Wizard King

Chapter 163: End of a House Pt.2

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"Are you sure you aren't young Harry Potter's descendant or something," Old Gryp asked as he turned his massive head to gaze at him. Right now they were on flight to the Nott family Manor, the place was warded for miles around so they had to teleport in from right outside the ward's perimeter and came at the Manor the old fashion way.

Harry had long finished telling the tale about the war with the Nott family, and how it all begin, and what has happened ever since. The ancient Royal Gryphon just couldn't process all that he had said and had done in a short time.

To him it was impossible that a war between two Great Houses who were part of the Sacred twenty-eight which was supposed to last for years upon years as each House duked it out, pulling out all the stops to destroy each other was now on the time scale of only the end face. To be told all that went down in a few short days was very hard to swallow for the legendary beast.

"No I am not some descendant," Harry rolled his eyes. To the Royal Gryphon, all humans must look alike just like how all creatures of the earth do to humans. "I am The Harry Potter in the flesh."

Shaking his head, the old birdy asked, "So what else have you been up to, young one?"

"That's a tale for another time," Harry said. He was sure it would be even more impossible for the old gryphon to hear all that he has accomplished and done in the short few months since he climbed up the Roost to met him. "We are approaching the Nott Manor!"

Finally, they were within sight of the Manor, Harry had received word a while back from the Commander that they managed to take the Grim Fortress with relative ease as there barely even was a skeleton crew guarding the military stronghold so they were able to quickly over run it.

Harry had as quickly as he could so that he could assume his role for the final engagement, and anyways he wanted a last word with Theodore Nott. He promised that he would meet with him on the field of battle, and that promise had yet to be fulfilled.

Looking at the dark estate, Harry narrowed his eyes when he saw a very alarming sight. There were swarms of the wendigo creatures prowling about the manor, if he thought the small horde that he ended right outside the fields of his fortress was massive, then these swarms put that to shame.

There was an endless variety of those dark furred back, red eyed, and white skulled creatures on the field. It was like someone kicked an ant hill and let all hell break loose which he guessed that is exactly what he did. And to make matters worse those swarms were surrounding... his army.

He could see from on high Sunchaser's back that the legion was split into two as they were each fighting an uphill battle against the endless horde of bloodthirsty creatures. Harry saw the Commander at the lead, making a valiant effort in beating back the creature. He was astride a Royal Gryphon which was only reserved for family members, but the old family head, his grandfather, had gifted it to him for his years of loyal service.

For now, his men were holding their ground, but Harry doubted that would last for long under the press of endless teeth and claws.

If there was one thing Harry was glad for then it was that he had brought the cavalry!

The reason why it took a while for him to get here... was because he had to armor and get battle ready hundreds of Royal Gryphon. Turning to look behind him, Harry saw that the full force he brought with him were still there, each of them were in sharp gleaming armor with immaculate claw and beak extensions.

There was indeed a mighty force with each adult Royal Gryphon coming in on the size of a small airplane. Yet they were also a sad reminder of how low his family has come, since on each Royal Gryphon there was supposed to be a Potter riding on its back. But now there was only him on Sunchaser's back.

Though he would do for now! Pulling out the Sword of Gryffindor, Harry pointed his spellsword downward, and shouted, "Charge!"

The Royal Gryphon quickly obeyed his orders as they darted in for the kill, lightning was right at their command as they went in. However Old Gryp stayed behind as he narrowed his eyes on the mass of creatures, he seemed to sense something.  The old Gryphon was all together very different today, there was an aura that surrounding him which was both terrifying and awing.

Suddenly the shadows begin to coalesce and a form appeared. There were countless eyes darted through its body with a multitude of heads which turned to face Old Gryp. "Ahhh, I see that you have decided to show yourself, Sky Father!"

