisfied by her work, Laney leaned down and eagerly began to suck and lick at my breasts, coaxing out her little concoction like little spurts of boozy lactation. The sweet, sticky, sour scent of my arousal filled the air as I moaned and gasped beneath her. When she withdrew, Laney was flushed and panting herself. Powerful hands grasped the back of my head; she pulled me roughly into an aggressive kiss, her long tongue pushing my own nectar into my mouth. I gasped in delight, tasting the delicious juice against her soft, dextrous tongue while I squirmed beneath her. She broke the kiss after several long, pulse-pounding moments and hovered over me, her lips literally dripping with my leaking essence. With a wink, she stroked my cheek, then started kissing down my neck, past my breasts, along my belly, and to my inner thighs.


Each kiss was searing, wherever her lips touched me she melted away the membrane which held me together, leaving me struggling to hold myself together as I leaked from head to toe. She paused just above my nether regions, then pressed her face between my legs and inhaled deeply. “Mmhhh, fruity notes, some earthy tones.” Not wasting a moment, Laney dove down, pressing her tongue inside me as my world went white and empty, formless and thoughtless, save my intense focus on her and all she made me feel. She swirled herself around me aggressively, but softly, pressing that long tongue deeper and deeper as my impassioned cries rose to greater and greater heights. Just as things were coming to a head, however, she withdrew, hovering over me and gazing with a mischievous glimmer in her eye, “nice and full bodied, very smooth, were those dark cherries I tasted? What year were you born?”


“What? Ummm, xx23?” My words sounded distant, slurred.


“Ah, that was a good year,” she said, nodding thoughtfully.


“What are you talking about?” I whined. “Please, just fuck me,” my needy plea seemed to do the trick as, in lieu of a response, Laney just dove right back in, spelunking my caves, using her ridiculously long tongue to reach deep inside and scoop out my juices. Unsurprisingly, that shut me right up. Well, actually, it made me louder than ever, but it put a stop to any complaints or protest. I tried in vain to clutch the bed sheet, finding myself unable to properly grip anything at all as my hands dissolved into little puddles of goo. I sloppily reformed them, but had no time to give my structural integrity any more attention. The pleasure was overwhelming, it was radiating through the entirety of my being, filling my head with foggy bliss as I lost myself in the feeling of being explored by her tongue. It was getting harder and harder to think of anything at all; I could only feel, writing helplessly on the bed in throes of bliss. Taking one last, long lick from my inner depths all the way out to my makeshift labia, Laney withdrew her tongue and nuzzled her face against my belly. She was absolutely coated in red and purple secretions; her cheeks were flush, no doubt from all the alcohol she’d now had, grinning wide and triumphantly. Pooling on her sheets was my glowing sticky, bright crimson arousal. I gazed at her, head spinning and vision blurred, capable of nothing but panting and giggling in a daze. Her eyes rose to meet mine, as she lightly slid long licks across my belly. Holding my gaze, she retracted her tongue and cocked her head to the side, an amused smirk playing on her lips.


“Cadence dear, you’re all flush again, what’s wrong?” She purred.


“Dunno,” I moaned, hardly paying attention to her words, instead just grinding into her.


“Oh my, what wanton little slut you are.” Her hand rose to squeeze my ass tightly, eliciting a sharp gasp as her hand kneaded my form like dough.


“Mmhhh yes, I’m your little slut.” The words came unbidden, unrestrained, uninhibited from my lips.


A surprised chortle escaped her lips, then Laney flashed me a teasing, but kind smile. She stroked my cheek and planted a little kiss on my forehead. “You’re also kind of slurring your words,” she mused thoughtfully, tracing her pointer finger and thumb along my inner thigh. “Did you let your that alcohol filter around your silly little slime brain while fall apart while I was fucking you?”


“Dunno,” I panted, desperate to stop the chit-chat and get back to the pleasure. “Why’d you stop?” I whined needily, thrusting my hips against her.


“You absolutely got yourself drunk again.” She giggled, then leaned in, kissing my belly. “Now, was it an accident that happened because you were too overwhelmed by pleasure to keep yourself together?” Her voice grew lower and huskier as she rose to her hands and knees and began crawling upward, bearing down on me. “Or, maybe, it was on purpose. Consciously or not, I bet you just wanted to be my ditzy, tipsy love doll, didn’t you?” Her fingers dipped briefly between my legs, forcing another sharp moan as she coated herself in my juices, then withdrew and pushed those slime-cum soaked fingers into my eager, hot mouth. I tasted my own sweet, heady, boozy secretions, my head swimming as I suckled on her fingers needily, only nodding along to her questions. “Such a silly, silly girl, just what am I going to do with you? Hmm?” With a wet pop, she slid her fingers from my mouth, leaving a trail of sticking slime while eyeing me expectantly.


“Umm, keep me?” I squeaked vapidly, blushing deeply.


