Winter Rabbit in Wonderland

Chapter 100

Chapter 100: Chapter 11 Extra Stories 1-IF The Return Home. If SoYoon Returned back to Earth.

What happened was something that no one had ever expected to happen.

One night, SoYoon was returning to Wonderland from Outhouse after finishing up a request. She met up with a group of people who had been lying in wait for her. Magic traps, storage units, and wizards were all there as part of the elaborate plan to capture her. Although the magicians had acted quickly, no one could have predicted that such an error could have happened.

Magic collided with magic. The wizards could not handle the rising, combining power as it was thrown out of its sphere. The magic traps and storage units shattered.

In the center of the magical explosion was SoYoon. As if the magic had been searching for a target, it concentrated on her.

Then everything became completely calm. Those who had come to capture SoYoon looked around. They were unable to find anything, not even a single strand of white hair.


A gentle breeze with the faint scent of chemicals floating within it… That was the first thing SoYoon noticed when she woke up. It was unfamiliar and familiar at the same time as she opened her eyes to see the white ceiling above her. Thinking that she was back at the research facility, she bolted up. Then froze as she realized her actual surroundings.

A white bed, white walls, thin curtains fluttering in the air coming through the slightly opened window, a smartphone lying atop a side table. In the corner was a small door. On the other side of it, she heard the sound of running water. A long time ago, she had seen such a setting in the dramas she saw on Earth.

A little while later, the door opened and a woman stepped out. It was a middle-aged woman with a small stature, a sadly drooping mouth, and tired eyes. She had been walking back slowly when her eyes met with SoYoon’s and she halted.

“So… Yoon?”

As if unable to believe her eyes, the woman blinked several times and called out her name. SoYoon blinked exactly as she had and called out to her.


The towel and the basin her mother were holding dropped to the floor with a loud noise.

3, 4,

A couple of days after she was released from the hospital, SoYoon went back to school. If she really had no choice but to live on Earth, then she wanted to prepare herself for the future. Luckily, her injuries had healed enough that they didn’t cause her pain to move.

As she got closer to the school, more and more eyes seemed to be watching SoYoon. It was surprising enough that she had been stabbed at school, but knowing that it was due to a love triangle… There was no greater gossip-worthy story.

Having been the subject of various rumors even before GaHyun stabbed her, SoYoon was already a well-known person around the school. This may have bothered her a long time ago, but she was so used to the spotlight now that it didn’t faze her. She walked through the school nonchalantly and went into the administration office.

As she discussed the missed classes she needed to take with the counselor, random people she didn’t even remember knowing asked her if she was feeling okay. It always started with a harmless “hello,” but would drift onto a different subject. They wanted to know what happened to GaHyun and how she’d felt when she had been stabbed, etc. When SoYoon responded coldly to all their prying questions, they eventually walked away.

Unlike them, SoYoon was able to gain some insightful information. For example, she heard that DongHyun had gone into the army. She also learned where GaHyun was residing. After finishing up what she needed, she left the school office.


A few days later, SoYoon left on the subway to go somewhere. After a long ride on the subway, she arrived at the prison. She’d made an appointment online and didn’t have to wait long to go into the visiting room.

She saw GaHyun’s poison-filled face through the glass window. Just by looking at that face, she became unsure about whether or not she remembered any of Alice’s memories.

SoYoon said to her through the microphone, “Did you enjoy your trip?”

The moment the words escaped her lips, GaHyun’s eyes grew large. SoYoon’s lips curled into a smile.


It seemed that SoYoon was not the only one who had visited that world. Seeing the fear reflected in GaHyun’s eyes, she seemed to relive all the things that happened to her there. She had returned to Earth after being treated as Duke’s pretty little corpse. Compared to that, her new situation must seem like heaven.

“Ye SoYoon! I’m going to kill you! I will kill you once and for all!”

GaHyun was causing a ruckus. The guards forced her down. However, GaHyun did not remove her gaze from SoYoon.

