Wonder Woman: Spellbound

Part Two

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Part Two

Another evening, another successful show. 

The hero business was fulfilling, life affirming, and made her insides all warm and fuzzy, absolutely. But that sense of satisfaction that Zatanna felt could not be denied. Especially after such a solid performance. Hell, even cousin Zachary had a good time - despite all the earlier moping over being “relegated” to a mere stage assistant.

Zatanna would be riding this high all the way through to next week. She never considered herself an attention whore, but damn if tonight’s applause didn’t get her all wound up. She loved the crowd’s adoration. She wasn’t afraid to admit that. Everybody liked the idea of being a star, of people cheering their name. 

But not everybody got the chance to make those dreams into reality. And not everybody was dealt a lucky hand at birth, like Zatanna had been. 

Homo Magi. A witch. That’s what she was. Magic was in her blood. Real magic. And in the modern day, such things didn’t get her burned at the stake. In fact, most people thought it was the coolest thing to have magic powers. And she used it as a springboard to fame and fortune.

The Mistress of Magic! Celebrity and superheroine! 

Zatanna counted herself most fortunate.

How could she not? Especially when she had Wonder Woman coming to see her shows.

Wonder Woman… and her plus one. That had really gotten Zatanna’s attention. Two free tickets were set aside for the friendly Amazonian and one of them had gone to a very handsome man. 

It was a bit of a thrill, Zatanna had to admit, to find out that Wonder Woman had a mystery gentleman acquaintance. Diana was amiable enough on the Watchtower, but she never got too personal with anybody outside of the founding members. Clark, Bruce, Barry, Hal, Arthur, and J’onn, those were the Leaguers Diana was closest to. But even with them, Diana never went into too much detail about her personal life, at least as far as Zatanna could tell. With her romantic affairs, Diana was likely even more reserved. 

The chances were that Zatanna had just found out a little secret about Wonder Woman. And she couldn’t help but feel just a little giddy about it.

The crowd had departed from the auditorium, but Diana and her male friend had stayed behind. Zatanna was going to meet this mystery man face-to-face. The prospect was juicy. She didn’t like being stereotypical, but it was exciting. Even if he did turn out to be just a friend.

Yeah, right. 

Zatanna forced her smirk into a friendly smile as the odd pair approached the stage. Diana Prince, elegant, regal, gorgeous in a tight, dark green dress, and right beside her, the mystery man, tall and lean and… and young. Handsome, yes, and dressed sharply in a well-fitted suit… but he couldn’t have been older than mid-20s. He looked like he was still in college, Zatanna noted with shock.

Huh. I didn’t think Diana liked her men so fresh-faced.

“Nice to know that the sensational Wonder Woman can find the time to enjoy a humble magic show.” Zatanna teased, carefully easing herself down into the orchestra pit. 

She set aside her top hat - on the stage floor which was now at chest height - and smoothed out her tailcoat. Then she put on a warm, friendly face - but very much noticing how Diana’s friend eyed her legs. The smirk returned to her lips for a brief moment - Zatanna couldn’t help it. Men liked her legs and she was damn proud of that. Not even Wonder Woman’s boy toy could ignore how good they looked.

“Free tickets are free tickets.” Diana spoke with such calm grace, even in small talk. She truly was royalty. Zatanna couldn’t mistake her for anything else. The Amazon gave a small smile, exuding effortless regal beauty. Zatanna was almost jealous. “And I figured I earned a break. Wonderful show, Zatanna.”

“Well, now you’re just making me blush.” Zatanna was only half-joking. Even though she wasn’t into women - mostly - a compliment from Wonder Woman still had the young witch’s heart fluttering. Zatanna turned towards the Amazon’s still-unknown friend, hoping to change the subject before she turned into a giggling mess. “And who’s this? Does the handsome acquaintance have a name?”

