Wizard King

Chapter 39: Lordship Duties Pt. 2


I want to clarify so there is no confusion, Extra chapters are on Tues, Thur, and Satur. My regular release dates are on Mon, Wed, and Fri!

Anyways, here is the first of it, let's please maintain that wonderful high rank!!!!

Rank 50- One EXTRA Chapter!!! (Tues)

Rank 25- Another EXTRA Chapter!!! (Thur)

Rank 10- the Third EXTRA Chapter!!! (Satur)

"It is just your wizarding language is very common, and it is not that close to the source of magic."

"What do you mean?" Harry asked for the second time as if he sounded like a broken recorder on repeat.

"What she means is that all language is derived from the Words of Creation, this is the first words ever spoken and is the very language of the universe. Just speaking one word of it has very powerful effects," Fluttershy began to explain and as she spoke each word her confidence built up until she was speaking clearly and confidently.

He never knew that she was a scholar but now that she was in her role, she was rocking it. "Ever language out there whether it be the Celestial language, Dark Speech, Old Tongue, Draconic language, or even God Speech tries to replica the Words of Creation and they come out with a varying degrees of successes.

Your Latin that most of you European wizards and witches use is common because it is far away from the true essence of the Words of Creation. Thus to better streamline and optimize your magic you need a better language."

"So the Fey language it is," Harry finished for her as he finally got the full picture.

All of the sudden, realizing she had spoken more than a few words, the little scholarly fairy went back to being her sky old self. All she squeaked out through the folds of her butterfly like wings that covered her up was a, "Yes."

"Mhm," Harry said as he rubbed at his chin while giving the three fairies a once over. Then finally speaking up, he stated like it was a fact which it was, "but you are not fey, right? You are fairies, don't you have your own tongue you speak?"

"Yes, we have our own language," Fluttershy answered as she went slightly red in the face.

"But you are an outsider," Bravegrass simply stated.

"Anyways, the Fey langue is still more powerful than ours," Twistyweb answered with a sigh. "It is the language that nearly all creatures that inhabited nature use."

"Okay," Harry said, he could understand wanting some privacy especially with his kind, wizards, going around enslaving them and a whole bunch of other creatures. Regardless they are still kind enough to teach him tongue which in this case equates to more power.

"Okay let's began," Fluttershy said, "the language of the fey is called Sylvan. It was created by...."


Coming back to the hear and now, Harry sounded out the alphabet of the language out loud with the fairies correcting each mistake he made. He was a bit frustrated that he was still trying to master the alphabet of this weird tongue which were strange shapes.

However, as the tiny little fairies put it he was making excellent progress. The more powerful a language got the more difficult it became to learn and master. Even they, who have been speaking this language for numerous years have a long way to go to master it.

One example that they gave him was about an order of monks that live high on top of a mountain, secluding themselves for countless years there just so they could learn a single shout, i.e dragon word.

Harry really had to praise them for their dedication, he knew for sure he couldn't commit himself to do that for years on end. Nevertheless, it really put into perceptive everything, no wonder wizards choice a much easier language- it sure as hell gets the job done much quicker. Still, they are giving away that much needed potency he desperately required if he wanted to defeat Voldywonks once and for all or go toe to toe with old fool.

Once his lessons with the fairies where done it was right back to the paperwork for him. After that, he had a dinner which was a fine affair as the day was coming to a near end.

Once he was finished eating, Sirius would come by for his Battle Magic classes. He did try to invite his godfather over to his family's castle, in his opinion it had much better lighting. That ancestral; home of the Blacks was really more akin to a haunted house than anything else.

However, the older wizard would always go weird when he raised that question and simply answers that he was needed at the house. Plus he had to take care of some price matters.

He wondered what the hell had him hanging around that place for since he knew he hated the house. Moreover, his mother was still around at that place.

To call her still around would be sending the wrong message since she is as dead as a doorknob could be, and was buried long ago. However, it is her portrait that still keeps a part of her bound to this material world.

