Wizard King

Chapter 40: Reunion

"Did you make sure to pack everything that you would need?" Sirius asked as he stood right outside his door in the Potter Manor.

"Yep," Harry answered as he watched his two maids get ready his duffle bag.

"You sure," his godfather rephrased, "the World Cup is a week long sporting event."

"Yeah, I am sure," he said as he grabbed his bag from them. "I think that is more than enough underwear for a week," he stated to them. Just then from his open balcony that let out towards the Roost, a tiny fluffy creature flew in.

"Aaa, you little monster, how did you get down from all the way up there?" he asked as he came over to the Micro Griffin and started to scratch behind its ear.

Crooning softly in his hand, he nearly missed it when Rem asked, "Are you sure Master?"

"Yeah, yeah," he said as he threw the little monster a treat. He knew this little bugger very well, it always snuck into the castle to find him. Rolling over as it let him tickle its belly, he finally let go, and spoke to it, "You better be going before Tobry finds you here."

Giving an angry chirp as it remembered that big meany, it gave him a playful nip and took off into the air. Harry feared for the little house-elf, as he watched the minute like griffin zoom to the Roost, that one day this little monster would call its buddy down on him.

Turning back to his maid, he gave her one of those pats on the head that she liked so much. "You two take care now. I will see you in a week!"

"Okay," the blue-haired maid replied sweetly like a cute kitten. If his godfather wasn't standing right before him he would have torn into like the evil beast he was, but he held himself back.

"You too, Ram," he added with a waved to the pink-haired maid who stared fixedly at him.

Getting no response from her, he just shrugged his shoulders and headed out right behind his godfather's heels. Coming to the living room, Harry was surprised to see who was there standing there and taking in the castle's wonderful interior design.

"Tonks?" Harry called out as he couldn't believe she had come. "I didn't expect you to be here," he stated exactly his thoughts.

"Don't think too much on it," the brand new Auror replied as she seemed distant from him. "Mother forced me to come here to keep an eye on the two of you. Plus to get out some more as she put," she voiced the last sentence in a grumble.

"Well, it good to see you," Harry said with a grin. Then using some of the new tricks he learned over the last few months, he telepathically whispered to her so that his godfather couldn't catch a whiff of what was going on between them, "I have missed you greatly."

Quickly hiding her surprise, the witch gave him a punch beyond the Sirius's view and growled to him, "Shut it!"

"It is good to see that the two of you are getting along," Sirius voiced as he made his way over to them. He was now back in his Yankee form with blond hair, blue eyes, and a stocky frame. They both knew the story that they would be going with, Sirius, or Andrew Goldhound in this case is an old family friend who he got to know very well over the summer.

"Yeah," Harry said as he gave a smile with double meanings, "we are getting along very well. If fact what do you say Sirius if we shared enchanted tents to get to know each other much better?"

"Sounds good to me," Sirius replied, as he rested his hands on both of their shoulders. Harry could see how much she wanted to argue against this, till the man added, "We are all family here right!?"

"Yep, the best of family members," Harry said as he gave the plucky witch a wink.

"Now come on," the older wizard said as he gave them a smack on the back. "Fun and excitement await us."


Appearing out of thin air, the three of them stood outside the premises of a wide open field, Harry could see countless people in the air with brooms, flying carpets, and other strange contraptions.

Making their way to the front gate where a wizard sat there slumped in his chair, bored as he picked at his nails. He took notice of them, and greeted them with his complementary, "Hello and Welcome to the 422nd edition of the World Cup, hosted by yours truly, Magical Great Britain. What can I do for you today?"

Smiling, Sirius asked with, "Do they make you do that for ever single body? That has to be a mouthful."

"It all part of the job," the young man answered with a helpless shrug. "Entry would be 10 Sickles a person."

"Here," Sirius said as he passed him three Galleons.

"Aaa, you paid me an extra Galleon," the wizard noted.