"Finally tired of hiding, Orcraks," Old Gryp responded as dark clouds started to gather above him. The massive and ancient Gryphon sent him a single thought, "Go ahead while I deal with this vile demon!" and then without another word, the old Gryphon engaged

Seeing how everyone was in the battle of the lifetime, Harry knew it was time for him to engage with his own fight. Steering on Sunchaser, Harry flew towards the direction of the tallest spire in the manor. Somehow he knew that was where his battle would take place.

"Full speed ahead," Harry shouted as he pulled down on Sunchaser's reigns dodging a creature that came right for him. It was chaos within the Manor walls, Harry wanted nothing more than to help, but the best thing he could do was defeat Theodore Nott and claim this place as his own.

Landing Sunchaser at the bottom floor of the spire, Harry jumped off with a flip in the air and landed on the ground. "Circle around, Sunchaser," Harry called out, there was no way that the golden Royal Gryphon could fit through the front door along with him.

Let out an ear piercing cry in answer to show that it understood, the Royal Gryphon spread its wings wide and took off into the air.

Turning around Harry entered the spire. The first thing he noticed were all the armors, weapons, and wands littered throughout the ground as if they were discarded long ago by their owners. Harry saw no sight of any remaining soldier of the Grim Battalion, all he could see was just emptiness.

Harry could make out a general idea of what happened. Beasts like the wendigos are tough to handle. They are more like rabid dogs better to be put down. You can not sway them or control them, even those that have bonds with them like the Nott family.

Harry was pretty sure to sate them nothing short of a sacrifice would do it. And Harry could see Theodore making that decision to end them.

Climbing up the stairs, Harry felt disgust at the pit of his stomach. If that was true... then the Nott family was more despicable than he ever imagined.

Suddenly before he even knew it Harry's danger senses he inherited from the Basilisk begin to flare. It was only thanks to his reflects that he was able to dodge the dark ghastly spell lobbed at his head.

But beign quick on your feet could only go so well. The second spell that he didn't even see was able to strike at his left leg and then that was followed by a third which struck at his back.

The spells seemed insidious as they seemed to want to stop his heart. It was only thanks to his phoenix regeneration that he was able to keep the spell effects at bay, but he could still feel the spells slowly crawling towards his chest to sniff him out.

Turning to face behind him, Harry saw three cloaked figures slick out of the shadows, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw two more step forward closing the trap all around him. He didn't need to be told who they were, because Harry already knew. The Nott family grim shadows!

Right about now, Harry was really wishing he had her majesty secret magic task force.

Clutching his chest, Harry prayed that his regeneration would keep the nasty spell at bay, because without a word his enemies closed in going right for the kill.

Harry pulled on the stones and bricks surrounding him and quickly fashioned a make shift suit of armor to protect himself. Pulling back to the side, Harry made ready to do battle.

This really would be a long drawn out battle, these assassins really knew their business and why wouldn't they, since they were wizard killers!


It was indeed a long time before Harry managed to finally make up to the last flight of stairs and he stepped on to the top floor.

He was bleeding from all over but his regeneration was managing to take care of it. There was a blade in his left shoulder which he pulled out with a grunt of pain and blood flowed freely from it before it shut tight.

Harry stared at the head he had in his clutches, which was of the last assassin he killed. Along the way he didn't only just run into the first group but four more who were waiting for him with plenty of traps set up. He managed to overcome one by one until he was the one to come out on top, but it was at great cost.

He was soul weary and he was pulling on the final dregs of his magic, but there was one more opponent to face. Looking far across in this grant chamber, Harry saw Theodore Nott seated on a dark throne with his General standing right besides him.

Tossing the head he held in his hand, Harry commented with a grin, "You should really look for better help. They didn't even break a sweat for me!"

Stepping forward was the General as he brought out his wand, the man looked exhausted and like he had seen some shit. But he was ready to do his job, "I am glad you decided to come along. It would make it so much easier to end you once and for all," he uttered, continuing to montone. "You have no idea how much you have costed this family, the wounds you have dealt it. But this ends today. I shall see to it that..."

