Wizard King

Chapter 44: World Cup

Walking up the exclusive private seats, Harry could feel the feverish excitement all around. The stadium was already starting to get packed even though there were a couple hours left before the game would even start.

His group and the Weasleys, continued their long climb up the purple carpeted rows until they finally reached the top boxes. The place was empty except for a house-elf who must have been there to reserve her master's seat, though he did not know why- since these seats were already booked and set aside for whoever it belong to.

Something at the back of his mind nagged at him, but he just shook it off.

Talking their seats, Sirius who was in his American persona, and Mr. Arthur Weasley continued on with their own little conversation.

"It good that Harry has somebody to take care of him besides those muggles," he stated as the clear distaste of those people were evident in his tone.

"But doesn't he have us to take care of him," Ginny asked sweetly.

"Yes, of course, sweetly," Mr. Arthur nodded briskly, "but it good for Harry to widen his connections, aye."

"Yes," Sirius agreed, "and James and I were best of friends, it is the only the thing I could do for him."

Glancing over at the rest, from the Weasleys to Tonks, Remus, and Daisy.

When both of their eyes met, Harry quickly averted his gaze, he still did not know how to face her after she walked in on that scene.

Trying to distract his mind, he picked up his Omnioculars a neat little family invention of his House, and started to look around with it.

Already there had to be millions of wizards and witches packed in the place and more were coming in each minute.

Just then white-blond hair obstructed his magical binoculars vision and he took it off to see the Malfoy family walking in.

It was a tense moment as everyone looked daggers at each other, however, it was quickly broken as Sirius got up and greeted. "Lucius how to good to see you and you too my lady and young Malfoy."

"Yes," the man said, "it is good to see you as well, Andrew was it."

"Yes, yes," Sirius uttered as he waved away the clear disrespect. "You know the Weasley family, I dare say?"

Looking icy at the redheads who returned the gaze pound for pound, he answered, "Yes, I have met the weasel. Not the best of companies."

"Aaa, they fine folks alright, you just have to get to know them."

Looking appalled at the very idea of that, Narcissa cut in as she wrapped her arm around her husband. "Well it was good to see you, you too as well," she said as she looked at him with what he could only call a steamy look.

"Yes," Sirius agreed as a dark look crossed his face, "very great indeed."

Walking up to their seats, Harry turned to the Weasely who had a varying degree of dark looks on their faces, turning to Bill who was sitting on his right, he asked. "You guys sure do hate the Malfoys, huh?!"

"You can say that," the older wizard answered.

Hearing their conversation, Charlie who sat to his older brother's right answered, "Us and the Malfoys have a blood feud that goes all the way back."

"Yea," Fred cut in who sat on his left, "those itty little bit serpents have been a pain in our ass ever since they arrived here in Magical Great Britain."

"Bro is right," George agreed, "but the biggest issue we have with each other is when they stole our ancestral home 2 generations back."

Slowly but surely the private box was filled up as he noted Lords and Ladies of Magical Great Britain pilled in. There were all dressed in expensive fineries from enchanted clothing to rare jewelry.

There were also Ministry workers who were Heads of Departments coming in, which Mr. Weasley knew them very well.

He even saw some more familiar faces from Hogwarts like Cho Chang, Seamus Finnigan, Cedric Diggory, Alicia Spinnet, and Susan Bones. The meeting with her was the most unusual as her aunt, Sirius's fiancee stared at Sirius's persona.

"Sorry," she said, "you looked kind of familiar."

Soon he saw Lily and the girls walk in, behind them was a strict looking man who kept on reaching for towards his hip. Sitting in the row in front of him, he leaned over and greeted her and all the girls.

Turning back to her, he indicated with his head and asked, "Who is that? Is he your dad?"

Hearing him, Lavender cut in, "Oh, Ralphie? No," she said with a shake of her head, "he is just our chaperone, a family wizard knight of our house."

