World Devouring Snake (Pokemon Fanfiction)

Chapter 11: Escape (Part 2)

Chapter 11: Escape (Part 2)



The resounding screech of the Scyther caught Ren’s attention

‘I don’t have time to deal with you…’

Ren forced his heating head to turn and look at the Scyther.

‘What the Fuck is wrong with me… do I have some sort of monster attracting constitution? Why the fuck is my life so hard…?’

He only wanted to survive.

Why did these monsters come after him? First, the Red tier Charmander and then the Yellow tier Scyther…

He had external enemies and internal threats.

Could his life get any harder?

Ren did not even begin to think of fighting the Scyther.

 He was sure that there were other yellow Pokémon but he could not see one in his surroundings. Red Pokémon were scared of the Scyther.

He had no choice but to run!

Run and escape.

His body’s temperature continued to increase, boiling his blood and muscles.

His muscles ached and his body slowed down.

His aura was depleting, being used to insulate his brain. His understanding of biology allowed him to know what would happen if his brain overheated…

The Scyther was rapidly gaining on him. The long distance between them was shrinking.

40 meters… 38 meters… 34 meters…

It was a life or death situation.

‘I have to suppress it!’ Ren thought.

He would not be able to escape the Scyther while also tackling internal problems.

He had to prioritize.

Ren slowly clamed himself.

He put his focus onto the internal condition of his body.

He was not able to cover single organ and all of the blood in his body with energy. That would take too much time and he did not have enough energy to complete the process.

‘No… I have to find the source.’

Where was bioenergy stored?

Ren thought about it as his body travelled as fast as it could against the sand.

‘When I consume the meat of Pokémon… the meat travels to the stomach’

The stomach was where meat was digested. It would be reasonable to conclude that that was where bioenergy was stored ready to be used to level up the body!

‘That means that I have to create a barrier around the stomach.’


A sharp feeling of danger interrupted his thoughts.

He was going to die.

That was the feeling that Rene experienced.

With extreme speed, Ren channeled small amounts of energy and pushed his body to the left

Ren could feel a wave of wind pass by to his left.

‘Just a gust of wind…’

Ren glanced at the scene in front of him.

Fear struck him.

The beetle Pokémon, Heracross that had been running out in front of him lay there.

What shocked him was not that the Beetle Pokémon was dead.

It was how it died.

It had been bisected, cut in half exactly in the middle.

‘What the fuck…’

If he had been struck by that… what would have happened to him. For the first time, Ren thanked his snake body. It had saved him!

This was the reason that all the Pokémon ran away. For a yellow Pokémon it only took a single attack to claim a life!

Ren kept on slithering forward, past the dead beetle Pokémon.

His body continued to heat up. Ren strengthened the defense around his brain and shifted his attention to the Scyther.

He turned his head back and glanced at the Scyther.

The Scyther was now less than 25 meters away from him and it was still gaining ground. Its pure physical strength was monstrous.

The Scyther’s eyes were locked into him.

They were not the same type of eyes that the Charmander had. These were not the eyes of a hunter. They were the eyes of a hunter of hunters. They were the eyes of a monster that rules over others! A king!

Ren observed it raising its arms into the air.

Yellow aura began to congeal around its arms.

‘Yellow aura again. Fuck.’

The memory of the Charmander smashing the Gible under its flaming fist was still fresh in Ren’s mind.

The yellow aura continued to grow brighter and stronger.

The Scyther raised its arm into the air. More aura gathered.

It abruptly dropped its arm.

The aura disappeared.

‘No, it did not disappear it was converted…

Ren could see the air distort.

[Air blade]

The Scyther had converted the Yellow aura into air! A sharp and deadly air.

‘The fuck… yellow aura can be used in a long distance attack? How broken is it…?’

The [Air blade] travelled across the sand in Ren’s direction at high speeds.

Prepared, Ren jumped to the right, narrowly missing the Air blade.

It disappeared after travelling more than 10 meters in front of him.


Red was in an extremely dangerous situation.

‘Why is this jungle so god damn far away…?’

It still a little more than 70 meters away.

The move of the Scyther had scared him. However, he also noticed a few weaknesses.

For one it was a single target move so it was easier to avoid. In addition, it took quite a long time to recharge and use it again.

‘It should be around fifteen seconds.’

The timer was on.

His blood continue to grow hotter and hotter. His skin burned. Steam started to come out of his pores.

‘I am going to become a roast snake soon…’

Even though he had been using spirit to slow down the deterioration of his body functions he was soon about to reach his limit.

