Women's Juju Counterattack Diary [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 46

After packing everything up, the wound on Liang Ansheng's arm that was cut by the zombie's ability has completely healed, and he asked 099 to erase all traces of the surveillance video of his visit before going back on the road.

It was still the tattooed man's car. It was a modified off-road vehicle. They must have snatched it from someone else. Liang Ansheng thought it was easy to drive, but the fuel consumption was a bit high.Half an hour later, Liang Ansheng parked the car at a nearby gas station. After killing several gas station workers who turned into zombies, he didn't move the tank truck. The barrels were put together into the space.

Liang Ansheng, the canteen at the gas station, didn't go in. He filled up the gas tank next to the gas pump, restarted the car and left quickly.

Liang Ansheng had just left for less than half an hour when a convoy drove into the gas station, and a few strong men who looked like bodyguards came down from it. The leader was a man with gentle glasses who looked like an elite in a suit and leather shoes at this time. He pushed his glasses, First checked the remains of the zombies on the ground, then signaled the bodyguards to look for any survivors. After getting the exact answer, he turned and walked towards the third car, knocked on the rear window, and reported to the people inside: "Boss, just now Someone has been here, and judging by the method of killing the zombies, it should be the same group that took away the goods from our warehouse."

"Well, keep chasing, he shouldn't have gone far."

Liang Ansheng didn't know that someone was chasing him from behind. He drove forward at full speed for another two hours. At this time, it was almost dark. He stopped on a secluded road, waved the car into the space, and walked towards the small road for a while. distance, then into space behind a two-person-high boulder on a small hillside.

The space was still as it was when he left, and the things Liang Ansheng brought in were automatically sorted and placed on the edge of the space.

Although this space seems to be only a thousand square meters, in fact, those things placed on the edge do not occupy any space, as if those voids are also part of this space.

Liang Ansheng first found the seeds he brought from home, and then stared at the fertile land in the space for a while. He really didn't have any experience in farming, but he had never eaten pork and had seen pigs run away. He dug holes to scatter the seeds He still knows the basic method of going down, but he knows what he knows. Liang Ansheng tried it, but found that he was not the material at all. Seeing the horrible deep and shallow pits on the ground, he threw away the hoe and gave up on growing vegetables. idea.

There is a difference between the speed in the space and the outside. According to the previous measurement, the flow rate is about 1:3, that is, three hours in the space and one hour outside the space.

After throwing away the hoe, Liang Ansheng began to study his abilities.

According to the character design, his current identity is Chu Qiuyu, so what he awakened should be the healing power, but now he awakens the fire power. In this way, if the reborn heroine sees him in the future, Wouldn't it be exposed in a second?

But Liang Ansheng considered it from another perspective, and felt that things were not that simple.

099 is to completely copy the physique of the female supporting role for him, so he will definitely awaken the healing ability, that is to say, this fire ability is more likely to be the ability that he should awaken, and he may now become a dual-element ability By.

While speculating, Liang Ansheng guided the supernatural energy in his body to wander away. This is a mysterious feeling. After he awakened the supernatural power, he could feel the direction of that energy. Although it was very subtle, it couldn't be hidden from him. perception.

Sure enough, when Liang Ansheng guided the energy to the dantian, he noticed the existence of another energy.

Compared with the fire-type ability energy he is controlling now, another energy is more gentle, presumably it should be the healing ability.

Under the guidance of the fire-type ability, the energy of the healing ability became active. Gradually, Liang Ansheng was able to control it, and he wanted to try it out. However, his body's resilience is a bit amazing now, and the small wound healed itself in a second or two. , I'm afraid I can't see any effect, I can only look after I go out.

After practicing the fire ability again, Liang Ansheng took a bath in the pool downstream of Lingquan, then climbed ashore, found a bed and fell asleep.

The next morning, Liang Ansheng appeared in the place where he entered the space yesterday, and it was completely the same as when he left yesterday.

The journey for the next two days was uneventful. Thanks to Liang Ansheng's conscious practice, his fire ability improved rapidly.Because the main use is the fire ability, and there is still a long time before Chu Qiuyu's appearance, at this time Liang Ansheng has resumed his original men's attire. On the way, he also met two groups who saw him on the road and wanted to kill He took care of all the robbers.

"Host, go through the Shanyang Town in front, and walk for another two hours, and you will arrive at T City." 099 reminded.

Shanyang Town is surrounded by mountains, and there are only two roads leading to the outside world. From Q City to T City, this is the only road. If you want to avoid Shanyang Town and choose other routes, you can only climb over the mountains .

After the heavy rain a few days ago, plants have also begun to evolve. If you want to get to T City as soon as possible, this is obviously the only way to go.

Now Liang Ansheng was sure that he was ahead of the heroine, so he was not in a hurry, and even considered the possibility of waiting here for the heroine to catch up with them.

