Wizard King

Chapter 114: Dumbledore vs Voldemort


Heads up, I will be releasing 10 chapters this week. So stay tuned!

Also, I have a new A song of ice and fire fanfic out, so please go check it out!

Coming up the hill, lighting started to quake the sky overhead and deep rumbling filled their ears and souls.

Finally, they stood before the Riddle Manor, and it stood facing them with its dark foreboding feelings.

"Incircle the whole perimeter," Amelia Bones shouted, she unlike everyone else didn't seem to be fazed with the weight of what was laid ahead of them. "I want nothing to escape, everything must be under lockdown!" she made herself absolutely clear.

Standing around like idiots for a few moments, Kingsley growled at the Aurors, "Get to it!" as he waved them off. Following through with their direct orders from their supervisors, the Aurors started to break off from the main group and headed off into the surrounding area of the Manor.

"You are sticking with me," Tonks whispered to him as she walked up to him along with her own personal squad she was in leading.

"The more, the merrier," Harry shrugged his shoulders.

"So this is the famous boy-who-lived, why am I not surprised you are here?" one of Tonks's squadmates spoke up. She was a petite girl with brown hair and a very athletic build.

"I heard you guys are cousins?" another one of Tonks squad mates addressed him. He was tall dark skinned man with brown hair and eyes.

"Guys, focus," Tonks called out in a stern voice, "this is a very serious operation! There is no time for chit chat or any nonsense."

"Yes, bossman," an Auror in their ranks uttered as he gave a comical sloppy salute. He had blonde hair, and blue laughing eyes.

"Why do you always making a joke of everything?" the last member of the squad rolled her eyes at the comedian of the group. She was dark of hair and eyes with pale skin that looked as if they have never seen the sun for days on end.

"So this is your little attack squad?" Harry grinned at Tonks.

"Not. A. Word," Tonks growled at him as she saw the humor in his eyes.

"Hey, I didn't say anything," Harry held up his hands.

"All joking aside, be on the ready," Harry said to Tonks and her squad as he turned serious.

He knew he wouldn't be much help in the fight to come between Dumbledore and Voldemort, but that didn't weigh heavy on him.

He was gunning for one person and one person alone, the same person that sold out his parents for power and glory, and caused their death. Peter Pettigrew or as he was nicknamed, Wormtail!

Thanks to Barty Jr.'s memories, he knew that little rat was hiding out here along with Voldy. Really the only thing he could be thankful towards that Death Eater for. If he knew that rat well, then he would be fleeing with his tail between his leg, the first sign of trouble. And there was just no way that was acceptable at all.

That rat needed to pay dearly for all the crimes he had committed. Not only was he the cause of his parent's death, he was also the reason why he never got to know his Godfather for over a decade as he wasted in Azkaban for crimes he did not commit.

Really if you thought about it like he did everyday, it was his fault that he ended up with the Dursley because he was sure all hell be damnded Sirius would have fought tooth and nail to see him in his custody and not his so called relatives.

"Everyone follow me and stick together no matter what," Albus ordered causing the rest of the Auror to fall in line. Looking up at the sky, Harry could see Fawkes circling around high above where the dark clouds rumbled and roiled. Somehow he felt that the bird increased in size by a lot, like a lot lot. Though from high in the vaults of the heavens he wasn't really sure.

Albus led them up to the house where Voldemort was saying in.

As they came upon the house, that was when it began to warp!

Right before their very eyes, it slowly changed from the old decrepit home it used to be, into something out of your worst nightmare.

The house let out moans and creaks as the spell cast on it went into effect. The ground floor of the manor changed into a gaping maw made of razor sharp splinters and stone. Its windows started to glow an eerie red glow that became peeking holes into something savage and cruel.

Its chimney which stood inactive now started to spew out smoke. The vines that covered it started to grow at a visible rate especially to either sides of the manor until the thing sprouted two massive tree trunk arms.

Looking down at them, no longer did some old home just stand there, now there was something plucked right out of a nightmare. With a mightily bellow it let out an ear shattering, ground quaking, unearthly roar that shook the very air.

"My Merlin's hairy nutsacks!" the blonde joker in Tonks squad voiced, stating the thought on everyone's mind if not so dignified.