If anything that more than anything made him glad he was far away from that place, always walking up to her shrieking and curse is no way to get by.

Still, the older man came by every day to carry out his training, and today he came out to the courtyard to wait for his arrival.

Just then he saw a creature zipping by across the sky like a lightning bolt, immediately he could tell what it was, a Hippogriff. Considering all the time he spent visiting the Roost so much these past couple days, and now he basically knew all Griffin-kin creatures there were like the back of his own hand.

However, this was not some random Hippogriff from the Roost, no, from its Stormy Grey feathers, its snowy white claws and hind legs. He knew who it was, Buckbeak!

Landing in the courtyard the Hippogriff let out a happy chip when he saw him, and Harry smiled back at it. He remembered the times he would come visit it in the rooftop abode it made its nest in.

Making his way over, Harry spotted his godfather on the Hippogriff back and watched as he jumped off.

"Hey," Harry greeted as he stood at the precipice.

"Ah, bring it in," Sirius said as he gave him a bear of a hug.

Returning it, they broke off and Harry turned to the Hippogriff, "How are you doing, Buckbeak?"

Answering with a chitter, the eagle/horse hybrid held itself a loft, but Harry could see how happy it was to see him and to be here as well.

Looking around, Harry did not spot the person he was looking for, thus he turned to his godfather and asked, "Is she still not coming?"

Understanding who he was talking about, the older man answered with a sad shake of his head.

Sighing, Harry really did not understand how women even though one second they were perfectly happy with you the next they were brewing up a storm. It was like they were a whole different creature on to themselves.

After that intimate night that they shared on his birthday, Tonks was a no show for the last couple days for their battle magic training sessions. He would admit he might have entrapped her with his wicked ways, but there was no denying that they both came out satisfactory.

Deciding no to keep his mind stuck on her, Harry's eyes drifted back to Buckbeak, at least he would not be changing his mood with the wind.

Seeing that the creature's eye was glued to the massive mountain right to the back of the castle, he asked with a grin, "You want to go up there?"

Answering for him was Sirius, "Yep, this is best for him he could be with his own kind and doesn't have to be cooped up in the attic anymore." Even as he said that, Harry could see that his godfather was sadden to see his friend go.

They must have been through a lot ever since they got away from Hogwarts. Him escaping the dementor kiss, and it escaping the ax.

Giving a sad whine, the Hippogriff looked torn, slapping it on the rump, Sirius stated, "Go on, I will visit when I can," as he did his best to present a smile.

Giving him one final look, Buckbeak took off into the air and they both watched as it flew towards the mountain.

"Must have been hard to let him go, huh?" Harry tried to comfort.

"Isn't always," he answered as he gave the creatures figure a final wave. "Now," he said as he spun around to face him with a pleasant grin back on his face. "How has Lordship been treating you?"

Harry nearly did a double-take at the 180 degree flip, but at this point, he already got used to his godfather's personality. "Tedious," he simply replied.

"Hahaha," laughing uproariously, the older wizard smacked him on the back to comfort him. "Well, I know what will cheer you up, some good old battle magic training."

"Sounds good to me," Harry said as he cracked his neck, this was really one of the only things he could look forward to. "Kicking your ass, is one of my favorite past times."

"Oh-ho-ho," Sirius laughed in one that didn't sound that pleasant, "You sure have gotten a bit mouthy with all that power huh? Well as your guardian it is my duty to get ride of that insufferable grin."

"Ow, this one," Harry asked as he pointed to his face where a shit eating grin was plastered to it, "oh this just my victory smile. If it makes you uncomfortable just tell me, I can understand not wanting to live with the shame."

Patting him on the shoulders, the older wizard gave him a hard squeeze which nearly got a grimace out of him and he whispered to him with that smile still on his face which really did not fit with his cold eyes that promised a whole lot of pain. "Let's get to the training mats, huh! We will see who can not live with the shame of 117 defeats to only 3 victories."