"Mmm," he said, and just then the Minister of Magic himself, arrived. In tow was another man dressed in traditional clothing of fur cap, leather coat with fur lining, woolen pants shirt and socks, and red sash around his waist.

He carried with him a long wooden staff which was only used by the most powerful wizards and witches.

"Oh, Harry," Cornelius Fudge greeted him like they were old friends, "its good to see you, my boy."

"Yes, you too Ministry," he answered with a nod.

"This is Harry Potter, you know him?" he told the man beside him.

"H-harry P... p-potter," he repeated in some broken English as he looked at his nearly faded scar.

"Yes," the portly man exclaimed with a sigh of relief, "he is the one who defeated you-know-who."

"Aaaa," he said with a nod.

Grumbling under his breath on why did he have to even try with a clueless idiot. The man turned back to face him, and declared. "You must take some pictures with me, Harry. It would be good for the news and people."

'You mean good for you,' he thought, but he still agreed. "That would be my pleasure, sir!" Best to be on the foolish man's side than on his bad side.

Soon the games begin as a loud announcer cut through the noise.

"Welcome, Ladies and gentlemen to the finals of the four hundred and twenty-second Quidditch World Cup!"

The spectators screamed and clapped as thousands of flags waved in the air.

"And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce . . . the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!"

From the right side of the stands, which was a solid block of scarlet, the most beautiful women he ever seen walked into the field.


"Oh, boy," Harry said as he knew what was about to happen. He read about his particular race of magical beings. They are one of the few magical beings who wormed their way into wizarding society with nothing but their womanly charms and assets.

Then the music started, and the veela started to dance.

Even if their charms did not work on him since his will was that of iron and he had occlumency on hand, it was still a sight for sore eyes. Watching as they put on a sensual dance, Harry could deny that he was attracted because who really wouldn't be when you have hundreds of stunning women putting on a spectacular show.

Then the music stopped and the angry yells began as the Veela walked out of the field. From on his seat, he could see the Bulgarian Ministry chuckling deeply.

Turning to look at him, Lily mused in a respectful tone filled with a hint of awe, "its good to see that you have kept your head about." All around him wizards had befuddled looks on their faces except for a very few.

"What you think those sluts would bewitch him from me?" Lavender asked in an aggrieved tone.

"And now," roared the announcer voice, "kindly put your wands in the air . . . for the Irish National Team Mascots!"

Blazing into the field in a rainbow arc were short little men in green suits. Raining from above were gold Galleons that fell to the stands.

"Leprechauns," Harry thought to himself with a shake of his head as he saw some idiots scramble for the fake money and in some cases fight over it as well. It might do the trick for a couple days, but after that the gold would disappear.

"Ladies and gentlemen, kindly welcome — the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team!" Scarlet-clad figures on a broomstick blurred onto the field.

"Now, please greet — the Irish National Quidditch Team!" the announcer shouted as seven green blurs swept onto the field.

"Our referee of the day," the announcer called, "Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch, Hassan Mostafa!"

With that, the game began!

Zipping by in the airs, the players wnt at speeds he could barely keep up with. It was Quidditch Harry had never played before and as he watched as he took note.

The game was fun, exhilarating, and ruthless. This was truly the professional level!

Soon however the game was finished as Ireland took the win even after the Bulgarian team Seeker got the snitch.

Walking out the stands, Harry looked up at the sky and say how dark it was getting. He really did not realize that he had been sitting on his seat for hours on end, that was how attached he was to the match.

At the corner of his eyes, he spotted that house-elf again with no master. Turning to Percy who the master in all things ass-kissing, he asked, "Whose house-elf is that?"

"Aaa, that Mr. Crouch's, I don't know what happened, but he did not come."

"Mmm," Harry said, he did not why but something was bugging him at the back of his mind.

He did not know what ability was acting up, but he activated his Magic Sight as a precaution.