Sadly this wasn't the end of their horror filled nightmare. Floating up into the air from out of the manor was a small cloaked figure that was chuckling and wheezing at the same time. It stared down at them all, gathered before it as if they were chickens to the slaughterhouse. Which Harry guessed they might be to a wizard as powerful as him. 

"Tom, it is so good of you to make your entrance at long last. Here I thought you were going to bunker down inside and force me to draw you out!" Albus smiled at the shadowed figure.

"You think too much of yourself, you old goat," the thing uttered because Harry saw that it wasn't a man at all underneath that cloak when the wind breezed through the garment covering it up.

Instead, it was the twisted and gruesomeness sight of a man child so gnarled and wretched it filled you with dismay and alarm.

"Ahh, Tom my dear boy, look at what you have become," the old man shook his head as he too noticed the form that Voldermort was trapped in.

"Don't boy me," Voldemort screamed as he immediately cast a dark red spell at Dumbledore who blocked the attack with a pillar of stone that erupted from out of the earth. The long pillar of stone immediately melted into a pool of sticky red blood like substance as it cooled on the earth.

"Still unable to control your temper I see," the old man shook his head as if he was disappointed with a little child. Harry had to give it to him, the old goat really knew how to get under good old Voldy's skin.

Calming himself and putting a damper on his seething anger and rage, the dark wizard uttered one single word. "Kill them!"

Just then, something very big and powerful broke through the manor's roof, it was colossal in size and dwarfed everything in miles around. Staring up at the slits of a giant snake, Harry thought why the hell not, Voldermort did seem to have some fetish for snakes.

However what gave him pause was that the locket around his neck started going off. Looking down at the ancient founder relic with the serpentine S inlaid with glittering green stones, Harry wondered what had the object all in a jitter, until realization struck him like a doorbell.

If the locket was going off it could mean only one thing and one thing only, a Horcrux was nearby.

Turning on his magic sight, Harry immediately regretted that decision.

As he turned on the sight to see magic in its truest essence, he was blinded by the radiance that the two powerful wizards were giving off. It was like he was in the presence of two suns come to earth, clashing against each other.

One was that of a shining white light enveloping everything in a warm glow like that of a carrying grandfather. The other was a dark light that slowly reached out with dark tentacles corrupting everything it touched with its evil light.

Besides those two there were two other lights of near equal might; one was that of a flaming ball of fire high up in the air every circling above them. And the other was a sickly green light slithering around them like a predator would its prey.

What drew Harry's attention to that sickly green light was stuck to it like a second skin was a ghostly form of a twisted creature and hanging over its head was a black skull. Harry knew that magical manifestation very well and knew what it represented, a Horcrux.

Voldemort's little pet snake was the Horcrux!

And what perplexed Harry, was within that dark green sickly light was a beautiful woman trapped inside as she huddled up with her head in her knees.

Suddenly the sickly green light came upon him and the Auror and Harry quickly snapped out of his vision. All that did for him was give him full sight of the gaping wipe jaw coming for him, ready to swallow him and everyone all at once.

At once at the command of Amelia, the Auror's put up a giant shield to block the incoming giant snake as they pooled together all their might. But Harry knew this little flimsy shield would stand nothing up against this creature.

Voldermort made sure to pump it full with potent magic and he could see the runes etched on its skin that had countless effects. This thing was more vet grown than something natural, but still it was a terror to behold.

Slamming against the shield Harry watched as it broke apart like it was nothing at all and then the snake came. However before it could devour them all, there was a loud shrill cry from up above.

Looking up, Harry watched as Fawkes swooped in, it's talons sending the giant snake slithering back before it raked its body. Harry noticed that his observation from earlier was correct, the Phoenix. No longer was there a large bird near to the size of a man, instead now there was super massive flaming bird in its place. 

The two super giant legendary creatures clashed, and oh how they fight. It was like a battle between two titans vying for supremacy. 

Us little wizards and witches down below were ignored like tiny insects as the two massive magical creatures fought against each other. And even though none down below weren't the main targets for the attacks being sent by the creatures against each other, everyone still had to dodge a flurry of attacks that could end them immediately if it even grazed them. 

Sneering at the old man, Voldermort rasped in a venomous tone, "Always interfering, aren't you old bastard!"  

