witcher in marvel

Chapter 22 The Transformation of Evil

Chapter 22 The Transformation of Evil

quack! !

The young doctor's eyes were wide open, and blood, teeth and flesh foam dripped from the corner of his hideous mouth.

"You think your teeth are hard?"

Bai Jinglan put a magic fan in his mouth, turned his wrist forcefully, and pressed the guy to the ground, allowing him to move around like an octopus, but he couldn't break free from the magic fan.

He inspected this "monster", quickly raised his left hand, and drew a cumbersome seal out of thin air. A strange figure flickered and landed on the struggling "monster", but there was no change.

"Not the devil, not magic."

Bai Jinglan frowned, "By the way, what the hell are you?"

This is the first time he has seen this kind of thing. There is no devil's breath, and there is no magic breath. Could it be that this guy's appearance is caused by a genetic mutation?


His heart suddenly moved, and he turned his eyes to the chief surgeon, "Can you tell me?"

There is no magic breath on this monster, but there is on this surgeon doctor.

The chief surgeon was unexpectedly calm, and he was still in the mood to look at his magic fan, and asked with fanaticism in his eyes: "What is that? Some kind of magic?"

Bai Jinglan raised her eyebrows: "You really know magic."

"I know magic! Of course I know magic!"

The chief surgeon waved the scalpel, with a weird and crazy look on his face, "I also want to learn magic and become a great magician, but they told me that I am not qualified-I don't believe it! I don't believe it!!!"

His eyes became hotter and hotter, and he stared at the magic fan: "I spent most of my life and finally found a magic book that I could understand. Although he didn't teach me how to use magic, he gave me the ability to create knowledge of hybrids."


Bai Jinglan looked at the "monster" on the ground, this guy was still struggling vigorously.

He pulled out the magic fan impatiently, and slapped him hard on the forehead, and the irritating cry disappeared instantly.

The magic fan opened with a "swish", and the amber energy surged, shaking out brilliant sparks.

Bai Jinglan pointed at the chief surgeon: "Now, continue talking!"

The chief surgeon licked his lips, with a ferocious smile on his eyes: "It's very simple, use my old profession - surgery, to upgrade some mortals..."

He patted the little boy on the hospital bed, and smiled lowly: "I will transform these children, change their appearance, improve their physique, and make them into creatures in myths and legends—angels with wings, with Demons with goat horns, mermaids with fish tails... These children who have been "upgraded" by surgery will be sold as mercenaries if they are lucky, and slaves if they are unlucky. They'd also be pretty cool pets for morally bankrupt scum."

"So the 'Southern Front' used this method to get involved with those so-called big men?" Bai Jinglan's eyes flashed coldly, "You don't have a magical physique, you can't learn magic, and you can't read normal magic books. Normal magic books don't teach people these things—then, what is the magic book you found?"

The surgeon in charge looked at him for a while, and suddenly sneered as if acting in a play: "Do you want to see my 'work'?"

His hand quickly dropped and pressed on the operating table.

click! !

The wall at the end of the "operating room" cracked a gap, and then slowly opened to the left and right sides, revealing a dark basement.

A foul smell gushed out from inside.

"Woo ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!"

"My lovely children, help Dad tear up this mage!!"

The chief surgeon waved his arms like a conductor on the stage.

With the sound of light or heavy messy footsteps, a group of grinning "monsters" rushed out.

A little boy with a sheep's horn on his head.

A little girl with a tentacled lower body.

A big boy with a strong body like an adult, with sharp claws popping out from the tips of both fingers.

A big girl with hands like praying mantis knives and a mouth full of sharp teeth...

Saying that they are monsters in myths and legends, it is estimated that not many people would doubt them.

And as the chief surgeon said before, not only their appearance was changed, but their physique was also better than ordinary people.

Surrounded by such a group of "monsters", low-level mages are really hard to deal with.

However, Bai Jinglan is not a low-level mage.

He kicked up the pistol at his feet and hit the boy with sheep horns on the head, knocking him to the ground and tripping the guys behind him.

Immediately afterwards, he shook his wrist violently.

The gorgeous magic fan draws a graceful arc, hits the big boy who looks like a juvenile saber-toothed tiger, and then bounces off in the splashing sparks, hits the back of another little boy, and then bounces to another person... If the US team wants to see this scene, it must be praised with both hands - it is not worse than his shield specialization.

However, the results were not so good.

The strength of the magic fan was not low, it knocked a group of monster children to the ground, but they just rolled over and jumped up again.

Bai Jinglan had a headache.

After all, they were just poor children, not real monsters, and he couldn't really kill them with a killer.

But if the attack is too light, it seems that they can't help them.

Forget it, first tie them up with azure chains, and then look for that evil black magic book, to see if there is any possibility of turning them back to their original form...


These transformed children looked like crazy beasts, making weird noises, thick white foam hanging from the corners of their mouths, and they rushed towards him fearlessly.

Bai Jinglan had a firm idea, no longer hesitated, and quickly formed a seal with both hands.

"Azure blue chain, block it!"

Whoa! !
Dazzling light illuminated the operating room, and the criss-crossing blue chains woven into a wide net, blocked a group of monster children and three doctors together.



The monster children obviously didn't understand what was going on, like zombies who had lost their minds long ago, tearing vigorously at the energy chains glowing with blue light, but they couldn't stir up even the slightest wave.

"With your strength, you can't pull this chain, so be honest!"

Bai Jinglan pouted, walked up to the chief surgeon, and punched him on the nose, "You, tell me the truth, where did you hide the magic book!"

"You..." The chief surgeon was crying, clutching his collapsed nose, but shouted in disbelief, "Impossible! Impossible! I have killed several mages, how could..."

"Idiot, mages are also graded..."

Bai Jinglan's voice paused, and he turned to look outside the operating room.

In the direction of the entrance corridor of the operating room, there were several dull impact sounds.


(End of this chapter)

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