Winter Rabbit in Wonderland

Chapter 88

Chapter 88: Chapter 9 Ye SoYoon-3

The leader of the group, who looked to be middle-aged, stopped mid-command. The name that SoYoon had called out was very valuable.

The daughter of the traitor Henry Liddell, the person with a power that no one had witnessed before, Alice Liddell. The government, upper-class society, and researchers had competed vigorously to get their hands on her.

SoYoon looked straight at Alice and continued. “This girl is Alice Liddell. The girl you’ve been desperately looking for with the healing powers. She’s wearing a wig to disguise herself, but she can’t fool me with that.”

Alice was reminded of the reason Alice had run away to Wonderland in the original story. She started to run towards the exit. But she couldn’t get further than a couple of steps before she was caught.

“Let go! Let me go! No, it’s not me! I’m not Alice Liddell!”

The shoddy wig was snatched off her head and fell away easily. Even though it had been pinned securely to her head, the action revealed her beautiful golden hair. Once the pins were removed, the researchers saw the same girl that they had seen in the pictures.

SoYoon administered the final blow. “Also, another soul is living inside that body. That rare case you guys had always been going on about.”

Alice, who had been thrashing about, suddenly froze. “You, how did you know that…”

She looked at SoYoon, her face as white as a ghost. SoYoon’s eyes under her lashes curved into a smile as if looking at a lover.

“This time, let’s fall into hell together, Wi GaHyun.”

When she called her by her real name, a memory crossed Alice’s mind.

The brown eyes of the girl who had looked up at her from the pool of blood, and the moment their light had started to slowly fade away.

“You’re… you can’t be…Ye So…”

Alice lost consciousness before she could complete SoYoon’s name. They used a simple fainting spell on her, then placed chains over her thin wrists and tightly tied up the rest of her body.

Feeling her eyelids getting heavier, SoYoon thought to herself that it must now be her turn.

It was. Practically asleep and no longer able to use her strength, she heard the sound of something cutting through the wind. Behind that, a piercing scream and the strong scent of blood. SoYoon was barely able to open her eyes.

The first things she saw were two legs standing on the floor, and the first things she heard were the words, “Who the f*ck are you? Who permitted you to do this to her?”

She lifted her head a little higher. The soft sunlight that was filtering through the cracks in the building was shining onto the dark blond hair like an aura.

Tweedle Dee. When her lips twitched into a smile, Dee glanced over at her. SoYoon could see the blood-stained knife held tightly in his hand.

Dee observed his enemies. Three men in casual attire… There had originally been four. One was dead now. There were also seven men and women clad in black suits.

On both sides, he smelled something that made his mood sour. To be more exact, on one side, he smelled the arrogance of those who thought themselves to be more superior. Twins had experienced these sorts of people when they were younger. On the other side, they smelled of people who had lost their humanity.

“Hey, Blondie! Who are those punks?” As Dee asked SoYoon this question, one of the suited men ran towards him. Running at full speed, the man pulled out a knife from his back pocket and swung it quickly. Dee defended himself with his knife.

Clang! The sound of clashing metal echoed sharply through the building. Dee used all his strength to push off his enemy. However, the opposition, contrary to his frail-looking stature, had immense strength. Dee knew of someone else who was even thinner than this man that was many times stronger than even this guy.

“I think I bit off more than I can chew.”

Of all the people he could have been fighting, his opposition was one of the research facility’s reengineered experiments. Dee’s lips curved into a smile. He hated pain. He hated being in pain because it made him get hit even more. But if he was to back away now, he would lose SoYoon forever, and that thought spurred Dee on.

He was glad that he’d decided to follow SoYoon when he saw her on the street earlier. Thanks to that decision, he had the chance to protect her and could brag about it to her later.

He stuck the knife into the man’s neck and kicked hard at the side of the second offender. The girl flew backward but landed lightly against the wall. It felt like he had kicked a boulder. Dee frowned.

After observing how well Dee was doing, the researchers nodded to those waiting in the back. At this, the five that were left all moved at the same time.

He never thought that he would die for a girl. He mumbled curses under his breath as he stepped back toward SoYoon.

“Blondie,” Dee called her in a small voice. The experiments were slowly closing in on them. Glancing around at them, Dee said, “I’ll distract them so you can run away.”

SoYoon blinked her half-closed eyes. Dee glanced down at her and yelled urgently, “What are you looking at me for? Hurry!”

SoYoon had been barely able to keep upright with her trembling arms, but now one of her shoulders thudded to the ground heavily. The strength of the spell pulling her body and mind down had increased immensely.

She looked at the researchers who were standing some distance away. Missing the cockiness they’d displayed before, they were now muttering to each other and sweating.

“Blondie, are you not able to move?”

Dee gasped. At the same time, SoYoon heard the patch on her left shoulder rip. With the patch no longer there to defend against the power of the spells, the magical spell pulled her in hard. She collapsed and looked at Dee through her hair.

Even if he was the strongest of the crazies in Wonderland, fighting against six experiments at the same time was beyond his skill.

Through her blurring vision, she could see Dee getting pummeled.

Knowing he couldn’t possibly win, he had still insisted on fighting to buy her some time. SoYoon saw the bandages on his left arm. Yesterday afternoon, she had wrapped them around Dum’s arm.

SoYoon’s eyes were about to close for good. Thud. Something heavy fell to the floor. The smell of blood swept past her nose. With that last memory, she lost consciousness.

After Dee collapsed and SoYoon got close to fainting, the researchers used magic to check their states again. When they were sure that both of them were unable to move, they looked around and clicked their tongues.

As an added precaution, they had brought along seven experiments. Three were dead and four were severely hurt. Although this was unfortunate, the death of one of the researchers was far more detrimental.

“Why did this guy feel the need to intervene to this extent?”

If they had brought fewer than six experiments, they may have lost another researcher. Thinking about this, one of the researchers shook his shoulders in fear and spoke. “Should we take him too? He looks to be nonmagical.”

At that moment, one of the researcher’s cellphones rang. The researcher pulled out a phone that was the size of his arm and answered it.

“Yes. We have succeeded in capturing her but what’s the problem?… Yes, I understand.”

After hanging up, the researcher turned toward the leader. The person who had called was Cheshire. Since bringing Alice to this place, he had been hiding near Heart’s house and observing what was going on. He’d told them that Heart had started to move. They had come into Wonderland secretly and plotted all this out. Heart was someone they wanted to avoid.

Upon hearing this information, he decided to give up on Dee. Either way, there were only two available spaces for the prisoners, and their priorities were SoYoon and Alice.

They hurriedly left, leaving Dee there alone. The researchers thought that he was at the point where he would die on his own. They didn’t feel the need to kill him on the spot. What they didn’t realize was that Dee was born and raised in the slums of Wonderland.

A few moments later, Dee opened his eyes. What woke him up was none other than the sound of his cellphone. He spat the blood out from his mouth and picked up the phone.

“F*ck, bring the car to the entrance. You’re the driver.”

He didn’t even consider what the other person had called him about as he spat out commands. Afterward, he was barely able to lift himself. Before exiting the building, he had been staggering and on the brink of collapse. Once he breathed in the fresh outside air, he started to walk normally as if all the blood on his body was not his own. The only way you would recognize his state was by his slower than usual walk.

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