"I unlike you care for others," the old wizard answered as he helped by blocking a powerful magical attack heading towards everyone from the aftershocks of the fight between the two familiars of the wizards. 

Snorting in contempt, Voldermort uttered, "I will like to see you protect them against this!" Abruptly the warped and twisted manor house which stood stock still all of the suddenly began to move. 

For a several ton house, it moved fast, really fast as it's trunk of a clawed hand came down on them ready to squish them like bugs. 

Before the blow could reach them, Amelia Bones stepped forward and with a shout of effort, she held the thing back. Looking down at her feet, Harry found what he expected; a magic circle set up on the ground. Harry saw that it was a Ritual of Protection to be exact. 

And that is what the Bones family excels at, Rituals! And they aren't a weak bunch as well as they have a minor affinity to Battle magic so that they could stand their ground. 

"Go!" Amelia shouted, "we will handle this thing! You handle Voldermort and give it your all in defeating him!" 

Nodding his head towards the witch, the old man blocked another attack from Voldermort who was screaming out his fury. 

This time, Albus returned fire with a spell aimed at Voldemort's wand arm trying to disarm him quickly. He followed it up with another spell trying to trap his opponent, and for a 159 year old man, he moved very fast as he chained one spell after the other.

After sending a spell at Voldemort, Dumbledore animated a few gnarled old trees nearby. Voldermort made a returned favor by pointed his wand downwards and corpses begin to rise from the graveyards that used to be out back in the home. 

For several minutes the two titans fought each other putting off more magic in a minute than most wizards used in a month. This continued until some spells nearly killed a few of the Aurors on several occasions.

Things weren't helped along by the fact that Voldemort sent a few curses their way, knowing that the headmaster couldn't stand watching others be hurt. Thankfully, Dumbledore was always a few steps ahead of him, as soon as the curse came towards the gathered Aurors, Dumbledore would quickly deal with it. 

"Must you always involve others in your fight," Dumbledore sighed, shaking his head as if he was disappointed in good old Voldy using such tactics beneath him. 

"I only do that because you chose to make yourself weak by caring," Voldemort answer coldly in his thin rasping voice. "Unshackle yourself Albus of these weaklings, and you shall be free!" 

"As always, we will have to agree to disagree," Dumbledore solemnly shook his head. "Now let's go somewhere where you won't try your tricks with me again!" 

Without any forewarning at all, Dumbledore pointed his wand downward and suddenly there was a gall of wind that sent him flying high up into the air. Voldermort was also caught in the current of wind and he too went into the vaults of heaven. 

Craning his neck up to get a better view, Harry could only make up the flashes of light up above in the sky as the two Great Wizards clashed against each other. Down below in the village of Little Hangleton where there used to be over a hundred different homes, now there was only ruin as the two colossal sized creatures moved their battle there. 

Amelia and Kingsley on the other hand were battling it out with a literal house as they exchanged blows after blows. The rest of the Auror were dealing with the undead that Voldemort left behind and they had some assistance from Animate Trees.

It was balls to the top, bat shit crazy here as the rain of spells echoed everywhere and the roars of creatures filled the air. 

That only left Harry along with Tonks and her squad mates. 

"Harry come on, we need to help where we can," Tonks said to him.

"No!" Harry shook his head.

"What do you mean no?" Tonks asked with furrowed eyebrows. 

"Did our vaunted hero lose his bravery?" some Auror asked who ran past catching a snipped of their conversation. 

"Hey, Clark, you take that back!" Tonks growled after the man's back. 

"Ignore him," Harry said, "We will be dealing with someone else that everyone missed."

"Who?" the tall African man in Tonks squad asked. 

"Peter Pettigrew!" 


Check out Patreon, I am 25 chapters ahead!

Monster Home: https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/009/996/923/large/randy-gaul-monster-house-1.jpg?1522008803

Baby Voldermort: https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Rudimentary_body_potion?file=Voldemort%2527s_rudimentary_body_%2528concept_artwork_for_HP4_movie%2529.jpg

Nagini(snake form): https://www.pinterest.com/pin/838936236806185046/

Take the dragon out: https://wall.alphacoders.com/big.php?i=328330

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