Wizard King

Chapter 150: Destruction

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"Sir, the tower has been breached and the Potter forces are making a bloody path up," a voice intoned to the captain. Up above on the image was a view of the mercenaries quickly overwhelming the ground floor of the tower, defenses were raised up but they were overcome and the floor was secured.

The ground floor of the Grim Tower was quickly made into a staging grounds as equipment were set up and gears were stored away and even sleeping tents and medical bays were set up.

"Their goal is simple," the captain of the guards shook his head, "they want to overwhelm and take control of this tower."

"What will they do to us?" the Lead magical researcher asked as the fear was evident in his tone.

The captain made no effort to answer, when two great houses go to war it the little people in between working and serving their houses that suffer the most.

"We will need to stand our ground as best we can and as long as possible," the man spoke to everyone at large. "All we can hope for is that the family will take notice as soon as possible when they see that combination between us and them have been cut off and can connect the dot."

Suddenly the captain was cut off mid speech as there was a clearing of throat that echoed all across the tower, reaching every single corner and getting to every ear.

"Greetings residents of the Grim Tower," the voice of a young man echoed throughout. Looking at the image, the captain saw that a few massive chariots being pulled by demigryph came rolling in the ground floor of the Tower.

Standing in the center was a young man with dark hair and emerald green eyes that stood imposing over the rest of his soldiers and aides, which the captain knew perfectly well who it was, the young Lord of House Potter.

He heard tale of him, whispers have been going on about what the young hero was up to these last couple of years. However what had most people attracted was what he was up this past year or so. There wasn't a day where the newspapers weren't talking about him, all they could do was talk about him.

From his recent uncovery of his childhood, to his rise to Lordship, his discovery of a death eater in their midst, his new products, joining the Triwizard tournament and so much more. There was no doubt that the boy was a sensation all around Magical Britain and even in other parts of the world.

He was basically one of the most known figures in the Magical Isles, thus the captain knew perfectly well when he saw the idol of Magic Britain.

He had no idea what the boy was up to as he carried on addressing everyone inside the Grim Tower, but he sure as hell did not like it one bit. The boy looked like he was too smart for his own good and the captain took special note of that cunning glint in his eyes like he had a plan in store for them all as he continued speaking into his wand which magically carried his voice everywhere within the tower.

"I am Lord Harry Potter of the most Noble and most Ancient, Earl of Powys and at the moment the man that your house is at war with. For those of you who do not know what going on, presently the Tower has been breached and there is a massive armed force that is about to make its way up the tower. You might all be wondering what will happen to you all, in during wars enemy forces are not treated the best as you know.

However I am a kind and generous lord, and the only reason why I am at war with your family is because not only did the old head try to incite rebellion from my vassal and funding them in trying to do so. Your new lord has affront my to be and has given me the greatest insult in turn.

So it would be in my right to end you all so that you can pay with your own blood for what your two lords have done. But like I said I am a kind and generous lord, I am not the monster that some try to make me out to be. All I want in ever-lasting peace over this land that has seen so much suffering and for all those who try to break it to feel the pain they try to bring forth.

I am offering a way out for everyone here, lay down all arms and desist from fighting. Then and only then, I might take pity on you and spare your life, however, if you choose the opposite... well let's just say you won't end up feeling so well."

The captain watched from the chamber he was in at the highest floor in the tower as the folk in the room started whispering to each other. He did not like this one bit, not only had the boy took them by surprise and managed to quickly get in the tower, but he was trying to disway everyone from putting up a single ounce of fight so he could take this tower without breaking a single sweat on his side.

"Now we are making our way up, please for the love of Merlin do not try to fight us because it will not turn out so well for you," the boy uttered as if he pitied them and would regret putting them down if they choose that option.

"Captian what do you make of it?" one of the guardsman asked.

"We should take it right way," the lead researcher shouted with his assistants nodding their heads.

"It is our duty is to guard this place with our very lives if it comes down to it," the captain growled. "We will not betray the..."

"None of that matters captain," the fat man sneered, "we will be dead soon if we do not lay down our arms. And if you think about it, it is the family that has failed us, because where are they now when we are being over run?!"

"If I hear one more word from your mouth," the captain threatened as he pointed a stern finger at the magic researcher.

However the man was ignoring him as he turned to the rest of the people in the room, "What do you think, folks! Lord Potter is a member of the light, he might be telling the truth and could spare our lives."

More muttering went up in the air as people looked at each other uncertainly.

"What did I say," the captain said as he reached for his wand.

Looking at him triumphantly, the plump man shouted, "Look at that folks, our vaunted captain rather we die pointlessly in some last ditch effort. He doesn't care for us, all he wants is to save his neck and not face the consequences of his failure. Come take up your own faiths into your won arms...."

Before the man could finish a spell came fight at him, and struck. As the air cleared, everyone saw that the lead researcher was alright as a protective shield surrender him. Looking at the captain, the man snarled, "There is a reason why I was made lead researcher captain, and it wasn't because I was weak."

"Men to me," the captain called out as he watched the researchers surround their boss. He couldn't believe it, but with just a few words that boy managed to fracture the tower into pieces.


Walking through the Tower with soldiers constantly surrounding him, Harry was surprised to see how quiet the place was. They barely saw anyone and when they did, they quickly surrendered and the soldier quickly removed their wands and sent them back down.

