Wizard King

Chapter 146: To War

Walking through the halls of his family home, Tobry and Dobby both followed at his heel.

"Dobby can't believe good and kind Master Potter would be suspended by bad Headmaster," his personal house-elf cried out.

"This must be a mistake, a Potter has never been suspended from Hogwarts," Tobry too spoke in turn. "We must speak to the Headmaster to get this all cleared up! We can not have the family name tarnish like that!"

"Forget it, we have more pressing things to concern us," Harry replied as he entered a command room. A young magical researcher from Golden Tower was fine tuning one of the many magical devices he had set up in the manor.

This was one of the projects he had going at the moment, which was refurbishing his family home to bring it screaming into the modern day. There had been many protests from all the changes he was making, especially Tobry and even the old Potter family ancestor in the portraits who had access to many portraits within the manor letting them experience everything first hand.

Snapping his finger at the young witch, Harry called her over to him, "Put the Commander on the screen for me!"

Doing as told, Harry took a seat on one of the luxury chairs set about the room, and turned to Dobby, "Dobby, if you would, please, get me a drink. I think it will be a while!" Nodding his head, the little house elf snapped his finger and disappeared with an inaudible pop.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Harry wasn't given a single moment to himself as Tobry still went on about the suspension. "I can't believe it, what would the old master and mistress think if they knew a Potter was suspended, or even the Great grand-master!"

Sighing, Harry tried to calm down the head house-elf, he could have his most trusted steward break down on him. "These things happen, Tobry, come on, just get over it!"

"Okay!" the house-elf shouted shrilly! "How is any of this okay! Never before..." he began again.

"Are you done?" Harry asked the young magical researcher.

"Yes, Sir, I am just waiting for the people on the other side to answer."

"Alright, thank you. I got it from here," Harry nodded to the girl, signaling for her to leave.

Now that it was only the two of them in the room, Harry turned to look at the house-elf.

"Tobry," Harry said in a stern voice as he grabbed hold of the house-elf and had him face him. "We need to be clear and focused right now. Remove everything else from your mind. We are going to War! You can yell at me later. But right now I need your head in the game. Am I clear?!"

"Yes, yes, you are correct master," the house-elf nodded his head as he collected himself. "However we will discuss this later, and your ancestors will hear news of this!"

"Fine," Harry sighed, he really couldn't wait to face those old portraits. There was no doubt he would be getting a hear full!

It was at the moment that Dobby had come back with his stiff drink. Taking a sip of his drink, Harry saw that the phone line finally connected through to the fortress.

The commander appeared on the ultra wide Mirror screen up above. He was speaking to someone off to the side as he asked, "So are we connected now?"

"Yes, sir," Harry heard the person answer. "I believe that's Lord Potter there, waiting for you."

Turning around to look at the screen, Harry saw that the old hand was wearing a pair of old timey glasses as he squinted at the panels that worked the device. "Can you hear me boy?" the old commander asked, shouting a bit too loud than what was necessary.

It took every ounce of self control that he had, not to break out into laughter. He knew he was a bastard for finding this funny, but it just was.

Schooling his features the best he could, Harry replied with a nod of his head, "Loud and clear Commander!"

"HUH?" the man said as he cupped his ear towards the screen to get a better listen to him.

"You muted the chief," the person assisting the Commander helpfully pointed out.

"Then tell me how to unmute it," the old hand shouted, clearly very frustrated at this point.

Harry felt ashamed at his earlier amusement when he saw the look on the Commander's face. The man was as old as his grandfather so he was going on into his years. All this new shining stuff really must break him away from the old fashion ways he conducted himself. And it must be very difficult for him to get used to them all.

Harry set aside that thought for now, maybe he would add in functions to make it easier to operate all the products he has been shelling out. Maybe connecting each person's wand to the devices like a remote might just be the answer, he figured. Every wizard and witch had a wand and knew how to work it, so that just might be the perfect work around!

The aid leaned over and pressed the unmute button and the old man shouted in exclamation, "Ahhh. So that's how you do it. Well, why didn't you say so in the first place?!"

"It's good to see you, Commander," Harry called out with a wide grin.

"You too boy, you too," the older wizard nodded his head. "Shouldn't you be in school?" he asked.

"About that..." Harry said, "I was suspended."

"You were what?!" the older man shouted.

Harry really was expecting to see such a violent reaction out of the commander. It really wasn't so bad only one month's suspicion from school, and he had a pretty good handle on the subjects being covered, at this point this year's material was only a review for him.

Or maybe it was, he mused. Shaking his head, Harry stood by his decision to defend Daphne's honor whether it be through hell or high water.

"That was my exact same reaction," Tobry nodded his head.

"Calm down," Harry waved his hand for the two of them to settle down. "I have a perfect explanation for myself." And then he told the commander what happened.

The man nodded his head along and once he was finished spoke up, "I can understand your decision, but if your grandparents were here you would be getting the grounding of your life!"

