Wizard King

Chapter 68: Dueling Club


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It was good to be back in these old and very familiar castle walls, he had been gone for only a week, but it felt like a whole eternity to him!

Harry greeted all his acquaintances and friends, who were all happy to see him back in their own different ways. Plus he had the sad encounter with his enemies and hated rivals, more sad for them really than him as they looked like nothing more than yapping monkeys.

Classes were back in session after the weekend that the students had to themselves. So just like any Monday that started off the week, the hallways were packed with students making their way thru and fro going to their classes, clubs, activities, and so forth.

The jam wasn't really helped by Peeves who took great enjoyment in tossing about water balloons at the students.

Regardless it was looking like a great week for him as he didn't have any Snape to deal with and only teachers that exalted him to the top and those he could stare at all day long and who knows what else they could do.

However he recalled that he did have his lessons instead with Dumbledore himself, so that was a real bummer. Who knows what the old man could uncover with his close proximity to him. But he set that aside for now, he would deal with the issue as it came up.

What Harry did notice as he made his way through the hallways of the castle were posters plastered everywhere. Tearing one of them down. he read it to himself; Dueling Club Reopened!

It would seem Professor Flitwick bite the snare, reading the notice sheet, he saw that it would be opened for next week with 2nd through 7th year students allowed in. Continuing to peer at the post, he read that Professor Flitwick would be leading the club along side the other house heads such as Professor Mcgonagall, Professor Sprout, and the new head of Slytherin Professor Vector.

Finally, he understood the underlying excitement and chitter throughout the whole school, Dueling Club was back in session! Unlike last time with an idiotic fraud and a cold blooded tormentor leading the group this time we had competent teachers to lead things.  

Some how word also got around that the short little man was a Master Duellist and then went on to become a Dueling Champion. And for the first time the students treated the half-goblin with something besides respect that he was accorded as a Professor, Awe!

Onc Harry saw the notice even he was excited and couldn't wait for the day to arrive. He wondered how the little man would structure his class and what he would be teaching, what he would have them do, and so forth. 

From throughout the hallways, to the classrooms, the Great Hall, outside, and nearly everywhere else students and even staff members were discussing this latest news. Coming down for breakfast, he could see that Dumbledore wasn't too happy about the prospect of his students learning to fight and duel. 

The man was the embodiment of peace and harmony all that bullshit that got his students killed when they went out to the real world. The wizarding world wasn't a peaceful paradise in these ancient stone walls you might think that, but it was far from the truth. 

There was danger at every corner with Dark Lords rising up ever so often, magical beasts that terrorize the countryside once in a while, magical beings that hold no love for wizards in general, monsters that preyed on the weak, dangerous artifacts that get loose, and so much more the list just goes on all day. 

Students here at Hogwarts aren't really taught how to defend themselves anymore; ever since the old man took over as Headmaster. Yes, a bunch of spells are cramped into their head, but that does not mean you instantly know who to use it to good effect in a fight. 

He wondered how the little man was able to force through the idea of reopening the dueling club, he was pretty sure it was a tough sell. Though on the other hand, he did fracture a pretty wide split between the Professors and Dumbledore, one of his better works if he must say. 

So who knows, they might be going ahead on their own volition as a united front. 

Nevertheless, the week couldn't have gone any slower for him. Excitement built each day as the day of the dueling club reopening approached. 

However before that, he had one thing to deal with, his private lessons with Professor Dumbledore. 

Walking to the old man's office instead of going to his double potions as he usually would have on Friday. He greeted the gargoyles out front and walked into the grand and magnificent circular office. 

The first thing he noticed was that the old man wasn't in. 

He did see a cauldron simmering on top of the claw-footed desk with a potion book opened up to a certain page, but other than that no old man. 

What he did take notice of was the beautiful flaming red bird perched on a lovely wooden stand. It gazed at him with a tilted head, "Hello," Harry hesitantly greeted the bird. 

All the bird did was stare at him without saying a word, shrugging his shoulders he knew there was nothing he could really do. A phoenix was a legendary creature, Master of Fire, a equal to Dragons and Royal Gryphon in might. 