He was surprised to see that the defenses were all down with barely anything coming in their way as they advanced. He wondered if his plow worked, but if it did where was everyone then.

Along the way, Harry made sure all the research going on was confiscated as it would be brought back to the Golden Tower for his researchers to go over. Every room they passed through was cleared out from top to bottom as all notes were gathered and stored away.

Harry made sure nothing was left for the Nott family to try to recover. All their years of hard work would be going to him.

In the researchs he was surprised to see that the Nott family was trying to reverse engineer his Mirror Phones. Harry was not surprised to see it at all, he knew other families would try getting in on the action soon as his products were proving to be very lucrative. That is why he made sure to secure all business secrets the best he could.

Harry saw that they were a long way from creating a phony imitation as they didn't even get down the connection part yet.

Finally at long last they reached the top floor and Harry surprised to see how in ruin the place was. He saw the burn marks of spellfire, shattered rubble littering the ground, cracked floors all over, and shattered windows.

It was like a melee broke out in here, but how?

His men were with him this whole time.

"GO check it out," Harry called out as he pointed to the wide open door which was nearly falling off its hinges. Doing as commanded a dozen mercenaries headed in while the other stood guard in different positions, ready to duke it out with whatever came their way.

"Sir," one of the mercenaries called from inside, "I think you should come inside to see this."

"Is it safe inside?" Albert asked as he stood before him, acting as the first line of defence for him.

"Yes, sir," the same mercenary replied, "there is no danger at all."

"There is no point standing around all day long," Harry said, "come on let's go check whatever is inside that is worth having a look out."

"Yes, sir," Albert nodded his head as he took the lead, looking for any traps along the way.

Walking into the last chamber of the Tower, Harry really didn't know what to make out of what he saw inside the room. There were people laying all around some groaning in pain while others were just outright knocked out.

At the center of the whole mess were two men that were on their last leg as they were panting in and out while also trying to get in one last spell to knock out their opponent.

"We found them all like this, Sir," the mercenary who called them in, reported.

"What the hell happened?" Harry asked no one in particular.

Finally taking notice of them, the plump man in researcher robes wheezed, "Mr. Harry Potter, sir. We tried to surrounded, sir, but this man out right refused any yielding and wanted one last hail mary."

"You..." the man in the high rank guard uniform uttered as he made to turn his wand on to him, but he was too unsteady on his feet to do any of that. All he could do was fall on his ass and stay there panting from the magic depletion he was suffering.

"Okay take control of everyone," Harry commanded, "we can sort through all this later." He had no idea what to make out of this situation, he didn't expect his offer of surrounded would have such effect. All he wanted was for them to have a moment of hesitation, not break out into full scale civil war.

But all in all, it worked out perfectly for him. He took control of the tower with barely any effort at all, and he got himself years of Nott family research on hand. Not a bad outcome.

Getting right to it, all the residents of the tower where quickly appended and dragged down stairs. On the way down, Harry had a second look around to see if they missed anything.

Then he finally came back to the ground floor where many of the Legionary were waiting with devices in hand.

"You know your jobs," Harry said as they nodded their head and get right down to their tasks he gave them earlier.

"Is everything cleared out, captains?" Harry asked the mercenary brothers.

"Yes, sir," Gilbert incline his head towards him, "we made sure to swipe this place clean barely even leaving behind the bricks and motor."

"Good," Harry said, "then let's move out. Our job is done, now it's time to leave the Notts a message and give them a blow they won't be recovering from for a long time."

There was a massive eruption of activities as everyone quickly cleared from the tower, hopping on to his chariot the two important hostages were placed with him in the light four-wheeled vehicle.

"What are you doing?" the man who turned out to be the captain of the guards asked Harry who had an irrefutable broad smile on his face.

Turning to look at the man, Harry addressed him, "Wait and find out, captain."

Riding out until they were a long way off from the tower but still within viewing distance. Harry stood there with his small force to his back, it wasn't long before his Legionary came running back.

"Is it done?" Harry asked them.

"Yes, my lord," his small demolition team intoned.

"Tell me there is a button to press," Harry said.

"You will just have to speak these words while making these movements," one soldier showed him the activation of the magic explosives.

"Thank you," Harry said as he was literally shaking with mad glee.

"Ut cum a BUTIO!"

With the utterance of the spell, there was a massive boom that echoed through the valley from the tower. Then it was followed up with dozens more as the sound of it put some creatures in a panic and that was when the wind followed through by picking up.

The tower on the other hand was a spectacular show of lights and explosions as the place trembled with quaked with each floor that light up with explosions.

Finally, as the detonation settled down and the tower remained standing there, everyone thought that it failed until the tower all but crumbled in on itself.

Harry sighed to himself as he watched the tower be completely destroyed.

He would have loved nothing more than to keep the tower for himself, but he knew he couldn't hold it with the man he brought with him. The Nott family would soon be coming down on them once they hear that their tower has come down with all the savage ferocity one would expect when you destroy their holding.

For now the Golden Tower would have to do!

Anyways this was all part of the plan, infuriating the Nott that they would react by doing something stupid, creating the perfect opening for him.


[A/N: I will be jumping from around different Povs for this part of the arc. So tell if you get confused, I will try to ease up.]


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