Laney chucked; it was low and sweet, and slightly condescending. “Keep you? Is that what you want? To be my cute little pet slime-girl, drunk on her own arousal?” Any attempt at a response dissolved into burbling gibberish as her words quite literally melted me. As such all I could do was nod. “In that case, I guess I’ll have to break you in, first.” A loud crack echoed off the cave walls as she snapped her fingers, sparking a little burst of magical energy which pulsed in a brief, brilliant flash. When it dissipated,Laney was still there, on her hands and knees hovering above me, but there was one big difference. Between her legs now hung a smooth, thick, hard girldick. It stood proud and erect, already glistening with precum as she grinned wolfishly down at me. “Are you ready?”


I didn’t waste time responding, immediately nodding so vigorously my whole body shook. “P-please!” I cried, head swimming with thick, sticky bliss at the though of her fucking me senseless.


“Well you look at you, such an eager slut. I was going to ask you to beg for it, but you went ahead and did it for me. What good girl,” her words absolutely shook me, sending leaving me a quivering mess, was I even going to be able to keep myself together? “But there’s something missing here, please is good, but you have to do more than say please, you need to address me by my proper title. Try again, little pet.”


“Please Mistress! Please I’ll be your good love-drunk slut, just fill me.” I didn’t get the chance to say a single additional word as, the moment I finished declaring my need for her, she lowered herself to my center and thrust herself into my aching, needy pussy. If I’d been moaning before, I was full on screaming at this point. Nothing could compare to the feeling of being fucked senseless by my Mistress. She kept drilling into me, pounding rhythmically and aggressively as she glided in and out of me with barely a hint of friction. My eyes, if you could call them that, rolled back in my head while an aching pressure built inside me to match the heightening electric sensation of Mistress’ touch deep in my most sensitive place.


“You’re close,” she purred. “I mean, you were close to begin with after all that buildup. But now, well, it should be any moment now.” I was in no state to form a coherent response, instead I released a primal, burbling, vibrating scream of pleasure. Possessively, she grasped my chest firmly, tweaking my nipples and pressing her mouth against mine as my climax arrived. Unbelievable ecstasy reverberated through my entire being as her hot, sticky cum shot inside me and pooled in my belly, mixing in with the rest of me. I couldn’t process anything but the feelings she’d put into me, the whole world falling away as my mind burned with white hot emptiness colored in buzzing, searing pleasure. It was then and there that I quite literally melted, losing any and all semblance of a cohesive form and collapsing into a puddle of jiggling, twitching, cum-filled goo.


I must have lost consciousness at some point from the sheer intensity of it all, as, when I regained some semblance of awareness, Laney was back to her usual self genital-wise, and conspicuously not completely covered in purple and red slime. She was standing over me, a calm smile on her face as she… fed me? That’s what it seemed like she was doing. Tucked under her arm was a basket of assorted fruits, and she was taking them out, then gently pushing them inside me. I jiggled in confusion, incapable of speech due to my still being shaped like a melted little puddle of girl. “Oh, recovered finally, eh?” She flashed a wicked, toothy grin and winked. I shuddered through my whole body. “You lost quite a bit of mass during that whole ordeal, so I’m just helping you replace what you lost, you should just kind of naturally break this stuff down now. As a fun side effect, your flavor and color will change depending on what kind of fruit you’re made of! Oh, also, I re-did the booze filter thing for you and made it a little more resilient. You won’t be getting super drunk again during sex, unless you really want to be a dizzy, helpless little pet.”


The little humming tremble that followed didn’t really have the same impact as actually being able to vocalize just how much she’d fucking ruined me by saying that. In response I was only met with a perplexed look; I shook out a little tremble of a sigh, then reformed myself. “Th-thanks. Um, is it okay if I rest here a little longer? Then I can get going I guess.” Suddenly I found it hard to meet Laney's gaze, the idea of leaving her sounded kind of awful, I mean sure we’d just met, but she’d been so kind and caring toward me. I was growing pretty fond of her. Still, I couldn’t just stay, could I? That stuff before was all just pillow-talk.


Narrowing her eyes, Laney cocked her head curiously. “Get going? Were you not listening to what I said earlier? I was serious when I said I wanted you to stick around. I mean, I’m not actually going to keep you as a pet, just... as a friend, maybe more in time. Except for, y’know, whenever you want to be my pet.” Another flirty, gloating giggled followed as she stroked my cheek, nearly causing me to fall right back apart.


Pulling myself together, I squirmed beneath her and somehow managed a reply. “Um, okay, well, maybe I can get some more rest anyway?” I squeaked.


“Of course you can; take a nap, Cadence. Tomorrow though, we’re going to have a proper date so we can get to know one another. That is, if you, y’know, if you want to.” Suddenly big, confident, dominant Laney was incredibly bashful. I smiled wide.


“I’d like that very much.” With a squeal, Laney scooped me up into a big hug and kissed me on the cheek, enveloping me with her wings and, to my surprise, leaping into the air and grasping the ceiling with her taloned feet, hanging us both upside down. I yelped in surprise, but quickly found it hard to be anything but calm while being held like that.


“That makes me very happy. But we’ll worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. For now, be a good girl and get some rest, pet.” I quivered at her words, but found them surprisingly caring and, well, soothing. She certainly didn’t have to tell me twice, I was already drifting off, content in her embrace, blanketed by her wings.


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