Wizard King

Chapter 127: Eternal Rivalry

The Got fanfic, the dragon awakened will be updated next week! So stay tune!

Harry watched as Sirius hummed in satisfaction since his first class as a Professor had gone so well. Harry only hoped all his other batches went equally well.

He quickly ran up to catch up to Sirius to have a word with him.

"So when were you going to tell me that you were our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Harry asked his godfather.

"Well I did want to make it a surprise for you," Sirius answered with a grin of his own as he still kept on moving along his way, he must be trying to get to his second class for the day with the way he was heading off.

Shaking his head, Harry uttered his disbelief, "I still can not believe Dumbledore would allow you to be a professor. You who he must know doesn't take these things seriously."

"Hey," Sirius said in a mock hurt tone as they continued along their way down the hallways. "I am a responsible and caring adult. Parents could like me with their children for a while."

"Yea, sure sounds like a lovely idea," Harry teased.

"Okay, okay," Sirius said as he held out his hand and admitted the truth, "to be honest that old coot must have wanted to get on my good side after what he did. As if," he snorted out loud. "But," he uttered, "I can't deny that the title of Professor sounds lovely. If Snivellus could earn it so could I."

"True," Harry nodded his head as all joking was put aside and he turned serious. "He must know that I would only listen to you now as he hasn't been able to manipulate me whatever way he wants to."

"Been giving the old man some trouble?" Sirius asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Mhmm, well I have put pressure on him to give me back the Sword of Gryffindor. Kicked someone out of the house when they badmouthed a friend, uncovered a Death Eater hiding within the school. Put into the death of countless Death Eater. And you could say the list goes on..."

Shaking his head, his godfather asked, "It explains why he came running to me to accept this job."

"Does he hope the fabled curse would work its magic by the year's end and have you killed or indisposed?" Harry asked, now that would be smart thinking, get Sirius out of the way so he had no choice but to come to the old man and follow his wisdom.

"No nothing that nefarious," Sirius shook his head, "or maybe it, who knows with that old coot," he shook his head.

"If he thinks..." Harry wore under his breath.

"Now, now, enough of that," Sirius said, holding out his hand for him to cease. "I came here this year to see you through the Triwizard tournament. Our goal is to see you alive through this thing."

"Now I didn't have any time to dig around since I just arrived, but I will see what I can pull up."

"Alright sure," Harry nodded his head.

"Got to get to my next class right now, but I will see you soon," Sirius said as he made to go. "And please stop poking the bear, we do not want the old bastard to start getting any more suspicious of us."

"And what would you have me do," Harry grumbled under his breath, "sit back in my seat twiddling with my thumbs."

"Exactly," Sirius said with a chuckle as he patted him on the shoulder. With that he headed to his next class, leaving Harry standing there alone.

With a sigh, he spun on his feet deciding to head to the library to get some studying in until he came short as Draco and his two idiots stood in his way.

Looking at them Harry didn't know if they were just that brave or foolish most likely latter as Sirius was only a couple feet away and he made to pause as he saw the confrontation breaking out. Harry shook his head in the direction of his godfather who was about to come back and quickly resolve this.

He could handle his own problems, facing Draco, he asked with a sigh, "What do you want, Malfoy? Do you ever learn? Or does nothing ever get through your thick skull?"

Harry knew what the pompous ass was here for to recover his wounded pride. NO professor ever spoke to him the way Sirius has done and now he was looking for someone to funnel his anger and rage towards. And who better than his most hated rival, Harry Potter, plus it didn't help matters that Harry was really close to Sirius.

Onlookers gathered in the hall as they all took in the confrontation coming to pass. Some watched with eager eyes wishing for a duel or a good old fist to fist brawl to break out. While others looked uneasily between them.

"At least I do not have to hide behind a Professor's back like you Potter," Draco sneered at him.

