Witch of the Web

Chapter 18

Sorry for late post. It's been crazy the last little while ><.


Chapter 18

I regret everything already.

See, the thing is that I figured we’d be able to relax while waiting for those long term delving pods. We’d kick back, cuddle a bit, maybe even try our hands at sex again. 

Wishful thinking. That’s what that was. 

The moment I agreed to joining Lonnie and Roger’s merry band of freedom fighters, it was decided that we needed to get our skills up to snuff. Apparently, while LOG has near limitless reserves of rank and file mooks to support their elite operatives, the resistance only has elite agents supported by backend support. So despite my earlier success with that logger squad, they figured I could use a more varied skill set.

Lonnie had noticed during our fight that it took me and Willow time to affect things directly. Time that could be exploited by a Knight who could just charge in. She had suggested that I make my own quester frame, like I had for Felicia. 

So that’s why I’m elbow deep in designing my own personal quester class, because if I’m going to follow her advice, I’m going to at least put my own spin on it. 

I start with the basic framework that anyone can access via an AI run access node. These things are jam packed with a metric fuckload of class data that normally needs to be unlocked via the gamified experience system. Fortunately, while I can’t replicate the exact method the AI used to make the classes, I can cheat the system and bypass the need to level. More importantly, I can, with Willow’s help, understand enough of how it works to make my own modifications to suit my preference. 

Knowing myself, I would never be satisfied with a cut and dry combat system. I like my versatility too much to just give myself a handful of specialized spells. That said, I do see Lonnie’s point in having some things I can use quickly in a pinch. I decide to split the difference and create a frame that utilizes Willow’s unique capabilities, along with my own skills with webweaving to give me access to different prebuilt nodes that can be combined as needed. And since I’m really digging this whole witch aesthetic, I set myself up to be able to create those quester potions Lonnie was using. 

It takes me a few hours to get things the way I want them, during which time, Lonnie has been giving some lessons to Felicia and Summer about how to combat people with her level of speed. 

Like clockwork, our would-be trainer approaches me just as I’m finishing. “All done?” she asks as she leans on a spear. 

“Yeah,” I grumble as I install my class package and get a feel for it. “Should be good to go.”

“Good, then we’ll try sparring again. I’ll take it a little slower for round two, but just enough that you have a chance of reacting.” Her cocky smirk drives me up the wall. I may begrudgingly respect her skill as a fighter, but I’m still going to wipe that grin off her face. I haven’t forgotten her finishing move from the last match. 

She had to have known about my spine. 

Fucking cunt. 

Gonna tear her a fucking new one for that.

Willow nuzzles against my leg and meows softly. She shares a reassuring look with me before returning her focus to the upcoming fight.

“Thanks,” I whisper softly. It’s good to know she’ll have my back both figuratively and literally. 

Once more we take our positions with Felicia up front, myself in the middle and Summer bringing up our rear. We figure that if we increase the distance Lonnie has to travel to get to Summer, our lovely healer will have a chance to protect us against the onslaught. 

The fight starts again and Lonnie dashes towards us as she did last time. She’s a bit slower than before, but still ridiculously fast. I’m beginning to wonder if she’s augmented her nervous system. Procedures like that are exceedingly rare due to their low success rate. It would explain how she’s able to avoid crashing into anything while moving at those speeds. 

As she reaches Felicia, the redheaded former logger raises her shield and deflects the blow to the side, opening Lonnie up for a counter attack. She’s too fast though, and quickly dodges out of the way. 

Summer makes her presence known by hastening Felicia to improve her chances of landing a hit. Meanwhile, I decide to try out some of my new spells and pull a vial of swirling yellow liquid from a bag at my hip. The simple looking leather satchel is part of my class equipment, and lets me make some alchemical goodies on the fly. For example, the glue bomb I just concocted. 

Willow projects where Lonnie is going to likely land and I lob the glass vial with AI aided precision. As the container shatters, the yellow fluid splatters out and coats a large area of ground. I grin in anticipation for the speedy quester to be slowed down a tad. 

Unfortunately, only disappointment awaits me as Lonnie shifts in mid air, landing just outside the glue. “Nice try kids, but you’ll have to do better than -” Felicia doesn’t let her finish as she’s already using a dash ability to close the gap with her shield raised. She just barely misses her target as Summer’s aunt manages to leap into the air again. 

As Lonnie hovers over top of the sticky glue on the ground, I have an idea. With but a thought, I have Willow transmit my plan to my girlfriends who quickly move to play their part.

Summer pelts her aunt with beams of light, forcing her to dance around and stay on the back foot. She’s careful to keep her from moving out from above the glue. Felicia throws her spear any time Lonnie tries to move towards Summer. 

The coordinated assault gives me all the time I need to whip up a little custom spell just for this occasion. I reach out with a combination of quester magic and good ol’ webweaving and imbue the glue with a bit of motivation.

