Wizard King

Chapter 111: Barty Jr.


Sorry for being a no show for these past few day, I have fallen sick and needed some time off. Now I am feeling better, so it's back to the writing. 

The good news is that I plan to release 10 chapters this week, 1 chapter Mon-Thur, 2 on Fri-Sun! So stay tune. 

Also, I have a new A song of ice and fire fanfic out, so go check it out!


"Before we head out," the old man said as Harry made for the door, "would you like to pick any magical items for back up?" he asked as he indicated towards his shelves.

Harry noted the countless magical objects ranging from the most mundane and simple to the most powerful magic items he had seen filling the shelves like they were just random junk and not priceless items that you could rarely get your hands on.

It was the stuff of legends which would have you drooling from the mouth like he often did even though he had a much grander collection in his family vault. 

"What would be useful for the battle ahead?" Harry asked as there was just too much to choose from and all of them would really be some good choices. 

"Mmm," the old man said as he rubbed his long silvery beard while gazing at his collection. "I think this would do," he muttered as he withdrew a golden bracelet. "Oh, and this too," he added as he picked out a ring. 

Handing them to him, Harry stared at them and asked the most important question, "What do they do?"

"This here," the old man said as he pointed to the golden bracelet, "puts up a very powerful shield, nearly impregnable to all spells and could take any sort of physical damage and still see you out! The creator of this item was once said to survive a mountain falling on top of him, though he did die of dehydration and hunger after being stuck there for months on end," he added on a grim note. "Though his bones were still shielded and protected by this bracelet when his body was recovered," he concluded with a smile as if that would make him feel better. 

"And this," he said pointing to the ring, "this allows you to cancel a spell basically. It is an antimagic ring! You have to be quick on your feet though as point the ring at the spell you want to cancel out and the ring does the rest."

Raising one eyebrow, Harry slowly nodded his head, these were indeed some really impressive items. Putting them on, he spun them around looking at them from every corner. They could prove to be lifesavers in this little raid. 

"Fawkes, keep watch," the old man said to the flaming bird, "and make sure he does not escape!"

Nodding its head, all quiet disposition was gone from the large bird as it became serious and stood tall on its perch. 

"Thank you old friend," the old man smiled. Then looking to him, he nodded his head and uttered, "let's go!"

With that, they headed out of the office ready for battle. 


As they made their way down the hallways of the castle, there really weren't that many people making their way about the castle grounds at this late of an hour with curfew arriving soon. 

However they did meet a few people along the way who stared at them in confusion wondering where they were going in such a deadly show of force. They even meet Professor Septima Vector along the way who had a stack of papers in her hand she must have been about to grade tonight. 

She came to a stop when she saw them and noticing that something wasn't right, she asked the headmaster, "What is going on, Professor Dumbledore?"

"Nothing, I will tell all the faculty members including you later what happened, but for now please back sure that all the students are back in their dorms!"

Nodding her head, she set aside any arguments she might have and said, "I will see to it. Best of luck on where ever you are heading," she amended as she gave them an up and down stare. 

With that, she continued down while this time making sure to herd the students back to their dorms, but she didn't leave until she gave him a long lasting look clearly showing her worry for him. However, Harry gave her a reassuring nod and she took it or what it was. 

Carrying on, it wasn't long before they came before Moody's office. It was in a secluded part of the castle far away from most dorm rooms and classroom, which was the only good thing they could look forward to since there wouldn't be any collateral damages or students that would be at risk. 

Staring down at him, Dumbledore's eye clearly said it all, "Are you ready?"

Taking a deep breath, Harry held his wand out before him and calmed his beating heart. This wasn't your average run of the mill enemy they were about to face, but one of Voldemort's high ranking and most loyal death eaters.

There was no doubt in his mind that the snake taught his fanatical follower the three unforgivable curses and other useful things. So they could be looking forward to facing a very dangerous and tough enemy who wouldn't hesitate to one-shot them with Killing Curse or try to torture them with the Cruciatus Curse. 

"Let's do this," Harry said. He knew eventually he would need to face off against Voldermort's true followers and today was it. No minions for him like last time, but true Death Eater who were the reason why those most ardent followers of Voldemort were feared. 