Walking up to the desk, he saw a note left by the old foggy in his cursive handwriting. 

It seems like the old man was off to the International Confederation of Wizards all the way in India. So he wouldn't be back for quite a while, but he did lay out his lessons plans for the month so he could carry it out on his own. 

Reading the note, he remembered the trouble he brought for the old bastard as his abuse came to light and the hand he had in it. It was clear that the committee was discussing if he should remain as Supreme Mugwump after the allegations he faced. 

Harry couldn't help it as a smile split his face, more trouble for the old meddling bastard meant more joy for him. Anyways, he could use this time period that he had, to put his act together and come up with a plan of action to not get discovered by him and his sinister plans for him. 

Looking at the potions assigned for him to brew, he saw it was one of the potions that Aunt Dromeda had him working on during the summer. 

So in a matter of less than an hour, he was done with his potion and set it aside for the old man to look over when he came back. 

Looking at the hour from his Mirror Phone, he still saw that he had plenty of time, noted the countless magical objects ranging from the most mundane and simple and to the very powerful once again during his first visit. Plus the shelves filled with endless tones on a variety of subjects on magic.

Harry couldn't help it as some drool slipped through the corner of his mouth to which he quickly wiped away. There was no one here after all to stop him, and he was surprised at the lack of wards put on the shelves once he looked at it through Magic Sight. 

Giving Fawkes a weak smile, he asked him, "You aren't going to tell anyone if I skim through some book, huh?" 

Finally, he got a reaction from the bird as he got a telepathic message, "who knows....." it said in a majestic and awe inspiring voice that shook his mind. "Maybe if you have some treats, I could look the other way." 

Looking stunned for a long time, his mind finally asked itself, 'did I just get extorted by a bird?' Dully reaching into his Lordship ring, he pulled out some treats he held on hand for his Griffin creatures, "Would this do?" he asked. 

Leaning in close, it took a sniff at it then took a tentative bite and let out a happy trill, after that it swallowed the snack whole. Then giving him an appreciative nod, it pointed to the shelves with its wing allowing him to go at it. 

Shaking his head to himself, Harry didn't know whether to laugh or cry unforeseen situation he found himself in, but he just took it in strides as he picked up the first book from the shelf. 

He had to admit, the old man really did have a neat collection, there were some pretty rare pieces of magic here and there, plus some rare secret knowledge. 

Soon, Harry was relaxing back on a bean bag he summoned and enjoying his evening as he perused over some books. Among pleasant evenings, it really was amongst one of his best.


"Ready to go?" Harry asked Neville as he meet him in the Gryffindor common room, "First meeting

"Alright," the growing boy answered, he didn't really like the prospects of fighting, but with the Heads of houses leading the club it wouldn't be as dangerous or dull as the other dueling club during their second year. 

Looking at his watch, Harry saw that it was eight o’clock that Monday a week since he returned back to school, "we will be late if we do not pick up speed," he stated. The only people in the common room were first years, they all looked sullen that they would be missing out on such a fun and exciting activity. 

"It's not fair, Harry," Dennis Creevey whined to him along side some other first year Gryffindors as he tried to exit out of the portrait that acted as their house's door. "You have to talk to Professor Flitwick, or Professor McGonagall. We all promise to behave, and lesson to what they say."

Looking down at the little boy, he wondered if he was ever that small, smiling at him, he asked, "What spell do you know, Dennis?"

"I know the Levitation Charm, Lumos Charm, Unlocking Charm, and I taught myself the Tripping Jinx," he answered as his chest puffed up. 

"What about you guys?" he asked the other little kiddies and the basically listed off 4 or 5 spells they learned over the last month. 

"Well," he said once they were finished trying to upstage each other to put themselves in a better light before him. "I lost count of how many spells I learned a long time ago, but if I had to make an estimate, I would say around 250.

What about you, Neville?" he asked the shy boy. 

"Same," he answered, "maybe a little bit less at 200." 

"So," Harry said as he saw the look of awe on all their little faces. "It won't be fair if you guys participated in the club. You all have a lot to learn, and a long way to go. So study up this year, and next year you might give some of your seniors a run for their money."

