Wizard King

Interlude – Remus’s Fight

Walking into the tower, Sirius threw up some lights for them as he sent some small spheres of white light up into the ceiling. 

"This place kind of seems abandoned," Lupin noted as he stared off into the quiet empty hallways that led off deeper into the building. 

"I can see that clearly," the wizard noted as he too glanced about, "still let's check it out and see that we do not miss anybody." 

"Sure," the werewolf replied with a shrug. With that, they both cross the threshold they walked around in and went deeper inside to explore further. 

Foremost what they noticed was how god damn big the place was with nearly an infinite amount of floors that contained classrooms, laboratories, research centers, living corridors, workstations, testing sites, factories, foundries, and the list just went on and on. 

Then there were all the wards put up, it was like everyone was hiding a secret but since this was the repository of all researching going on in his family's name he could understand that. However it took forever taking down all of the protections to get anywhere around here. 

After that, there were all the traps and guardians littered throughout the place. Even he who had an overriding position and absolute control in the tower had some close shaves with traps malfunction long ago, constructs that were haywire, and magical beasts and plants that went wild over the years. 

Still after all the effort that they went through, they were back at the front entrance with nothing to tell for. 

Speaking exactly just the thought he was thinking, Lupin voiced, "Well it looks like we came up short. No one is here at all." 

"I know that," the wizard growled in frustration, "this would have been so much easier if the Tower Spirit responded."

"Yeah, well that is just are luck," the werewolf stated with a shrug. "You want to head out now or are you going to make us do a second search? Because if so, I am totally not in. A single run-in with an Adamantine Golem is more than enough for a whole lifetime!" 

"Shhh," Sirius mouth as he put a finger to his lips to silence his friend. 

Marching over companion, Lupin whispered to him in confusion, "What is it one of those Dreadskulls or those Deathstalker?" Lupin asked in a whisper. At this point, he had too many run-ins with all the fucking shit that the Blacks set up inside the tower, too much!

"No," Sirius answered, "did you see that shimmer on the wall?" he asked as he pointed to just another plain black wall like all the others. 

"I don't think," Lupin answered. Then giving his friend a scrutinizing look, he inquired in a soft tone, "Do you think that maybe you are still under the effects of the Hallucinogens Blossom?"

"What? No," Sirius quickly waved away, then promptly he walked over to the wall he pointed at and started to feel around it. 

Immeatlity, Lupin shouted, "NO!" as he imagined that his friend just walked into a trap. However, when his hand just went through the wall he came to a pause. 

"AHA!" Sirius exclaimed, "it was just an illusion."

"Wait," Lupin called out, as he wanted to take this slowly and very carefully, but Sirius was already stepping through. With a sigh, the werewolf followed after him, all the while grumbling under his breath. Stepping right after, he saw a long, slim corridor that lead downward like a slide. 

Taking it slowly he advanced through and finally came out the other way, and instantly he was horrified at what he saw. Before him were long rows of liquid vats that glowed an eerie green in the dark chamber and in them were horrifying monstrosities. 

However, what sickened him to his very core was that they were all humans or had been at one point. And he just couldn't get out the horror-filled and terrified expression on their faces. 

Taking it all in, Lupin finally spotted his friend who stood rigidly in front of it all. Walking up to him as he couldn't take his eyes off what he saw, and he asked him, "Who could do this all, Sirius?" 

"Let's find out," the wizard answered as he indicated with his head towards a room up ahead were a bunch of noises and lights were coming from. 

Proceeding side by side, they came up to the entry and walking into a sight that sickened even more. Inside was a short man with a grey balding head and sharp-pointed features. He wore a white lab coat that was stained with some blood and beside him strapped to a table was what used to be a man. 

It was as tall as two men stuck together, with purple bloated skin, a disproportionate body, and was moaning loudly as the man cut it up. 

It was one thing to see the aftermath of a horrifying, inhuman experiment but to see it right up close and with your own eyes. 

In a spitting rage, Sirius had his wand out and was instantly throwing out spells. 

By some luck which wasn't deserved the evil magical scientist leaned over just as Sirius's spell struck right at where his head used to be. However, he did not get away scot-free as the aftereffects of spell ricochet on to him. 

Flying through the air, the man landed in a heap and remained unmoving as a statue. Prowling up to him, Sirius didn't notice it when the experiment got up from its table unbound thanks to his spell. 

"Sirius!" Lupin called out in a panic as the monstrosity was quickly upon the wizard in a few strides. 

Turning around, Sirius's eyes widened as the giant fist of the monstrosity came swinging at him like a baseball bat. The new Black family head only had time to react as he threw up a shield. 

Even so, all that did was prevent him from being a mess on the walls as the fist broke through the shield like it was nothing then send him flying into the air. Landing against the opposite wall with a loud crack as spider length fissures run along the wall, Sirius dropped to the floor in a flop. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Lupin cursed, he knew his friend was down for the count in the fight and didn't have any time to check up on him to assess his situation since he monstrosity turned its eyes on him. 