Chuckling out loud, Harry looked at the clown as if he just said the funniest joke. "Now that is a funny thing to say since that is exactly what you do with Professor Snape. Always having him on your side, now are you sure your relationships are not more than just Professor and student," he grinned, "because the two of you seem awfully close."

Laughter filled the hallway as the students gathered all broke into smiles and guffaws.

Malfoy's pale face went slightly pink. "Why you little..." he tried to begin, but Harry quickly cut him off.

"Why don't you run along now Malfoy with your two butt buddies, because I am not interested and I want no part in this sick twisted little love orgy you got going on here. I can safely say I am only interested in the opposite sex. "

More laughter filled the hallway and Sirius gave Harry a thumbs up, but it was all cut off by the shrill cry of Draco. "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!"

"Alright fine," Harry held out his hand in mock surrender, "I will be on my now. You can get back to whatever that is going on between the three of you," he waved his hand in their general direction.

Turning around, Harry made to leave until a loud BANG echoed in the hallway.

Several people screamed and some even broke off and run away most likely calling for help or Professors/ 

Before even that sound go off, Harry felt that gathering of magic as his skin tingled and he quickly acted on reflects as he dodged to the right. Still even with his quick reaction speed something white-hot graze the side of his face and he felt the spell continue onward as it exploded on a colonnade.

Harry quickly plunged his hand into his robes for his wand, and drew it out of his wand holster.

Spinning around with rage in his eyes, he faced Draco who held his wand out and pointed at him.

"You fucking honorless coward, how dare you attack my back."

Smiling cruelly at him, he smirked, "What are you going to do about it, orphan?"

"What am I going to do about?" Harry repeated in a very low tone a terrifying silence hold the hallway as nobody dared to move a muscle.

"I would think this," Harry shouted as spells flew from his wand.

Draco stood no chance at all, he was like a cat before a dragon and we all know who would win in a fight.

He was quickly overwhelmed as spell after spell rained down on him breaking his defenses and leaving him vulnerable. Harry came up to him and stood over him, looking down at him with hard cold eyes.

"I think I shall give you a lesson you shall never forget."

Pointing his wand at him, Harry threw his spell at him with a flash of light there now stood a pure white ferret, which was shivering on the stone-flagged floor, exactly where Malfoy had been standing.

Everyone held their breaths as they stared at the transfigured form of Draco, it was one of Harry's better works as he has been studying materials far in advance of his year and this was the outcome.

"LEAVE IT!" Harry shouted, jerking his wand around at Crabbe, who had just frozen, about to pick up the white ferret. Harry started to head toward Crabbe, Goyle, and the ferret, which gave a terrified squeak and took off, streaking toward the dungeons.

"I don't think so, you spineless coward!" Harry roared, pointing his wand at the ferret again. This time it flew ten feet into the air, fell with a smack to the floor, and then bounced upward once more.

"I don't like people who attack when their opponent's back's turned," Harry growled as the ferret bounced higher and higher, squealing in pain.

"Stinking, cowardly, scummy thing to do, but what else would you expect from a Death Eater's son! Like Father and son, I say!"

The ferret flew through the air, its legs and tail flailing helplessly. "Never. Ever. Mess. With. Me. Again," Harry said, speaking each word as the ferret hit the stone floor and bounced upward again.

"What the hell is going on here?" a sallow voice asked as Snape came down the stone hallway along with a Slytherin student.

"Ahh, hello, Professor Snape," Sirius called out, coming in the way of Harry and the bouncing ferret.

"What — what are you doing?" Snape asked, his eyes following the bouncing ferret's progress through the air.

"Kids am I right," Sirius shook his head. "Their games know no end."

"Games?" Snape repeated. 

"Yep," Sirius said with a nod of his head. "Or you could call it an unprovoked attack from behind and the other student simply defending himself."

