Wizard King

Chapter 148: Nott Family


Deep in a dark desolate landscape with dark clouds over head and dead things all around, there laid a mighty and foreboding castle of gothic designs that lent it a more spooky and fearful atmosphere.

A vast dead plain surrounded the castle, littered with massive bones of unrecognizable creatures and dark shadows prowled all around in the plain. Bats fluttered about over head, their wings beats barely rustling the air.

The castle was made of long arching towers that stood tall and ominous with massive stone walls surrounding the castle from all sides. The sinister castle had shadows popping out of all the windows. On perches and ledges stood ghastly creatures all standstill like stone.

In the deepest bowels of the castle sat a young boy at the ripe old age of 18 years old. He sat on a throne like chair with shadows all around him, enveloping him tightly. Heavy droplets of rain stated pounded against the window as the dark clouds begin to rumble.

The heavy intricate doors on the opposite end of the hall suddenly begin to open and in walked a wizard. He wasn't your usual fop wearing fanciful wizarding robes glamoured with wonderous spells and charms, or the ordinary everyday wizard or witch wearing mismatch muggle clothing to fit in.

No this was an armored man with runes running crisis cross on his body armor and sharp eyes that seen the sight of many bloody conflicts and done too much to survive.

"My Lord," the soldier called out as he entered with the doors slowly closing behind him. Behind him their echoed a loud shrill scream that seem to be coming from the deepest bowels of the castle, and then the doors finally shut and the sounds cut off.

"General," Theodore Nott nodded his head at the man who took a knee before him. "So how does my uncle's stay in the dungeon go?"

"He has spilled all those in cahoots with him to depose you and your family. Now I have sent my men to round them up."

"Good," the young new lord replied as he steepled his fingers before himself. "And he will admit that it was him who mislead my father before the Wizengamot?"

"Yes, if he does want to keep his mistress and son safe!" the general answered.

"Mhmm, that should get the Wizengamot off our back. Now then I believe you heard the news.."

"Yes, it is indeed a disappointment that my lord has been suspended from Hogwarts, but I believe that we can find you the proper tutors. Hogwarts standards have been falling through these years, and they barely teach any dark magic now or even prepare their students for combat at all. It is the sole cause of why the combat standard of the wizarding population has been decreasing as a whole. A good thing for us as it has made it much easier to put down the population, but any new recruits we get are all that much harder to train up."

"You are correct, General, I and those of equal standing now only go to Hogwarts to make connections with those of our age, our families are the ones who do most of the tutorship. The only good thing to come from this is that those muggle born insects are all but helpless before us and ignorant with them barely getting to uncover the deeper secrets of magic.

However, that is not why I brought this up...

"Aye, the young Potter Lord," the man nodded his head.

"Yes, thanks to my father's interference with their vassal they have got a valid reason for entering into conflict with us," the young Nott Lord spoke with a glint of pure unadulterated hate in his eyes at the mere mention of his father.

"And you going after his new betrothal did not help," the General uttered as he faced the young man without any hesitation. He knew the antagonist relationship between both father and son, however, laying all blame on the old head's feet would be untrue.

"No," the young lord answered as he got up from his throne like chair and came to stand next to the window with his arms crossed behind his back. "She was always mine," he voiced as a look of possessiveness reflected back on to the window. "I do not know how that bastard was able to secure a betrothal from her parents, but since that day we meet as children I knew she would be my Lady," he clutched his hand into a fist.

The man kneeling only stared at his liege lord with no answer.

Looking back as he schooled his face back to normal, "We need to win this war no matter what, General. If House Greengrass has no betrothal... well then they will be left with no choice but to turn to the next most eligible bachelor."

"Do you not think killing their current fiancé especially the young to be bride, would disway them of picking you?" the leader of the Nott family army asked.

"Snort, who would dare make any moves in proposing to House Greengrass when I make an example of the Potters!?"

"Well, that would be a difficult thing, there hasn't been much activity from the Potters, but they are still of the Sacred 28, and defeating them would take a lot."

"Yes, the Potter family famed for their Griffin creatures and their Battle Magic. I know what we will be facing, the great and fabled Legion! That is why I am counting you and the Grim Battalion, General! I have been calling our family beasts from far and wide and they are quickly amassing together near the castle. I want you to do the same with the Grim Battalion."

"Will do so my lord, and what will be your battle commands for now?"

"Nothing, we will wait for the Potters to make their move first and act accordingly. We do what are army does best and act from the shadows, and strike during the most opportune time. And I want to know what has are Grim Shadows soldiers uncovered so far?"

"As you know my lord, we already knew the location of the Griffin Fortress when we were able to uncover it during the Dark Lord's war. We are making work on locating the Potter Manor and the Golden Tower, but as you know trying to find anything under powerful concealing spells is difficult, but we are making strides and shall be able to unveil the location soon."

"Good, for now, keep a watch on the Griffin Fortress and continue doing what you are," the young Nott lord declared. 

"Yes, my lord," the man said with a bow. Then suddenly the doors swing open and a haggard soldier walked in.

"What are you doing interrupting us, soldier," the General growled as dark shadows filled his face.

