Winter Rabbit in Wonderland

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: Chapter 7 Excommunication-1

SoYoon looked up at the place that Tweedle Dum had sent her the address of. It was a one-story building that didn’t have a single window. They must have just finished construction on it because the smell of concrete was still in the air.

She stood in front of its heavy doors and sent Dum a message. The door opened and he stepped out.


SoYoon walked past him and went inside.

“You can sit there.”

As Dum said this, the door locked behind her. The click of the lock echoed behind her but she didn’t give it much attention.

Unlike its desolate facade, the inside was decorated like a simple one-bedroom home. The furniture looked new, the kitchen was organized with the essential, and the bed was neatly made. She sat on the sofa that Dum indicated.

“Please wait. I will get you something to drink.”

He told her as he headed to the kitchen. The sound of water and clanking came from the kitchen.

“I just acquired this house. What do you think?”

“It’s nice.”


Dum brought over thick hot chocolate. Steam and its sweet scent diffused throughout the small interior.

“I heard from Dee that you don’t hate chocolate, right? It’s made from the cocoa powder bought from Dee’s favorite chocolate store so the taste will be alright.”

He took a sip from his blue cup while he pushed the white cup in front of SoYoon. The strong aroma was delightful.

He loved thick melted chocolate. The warm taste mixed with the sweet smell and the sticky consistency reminded him of blood.

After drinking a couple sips, he put down his cup and smiled at SoYoon who hadn’t even taken off her mask yet.

“Taste it. It’s really tasty. Um, if you don’t like it, should I get you something else?”

The brightly smiling Dum seemed to radiate a light that couldn’t penetrate inside the windowless building.

She breathed in deeply. After getting past the strong scent of the hot chocolate, she smelled something familiar. Also, the air was refreshing for a place indoors. Unless the place was filtering oxygen into the place, this wasn’t a natural sensation.

The place was specifically created so that the only way to exchange air from the outside was through a single door. The hot chocolate in front of her was tainted with a sedative. Taking these two things into account, there was only one conclusion that she could make.

“You request?”

“I’d like to take some time explaining while drinking this.”

“If you don’t have work for me, then I’m leaving.”

SoYoon got up from her seat. Dum replied, “If you must.” then put the hot chocolate to his mouth. She walked to the door and noticed the most complicated system of locks. She turned to look at him. Having met her eyes, Dum’s eyes bent like a crescent moon.

“Why? You said you wanted to leave.”

He put down his cup and walked toward SoYoon. He crept right up close behind her, stared at her thin shoulders, then slowly placed his hands on top of it.

At one time, he had been surprised to find how fragile she felt. As he swept lightly across her shoulder, he was reminded of this, but he changed the topic.

He chuckled as he pointed at the lock mechanism and said in a benign tone. Most girls were more scared of this tone than if he had been screaming at them.

“Were you surprised at finding there was no doorknob? This was specially made. Only I and Dee know how to open it.”

Dum touched the door with his free hand. The door made of thick steel felt cold and heavy. He leaned forward.

He embraced SoYoon from behind and the scent that triggered his hunger became more potent. Dum buried his face inside her white hair and moved his lips. The euphoric touch filled up his heart.

“Of course, I have no intention of opening it for you.”

He said practically giddy.

SoYoon turned her body then, pushed him away and kicked the door. The door bent a little but it didn’t break open in the slightest. She kicked the locking mechanism next but seeing that she didn’t even make a scratch, she frowned. Dum mumbled “It won’t work.” and watched as she continued.

“They told me that you can’t break it, however, strong you may be.”

When he had ordered his minion to find him such a door, he ended up buying one off of Mad Hatter. He didn’t like the idea of using something made from a man SoYoon was close to but he didn’t have a lot of options.

“You can’t just break through the walls either. It’s reinforced with steel.”

He wondered how long it would take for her to give up. Dum got comfortable on the sofa and followed her with his eyes where she moved. After kicking the door several times, she eventually took out the sword from her back. Dum put his weapon, a knife, in his hand and said.

“Are you planning to kill me? It still won’t open the door. If that’s the case, you will be stuck in here all alone with my corpse…”

“I won’t kill you.”

She lifted the sword high and swung down hard. The sound of metal on metal clanging echoed through the space. She had been aiming for the hinge. As expected of a fool proof door, the attack caused it to bend but did not break.

Clang! Clang! Clang! She repeatedly hacked at it until the sound of twisting metal could be heard. Dum got up hurriedly.


He wrapped his arms around her from behind and tightened his grip. She turned her head and looked up at him. From between the strands of white hair, he could see her crystal like pupils. He also saw her narrow her eyes and crinkle her nose.

Her face read very clearly that she was not enjoying this, but Dum reached out toward her ear reflexively. Her mask fell to the floor and he could see her red lips. Unlike what he remembered, he realized that her lips were pursed in discontent.

As if in a trance, he lowered his head and approached her lips. If I could kiss those lips, bite it slightly, then go inside her, how wonderful it would be. However, his fantasy was immediately blocked by her palm.


He asked and SoYoon asked back.

“Why are you doing this.”

Why? Dum blinked. The answer was simple. Because he wanted her.

He was about to answer as such but something bothered him. He got the feeling that the answer he chose was an incorrect one. But if that was not the case, then why was he feeling this way.

She pushed him away again and lifted the sword once more. Clang! The blade and hinge made contact and this time, the hinge on the top broke off. However, Dum was unable to hear that sound.

When SoYoon had lifted her arms, her shirt had moved and revealed the back of her neck. There he saw a red mark that numbed all his senses other than that specific sight. And so, he didn’t realize that she had managed to break the rest of the hinges.

She kicked the door until it bent to create a space that one person can escape through. And so within an hour, the 3 days worth of time, money, and even magic flew out the door.

Dee, who had been quietly observing SoYoon, started cursing. Follow her! They released the locks and ran outside. She had not gotten too far away.


SoYoon was searching inside her cross bag when she stopped and turned around. White hair and deep pink lips came into view.

They ran toward her, rushing toward those lips. He opened his lips and swallowed hers, sucking wildly. At this, he felt a tingle spreading throughout his body from his hips. He squeezed her cheeks so that her mouth remained open and they ravaged her small tongue from inside.

“Ah, oh…ah, feels so good…”

They couldn’t believe the passionate voice they heard was theirs. The euphoria that filled their head electrified their entire body.

However, the time they were enjoying was short lived. A hard fist punched their stomach. Gasping, they fell forward, then flew away from her as she kicked them from behind.

Gasping for breath, SoYoon looked at Twins while wiping off her mouth with her sleeve. She replaced her mask with another one she had in her cross bag. She didn’t pay any attention to whether they were suffering or not and casually walked away. Dee called out to her.

“Uh…Hey, stop there…”

However, she had no reason to listen to him. Twins stared at the back of her and stumbled back up. They had created this place for SoYoon, but now it was all useless. They started to smash everything inside.

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