"Keep it and the extra change," Sirius said as he stopped him from reaching into his cash box. "We are looking for our reservation. Could you help with that?"

"Yeah, let me see," the man said as he pocketed the money and pulled out a list of all reservations. "Name on the reservation?" he asked.


"Goldhound.... Goldhound, yeas, Goldhound. Your spot will be on field 22."

"Thank you," the older man said as they walked through the gate. Immediately when they trudged into the misty field of the campsite, Harry was blown away by all that he saw.

In long rows were a myriad of different tents. Most looked almost ordinary; their owners clearly tried to make them as Muggle-like as possible, but had slipped up by adding chimneys, bellpulls, or weather vanes.

However, those that were much worse where those who were so obviously magical that even an idiot could spot it. Halfway up the field stood an extravagant confection of striped silk like a miniature palace, with several live peacocks tethered at the entrance.

A little farther on they passed a tent that had three floors and several turrets; and a short way beyond that was a tent that had a front garden attached, complete with birdbath, sundial, and fountain.

From there it just became much more wilder as there were mini castles about here and there, Wizarding towers spewing out magic from over head. Witch cottages with strange lights going on inside them, and even more wilder things

"Always the same," Sirius said with a silent shake of his head. "We can not resist showing off when we get together. Ah, here we are here."

Ahead was a large plot of large marked Goldhound with plenty of room to set up any sort of strange and wonderful structure. However, right now there were only two large tents set up on the place and just as they made it over the hill Remus walked out of one of the tents with a mug in hand.

"I see that you have made it safe and sound, huh?" Remus asked as they trudged over to him.

"Yep," Sirius said as two men slapped hands together, "thanks for holding the fort."

"No problem," the werewolf replied and just then somebody else walked out of the tent.

Glancing over Harry met eye to eye with the young woman who had to be only a few years older than Tonks. She had the same light brown hair as Remus in a short crup fashion. She was wearing ripped jeans, a simple white shirt, and with multiple arm bands on her wrists. Her eyes were a sharp green that kind of reminded him of a wolf, with pale smooth skin, lush lips, lean athletic figure, and calloused hands.

He could seem the woodsy scents from her as he caught pine needles and green shrubs, he guessed she must be an outdoorsy kind of person.

Seeing the confusion and unrecognized look on his face, Remus put in, "Oh, yes, you have never meet. Harry meet my baby sister, D-...."

"Daisy?!" Tonks cut in as she ran up to the woman who now that he put them side to side looked as if they were the siblings then Remus and her.

Embracing her, Harry watched as the Metamorphmagus hair turned a light brown and her grey eyes became a dark green.

"Hey are you doing little one?" the young woman asked as she patted the witch on the head. Harry was surprised when he noticed how meek Tonks was, the Auror was anything but submissive, maybe except for in the bed, but nevertheless, it came to him as a shock as he watched her nuzzled her head against the woman's shoulder.

"You know each other?" Remus asked as he looked between the two of them.

"You can say that," the plucky witch answered as she broke away from her hug and finally took notice where she was as she blushed a deep crimson and pulled her hair behind her ear as it turned back to its usual bubble gum pink.

"We were in the same house, and as her senior, I looked after this baby crier."

"Hey, I was no baby crier," the plucky witch muttered as he didn't know it was possible for someone to blush even deeper than she was.

Coming to her rescue like the gentlemen he was, Harry held out his hand for the woman and greeted, "Remus might have said who I was, but I find it best to always introduce yourself. Harry, Harry Potter."

"Daisy Lupin," the woman replied as she shook his hand.

"A nice grip you have," he noted as he felt like she had a wolf paw wrapped around his hand.

"Oh, sorry," the witch said as she tried to let go of him quickly. "I forget how weak wizards can be."

"Hh-ho," Harry laughed as he refused to let go then returned the hard shake as he put a bit of his enhanced strength he gained from all the Legendary magical creatures. "You will soon out that some of us are not that weak," he said as though her comment was about the male side of magic users.