Just then right as he was giving his speech, the glass window behind him shattered, glass shards rained down and Theodore finally got up from his throne in surprise. Harry on the other hand had a wide grin on his face as Sunchaser stuck his head in, the golden furred Royal Gryphon looked about and peered at the person closest to it, the General.

The man stared open mouth in surprise still trying to process what happened when Sunchaser strike. In one single move, it swallowed the man up down its gullet and into its stomach.

Harry couldn't help laughing out loud, now that what you get for trying to monologue!

Theodore looked at him as if he was mad, but he also had a wary eye out on Sunchaser who was struggling to get in with its massive bulk. Turning to the sky, Nott shouted, "Come do your job and protect me, you useless beasts!"

For a moment Harry wondered who the hell he was talking to until he saw a form dart through from the sky. Harry only had a single moment to shout, "Watch out, Sunchaser," before the dark furred form went right for the Royal Gryphon's throat.

Sunchaser pulled back to turn and face a wendigo beast that looked to be a mini little copy of Orcraks with black furred wings sprouting on its back. It snarled its teeth at Sunchaser for missing its chance before it clashed with him.

Harry watched them fly higher up into the sky exchanging blows when Theodore nasily laughed out, "It looks like it's just the two of us now!"

"That works perfectly for me," Harry chuckled darkly as he slowly walked towards falling lord. Harry saw what a mess he was, he looked to be disheveled, sleep derived, drunk on his feet, and madness creeping in on the edge. He would end this quickly for both of their sakes!

"Come at me," the young man shouted at him as he brought his wand out.

"My pleasure," Harry said as he charged in.

There was a flurry of explosion and spells going off, the two of them were products of the finest Houses in all of Magical Great Britain. Not only did they had a massive arsenal of spells on had from their families Grimoire, they also were the careful breeding of many powerful lines matching so their reserve of magical power was more than finite.

But in the end, it was only Harry that was victorious.

Dodging the massive lance of dark magic that was aimed right for his head, the spell struck the pillar behind and the thing was all but gone like it never even was there before. Harry closed in on Nott who tried to back peddle but Harry struck out before he could get any where.

A fist right to his nose stopped all resistance from him. Thanks to all the augmented magic he had on him, the blow was able to easily break his nose even though he held back.

Theodore however being the pureblooded noble he was as he never experienced any pain in his life, screamed out in agony as he fell on his back. Harry stood over him, kicking aside the wand he had dropped.

He was panting in and out after the difficult battle, the fucker really put up a good fight. Harry had no doubt he hide his full capability very well in the Hogwarts dueling tournament as he showed more than 10 times the might he showed that day.

"Any last words?" Harry asked as he looked down at the bleeding young man.

Whimpering back in fear as his feet skitted on the floor, Theodore held out a hand to try to stop him and begin to beg. "P-please, mercy! Don't do this, please!"

Shaking his head, Harry was always surprised on how those who think themselves so secure in their power would in the end always be the ones who changed their tones once the end neared.

"And why should I show you any mercy after all you have done," Harry snorted out loud.

"Please, I-I can give you... whatever you want!"

"And what would that be?" Harry asked with a chuckle as he walked up to the throne and took a seat. "I have everything I could want, and now your family's wealth and magic is mine!"

"Y-yes, but... you wouldn't know where all our hidden treasures and secrets are! I could show you it."

"Really now," Harry chuckled, "you would betray your family so?!"

"Yes, yes, I would even make an unbreakable vow with you," Theodore nodded his head as he slowly inched forward. "My family means nothing to me. All I ask is that you... DIE!!!" he suddenly shouted as in one motion he grabbed his wand and tried to fling a spell at him.

But he was never able to do that as half his body was eviscerated, somehow Harry came to stand behind with his sword dripping red with blood. "A snake never changes," Harry shook his head as Theodore's cold corpse fell to the ground.



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