Flicking his wand at the door in a complicated manner the old man slowly unraveled the wards set up and then finally he stepped back as the door slowly opened. He was the first to go in with Harry coming in behind him taking up the rear. 

Entering, Harry took in the office as he never visited it before. There was just no way he was going to risk his life by meeting the Death Eater masquerading as a Moody, he had no idea if he would take the shot and end him for his dark master. 

Seated on his desk, Barty was grading some assignments like any Professor would. For a moment Harry imagined that they might be jumping to conclusions, but when he looked at Moody with his magic sight he of course saw Barty through that Polyjuice Potion.

Ow, yes, they had the right man alright there was no doubt about it. 

"Headmaster," Barty turned to face them, "and Harry," he added as he saw him walk in behind Dumbledore. Harry was pretty sure he saw the criminal's face contort in hate and fury which he then quickly hide. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked in confusion then looking at their wands, he raised his eyebrow, "and what are you doing with those?" he asked. 

Snorting the old man's eyes turned hard and Harry saw the magic leak out of him as light poured out of the edge of his eyes. He was the literal incarnation of a god!

"The game is up Bartemius Crouch Junior," he said in a deep booming voice that resonated across the office. "We know that you are masquerading as Alastor Moody himself! Tell us where you are keeping him and make this easier for yourself or else...." he said leaving the threat hanging as he had his and pointed right at the death eater. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Dumbledore," the death eater replied still playing to his character. Harry had to give it to him, he really had some guts! Most men would have been squirming by now or would have just spilled the beans right about now with two wands pointed right at point blank range at them and with great power bearing down on them like a sledgehammer. 

He had to say once again, the Death Eater really had some guts, but it wouldn't do him any good at all. 

"Barty Jr? Why would I be him. Do you think that little punk could ever take me? Me who has arrested countless scum like him and defeated more powerful and experience wizards and witches than him? 

HA, you insult me my old friend!" he said as he shook his head. "If he dared to show his face before me, I would have set him straight and arrested him on the spot. Now come on old friend," he said as he waved his hand to move the wands off his general direction. 

But Dumbledore gave him a stern look which said it all, and the man dropped his hands to either side putting on a sad disappointed look.  

"Enough of your games," Harry spoke up in a bored tone, though he was far from feeling that as his heart was racing like a wild horse. The man was like a snake using sweet friendly words to make themselves doubt each other, he had no doubt when their attention or defense slipped, he would strike like a cobra venom snake.

"There is one thing you didn't take into account, using polyjuice potion was smart and you could have gotten away with it if only there wasn't one thing that made it all useless, Magic Sight!"

"Yes," Harry said with a smile and a deep chuckle as he saw the man's face slip for a moment in shock. "Didn't take that into considerations did you now? Well it makes that mask you are wearing utterly useless, you might as well have come in with your true face and you would have made no difference!"

"I still have no idea what you are talking about," the man said still being adamant that he was who he wasn't. Harry had to give it to him, if anything he was one track minded in his dedication. 

"You are only wasting our time," Dumbledore shouted losing patience with the death eater.  "If you won't say where you hide Moody then I will make you say it!" he declared as his wand begin to glow at the very tip. 

"That would be a grave misjustice," Barty growled, "I have right! What would the people think if you used legilimency against the most famous Auror in recent history! Your removal of office from the Wizengamot and the International Confederation of Wizards would look petty in comparison. I would advise you to rethink this Dumbledore and I could overlook everything that has happened today and take it as only an error," he spoke up hastily trying to delay the inevitable. And he couldn't help himself from adding, "Though I doubt our friendship would remain, still you will leave with your dignity and reputation intact."

"It is too late," Dumbledore declared as his eyes hardened in resolve, "since you won't tell us. I will just remove it from your skull...."

Just then there was a banging noise that sounded across the office, everyone paused what they were doing and looked around. The sound echoed across the room once again, and Harry's eyes landed on the suitcase laid in a corner. 

He was pretty sure that was where the noise which sounded like someone banging against a prison was coming from. It could only mean one thing and both Harry and Dumbledore come to the same realization at one...

Moody or should he say Barty Jr. saw that the game was up. Taking out his wand in a flash he sent a spell right at them and dived for cover. 

