Winter Swan

Chapter 26

Chapter 26: <Chapter 25>

If she thought he was lying, Silje would’ve left immediately. She would’ve yelled at him for being a liar, but at this moment, she knew that Kail was telling the truth. It was strange because he wasn’t pleading with her and his voice was still cold, yet for some reason, she believed him.

Was it because of his serious eyes? Or because her own heart felt like it was burning?

She could hear his heart beating loudly.

“…Stop saying weird things like that. I’m not someone you can easily fool.”

When she tried to leave, Kail stopped her again and said confidently, “I didn’t expect you to accept me easily. So let’s revisit this later.”

When he looked at her quietly, Silje became confused.

What was happening? She couldn’t understand this situation and it made her feel frustrated.

But even with all the negative feelings, Silje couldn’t help but also feel strangely stimulated. It felt like sticky syrup had been thrown at her. Was it because he had confessed his feeling for her? One thing was certain. This guy was strange. He made her feel things she didn’t want.


No one ever told her that they were attracted to her.

This guy was staring at her as if he wanted to swallow her whole. He meant what he said; she was sure of it.

No one had ever made her feel this way.

In a way, Kail was a simple man. He said what he wanted and needed.

Kail said he wanted her.

She felt alive and her heart felt inspired. She felt hot and cold at the same time and the contradicting feelings made her tremble.

This was no joke. The cruel king was not the kind of a guy who would say something like this to just anyone. He really meant what he said.

He was confessing his attraction to her.


Silje trembled again at the shock of it.

She felt like an idiot. What was she doing?

Who did he think he was? Did he think he was that great?

She felt angry at herself for feeling anything for him even for a second other than hatred.

How could she feel moved just because someone told her something nice? Was she that easy and desperate? Silje thought she was used to being alone, but she realized that she must’ve been lonelier than she thought. Disappointed and embarrassed at herself, she couldn’t believe she considered his feelings for even a second. Silje realized that she wanted to hurt him. She needed to. She became breathless and her face became pale. Then, Silje waited quietly for a chance to get back at him.

And the chance came quicker than she expected.

With a quick look, Kail came up to her and put the titanium bracelet on her wrist.


Whatever his intention was with this gesture, Silje didn’t like it. She frowned at her wrist.

This had to be his way of making her his possession.

“What are you doing? Stop it.”

“I am just trying to help you and cover the scar on your wrist.”

“You are treating me like a toy. A possession.”

Silje couldn’t take it anymore. He had done enough damage to her.

After angrily yanking the bracelet off, she threw it at Kail’s face.

“Take it back. I don’t need it!”


With a slapping sound, the bracelet hit Kail’s face and scratched his skin. Silje didn’t mean to do this, so when she saw the scrape, she flinched.

It was turning red, but she didn’t want to apologize. He had done worse things to her. Even now her wrist was still throbbing, and the trauma of that snowy night still gave her nightmares.

She became breathless and angry as she remembered that horrible night again.

“I am telling you I don’t need it! And don’t talk to me anymore. I don’t want to get involved with you and your problems.”

She exploded and was about to leave the storage when she stopped.

Kail wasn’t physically blocking her way this time, but what made her pause was his voice.


He called out her name. At first, she couldn’t believe it. She thought that perhaps it was the wind blowing, but it was indeed Kail. When she looked back at him, he stared into her eyes.

“That’s right. It’s you. It has to be you. I am telling you that I want you and no one else.”

What was he doing to her?

Silje’s face reddened.

Something felt different. Something changed.

Until now, this situation didn’t feel completely real, but as soon as Kail said her name, reality hit her hard.

She could feel it on her skin.

He called her name.


As he looked at her intensely, Silje realized who Kail was. He was someone who knew the weaknesses of others. He knew how to attack efficiently and make his enemies surrender.

When Silje tried to leave, he called out her name, forcing her to recognize this situation as reality.

Kail repeated himself, “Can’t you understand? I want you. I want to have you. I will do anything to have you.”

He was standing right in front of her. Grabbing her wrist, he brought it up to his face and kissed it. His head was bowed, and he continued to kiss each of her trembling fingers.

“I meant what I said. I want sex, but I also know you won’t allow it. Yet. So I will do everything it takes to make you open your heart to me, even if it destroys me.”

Kail’s eyes darkened as he smiled.

“I can’t stop, and you will end up surrendering to me. There is no escape for you.”

Silje knew he meant what he said and became fearful because she could see that he was attracted to her. She didn’t know how it happened, but it did.

The problem was, she couldn’t accept him.

“I get that you aren’t lying. I can’t understand you, but it doesn’t matter. I am telling you now that you need to give up on me. It will never happen.”

Silje looked at him coldly and added, “Don’t waste your time. I will pretend that this didn’t happen today. I gotta go.”

“But it happened, so don’t bother pretending that it didn’t.”

Kail smiled mockingly. Silje walked towards the door, and as he stared at her, he added, “I know you can’t accept me now, so I will take my time. You should know that I always get what I want because I am always ready to offer what others truly want. I will wait for you patiently.”

“It will never happen!” Silje yelled and left, slamming the door behind her. She could hear him laughing from the inside, and it sounded seductive and ominous. It scared her that he seemed too confident of the future.

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