Remus knew even if he did transform into his werewolf state that would be a great big mistake. He knew he could not match this thing strength for strength and doubted he could keep his rationality in that state. The best plan of action would be best to widdle at it from a far with spells. 

Dodging a fist that came at him from above, Remus cast a Haste spell on himself to quicken his steps then used Bark Skin followed by Iron Bones, and threw up five shields one after the other on top each other. With that, he might at least survive one attack from it. 

Jumping back from another blow, Remus threw four fireballs at it in quick succession and they swallowed the thing in a fiery explosion. However, when the dust cleared he saw that it was unfazed as its skin remained unblemished. 

"Come on," Lupin growled. Not only was this thing very strong, but it had very high magic resistance, that would just be his fucking luck. Cursing again, Lupin knew that his options were now limited.

Unlike Sirius and James, who had a bunch of spells at hand thanks to their families. He only had what he learned from Hogwarts which didn't really include very powerful secret spells, and the stuff he picked up throughout the years.

What made him a dangerous wizard was what cursed him as well, and now that was off the table. Still he might be able to pull something off. 

"Hey ugly," he taunted getting the thing's attention, "come catch me if you can," he called out as he ran out of the room. If he was going to pull it off he was going to need a wide space and to be far away from his helpless mate. 

Not needing to be told twice the giant monstrosity quickly gave chase and walked right into Lupin's trap. 

All over in the air where giant lances of ice, and there weren't just one or two of them, no there were dozens upon dozen all pointed right at the thing. Smiling at the creature, a wolfish smile Remus waved his wand at the purple monstrosity and the lanced headed for it t breakneck speed. 

If he won't be able to widdle it down then he would overpower it with one of his best combos. 

Impacting against the thing, Remus wasn't finished at all as he summoned a whirlwind inside the chamber causing some of the vats to left up into the air. The ice lances on the other hand broke down into tiny splinters and started to spin around in the air just as he wanted. 

Rotating around the monstrosity the ice started to do its job and slice apart the thing. Before long it shall be ribbons, however, when the wind settled, Remus's eyes nearly popped out as the thing stood alive and well. 

It was bloody and a ruin of a mess as deep gashed ran across its body, but it was still alive. Quickly he spotted it skin slowly knitting together, and cursed under his breath. It had fucking enhanced regeneration on top of everything else!

Roaring out loud a rage full sound, the monstrosity stared at him with bloodshot eyes as they clearly promised pain. Reacting only on instinct, Remus dodged to the side as the thing came barreling into him like a freight train. 

Getting up he saw the thing shake its head as a pillar fell in its wake. Seeing that pillar, suddenly Remus had an idea. Ducking under another blow, Remus cast a Grease spell under the creature's feet causing it to slide and fall into another pillar. 

Sending out two Bombarda at a pillar, he watched as two more pillars collapse until only one more was left. Then as he saw the thing trying to get up, he threw a Quicksand spell underneath it, causing it to be stuck in the ground. 

"Bye, bye," the werewolf waved to the creature as he cast a Grease spell right before himself and then used a Zephyr Dash on himself as he speeded of like a lightning bolt to the hallway beyond. And he made sure to throw the final Bombarda at the last pillar and then the chamber collapsed. 

Coughing and spitting as the dust below into the hallway and got into his mouth and eyes, Remus made his way back into the experiment room. Straight away he spotted his old buddy still laying on the ground. 

Shaking him, Sirius groggily got up, and saw his friend's face up above, "What did I miss?" 

Shaking his head to himself, the werewolf simply answered, "Not much!"

"Good," the wizard coughed out as he got on his knees and took out a healing potion. 

Gulping it down in one gulp, he spun around to face the room and asked, "Now where is that bastard! Oh, I am going to enjoy tearing him limp from limp."

Helping him got up to his feet, Lupin too looked around for the older man's prone form, however, he did not spot anything but a ruined mess. "He was just here, I swear!" the werewolf stated once he couldn't spot a whiff of him. 

"No," the black family head said, as he made do on his own as he walked over to a secret door. "He must have gotten away while I was down and you were doing whatever."

"Fuck," Remus swore as he looked into the deep tunnel that must lead off into the mountains. "He must be far away by now." 

"That doesn't matter," Sirius growled, "We will give chase. No matter what I will have his head on a spike!"

"Hey," Remus said as he glanced over at his mate, "He must be long gone by now, and even if he wasn't he should be far far away from here." 

"I DON'T CARE," the wizard shouted as he punched the wall causing small cracks to run along it. "I can not let him get away for this. This is all my fault!"

"Woah, woah, woah," Lupin said as he held out his hand, "This isn't on you or me, we never even expected to see this when we walked in here." 

"I did," Sirius whispered, then turning to look at his friend head-on, he growled, "I knew that Human experimentation would be the least of what my family would do for power!" 

Sighing exasperatedly, the werewolf slowly patted his friend on the back, "Listen. Forget what your family did in the past and look at the now and here. You are now the new head honcho, the guy who runs the show just think about what you would do in the future." 