“You wait,” SoYoon mouthed silently. “I’ll take you back there.” Through the speakers, she heard GaHyun curse and scream.

The only reason she had come to see GaHyun was to confirm the existence of Wonderland. By the change in her body, she had already been sure. She’d still wanted to double-check.

Having succeeded in establishing her theory, SoYoon got up from her seat. As she was about to leave the visitor room, she saw the reflection of her white hair in the glass window and stopped.

Her dark brown hair had turned white. It looked as if frost was sitting on top of it. There was no reason to change this back to normal.

There was nothing left to do but wait. As she walked toward the subway station, SoYoon wore a slight smile.


7, 8

“SoYoon has disappeared.”

The three words that Baby said to Heart were enough to explain the situation to March. In the time she’d been gone, how many had lost their lives to his ax? All of Wonderland seemed to be holding its breath. Even Outhouse was shaking with fear at the threat of the serial killer in their midst.

“Now there is no longer any reason to,” Heart mumbled as he put down the food he’d ordered from room service. He hated having anyone else come into the room where he was spending time with SoYoon, so he ordered them to deliver the food to the door. After setting everything up, he felt strangely content. Now the only thing left was to wake up SoYoon.

SoYoon was still deeply asleep. Heart bent down over her. Her eyes were red with tears. They were the consequence of Heart pushing himself on her last night. He smiled happily and kissed her eyes.

“Wake up, SoYoon. Let’s eat.”

But when his lips touched her soft skin, the thought of food disappeared from his thoughts. He looked down at his wristwatch.


She was probably tired from everything that had happened last night. Maybe he should just let her sleep longer. But he did think it would be better to feed her. After going back and forth between the two thoughts, he kissed her again and whispered, “I know you’re sleepy, but you should eat before you go back to sleep.”

But SoYoon still did not move. He thought about it again, then said, “If you don’t wake up now, I’m gonna move in. I’m still not satisfied.”

Sensing truth in his words, SoYoon opened her eyes. Still not fully awake, the first things she saw were his shoulders clothed in a light grey shirt and his dirtied ginger hair.

“Heart?” she mumbled like a baby as she crept closer to him. Drowsy, she had done it without knowing, glad to see the familiar color she had longed for. But to Heart, the action was like a spark. He froze for a moment, then quickly jumped on the bed and hopped onto SoYoon.


SoYoon slapped Heart on the back as he interrupted her breathing the moment she woke up. From the sound, he was sure her handprint would be imprinted on his back, but he continued to kiss her passionately.

His hands soon traveled under the blanket and enjoyed the touch of her body. She was not wearing a single thread of clothing. SoYoon realized his intent and pushed him off.

“I’m hungry.”

“That’s good. I am too,” Heart said as he licked his lips. Although they were both hungry, SoYoon realized that the subject of their hunger was different. She pushed him away again.

“Did you order room service?”

SoYoon could smell the aroma of food coming from the opposite side of the room and felt so hungry that she had no intention of fulfilling Heart’s hunger. Heart’s shoulders drooped and he sighed. It looked like the moment has passed.

SoYoon went into the bathroom and washed up. She came out wearing a bathrobe. Heart was waiting at the door and ran right up to her when she stepped out of the bathroom. She glanced casually at him as if she barely saw him and walked over to where the smell of food was coming from.

“I thought I would die waiting for you and this is how you act? Don’t you think you are a bit harsh?”

“Am I?”

“You should know by now that even if I look relaxed, I really am not.”

“From what I see…You seem very relaxed,” she replied blandly, pretending not to care. It was her small punishment to him for making her cry. Heart knew it.

“That’s because I know the other two won’t lay a hand on you. But I’m different,” Heart said, laughing jovially.

SoYoon stopped walking and looked up at him. “…Villain.”

“But you still love me, right?”

His crooked smile annoyed her. She contemplated whether or not she should pinch those smiling cheeks, but changed her mind and stretched out her hands. She reached for his shirt. She grabbed it and pulled him in quickly, kissing him on his lips.

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