Zatanna fought back a wince. That “handsome” had just slipped out. But she wasn’t wrong. Fresh-faced and young, the Princess’ date was a looker indeed. Dark brown hair, combed but slightly - and stylishly - messy. Fair skin, but not too pale. He had a light tan, making it clear he wasn’t a shut-in. Sculpted face, full lips, and alluring green eyes. Lean but not skinny, it was clear he was decently built under his well-fitted dark suit. Zatanna had him placed somewhere between a hunk and a pretty boy. Athletic, but not a meathead. Just right. The kind of guy she’d have gone crazy for back in college.

The grin he gave her along with the little sparkle in his eyes only hammered those feelings home.

Damn if you aren’t a lady killer…

Tall, dark, and handsome offered his hand, his grin turning into a dazzling, toothy smile. Zatanna felt her heart fluttering again. She took his hand and shook. A firm grip. And the tiniest shock as their skin touched. Zatanna liked that.

“Mark Messner.” He introduced himself, his words rumbling deep and warm in his throat. “Charmed to meet you in person, Ms. Zatara.”

Nice voice. Nice grip. Nice body. There’s no way Diana’s not bedding this guy. There’s just no way.

“You’re not so bad yourself, Mr. Messner.” Zatanna kept herself from putting too much honey in her voice. She wasn’t going to flirt with Wonder Woman’s guy right in front of her. She had a bit more class than that. But she couldn’t keep herself from eyeing him up. A quick once-over, but enough for an Amazonian’s sharp eyes to catch. Zatanna felt her cheeks grow a little warm. She gave the other heroine a look. “So is he your… friend?

Diana’s dark red lips spread into a proud smile. Zatanna’s eyes widened as she watched the Amazon coil her arm around Mark’s, drawing herself closer into the young man’s side. Mark seemed to stand up straighter then, looking more pleased than proud.

“Boyfriend.” Diana affirmed, the conviction in her voice like a solid, bold period at the end of her declaration. “We’ve been seeing each other for a couple months now.”

There was passion there, enough to send Zatanna’s heart skipping a beat. Mark wasn’t just a boy toy, she realized. He was way more than that.


For a moment, Zatanna forgot how to speak. She had been giddy just moments before, back when all she had were suspicions and juicy gossip. But now, to have the truth laid out in the open and straight from the woman herself… It was like being smacked in the face!

“Wow!” Zatanna breathed out. She managed a dopey grin. “That’s… that’s great!

The young witch caught a flash in the Amazonian’s crystal blue eyes. The faintest hint of naughtiness that had her heart fluttering yet again.

“He certainly is.”

Right before the implications of the Amazonian’s words could settle in Zatanna’s mind, the man himself chose that moment to cut in. Clearing his throat, he untangled his arm from Diana’s, taking a step back from the two superheroines.

“I don’t mean to be rude, but I need to step away for a moment.” He told them, wearing an apologetic smile. He placed a hand over his gut. “A little champagne goes a long way, it seems. Don’t let me keep you ladies from catching up. The hero stuff is probably above my pay grade anyway.”

Then he turned and started for the lobby. Zatanna kept her eyes fixed on his back as he departed, watching the refined movements of his body just under the fabric of his coat. He really was a well-built young man, she decided. Then he was gone, the doors to the main auditorium closing shut behind him. Leaving Zatanna alone with a very pleased-looking Diana Prince.

I’ll bet she has plenty to be pleased about…

“Gonna be honest, Diana…” Zatanna started, breaking the silence. “Not who I expected.”

Diana gave a rich chuckle, her laugh coming like sweet musical notes.

“What do you mean?”

Zatanna rolled her eyes.

“I just never took you for the type to go after young guys.”

Another laugh came bubbling from Diana’s throat, rich and sweet and sending Zatanna’s belly into a weightless coil. 

“I’m thousands of years old, Zatanna. Every man is a younger man.” Diana pursed her lips, a daring look flashing across her eyes. “And what makes you think he didn’t come after me?