"General, my Lord, I am mostly deeply sorry to interpret you both, but word just came in," the soldier answered shakily as he held out a piece of parchment. 

"Bring it here then," the General waved his hand over impatiently. Doing as commanded the soldier handed over the letter and respectfully stepped back. Getting up from his kneeling position, the leader of the Grim Battalion took the letter in hand and tore it open, without looking back, he called out to his man. "Go get five lashes for interrupting your betters."

"Yes, Sir," the soldier bowed his head as the fear on his face was evident, and couldn't wait to leave.

"We still use owls, General?" Theodore asked his man after the messenger left.

"Ouh, you mean those Mirror Phone that the Potter came up with?"


"Ha, there is no way we could trust those things! Who knows if the Potters are listening to us, through it! Best to be safe and stick to the old fashion way of owls." 

"That is a good point," the young man rubbed his chin, "Now what does it say, General?" the young Nott lord asked.

"I believe our chance to react how we see fit has been just taken from us," the man grimly answered. "Take a look," he said as he handed the slip of paper over.

Taking the letter, the young lord silently read it as his eyes darted through it. Immediately he crushed it as he understood what the letter contained. "Great, the Potters have let loose their vassals upon us," he growled.

"Yes, it would seem that they took the preemptive strike forcing us to act accordingly.

"And it would seem that this letter is a couple days old," the young lord pointed out.

"Yes, that is the single problem with owls," the man nodded his head.

"If only we crack what Potter did," the man uttered as he biter his nail, then shaking his head to clear his head and get back on topic. "For now send in some soldiers to assist our vassals, we do not want to make them think we have abandoned them. And tell them to hold their ground until we arrive."

"Are you sure my lord? This might be a trap."

"We do have eyes on the Griffin Fort, correct?"


"Then we will know right away when they make a move and can act against them. Right now we will need to send some assistance to our vassals, that will make them owe us, and we could use their number to bolster our forces."

"I will get to it right away, then my lord!"


Meanwhile, in the territory of House Moss, Baron Bott came swooning it with his retainer and attendant while he was aside a mightily Hippogriff which held its head high.

The gates to the Keep of House Moss were wide open allowing them to enter with no difficulty. The soldiers standing guard stared on with no expression on their faces.

Waiting for the party's arrival where two men. One was a stocky mustached man who was the leader of the small rag tag force of House Moss. The other was a proud man with his jowls continuing to every shaking, who was the steward of the small Keep. 

They were the two men that were running things around here now that their liege lord was locked up.

Landing before them, Lord Bott and his men dismounted from their mounts and walked up to the two men.

"Do you have the gold?" the commander of House Moss asked right off the bat. 

"Yes," Lord Boot smiled at the man as he snapped his finger and an attendant came forth with a mokeskin pouch jingling with gold. Handing it over to his master, Lord Boot took it in hand and gave it to the two men. 

"The agreed upon price is all there," the man smiled at the two traitors. He only showed a broad benign smile on his face, but there was no denying the disgust he felt deep inside. There was nothing more than traitors he disliked with all his being. 

He had done some research on the House when Lord Potter gave him the location of the Moss Keep. He knew that his Lord gave him the most juiciest and weakest target, unlike his other colleague who where given much tougher eggs to crack. 

He knew that the Moss family had only a single three year old left, so after some research, he had found out about the men who truly ran the show and quickly contacted them. 

He was disgusted at how amiable they were in betraying their charge and handing her over on a silver platter for some gold. Though there was no denying that their greed worked in his favor as he was able to enter the Keep with not a shed of blood being spilled. 

"Is everything in order, gentlemen?" Lord Boot asked the men as they finished counting the coins with a quick spell. 

"Yes," the steward nodded his head. 

"Then I believe it your turn to fill your end of the deal," the Lord Boot uttered. 

"Of course," the leader of the Moss force waved him in as the magical shields protecting the Keep were put down. 

"Well then.." Lord Boot said as he stepped inside the Keep along with his men, "It has been a pleasure doing business with you fellows."

Not noticing how the mood had shifted, the steward nodded his head, "Yes, Lord Boot, and I would love nothing more than to keep doing my service to you and your house..."

"No, I believe your services are done," the man uttered as he signaled to his men. 

"What do you mea-...?" the captain of the guards asked, but then he never was able to finish off the rest of his sentence as a spear jutting out of his stomach and blood poured from the corner of his mouth. 

The steward was also made quick work of as he chocked on his own blood while feebly clawing his arm out as if he seemed to be asking why. 

"Don't worry," Lord Boot said, "I will take better care of your charge. I won't be stealing her bright right, she will only be marrying my youngest son who is four. And I will make sure she is a proper member of the Light." 

Turning from Lord Boot started giving some commands, "Secure the Keep right away. Find me the young Lady. Lock the guards down below, whoever offers me their wand can continue their services up on the walls." 

"You would trust these... traitors, my lord?" one man asked his liege suspiciously. 

"We need every hand we can get for what's to come next," the man answered mysteriously. 

"My lord," someone shouted, "There is a force approaching, and I see them waving the Nott family banner." 

"It would seem like our Lord was right, guests have arrived," Lord Boot smiled. "Hurry up," he shouted to his men as they quickly got busy like bees. 

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