When he looked at the house-elf direction, he was surprised when he saw a man under an invisibility cloak.

"What the fuck is going on?" he wondered to himself as his feet carried him and before he knew it, he was uncovering the mysterious individual.

All at once everyone seem to look at the person that appeared out of nowhere. From the corner of his eyes, he could see the house-elf going deadly pale.

"Is that Bartemius Crouch Junior?" someone asked from among the crowd.

"Bartemius Crouch Senior, son?" another voice asked.

Then one person shouted in a panic, "Goodness gracious, he is a Death Eater!"

That seem to have done the trick as everyone went man, some ran, others took up wands, and a very few just passed on their spot including the British Minister.

"Get down, my lady," Ralphie shouted as he tackled the man to the floor.

Somehow the death eater pulled out a very familiar looking wand, unconsciously his hand went to his wand holster and found that his wand was gone.

"Fuck," he swore under his breath as he went for cover. With his wand gone there is only so little he could do, he did know a few wandless magic but they were limited since Sirius just began to teach him a few.

Plus he did have his abilities but he did not know if he would lose his head and start attacking his allies.

Battling it out, the death eater was able to throw out a few nasty spells but he was quickly overpowered especially by the Bulgarian Minister who sent a jet of purple mist that had the man locked up in chains and muzzle.


"Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter, Harry Potter," the wizarding reporters shouted at him as they stuck out their wands towards him so that he could say a few words, and magical cameramen snapped their moving pictures of him in the background.

"Alright, that is enough," Cornelius Fudge called out, trying to settle everyone down.

"Minister Fudge, we have a few questions," a reporter that had China Press logos all over his stuff called out.

"Alright, go ahead," the man said. "You," he pointed to a man from America Daily.

"Is it true that a Death Eater by the name of Bartemius Crouch Junior was uncovered today at the game?"

"Yes it was the death eater Bartemius Junior presumed to be dead that was exposed. Now you," he pointed to a reporter from India newspaper.

"At the scene, a house-elf by the name of Winky was found, so can we be led to believe that Bartemius Crouch Senior knowingly hide his son and faked it that he went to Azkaban?"

"We will need to investigate that, but at this very moment loyal Auror of the Ministry of Magic are bringing in Crouch Senior to be questioned."

Pointed at another reporter, this one drifted from everyone's direction and asked. "Is it true that you fainted Minister Fudge when Death Eater Bartemius Crouch Junior was revealed?"

Going red in the face as a few chuckles were heard from here and there, the Bulgarian Ministry stepped up. "Yes, it is true that Minister Fudge might have keel over in fright, but that does not matter."

Looking at him wide-eyed, he spluttered, "You can speak perfectly fine English?"

"Yes, a simple English fluency potion did the charm, but I must say this pig Latin speech is a bit hard on the tongue."

"Why... I .... you..."

"Are you trying to ask why I pretended not to know anything? Well, it shows a lot of your character when somebody does not know what you are saying behind your back."

Going even redder in the face if it would be possible the man just walked out with a "no more questions!"

Harry felt like kneeling over and just laughing at how embarrassed the was, this was gold. No wonder people loved politics, it was all about shaming your opponents.

"We must thank this young man," Bulgarian Ministry declared as he pointed to Harry who stood on the stage with him. Everyone gave a warm round of applause, and the man continued, "He was the one that uncovered this vile criminal, and save who knows how many lives. Let's hear another round of applause."

Stepping back, he gave a nod to the crowd, "that would be all. Take care!"

Shaking the man's hand, Harry grinned at him, "I must say, you are a lot better Minister than our country's."

"There used to be days when Magical Great Britain had very powerful men and women at its head."

Remembering his great-grandfather who used to be the Minister he could see that.

"One day I imagine you would fix that."

"Me, as Minister?" he asked, getting the man's hiding meaning.

"Maybe in a few years, you would be the youngest Minister, why not," the man said with a shrug.