"Andrew...." Sirius tried to began, but the woman cut him off.

"I know it is you, Sirius, I can smell your scent for miles away and Remus already told me everything."

Laughing, Sirius smacked her companionly, "It good to see you, Daisy."

"Been keeping my brother safe?" she asked with a grin.

"Hey, I am the one who does that," Remus cut in, then in a mutter he added, "and who is older here?!"

"Yeah," Sirius answered with a shrug, "just saved his ass, yesterday from something nasty."

Giving his friend a disbelieving look, the werewolf was stuck for words as he clearly couldn't believe the words coming out of the man's mouth.

"Thanks," the witch said, and just as they getting into things a group came over the rise.

Glancing over at them the only words that came to his mind was a group of hooligans. They had cut shirts, ripped jeans, all kind of hip accessories, chains and piercing, and everything else to show how tough and rowdy they were.

"Hey, bossman," one of the delinquents called out in greeting.

"Are these your friends?" Remus slowly asked as glanced over the group.

"Who is talking to you, you packless Omega?" the kid mouthed off.

"AJ," Daisy simply said, which immediately shut the kid up. "This is my brother, so show some respect."

"Sorry Bossman, I had no idea," the delinquent said as he held his hands out in surrender.

Turning back to them, the young woman spoke to them at large, "Well it seems like I best be going since my group is here."

"You take care, okay," Remus said as he was the first to step forward, "and make sure to owl."

"I will bro."

"Same here," Sirius proclaimed as he comforted his friend with a clap.

"Are you sure about this?" Tonks whispered as she gave the group of delinquent a glance.

"Don't worry, they are as tame as pups before me," the woman comforted. "Don't worry I will be here for the World Cup so you will see me around."

"Okay," Tonks said as she gave a weak smile in answer.

"It was great to meet you," Harry said as he hooked her hand once again, but this time in farewell.

"You too Potter," the woman said with a smile. Then turning around and heading out with her friends, for a moment Harry swore instead of humans, he saw a group of bestial wolves heading down the small rise.

Quickly shaking his head, he assumed that he must be just seeing things. Anyways besides World Cup, he came for something else, to reunite with his friends.

"Well I am heading out," Harry said as he turned to the two older adults.

"Yeah, go ahead," Sirius said with a wave.

Shaking himself, Harry was both glad and disappointed with how careless the man was, turning to face the newly minted Auror, he asked as he held out his hand for her. "You want to come with?"

"No," she snarled at him and for a moment he imagined that she was going to eat his face. "I got other things to do," she concluded with as she stalked away.

"Okay," Harry said with a shrug as for the hundredth time he asked himself was going on with her.

"See you both later," Harry waved at them as he head on.

"Make sure to be careful," Remus said ever the worrywart in the group, but if he wasn't, then they would have jumped off a bridge, long ago.

"Live life to the fullest, pup," Sirius contradicted.

Heading back to the campsite at large, he made his way slowly through the rows, staring around. It only just dawned on Harry how many witches and wizards there must be around in the world; he had never really thought much about those in other countries.

Passing by some Americans Harry glanced over at them, then he saw some European men speaking other languages. Then there were the people wearing long pieces of white robes and turbans who must have come from the middle east. Then there were those from all over Africa with dark, brown, and olive skin wearing a myriad of different clothing. 

He saw some men from Russia as that had on winter clothing even in this late summer morning. Then Indian folk, pacific islanders from all over, people from a bunch of different Latin American countries, Austrians with their weird English accent, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and the list just went on and on. 

Harry was just blown away with it all! All these people from all over the globe, he wondered what kind of lives they lived, what kind of tales they had to tell.

Finally, he spotted a spot with a Wezzley sign on it, at first he thought it was another group's spot, but then he saw all the red heads milling about in the place.   