Dumbledore was easily able to redirect the spell as I went flying towards a shelf causing it to explode into splinterings. While the old man put up a shield to defend against the raining down pieces of wood, Harry threw a body locking curse at the Death Eater who was crawling to cover the rest of the way. 

As much as he wanted to end him right here and now, they still needed to question him and ask about his master's whereabouts. 

Barty wasn't able to tuck in his legs in time so Harry's spell struck causing his legs to lock up. 

Putting the shield down, Dumbledore shouted at him, "Get the suitcase, I will deal with Barty Jr."

Nodding his head, Harry ran past the old man and since the shields were down he wasn't obstructed from heading towards the suitcase where the real Moody must be trapped inside.

Before he could make it there, Barty Jr. got up from his cover perfectly fine as he must have unraveled the spell in time and he shouted, "Die you impious brat. My lord will cry out in joy at your death!"

With that, he threw a Killing curse right at him! 

Watching the spell hurl towards him, time sem to slow down for Harry, he could have used it to cry out in fear as the most dangerous spell from the last war come heading for him.

But Harry pointed the antimagic ring at the incoming spell, he watched as it slowly unraveled before him in the time dilated moment his mind was caught in. At that moment as he watched the spell come apart with the basis of it laid out as he could see the Spell construct, he gained a bit of insight into the workings of the Killing curse. 

His mind did countless Arithmancy equations as he tried to get a better understanding of the spell. There was some really advance magic theory going on, stuff he knew nothing of or could make heads or tails, stuff that he only glimpsed as he progressed in his understanding of magic, and very little that he truly understood. 

This was truly a spell made by a powerful, yes evil, but powerful wizard nevertheless! It was no wonder few understood it and even less could cast it. 

Then as if time came spinning back to him he was back in the moment, back in the regular time flow. 

The ring did its duty, it canceled out the deadly spell which could have all but costed him his life, but in doing so it was a smoking mess and fell apart off his finger and on to the floor, destroyed. 

Quickly Dumbledore sent a pillar of flames at the death eater in anger and shouted, "your enemy is ME!" 

Taking no chances as the two wizards duelled it out in the room, Harry ducking and weaving underneath the spell being fired at an impossibly fast rate. There was no denying he had a few more close calls here and there as Barty fired deadly spells at him when ever he could. 

Though he was hard pressed to do anything of the sort like throwing another Killing Curse at him as Dumbledore kept on pressing him and cornering him. 

Fianlly Harry reached the suitcase which was covered in dust and pebble that fell from the roof and cracked off the floor. The room was being literally torn apart as the two wizards fought inside of it, the windows were already shattered with the glass laying on the floor, the cracks on the ceiling kept on expanding, and all the furniture were thrown about. 

Soon this place would cave in and he did not want to be here when that happened. Heading back the way he came as he kept the suitcase close to his chest. Harry saw that the battle was wrapping up, Barty was on his last leg as his magic reserves must be all but empty. 

Taking in deep breaths, he turned to look at Dumbledore with hate in his eyes, his mask of Moody was gone by now as some spell must have unraveled it at some point and his face was clear to all. 

"You will never get me, you will never make me spill my master secrets," he said in a frantic voice as he threw a spell to keep the old man off of him. But Dumbledore was relentless as he inched closer and closer to him, nearly having him in his grasp. He wasn't even breathing heavily like the young man who was panting like he was in his last leg. 

That more than anything showed the difference between them!

Seeing that his situation was hopeless, the death eater begin to laugh out loud in a manic tone. "My Master will soon arise, and he will avenge me!" he wheezed in between in laughter as he pointed his wand at his temple. 

"Don't do this, boy," Dumbledore shouted as he tried to stop, "it isn't too late for you!"

Before the idiot could kill himself, Harry took off his bracelet which Dumbledore just gave him and activated it, then he tossed it at the Death Eater who prepared his final spell which would send him off in a glory of spellfire. 

As the Killing curse left his wand it bounced off the shield which came into place, defending the Death Eater. That was something Harry never expected to do in his life, prevent a scum like him from killing himself. 

He also found it to be impossible as he stared wide eyed as his spell was absorbed by the shield and prevented him from dying. 

"Come on," Harry said with a smile, "you think you will go off that easy?"

Battle ready Dumbledore: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/96053404525691566/

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