Harry could see his point, he was basically a public idol, and didn't know if he would be publically voted into office even right now when he was still in Hogwarts.

Just then a blonde hair witch reporter in elaborate curls interpreted them, how she got into the backstage he did not know, but she already had a notepad out in front of her and a magic pen scribbling away.

"Harry Potter, I have a few questions from you," she voiced as she looked at him from her jeweled spectacles.

"Who are you even?" Harry asked, as he just couldn't even abide by being rudely interpreted like that.

"She is Rita Skeeter," Sirius answered as he stepped in with his arms crossed at his chest. "She had ruined a few lives with her reporting."

"All I did was report the facts," she stated with a shrug.

"You mean your version of the fact,"

"Well I can't tolerate nasty reporters," the Bulgarian Minster stated.

"A reporter huh?" Harry asked, "how well known is she?" he asked his godfather as he looked her up and down like he was buying something. He did not know it, but already he was acting the part of a Lord and noble.

Not being fazed at the way he was looking at her, she answered, "I am the most well respected and well-known reporter in all of Magical Great Britain."

"You mean the most despised," Sirius grumbled under this breath.

"Mmm," Harry said, "set up a meeting with you and I might give you an exclusive interview."

Eyes going bright, she stepped forward to him and asked, "Could I ask you some questions about today?"

"There is nothing more to say on the matter," he answered with a shake of his head. "Don't make me rescind that meeting,' he added when he saw that she wanted to complain.

Nodding she drifted away and Sirius gave him a 'are you sure look,' but Harry said nothing more on the subject as he already had plans made inside of his head.

Just then they were interrupted again as this time a blond strict looking woman walked up to them, one by the name of Amelia Bones.

"I would like a word with you," she said as she waved him over with his finger.

Stepping up, Harry was about to got to his godfather's side, but the Minister stopped him. "I know woman, and you wouldn't want to get between them when they are look that."

Now that he had a closer look at the Bones family head, she looked more sever than usual. Akwardly coughing, he waved to his godfather, "I will see you later," just as the man nodded to him and followed the woman like a lost dog.

"Now," the man said as he lead him to the quidditch team's tents, "Come meet our country's Quidditch team."

They were stopped by no one as they walked in unannounced, sitting about and drinking some magic liquors was the Bulgarian National Team.

Introducing him to each of the players, Harry shook hands with them and chatted up with them about Quidditch.

If Olivar knew he had this chance, the man would kill him.

Saying their goodbyes, they walked out of the tent and into the wild jubilant night.

Spotting some Veela, his eyes drifted over to their scandalously dressed bodies and the extra sway that they seem to have in their steps. Men rolled all over in their wake and if he did not know any better he would have imagined that they had heart shapes in their eyes.

"Aaa, you are interested in the lovely Veela, huh," the man asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well which man wouldn't be," he answered with a shrug.

"Yes, yes indeed, come I can introduce you to them if you want."

"Really?" Harry asked as he brightened up. Now, who would want to pass that up?

"Yes, you deserve a hero's welcome after what you did today!"

Making sure not to mention at all that the death eater got his wand, he followed the man as he led him to the Veela tents.


Many thanks to all my patrons that made this possible: MrKristoffer1994, Greenboy676, Eddie McBride, Rob Will, john conway, Stephen Walls II, Frodo the Fourth, Osmund Okorie, zatsuke, Tyler H, anthony corcoran, Amelgar, Keelan Jurek, callum nowlan, Herbie Taylor, abdi omar, Jonny Sanchez, william Wallace, Glader, carl hoffmen, Didier omba, Kushar Dipesh, Ty Moore, Cimmerian, Luke Jespersen, Time Long Gone, Daniel mulry, Kevin Mason, robert hernandez, Elijah Rabren, WorldMonarch, Hunter Joseph, Julio Hernandez, Vortex, Nitrogue97, drefly13, Patrick Wishart

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