Women's Juju Counterattack Diary [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 39

Although he didn't plan to meet Hongyuan Zhou, Liang Ansheng still came outside the restaurant that day.

At this time, Hongyuan Zhou had already been dragged to a small black alley to get fat and beaten, so it was naturally impossible for Liang Ansheng to see him in the restaurant. Liang Ansheng had no interest in watching what happened to Hongyuan Zhou in person. He came here to wait human.

Now that the heroine has been able to do such insane things as killing her own father, with her pathological possessiveness towards the hero, she will definitely come and see for herself when she finds out that the hero actually asked him to meet here.

Liang Ansheng didn't intend to entangle her any longer, that's why he came here now.

The time they agreed on was six o'clock in the afternoon, and 15 minutes had passed by this time.

Liang Ansheng ordered a glass of water and sat on the seat to play with his mobile phone leisurely, without any intention of leaving.

Su Baiyu, who was sitting in a far corner, looked at Liang Ansheng's back, her fists were clenched tightly, and her sharp nails almost cut the palm of her hand. In her heart, Liang Ansheng was that kind of shameless woman who not only escaped marriage, but even dared to Coming back to seduce Hongyuan Zhou with the cheekiness is simply looking for death.

Liang Ansheng was particularly sensitive to his eyes. He had spotted Su Baiyu the moment she appeared just now. Without him, the hostility in this person's sight could not be hidden at all.

At this time, Su Baiyu doesn't have the pure and pleasant appearance before. His face is morbidly pale, his eye circles are shockingly dark, and his eyes are full of bloodshot eyes. He looks even more terrifying. Like a ghost crawling out of hell.

Apparently, Hongyuan Zhou's attitude during this time and her own suspicions have pushed her rationality to the brink of danger, and she may collapse anytime and anywhere.

At 06:30, Liang Ansheng made a phone call. He deliberately said angrily in a delicate female voice, "Honey, I've been waiting for half an hour. Why haven't you come yet?"

"Oh, forget it, see you next time, I'm leaving first, I have to go to the mall to buy something, so I won't wait for you."

"What? You bought it for me? Let's forget it. You are so busy. You don't know how long it will be until you buy it."

"Okay, then hang up first."

While speaking, Liang Ansheng immediately noticed that the restrained eyes behind him had become extremely resentful, and he got up and walked out of the restaurant without looking back.

After leaving the restaurant, Liang Ansheng walked straight to the shopping mall two streets away.

Just as he walked out of a street, he bumped into a man in black clothes and a black hat. The two were about to pass each other. Liang Ansheng felt a flash of silver light, and the man stabbed him in the chest with a short dagger.

Seeing that the dagger was about to sink into Liang Ansheng's chest, Liang Ansheng was about to make a move, but at this moment, he saw a big hand approaching the bar, grabbing the man's wrist and snapping it hard, only to hear the crackling sound of bones snapping , the dagger fell in response.

Hong Su was still angry, and continued to break the man's other hand, and then kicked the man's leg hard, kicking the man to kneel in front of Liang Ansheng on the spot.

The man looked at his completely twisted wrist, and belatedly screamed in pain, "Ahhh!"

Liang Ansheng leaned against the wall with arms folded and looked at Hong Su who rushed out, raised his eyebrows, "Didn't I tell you to follow that woman? Why did you come here?"

Hongsu kicked the man again, kicked him to the corner of the wall and knelt, stepped forward to hug Liang Ansheng, lowered his head and rubbed against his neck, "It's okay, I'll get someone to catch him."

Within a few minutes, Su Baiyu was brought over by two of Hongsu's subordinates. Her eyes were red, and she stared at Liang Ansheng fiercely, as if she wanted to tear him apart, "Why don't you die! You shameless Fox spirit, if you have a boyfriend and still go to seduce other boyfriends, do you owe someone to ride or something? Let me go, I..."

She cursed viciously in her mouth, apparently completely broken down, completely out of reason.Liang Ansheng didn't care about these harmless curses. In fact, he had heard many more vicious curses than this woman. Su Baiyu's curses were still pleasant, and she was only playing lip service now.But he didn't care, but Hong Su couldn't help it. Under his signal, the two subordinates slapped Su Baiyu several times without mercy.

Su Baiyu's face was swollen on the spot, and two of his teeth were knocked out. He stared resentfully, but didn't curse again.

Hong Su frowned, and was about to speak when he heard the alarm bell.

It turned out that when Hong Su hit the man just now, a passer-by called the police, and the police just arrived at this time.

Liang Ansheng looked at Hongsu looking at Su Baiyu with a look of pity in his eyes, how could he not know what the man was thinking in his heart, if the alarm hadn't sounded, he probably had his subordinates gouging out the heroine's eyes just now.

There is surveillance on this street. Although the man turned his back to the surveillance when he shot, it can be seen from the movement behind and the falling knife that it was a deliberate murder.

And that man was scared out of his wits after being wrenched off by Hong Su. After being controlled by the police, he immediately confessed who the employer behind him was.