After all, he may not be able to handle things in this small town alone. In the plot, the heroine escaped by sacrificing her scumbag boyfriend and scumbag father. Of course, according to Liang Ansheng's analysis, it does not rule out that they are reborn. The blackened heroine is suspected of intentionally killing her.

Stepping on the brakes outside the small town, Liang Ansheng leaned on the steering wheel, slightly raised his head to look at the slightly narrow canyon road ahead, and the cliffs on both sides of the road stood up, looking very imposing.


At this moment, Liang Ansheng suddenly heard an explosion sound coming from the front, which seemed to be the sound of a gun explosion. When he listened carefully, there were dense gunshots. There was no doubt that these sounds came from the town.

Liang Ansheng frowned. According to the direction of the plot, no one should have entered Shanyang Town before the hostess and his party entered. Why are there explosions and gunshots now?

Liang Ansheng listened for a few minutes, the gunfire inside stopped, and he didn't know whether it was finished or there was no bullet. After thinking about it, he still felt that something was wrong. There must be a reason for the change in the plot. He stepped on the accelerator and walked towards the town The place where the sound came from opened up.

There were two cars parked there at this time, a huge mutant cactus with a height of three floors fell to the ground, thick green juice came out from the muzzle of its body, exuding the unique fresh smell of cactus, and its Next to him was a man lying in a pool of blood.

When seeing this scene, Liang Ansheng held his breath subconsciously, and instead of approaching immediately, he aimed at the biggest wound on the trunk of the broken cactus, sending out a bunch of small sparks one after another.

The sparks emitted by Liang Ansheng are very small, each grain is about the size of a grain of rice, and the color is very light, almost close to white.

This is the result of his training in the past few days. He calls it a compressed flame. When the flame is extremely hot, it will turn white. However, Liang Ansheng's current ability level cannot reach that level.

As soon as the small sparks touched the body of the cactus, a burst of white mist rose up. Liang Ansheng only felt a piercing scream and wail in his ears. The cactus twisted and struggled, trying to escape from the flames, but was still caught. The merciless flame burned everything.

After confirming that the cactus was dead, Liang Ansheng approached the man on the ground.

This man was about thirty years old, with gentle features, a pair of broken glasses next to him, and a lot of spikes the size of cactus thumbs pierced his arms, thighs and chest, making him look very miserable.

Liang Ansheng raised his leg and kicked him, making sure that he just passed out. Seeing that there was no one else around, he stretched out his hand and quickly tore off the thorn on the man's body, and then began to test his useless healing ability.

Sure enough, it is indeed the skill of Chu Qiuyu who was honored as the savior by the largest base in the country h in the later period. Although it is only a first-level ability, the resilience is enough to make people surprised.

Liang Ansheng accepted it as soon as he saw it, and he didn't heal all the wounds on the man's body. He just stopped the bleeding a little bit. After making sure that he would not die due to excessive blood loss, he got up and disappeared in the same place. He reappeared 5 minutes later, and he had become a man. Seeing Chu Qiuyu's cute and pitiful little Bailian, he straightened his expression and walked towards another street where there was still a faint noise.

Looking at the two cars just now, there is definitely more than one person here. It seems that this group of people is very unlucky. It is obviously not as simple as encountering a cactus.

In the square two streets away, there was a fierce fight between a group of people and a group of zombie monkeys. To be precise, there was only one person standing.

There were four people lying on the ground. Liang Ansheng glanced over. One of them was bitten by a zombie and his neck was broken. It is estimated that he would not survive. The other three must have fainted.

The man who was fighting the zombie monkey was very skilled. He didn't have a weapon in his hand, but every time he made a shot, he could break at least one zombie monkey's head. I don't know what his ability is. The zombie's head that was twisted by him The bones in it seemed to have been emptied, and fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of soft mud, which looked extremely weird and creepy.

But no matter what, it is only in the early days of the end of the world. Even if this man's abilities are higher than ordinary people, he may not be able to last much longer under the attack of hundreds of zombie monkeys.

Liang Ansheng noticed that many of these zombie monkeys had supernatural powers, and they still retained part of their intelligence, appearing extremely cunning, hiding behind the monkeys and attacking them.

After standing in the corner and watching for a while, Liang Ansheng took out two guns, fitted them with mufflers, and started feeding the monkeys one by one.

These zombie monkeys are similar to human zombies, they all die if they get a headshot. Liang Ansheng dealt with the supernatural zombies first, and the pressure on the man was relieved a lot. The two quickly dealt with the remaining zombies , the last zombie monkey fell, the man looked at Liang Ansheng, and licked his lips, "I found you."

Liang Ansheng was stunned, a little puzzled, and was about to ask him what he meant, but saw the man suddenly fell down.

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