"Ahh, you admit it," Harry exclaimed as he pointed his finger at him in triumphant. "I knew those three matches were mine."

"My mistake," the animagus tried to correct, but it was too late as his younger counterpart was doing a little victory jig.

Glancing at how happy he was, the Black family head decided to just give him the small victory, however soon he would be wiping off the grin from his face.


Dodging the Bombarda that came hurtling towards, Harry rolled on the ground, and glanced over at the wall the training room's wards absorb the spell. He had to say that was a very close one indeed as he only ducked under that by the hair on his head.

Today it seemed like Sirius was going nearly all out on him as he pulled out all the stops. Maybe it was the taunting he done earlier, but he and his godfather always kept up that sort of relationship were they joked and quipped around.

No, something else seem to be on bothering him and at the forefront of his mind.

Coming up from the floor, Harry shouted, "Wait, wait," as he held his hands out right in time since the tip of Sirius's wand was lighting up with a spell at the ready and pointed right at him.

Magical light fading as the older wizard drew back his spell which had to be really advance stuff since he sure as hell did not have any clue how to take back a spell he already cast.

"Is that it?" Sirius asked as he seem to come back into focus as a grin split his face, however, somehow it looked a bit off as it didn't have any of that life it usually does. "Are you giving up already? Where was all that trash talk a few moments ago."

"No, it is not that," Harry said as he tried his best to collect himself. The older wizard really put him through the wringer.

"What is it then?" Sirius posed, this time with a raised eyebrow.

"Something is off with you today," the younger wizard answered as he narrowed his eyes at his older counterpart.

"What do you mean?" he demanded as his eye narrowed a bit in of an affront. "I am perfectly alright. Let's go back to our match, I will be kind enough not to count this as your loss."

"No," Harry said with a shake of his head, refusing to budge an inch. He hated confronting the very man who took him in and took on the task of raising him. But deep down, somehow, he knew he had to.

"I do not know what going on, but you have been off these last couple days and acting weird," Harry pointed out.

"Pfft," Sirius said as he waved his accusation off with a laugh and a wave. "There is nothing wrong, pup, trust me, okay."

"NO," Harry repeated, this time in a near shout. He knew his godfather real well, and when he was hiding something he would always hide it through a laugh or a joke. And if that response didn't send clear signals, then he did not know what did.

"You come by every day like your mind is somewhere else and, and.... You refused to stay here."

"What does that have to do with anything?" the older wizard asked with a hands upraised.

"Everything," he answered, "when you came here I could tell how much you loved this place. It has all the good memories you could ever what, but nooo. You decide to stay at the one place where you hated to your very core, the place wh-where she was," he said, not needing to mention who she was since they both clearly knew.

"Come on, pup," Sirius said as he tried to dissuade him, "I- I...."

"I what?" Harry demanded, "I know you were hiding something."

"No, I am not," Sirius insisted.

"Yes, you are," Harry declared.

"No, I am not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I am not!"

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I...."

"AAAA," Harry shouted as he rubbed his forehead, "this is not getting us anywhere." Turning back to face his godfather, he decided to take a different tact, placing his hand on the man's shoulder, he comforted, "Come on, Sirius, you know you can tell me anything right? It is me and you against the world, really!"

Remaining silent for a long time, Harry thought for a long moment that he was not getting anything at all from him, until he broke it with a near whisper of an answer. "I have been learning from my mother a bit here and there."

"You have been WHAT?!" Harry exclaimed as he heard his answer.

What came next was something Harry never expected, Sirius face seem to go through numerous expressions until it settled on ire. "Now you listen here," he said as he wagged his finger at him, his mannerism totally reminded him of Mrs. Tonks, his cousin who he was so different from.

"I will take no back talk or any nonsense from you, Harry James Potter!"

"Okay, okay," Harry said as he held out his hands to try to calm him down, "I was just a bit surprised, that all and...."