"I would first burn this tower to the ground," Sirius answered as he seem to settle down. 

"Well that is a bit much," Remus tried to talk his friend out of, "but what about we settle on burning this hidden floor." 

"Alright, I can accept that!"


Walking out of the tower side by side with the rays of the evening sunshine settling down on them, suddenly a small exploding rocked the tower as smoke billowed out of the ground floor. Immediately alarm bells blared from it as the tower defenses went into overdrive. 

"Well that was an adventure," Remus voiced as he gazed over the setting sun. 

Falling back to his old self, Sirius asked, "Let's do it again some time? What do you say to that?" 

"I would say," Remus began with, "fuck you," as he stuck out his middle finger.

Laughing out loud, Sirius remarked, "you say that right now, but you will be right beside us for the next adventure." 

"I hate you so much for being right," Lupin stated as he cracked a smile. "I am beat, so I am heading home."

"Got lessons for the little squirt," Sirius announced as he was clearly talking about Harry 

"Good luck on that," Lupin said as he gave him a wave and disappeared with an inaudible pop. 

Checking his watch, Sirius saw he had enough time to do one final visit before he had to be there for his godson's training. With another pop, he too was gone from the dark mountain. 


Once again walking down the halls of his family's ancestral home, Sirius came up to the wall with the countless portraits of Black family members of old.

"What are you doing back here?" Walburga Black growled towards her son. 

"I just came here to tell you all a few things," he answered while not giving the woman even a glance her way. 

"So how are the estate and holdings doing?" Arcturus Black, his grandfather asked. 

"I have some in hand," he replied, "others have been taken by the Malfoy and Mort."

"WHAT!" Elladora Blac shouted as her eyes nearly popped over. 

"Yes, dear old Cissy and Amary couldn't wait to get their hands on everything when you died," he stated as he finally gave his mother a glance who had the audacity to be shocked. 

"Those unfilial vixens," one portrait shouted. 

"How could they go against their own family," another called out. 

"We should collect are dowry right now!"

"SHUT UP," a voice shouted above all the noise, then everyone turned to face Phineas Black, the old headmaster of Hogwarts. "How, boy? How did they pass through all the defenses that Blacks have been building on for centuries." 

"Why don't you ask, mommie dearest," the wizard replied with a smirk as this time everyone turned to face her. 

"You FOOL," Arcturus Black shouted in a spitting rage as he run into her portrait with his walking stick held high. It really was a sight watching a grown woman be disciplined at her age by her father. 

"Is the Black Host, the Hunting Grounds, and the Dark Tower still in our hands? That is really all that matters," Phineas Black asked as his arrogant facade broke a bit as worry leaked through his tone.

 Nodding his head in answer, everyone released a sigh of relief, "Good, if we have those we can always rebuild and counter-attack," the old Headmaster stated. "Now all you need to worry about is fathering a new heir and getting your name cleared."

"I agree with you on your second point," Sirius declared, "however on the first... Yeah, it isn't going to happen."

"What you have a problem with doing that, we all know what a womanizer you are, I am sure you already have a few bastards running about," Walburga stated in a snort as she did her best to try to sit on her chair but really couldn't. 

Giving a weak chuckle as his mind recalled a certain tough blonde hair, he got back on track, "Yea, I am not sure somebody would want my criminal self. Even so, I am Blood-Adopting a new son."

"You mean that Potter boy?" Phineas asked as he quickly understood he was talking about. "He might have some of our blood in him, but he is a Potter through and through. He would be changing our family into Light, the second he becomes Lord!"

"No he won't be doing that," Sirius said with a shake of his head, "I would be doing that, myself!"

"What did I tell you!" Walburga exclaimed as she pointed her finger at her son in triumph. 

"We have kept to the Dark side ever since the creation of this family!" one voice shouted as everyone broke into chaos again. 

"You want to break heritage," another shouted. 

"Yeah, well I don't give a shit what you old bastards and bitches think," Sirius declared out loud with a sneer which got them all silent. "I am here just to tell you that as only a courtesy. This family is in for a whole lot of change, you better expect it! Because screaming or shouting, I am now Lord Black!" 


Many thanks to all my patrons that made this possible: MrKristoffer1994, Greenboy676, Eddie McBride, Rob Will, john conway, Stephen Walls II, Frodo the Fourth, Osmund Okorie, zatsuke, Tyler H, anthony corcoran, Amelgar, Keelan Jurek, callum nowlan, Herbie Taylor, abdi omar, Jonny Sanchez, william Wallace, Glader, carl hoffmen, Didier omba, Kushar Dipesh, Ty Moore, Cimmerian, Luke Jespersen, Time Long Gone, Daniel mulry, Kevin Mason, robert hernandez, Elijah Rabren, WorldMonarch, Hunter Joseph, Julio Hernandez, Vortex, Nitrogue97, drefly13, Patrick Wishart


Next chapter should begin with World Cup!

The evil scientist will come to play later, so watch out for him.

Here is a how Remus looks in his werewolf form: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/332140541271776789/

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