His body temperature had climbed by more than 15 degrees. Any normal human would have died.

He had to solve his internal problem in the next ten seconds.

‘Stomach… I need to block it…’

He slowly willed his remaining energy towards his stomach.

He was multi-tasking.

Part of his energy was circulating around his brain, protecting it. Some of it was directed to his muscles, helping to maintain a high enough speed.

The remaining energy was directed to his stomach. He created a protective barrier around his stomach encasing it.

His body stopped heating up. Homeostasis gradually began to function.

‘It worked…’ Ren sighed in relief.


Ren’s heart sank.

‘No way…’

The leaking bioenergy was too strong! It was escaping!

Urgency filled Ren’s mind.

His time was nearly up. He had to finish this now. He would not have enough spirit to try a second time.

He could not pull any more energy from around his body. He had to use the energy that he already had more smartly.

‘How can I improve it…?’

Currently his spirit was covering his stomach like a gel.

Realization dawned on him


He did not think about it any longer. He willed his energy to move. His energy circulated around his stomach.

‘It can’t just be in one direction.’

Ren carefully controlled his spirt. Half of it went clockwise while the other half travelled anti-clockwise.

His body temperature began to drop.

He had done it!

Ren moved his body to the side, away from the incoming [Wind Blade].

[Ding! You have displayed extraordinary control and multitasking abilities. You have gained the skill ‘Spirit Manipulation’. Detecting high wisdom… skill percentages of ‘spirit manipulation’ increase]

[Ding! You have achieved a miracle! Conditions have been met. You have gained the skill ‘Evolution Suppressor’]

Ren could instantly feel his spirit moving more smoothly throughout his body.

His body gradually returned to normal. The pain remained.

Ren grit through it. He had survived. The pain was nothing compared to death.

This barrier would be able to suppress the bioenergy for a greater amount of time! This time would give Ren the opportunity to find a safe place to undergo his level up.


Ren turned his head towards the Scyther.

In the time that he had placed his focus internally, the Scyther had rapidly gained on him.

The Scyther was now only 12 meters way from him.

‘Its speed is increasing…’

Ren could see the thick veins bulging on its legs.



The Scyther had had enough. It had thrown multiple wind blades yet the Snake seemed to be unwilling to die… not getting injured even once.

It was going to finish this.

It rapidly accelerated and jumped into the air.

‘What the hell is going on’ Ren thought.

The Scyther placed its arms behind itself.

Yellow aura congealed on the ends of its arms and turned into balls wind. It launched the wind at the sand.

The wind hit the ground hard, propelling the Scyther forward at incredible speeds.

[Extreme Movement: Wind]

Sand blew into the air.


‘What the hell…’

The distance between the two began to rapidly close.

12 meters… 10 meters… 8 meters.

He slowly removed the energy covering his brain and redirected the energy to the tip of his tail.

A deep red aura began to surround his tail.

He continued to pour energy, making sure coat the underside of the tail with more aura. His [Spirit Manipulation] technique supported him.


The Scyther outstretched both of its hands.

Yellow aura began to congeal on its hands.

A sword of wind materialized in its hands.

[Wind Sword]

It wanted to cut him!

The aura around Ren’s tail surged.

It was now a meter from him. Its sword had nearly reached him.

He needed more time.

Ren activated the skill [terrorize].

For the brief moment the Scyther froze.

It gave Ren the time he needed.

He smashed his tail against the sand.

The sand exploded upwards blinding the Scyther. The blinded Scyther struggled in the air for a while before crashing into the sand.

The [wind sword] disappeared.

Ren pushed his tail against the sand. Energy gathered.

[Acceleration: Quick movement]








Ren’s body was propelled forward.

His intelligence had allowed him to survive!

He soared through the air, enjoying the feeling to the air against his scales.

He landed on the sand 10 meters away from his original position.

The Scyther was struggling to get up.

He could hear its screeches.

‘And fuck you too…’ Ren replied.

Ren moved quickly.

Soon he was in front of the trees.

Ren had resolutely decided to retreat. Even though he may have stopped the Scyther, he had not truly injured it.

His fight with the Scyther had taught him one thing; there was always another sky… an enemy even stronger.

It taught him another thing.

He had the capabilities to survive!

Ren was going to reach the top! That was his promise to himself. He did not want to feel as helpless as he had felt today ever again.

Ren took one last look at the beach.

It had been his birthplace and his beginnings.

He resolutely turned his head away and slid into the thick foliage of the jungle.

End of subarc! Hope you guys enjoyed. 

Tell me what you think.

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