Walking over, the first person to notice him was Bill the oldest Weasley now that he was up close to him he noticed that the guy was only a few inches taller than him then the whole feet he had on him last they met. 

"Harry, is that you?" the young man asked as he dropped what he was doing and walked over to him. 

"I hope so," Harry answered with a grin as they shook hands. 

Then the twins stuck their hands out of their tents as they must have heard their older brother and shouted, "Hey, Harry is here!"

Running up to him as they pushed it each other, Fred or was it George, shook his hand next. "Look at you mate, you really have grown tall," he observed as he measured height with him and they came out to be the same. 

"And he might have surpassed us in looks, brother," the twin joked as they greeted each other. 

"Your right, he might take all the ladies for himself," Fred said as he sized him up like they were rivals, and yes, Fred, he was 90% sure it was him. 

"It good to see you two, you jokers," he expressed. 

"Great to see you again," Charles Weasley voiced as they greeted each other. He might have been the shortest Weasley amount the older bunch, but he was a lot more stocky then them all. 

Suddenly from out of the tent came out the one person he knew well, Ron, just looking at him really put into perspective how much he has grown. He did grow quite a bit but he still did look like a child compared to him. 

"Hey, Ron!"

"Is that you, Harry?" the redhead asked as he narrowed his eyes at him in suspicion. 

"Yeah," George cut in, "what happen to you Ickle Ronnikins?"

"Still a baby, huh?" the other twin asked.

"I....I-" with any more words, he ran back into his tent, fleeing in embarrassment. 

"Did you have to do that?" Bill demanded with a raised eyebrow while Charlie shook his head besides.

Finally the last Weasley appeared, the only girl among the lot of them, Ginevra Weasley. Catching a glance of him, the younger girl asked, "H-Harry?" as her cheeks went as red as her hair. 

"Hey, Ginny," he waved at her, but it seem before he knew it she was running back into her tent.

"Hey, it isn't our fault that they are shy maidens," George stated, breaking the silence.

"Especially Ickle Ronnikins," Fred voiced with a sad shake of his head, "you would think after long years being around Harry he would get used to him." 

"Yea, couldn't agree with you anymore, dear brother." 

"Harry, look at you," Arthur Weasley interrupted the twin's commentary, "you really have grown."

"Thanks, Mr. Weasley," he said with a nod. 

"Does everyone have to mention that?" George asked out loud. 

"Yea, you are making the man feel very uncomfortable," Fred added with a nod. 

Ignoring them, Mr. Weasley asked, "who did you come with, son?"

"A family friend," Harry replied back with his rehearsed answer. Looking around the campsite, he asked, "Do you know where Hermione is?"

"Aaa, look at him looking for his first conquest," Fred elbowed his brother.

"and his best friend no less," George stated with a shake of his head, "what a player!" he added with pure worship in his tone.

"She went with her girl friends from the same house," Bill helpful answered, and Harry just knew he was in on the joke as he gave him a wink. 


Many thanks to all my patrons that made this possible: MrKristoffer1994, Greenboy676, Eddie McBride, Rob Will, john conway, Stephen Walls II, Frodo the Fourth, Osmund Okorie, zatsuke, Tyler H, anthony corcoran, Amelgar, Keelan Jurek, callum nowlan, Herbie Taylor, abdi omar, Jonny Sanchez, william Wallace, Glader, carl hoffmen, Didier omba, Kushar Dipesh, Ty Moore, Cimmerian, Luke Jespersen, Time Long Gone, Daniel mulry, Kevin Mason, robert hernandez, Elijah Rabren, WorldMonarch, Hunter Joseph, Julio Hernandez, Vortex, Nitrogue97, drefly13, Patrick Wishart

Micro Griffin: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/86835099052524858/?nic_v2=1a30lxMTN
Ginny Weasley: https://br.pinterest.com/pin/447193437999331044/
The Weasley family: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1337074866482077/


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