Zatanna blinked. She leveled at Diana a silent stare.

Huh. Well then…

That prospect was… very interesting. The young witch gave a quick glance towards the doors Mark had departed through. She found herself quickly reevaluating just what kind of man she thought he was. He seemed charming enough. But if she took Diana’s words to heart, then Mark Messner was a much more formidable man than she assumed. Supposedly. Perhaps Diana was simply teasing her.

Zatanna found several ideas swimming through her mind just then. Very explicit ideas. The kind that were rude to have in front of friendly company. She shifted on her heeled feet, breathing in deeply.

“Interesting. Very interesting.” Zatanna gave Diana an even look, keeping her voice calm and level. “He must be pretty impressive. You know… for a civilian.

He is.” Diana held her chin high, her proud smile curling into something that was now the tiniest bit smug. “We should catch up over drinks sometime. I’ll tell you about it.”

When she started prepping for tonight’s show, Zatanna never would have guessed she’d end the evening having this conversation with Wonder Woman. But there she was. Talking but also not talking about the warrior princess’ bedtime activities.

A hell of a thing, the life of a superheroine witch…

Zatanna’s belly was doing flips then. She ignored the feeling. She wouldn’t melt into a puddle just because of a little teasing. Even if it was coming from Wonder Woman.

“Maybe we should.” Zatanna said without thinking. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, a hidden side of her gave a giddy squeal. The rest of her was frozen in shock. At herself. And at Diana’s reaction.

The Amazonian gave her a bright, daring smirk. And in her eyes was that flash of naughtiness, a deviousness that one just didn’t expect to see from the Champion of All Women. Zatanna felt then that she really would melt into a puddle. But she kept a lid on that. She’d handled worse.

Diana gave a faint hum, reaching out to play with a lock of Zatanna’s voluminous raven hair. The young witch breathed in, expecting… something. But the taller woman gave a soft sigh, letting Zatanna’s hair slip from her fingers.

“It really was a wonderful show, Zatanna. You always impress.” Diana finally said, her voice like musical notes, so sweet to Zatanna’s ears. Then she turned to leave, departing the same way her boyfriend had. It was then that Zatanna saw that her green dress was backless. Her eyes were riveted to the smooth, elegant lines of the Amazon’s sculpted back, muscles moving just under that flawless, tanned skin. Diana Prince, a work of art come to life. And just as she reached the auditorium doors, the Amazon cast one last look over her shoulder. 

“I’ll be seeing you back on the Watchtower.” Diana purred, her voice easily carrying over the rows of seats. The words, heated and sweet, poured into Zatanna’s ears, seeping into her gut and into her bones. God, just her voice alone almost had the young witch on trembling legs.

“I’ll be looking forward to it.” Zatanna shot back, again without thinking. She locked eyes with the princess from across the auditorium, her heart racing.

Wonder Woman gave her a soft smile… then passed through the doors without another word.

Zatanna was left alone. The silence of the empty auditorium surrounded her, drowned her, but still it wasn’t enough to replace the sheer presence of Wonder Woman and her interesting male friend.

The young witch leaned against the stage, resting her elbows on the wooden floor. She felt her heart begin to slow down, but the excitement, the tingle in her veins and nerves, that had yet to depart. She found herself brushing her thighs together, the skin brushing against skin drawing a sigh from her lips.

She’d just met Wonder Woman’s boyfriend. The thought settled in her mind like a heavy stone, unmoving. It wasn’t going away anytime soon. She’d be thinking on that tantalizing idea for a good long while. 

In a small way, Zatanna felt a little jealous. Unlike Wonder Woman, Zatanna was currently single. She’d be going home to an empty bed.

Tonight, Zatanna would go to sleep with nothing to keep her company but her thoughts… and fantasies.

But thinking about what Diana had said to her… and the look she had sent her way… Zatanna couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe… just maybe… that would change. Very, very soon.

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