The stick yellow goo lunges up and catches Lonnie’s foot, eliciting an oh so satisfying gasp from her. It drags her back down to the ground and holds her in place while I close the distance.

“Not so confident now, huh?” I taunt her as I take my sweet time preparing the finishing blow. “You really shouldn’t have hit me in the spine. That was a no no.” I briefly second guess my planned torment when Lonnie’s face falls. She must not have thought of that.


Fuck her.

I raise my hand up and point my index finger at my opponent. “Any last words before I send you back to respawn?” I ask her. 

Wait. Why’s she smiling?

“Why are you smiling?” Summer asks, repeating my thoughts without realizing. 

“Oh sweethearts,” Lonnie gleefully titters. “It’s because I know something you don’t.”

“Yeah? And what’s that?” Felicia demands, pointing her spear forward.

“I’m not left handed,” Lonnie announces, eliciting confused looks from all of us. It’s all she needs though to full on teleport out of the glue, allowing her to fall directly on me with a heavy blow to the head. Everything fades to black after that. 


“You better not have caused permanent harm to her!” someone yells. They sound familiar, but everything is so fuzzy it’s hard to make out who it is. 

“I was gentle. Besides, the arena has safeguards to prevent any brain damage since that’s the biggest concern in these sorts of duels.” That’s Lonnie… I think. And given the similar voices, the first one must’ve been Summer. Things are becoming more clear. 

Ow. Fucking hell. 

I guess with clarity comes the wherewithal to feel the massive fucking headache I have.

“Oh! She’s waking up!” a third voice says, probably Felicia. Wait yeah, definitely her. 

“What the fuck was that?” I mutter, my voice sounding awkward and out of whack. 

“Just a love tap,” Lonnie retorts, not sounding at all remorseful. If the arena prevents brain damage, then I guess that’s fair. But that’s not what I’m asking about.

“No,” I shake my head. “What the actual fuck did you mean about not being left-handed? I mean what? How was that fucking relevant? You weren’t even wielding a weapon in your left hand to begin with!”

Lonnie stares at me for several long seconds until she just cracks up laughing. “Oh fuck me, you’re not trying to tell me you haven’t seen The Princess Bride, are you?” 

“The fuck is that?” I demand angrily. My patience has long since been frayed by all this continuing bullshit with the recruiting and training. It’s only the first fucking day and I’m already so over this garbage heap.

Lonnie shakes her head with a grin. “This just won’t do. Not at all.” She reaches out a hand to help me up. I stare at it for just a moment before begrudgingly accepting her help. “Training’s over for today, we have more important things to do.”

“Like what?” I ask, already fearing the answer. 

Fuck. She’s already gone.

Summer giggles as I look on with confusion. “Aunt Lonnie loves The Princess Bride. It’s her favorite movie!” She pats me gently on the back before giving me a sympathetic look. “When she found out my parents hadn’t shown me the movie, she whisked me away to her apartment to watch it.” The gleeful look on her face is the inverse of my dawning horror. “So buckle up Rose, it’s movie night.”

Great. Just fucking Great.


I will never get the last hour and thirty eight minutes of my life back. Don’t get me wrong, the movie was fine, but not nearly as good as Lonnie tried to make it out to be. Summer enjoyed watching it though, and the way she joined her aunt in saying the lines with the movie was kinda cute. 

“Soooo? Best movie ever, right?” Lonnie asks as she practically jumps to her feet right in front of me. 

“It was -” I pause as Summer moves her finger in a rolling motion. 

The fuck?

She responds to my blank expression with a direct message. ‘Just roll with it.’

Ah. She wants me to lie to her aunt. I can do that.

“Oh yeah, pretty good,” I say, managing to pretend a level of sincerity I just don’t feel. “Definitely top 10 for sure.”

“Fair enough,” she sighs. “But still, it’s the best. One day I’ll find true love,” she says wistfully. 

Fuck me. She’s a hopeless romantic. No wonder she’s obsessed with this movie. It’s practically the bible for the terminally sappy. 

“Well, it’s getting kind of late. We’ll uh, see you tomorrow?” I don’t even have to fake a yawn. I am beat. Between putting up with everything today, the emotional reveals, the sparring and the movie night, I’m exhausted. From the mirroring yawns of Summer, Felicia and Willow, it seems I’m not the only one ready to hit the hay. 

Lonnie wishes us a goodnight and we make our way back to the room we were given. It doesn’t take long for us all to get settled into bed and enjoy a nice snuggle pile.

Heh. I’m snuggling a former jack. How fucking weird is that. 

Still, under all that hardass militant mentality, there’s a soft caring person. Plus she’s physically soft and warm just like Summer. 

If I didn’t have to worry about the future, I’d be content to live in this moment forever. It’s so peaceful, and relaxing and-

“Code Red! LOG has located Outpost Delta! All available combatants please report for duty!” 

Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!

End Chapter 18

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