Eyes narrowing, Snape pulled out his wand and pointing it at the ferret, he uttered a word and a moment later, with a loud snapping noise, Draco Malfoy had reappeared, lying in a heap on the floor with his sleek blond hair all over his now brilliantly pink face. He got to his feet, wincing in pain in shame as he stared at Harry with pure hate in his eyes and it was also undeniable fear within his gaze.

"Is this true, boy?" Snape asked as he looked at his own godson.

"N-no, they are all lying..." Draco tried to say, but he quickly ceased when he stared at his godfather's cold eyes. Then he muttered, "y-yes."

"So you are so useless you couldn't even beat the enemy you had the first shot on?" Snape reiterated.

Staying silent as Draco only looked at the ground, Snape snarled, "Get up. Your father should hear of this."

"Surely Professor Dumbledore told you that we try to break out fights here not let them go on. It isn't like we are at Azkaban. There is much more civility."

"Well it was so very brief, that I didn't even get a chance to say anything," Sirius put on a false frown. "Your godson over there didn't even put up much of a fight, while mine... Man, now that was whipping that could go down for the history's as the shortest and most humiliating one ever."

Watching as Draco's face went beet red, Snape cut in. "Well go speak to your betters and superiors next time, the Head of Houses. They can handle it without any of your inadequacy.

"Oh, I did not know that," Sirius said as he rubbed at his chin, "should I speak to you... No, I heard you weren't Head of Slytherin anymore," Sirius smiled. "Isn't that correct?"

Watching as a vein ticked on Snape's forehead, it took all Harry had to hold back his laughter which was almost bubbling to the surface.

Malfoy, whose pale eyes were still watering with pain and humiliation, looked malevolently up at Sirius and Harry while muttered something in which the words "my father" were very much distinguishable.

"Oh yeah?" Sirius asked with a bark of a laugh. "Well, I know your father really well, boy. You tell him I will be keeping a close eye on you. I've been looking forward to a chat with good old Lucius."

"Come on," Snape said as he seized Malfoy's upper arm and marched him off toward the dungeons.

Watching as they left, Sirius snapped his fingers at him, "What did I tell you about causing trouble. You do know Dumbledore would hear about this right?"

"Yea, but we put them in their place," Harry grinned up.

"Why you.." Sirius begin, but he could stop the grin spreading across his face. "Well, I guess it was worth it seeing that nasty expression on Snivellus face. Man, and you... putting little Malfoy junior in his place."

Looking at his adoptive father, Harry knew they were both men of action. They couldn't sit back all day planning and scheming for something to come into fruition. They had to act when they saw something wrong in the world, and act they did, it was just who they were.


In no time at all, Defense Against the Dark Arts had become most people's favorite class. Only Draco Malfoy and his gang of Slytherins had anything bad to say about Professor Black.

"Did anyone forget he was in Azkaban not too long ago. I heard you go mad there, what is that old feeble wizard thinking hiring a mad man." Malfoy would say to anyone he could, but not to Sirius's face, he of course was too scared for that.

And no one else cared that Sirius's previous state. His next few lessons were just as interesting as the first, Harry saw as he really broke into the students as he thought them the real Defense Against the Dark Arts not that wish washy stuff you just read off books.

Snape wasn't also happy about Sirius's rise beyond him into the school's new favorite teacher. He always looked sour when you saw him and would snap whenever Sirius was brought up.

Of course, Sirius didn't let that bother him as who cared what one jealous git thought.

It was a good first week for Sirius as his classes were taking off.

With the end of the week, Harry also had to pick up his brand new wand which was ready by now.

When Harry came in for the wand, Ollivander was already there and waiting for him as he brought out a box.

"Open it," the old wandmaker said.

To which Harry did as he laid eyes on the beautiful brown wood stick inside.

"It is my best creation to date, make sure you take care of it."

"I will do," Harry nodded his head, "could I get an extra wand holster."

Waking out of the store with his new wand in his hand, Harry didn't leave his old wand behind yet as it was strapped to his leg acting as a secondary one for now on.

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