Su Baiyu wanted to deny it at first, but the man actually produced the call records of the two of them, the evidence is solid, and according to his account, it is not the first time he was hired by Su Baiyu Going to country m to secretly film Liang Ansheng's negative news. At that time, he responded after doing it.

This can also explain who rescued the guy who pretended to be a reporter.

Seeing that the general situation was over, Su Baiyu didn't explain too much, but kept silent the whole time.

At this time, Liang Ansheng said, "Comrade policeman, I have some new evidence about Sun Limin's murder case, and I have brought it along with me."

Hearing this, Su Baiyu suddenly raised her head and looked at Liang Ansheng and Hongsu. Her voice was sharp and hoarse, as harsh as fingernails scraping the door, "I didn't do anything, let me out! I'm innocent!"

As she spoke, she suddenly wanted to stand up, but her hands were handcuffed to the chair, and she couldn't make violent movements at all. After struggling in vain for a long time, Su Baiyu sat back on the chair slumped, but the expression in her eyes But it was even more terrifying. Coupled with the still swollen face, it looked very frightening. The little policeman in front of her was so frightened that he took a step back.

Seeing this, Liang Ansheng had already lost interest in her, handed over the video collected before 099 to the police station, and left with Hong Su. With the heroine's homicide, the death penalty must be a no-go.

Not far from the police station, I heard the system prompt, "The counter attack value is 20%, and the current counter attack value is 50%."

Liang Ansheng looked at the sky, and was about to talk to Hong Su who was next to him, when he suddenly felt someone watching him, turned to the place where he came from, but found that there was no one there, "Xiao Jiujiu, did you see anyone over there just now? "

099 Answer: "Go back to the host, I didn't see it."

Hong Su noticed Liang Ansheng's movements, "What are you looking at, baby?"

Liang Ansheng shook his head, "It's nothing, maybe my eyes are dazzled."

After solving the heroine, Liang Ansheng paid a symbolic attention to the male protagonist's recent situation, and found that he might be lying in the hospital for a long time, and the company's affairs were also taken over by his younger brother. It is estimated that after he was discharged from the hospital, he would also fall into a family property dispute with his younger brother. in the vortex.

That is to say, he might not have time to come to him for a few years to show his presence. Liang Ansheng was very satisfied with the result, and happily studied the new posture with Hong Su. Before the start of the round, I still had a backache.

Undoubtedly in the top [-], Liang Ansheng did not return to China after this competition, but temporarily stayed in country m.

Erna is the music capital of country m, and there is a strong artistic atmosphere here. No matter which street square, you can meet one or two artists, whether it is a performance artist or a wandering artist, and if you are lucky, you may even meet one or two artists Several celebrities in disguise.

Liang Ansheng is very interested in this kind of free culture. During the breaks between competitions, he spent all his time traveling and studying. In this state, he wrote a few more songs. So far, he plans to The repertoire of the Willando Hall has been basically completed.

Hongsu seemed to have nothing to do this year. He helped Liang Ansheng take over the Yuan family's business and took care of it. He spent the rest of the time wandering around with Liang Ansheng, wherever Liang Ansheng went.

The heroine died, Liang Ansheng didn't see her execution with his own eyes, but he could imagine what she should look like before she died, presumably she should still be that crazy look where the whole world is wrong, but she is the only one who is not wrong.

Originally, Liang Ansheng was a little worried that if the heroine, one of the pillars of the world, died, there would be some unforeseen problems, such as the collapse of the world and he would be trapped here, or the failure of the mission did not happen, and the death of the heroine added to him. 10% counterattack value.

Except that He Qing came to watch Liang Ansheng's performance in every game, the rest of the time seemed to have evaporated from the world, and he never confessed his love to Liang Ansheng. Liang Ansheng also asked Hong Su if he did anything to him. Su gave a negative answer.

The male protagonist lived in the hospital for half a year, and when his legs were not good enough, he went to fight for the family property with his brother, but it was easy to spit it out and it was difficult to take it back. After tasting the taste of power, how could it be so easy to give up so easily, so half a year passed, and the two still It's a hard fight.

And now, the Qingyin Competition, which lasted for nearly a year, has reached the final finals.

Liang Ansheng played two complete movements and two singles in one year, and there were only four players left in the finals, which would be divided into two rounds, that is to say, he needed to play two pieces consecutively.

After a year of competition, Liang Ansheng is quite familiar with these players. They are all young people in their 20s. Among them, a beautiful girl from country M, Lu Lisi, is the most likely candidate to compete with him for the championship.

Sure enough, after the first round of the competition, there was still that girl standing on the stage with him.

Amidst countless cheers, Liang Ansheng went backstage to prepare for the last game.

In the last round, Lu Lisi, who had slightly fewer votes, performed first.

Lu Lisi has flaxen-colored waist-length hair, dark blue eyes, deep and charming, and rose-like red lips. She is called Princess Rose by music fans.

After Liang Ansheng changed her clothes, she heard Lu Lisi's voice on the stage, "This song is a painstaking work that I spent a year making, and it was finally completed not long ago. I am honored to bring you here, a piece of "" Still Water, thank you."

At this time, the prelude sounded, and the voice of 099 suddenly sounded: "Host, isn't this your repertoire?"

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