"Well there aren't," Harry said glumly which shut the two of them up. "Can you gather the lieutenants before we begin this meeting?"

"Will do so," the commander nodded his head. Then turning around to face his aid, he should, "Get those punks here. Each of them on one Mirror!"

Harry heard, the person reply, "Yes, Sir," he heard the heavy clop of boots hitting together.

In the mean while, they made light chat as Harry gave an overview of what they would be about before things got started.

It wasn't long before the Potter family lieutenants were all gathered. Each of them was on a screen up above on his giant monitor.

On the screen to the right of the Commander was Lieutenant Alex, leader of the First Cohort, the Griffin units. He was a glasses wearing badass and loyal to a damn fault."Greetings, Ser," he inclined his head in respect. Nothing else needed to be said of the man, he had been Harry's most loyal soilder and officer. Plus he lead the deadly and powerful First Cohort, the center piece of the whole Griffin Legion. Whenever those beasts stepped forward they spread fear and awe in their wake.

Then there was Lieutenant Riley, leader of the Second Cohort, the Hippogriff units. The Hippogriff was known as the most speedy unit in the legion as they blitz around in the sky and rained down deadly spell fire on their enemies.

After him was Lieutenant Tia, leader of the Third Cohort, the Demigryph units. Lieutenant Tia was a stoic woman that lead his family's land units of very powerful heavily-armored shock cavalry.

There was Lieutenant Kate leader of the Fourth Cohort, the Keythong units. Lieutenant Kate was a blonde haired, blue eyes woman with a bubbly personality. She always seem to have a smile on her face and enough energy for everyone, you would think she would be a bad choice to lead a pack of murder beasts, but she was the perfect choice, and came really highly to him by the Commander. Her energy and joy just had a way of spilling over to everyone, even the Keythong which did wonders in calming them down and making it easier leading them.

Next was Lieutenant Martin, a large bulky man, leader of the Fifth Cohort, the Hieracosphinx Cohort. Those beasts were wonderful guards and protectors, and made a great defensive unit.

In addition, there was the newly risen Lieutenant Otto Carr, a lean dark skinned man, hair shaved in a military cut and a scar that run down a quarter through his eyebrow. He was the new leader of the Cynogriffin Cohort. Cynogriffin or sometimes known as Sky wolves, they where Half eagle and half wolf magical beasts from the Americas brought over during the 13 colonies. Extremely intelligent these creatures are extremely quick and terribly ferocious. They made excellent auxiliary units and wonderful trackers.

Then there was Lieutenant Felicity Harper a brown eyed, green haired woman whose hair must have turned that way in an experiment. She was extremely beautiful, which was beyond natural since Harry knew she had a glamour. She was the woman he put in charge of the Grecian Cohort. Those beautiful and fair Griffin creatures were always good at illusionary, enchantment, and healing magic which was exactly what the unit did.

Finally, there was Lieutenant Hakim Awad, a olive fair skinned man with dark hair and eyes that always preferred to keep to the shadows. He was in charge of the Micro Griffins Cohort, acting as spy, logistic support, and scouting for the legion.

That made up Eight of the Ten Cohorts of the Legion. However Harry doubted that those two cohorts would ever be reformed during his time.

The last two Cohorts were the Leogryph & Royal Gryphon Cohorts respectively.

The Leogryph Cohorts were made up of the personal guards of the family, the best of the best, the ultimate wizards and witches! However they were all but destroyed thanks to the two wars back to back, as he heard it. It was only because of their extinction by the time of his parents going into hiding that Voldermort got to them.

If they had been around, nothing would have gotten past them.

Then there was the Royal Gryphon Cohort, which was made up of Potter descends. At the height of his family, a actual cohort was made of Royal Gryphon riders wizards, and witches existed.

Now there was only him left in the world with the Potter bloodline forget having hundreds of cousins, aunts, uncles, brother, sisters, in laws, and many more.

This would be the height that the legion would be at for a very long time. Those two wars had such a dreadful effect on his family army.

"Good, you are all here," Harry nodded his head. "Let's begin this meeting then!"

"What have you called us for, my lord?" Martin asked in his deep gruff voice.

"For war, of course," he answered with a smile.

"We will be dealing with one of the Sacred 28, the Nott family!" the commander shouted as he smacked his fist into his palm with a savage grin.

"The Nott family?" Riley repeated after the commander.

"They are a nasty lot with great power," Hakim muttered in a low tone.

"It doesn't matter how powerful they are," Tobry shouted, "we have a blood feud with them after what the new Lord of the family has done! And not even mentioning what the previous or has done."

"There shall be no mercy at all," the Commander nodded his head.

"Then it is as you say, my lord," Alex agreed.

"Well, then let's get this war council on the way!"


1st Griffin Cohort, 2nd Hippogriff Cohort, 3rd Demigryph Cohort, 4th Keythong Cohort, 5th Hieracosphinx Cohort, 6th Cynogriffin Cohort, 7th Grecian Cohort, 8th Micro Griffins Cohort, Leogryph & Royal Gryphon


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