 Ruffling Dennis and getting up from the kneeling position he was in, Harry waved them a goodbye and headed out with Neville.

"You really got a way with children," Neville noted as they walked down the emptying out hallways, everyone seem to be heading to the Great Hall which had been freed up as the Dueling Club area. 

"Well I imagine myself as fatherly material," he joked as they finally reached the Great Hall.

“I wonder what they would be teaching us?” Neville pondered out loud as they edged into the chattering crowd of students looking excited for the meeting to begin.

Silencing down as the four heads of house walked into the hall and onto the stage set up, everyone was as still as rabbits and on their best behavior.  

Professor Flitwick was the first to speak up as he stepped before them, "I am glad to see such a great gathering. It seems like the whole school is here," he chuckled. 

Looking around, Harry could see he was right, thousands of bodies cramped up against each other as there was a really good showing. 

“Now, Professor Dumbledore believes that students shouldn't turn to violence, but I and as do my colleges, believe that a wizard or witch should be able to defend themselves and those he loves and cares for, and take up his or her wands in a time of need. I myself have done so on countless occasions — for the war, to intolerant bigots. So this little dueling club is to train you all in case you ever need to defend yourselves or your friends or families, or even to fight for your ideas!

Before anything, I believe that introduction are in order. You all might know me, but let me tell you a little bit more of myself. In my younger days, I went on to compete in many tournaments and have gone on to rise in the ranks until I proceeded to become a Master Duellist. And in my hay day, I became the National Duelling Champion of Magical Great Britain!" 

Immediately a round of applause went up and of course, he heard the twins whooping and cheering the loudest. 

"Thank, thank," the short little man said as he waved his hand to settle them down. 

“Let me introduce my esteem colleague," he said as he went on to usher them forth and each gave a curt nod or a cheerful smile.

"Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, and Professor Vector are very competent witches so you do best to listen to them and follow their instructions. Now, Professor McGonagall agreed to help me with a short demonstration before we begin. So that you can have a clear understanding of what a true Master could do. If you could all please take a step back," he said as he waved them back with his hand. 

Doing as told, Professor Sprout and Professor Vector stood to either side of the long grand stage, they both nodded their head at each other and begin to put up a powerful shimmering shield that separated the students from the battle that was about to begin. 

"What closely what I do first," the little man instructed as the two Great Wizard and Witch turned to face each other on opposite ends of the stage and bowed.

"Before you begin to honorably duel another opponent you must first bow in respect. Now, since this is a friendly duel there will be no deadly spells or area effect ones. Neither of us will be aiming to kill. It will be single-target spells, and whoever drops their wand first or surrenders loses!"

“On the count of three, we will cast our first spells!"

“One — two — three —” 

Then without a word, the duel was off, at first Harry was able to keep up like everyone else, but soon the fight picked up speed. Spells flung around in the air, and each person was able to counter act it with ease. Then as if they were finished warming up and done testing each other, they went on the offensive. 

When he saw they really went into town against each other, Harry really meant it. Spells were being fired of faster than guns as the duel was only a light show now to the students watching, even Harry was having difficulty following what was happening. 

It was the most spectacular and amazing thing he had ever seen. His eyes darted back and forth until he felt like he had a headache, if he fought then forgetting matching them at all, he would be squashed over head like an insect. 

This, this was the level of Masters! True authorities in their respected field. 

Then slowing down, they both ceased fire and bowed to each other. Professor Sprout and Professor Vector who had to shields up let them down, which was a really smart thing to do in the first place, because if one of those spells landed on the student body they would be finished. 

"Now then," Professor Flitwick spoke up as he turned to face everyone who was god smacked into silence and stillness. "that is what Masters could do. I am sure that you all will one day reach that level of skill and ability," he falsely advertised. 

Most wouldn't really even become Experts who are top specialists and pros. But still that left everyone excited and hungry to advance. He wouldn't lie that even he was affected by that small little demonstration.

He was pumped to try out his dueling club, and see what he would learn from the short little man. 

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