"And what?" he asked sharply still irritated with him.

"Well," he answered as smooth faced as he could be, "I never pegged you as the sort of man who would be running back to his mother's skirt."

Pausing for a long while as they stood face to face, Sirius finally burst out, "Ow, why you little shit. I am going to crack your back until you are crying to the high heavens for forgiveness."

Breaking out in laughter, Harry couldn't help himself when he saw that very much peeved expression on his godfather's face.

Settling down, Sirius once again spoke up, clarifying himself, but somehow Harry felt like he was doing it for himself as much as he was doing it for him. "I have been back at the ancestral home these past couple days with my mother's portrait. You could say we came to a sort of agreement- if she did not want me to drag the family's name in the dirt anymore or have it taken over by Malfoy upstarts, she would have to teach me how to be Head of the House and all the duties and tasks it entails."

Saying nothing, Harry wondered how the man went about doing that, from the few encounter he had with that witch back at the estate, she was nothing if not unwavering especially with the way she cursed and screamed at them day in day out.

"So I have been learning from her if you would and I visited all the estates, lands, and other assets we had in Great Britain."

"Why?" Harry asked, cutting off the older man.

Turning to look at him, Sirius asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I mean why would you do all that? I know you, and you hate anything that has to do with the Black Family written on it. Why would you put yourself through all this?" No matter how many times he thought it over he could fathom why the man would want to be even seven feet near all this.

From all he knew about his godfather, he has always been running from his family all his life. Even back at Gringotts when Gorkit offered the Balck family Lordship ring to him to prove that his now the rightful master of the house, he still ran from it under the guise of later.

So why in god's name would he start getting into the affairs of the family he wanted nothing to do with?

Sighing, Sirius face him head-on right in the eyes and simply answered, "For you, pup. I say how you were ready to tackle your duties while all I can do is hide from them. Now there will be no more of that.

Plus I know you need as much help as you could get for this coming war, and if it means taking up the mantle of the Black family, then I would do it," he said as if resid to his fate.

Harry had no words to express himself, the man always went above and beyond for him l-like a.... father would for their own son.

"Thank you," Harry simply said as he hung his face low to hide his expression.

"Don't worry about it," as the man did a 180 degree flip once again from somber to cheerful. "We both can suffer together, so there is that at least. Plus," he added, "we can get away next week for 5 whole days as the World Cup is coming up soon."

"Yea," Harry hoarsely replied as he quickly dabbed at his damp cheek. "That sounds good to me!"


Lying in bed as Harry was reading up on some stuff that Tobry assigned him, he heard a slight knock at his door and looked up from his book.

"Who is it?" Harry called out.

"It's me, master~ a voice he knew very well called out from the door.

"Come in," Harry said as he closed his book shut.

Walking into his room was Rem and the first thing Harry noticed was how little clothing she was wearing. All she had on was a light blue pair of panties and bra which only hid her nipples and did nothing for everything else.

"What''s the occupation?" Harry asked with a grin.

Pouting, the blue haired maid answered back, "did you forget your promise, Master! I came for my reward for being a good little maid~"

"Ow, yes, how could I forget. Well," Harry said as he threw his sheets to the side, "I will just have to make sure to reward you doubly for remaining me!"

Many thanks to all my patrons that made this possible: MrKristoffer1994, Greenboy676, Eddie McBride, Rob Will, john conway, Stephen Walls II, Frodo the Fourth, Osmund Okorie, zatsuke, Tyler H, anthony corcoran, Amelgar, Keelan Jurek, callum nowlan, Herbie Taylor, abdi omar, Jonny Sanchez, william Wallace, Glader, carl hoffmen, Didier omba, Kushar Dipesh, Ty Moore, Cimmerian, Luke Jespersen, Time Long Gone, Daniel mulry, Kevin Mason, robert hernandez, Elijah Rabren, WorldMonarch!

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