World Devouring Snake (Pokemon Fanfiction)

Chapter 15: Trap (Part 1)

Chapter 15 (Trap Part 1)

‘First I have to recharge…’

Ren arched his body down and began to lick the blood flowing out of the Lotad’s corpse.

Although it did not give him any bioenergy, it allowed him to slowly restore his depleted spirit reserves.

After drinking some of the Lotad’s blood and recharging some of his energy, Ren began to prepare.

Ren’s plan was quite simple.

Just like the Lotad had ambushed him, he would ambush other Pokémon.

He could not use the same tactics as the Lotad. He did not have a swimming ability and the tree line was too far away from the water.

That left him one solution.

Use bait.

And what better bait was there than the body of a blue tier creature?

White Tier Pokémon would surely be attracted to the blue tier flesh and blood.

Of course, there was a risk. Red tier or even yellow tier Pokémon may be attracted.

Ren decided that if such Pokémon did appear, he would run, abandoning the bioenergy that he had worked hard to acquire.

Ren stared at the flesh.

‘Let’s hope this works…’

Ren slowly slithered into the tree line, hiding his body behind a tree.

The corpse of the Lotad lay on the pebbles of the riverside.

The sun’s hot rays poured down as Ren continued to observe his bait from behind the tree.

A few seconds passed.

A few minutes passed.

Ren could hear it.

A soft squeaking sound probed the area.

‘A rodent…?’ Ren questioned.

Noticing nothing wrong, a small Pokémon hopped out of the tree. It was a rat.

It was small, extremely small. Less than 3 cm tall and 5 cm long. Its hid was a deep shade of purple.

Two large white teeth stuck out of its mouth.

‘A Rattata’ Ren identified.



Species: Rattata

Potential: White (Low)

Level: 0/5


[Target: Rattata can provide one energy points]


Rodents like the Rattata were ordinarily hard to prey on. They were not large or powerful like other Pokémon but they made up for that through great speed, agility and hiding skills.

They were the perfect scavengers.

The Rattata stood on two feet and examined the surrounding area.

Seeing no dangerous Pokémon, the Rattata approached the corpse of the Lotad.

Its mouth began to salivate.

It had never seen such high-class meat before. It ordinarily stuck with low class Pokémon remains.

It wanted to taste it.

The Rattata reached for the Lotad’s corpse.

It felt something on its leg. It looked down to the sight of a tail wrapped tightly around its leg.

It slowly turned its head around.

A sudden sharp pain hit it.

It was the last thing the Rattata ever felt.

Its head had disappeared!

Ren had slowly crept up behind it and bitten its head off!

The Rattata’s head was swallowed.

Ren released the breath that he had been holding in. In order to not alert the Rattata he had tried to completely erase his presence.

Ren quickly devoured the rest of the Rattata’s body.

[Gained one bioenergy. You have grown longer.]

Ren could feel he energy filling his system, slowly stretching and increasing the length of his body.

He had grown from 31cm to 32cm.

Ren noticed an irregularity.

He had only gained one bioenergy.

‘Why did the Pokémon give me one? The last time I fought and consumed a white tier Pokémon (Pokémon in egg), I gained two bioenergy. So why did I only gain one this time.’ Ren questioned himself.

He could only arrive at the conclusion that it was due to levels. The Rattata was of a lower level than him so it would only make sense that it gave him less bioenergy.

Ren could conclude that two factors determined bioenergy; Level and Tier.

No matter what, he was a bit stronger now!

But it was not enough.

He stared at the Lotad’s corpse.

‘You are going to be working for me for a bit longer, buddy.’

Ren slithered back into the undergrowth and waited.

This time he waited for longer.

Much longer.

Minutes passed.

He had been lucky last time. Hunting was not quick. It took time and patience.

‘I need to use my time effectively.’

Ren decided to continue to practice his skills. His eyes landed on one skill in particular.

[Spirit Manipulation]

In the previous battle with the Lotad, this was the skill that had allowed him to win.

‘Its all about how I apply it.’

The battle against the Lotad had taught him one thing. Red Aura was not an aura of brute force. It was an aura about control.

Small amounts of Red aura gathered on Ren’s body.

Ren once again attempted to separate the aura. The red aura detached from his body and floated in the air around him.

He slowly began to will the Aura to change shape.

The Aura began to expand and contract.

‘First I’ll try a stick.’

The Aura gradually stretched itself out into the shape of a red rod.

‘Easy enough’

‘A cube?’

The aura once again began to morph, slowly changing shape. A cube slowly presented itself.

‘What is this…?’

Although the red blob and morphed into something that looked like a cube, it was not.

The shapes of the squares were uneven. The lines were not straight. It even had a few extra vertices.

His [Spirit manipulation] skill percentage was not high enough!

Still this filled Ren’s mind with possibilities.

‘Would it be possible to create a gun and bullets?’

A crazy thought formed.

The weapons of mass destruction from his Earth… could he recreate them.

‘No, no, no… don’t get ahead of yourself Ren. Start with the basics first.’

The gun would come in the far future when his skills and abilities were good enough.

Ren slowly practiced using aura, trying to perfect his cube’s shape.

The skill percentage of [spirit manipulation] continued to rise.

An hour passed.

The sound of a broken twig snapped Ren out of his stupor.

Another Pokémon was coming!


This time it was a rabbit. The creature stood on two legs; white cotton wool covered its body. Large wide brown eyes took center stage on its face.

‘A Buneary’

[Target: Buneary will provide 1 energy points]

The Buneary used its cute appearance and the skill ‘charm’ to attract its prey before killing it.

Ren was not fazed.

The Buneary just like the Rattata was cautious at first but eventually let down its guard.

It bent down to feed on the carcass of the Lotad.

‘Are there just no herbivorous Pokémon in this world?’ Ren contemplated.

Even the cute Buneary ate meat.

Re slowly slid forward, concealing his presence.

The Buneary was engrossed in consuming the flesh of the Lotad.

It was ecstasy from the taste of high tier monster flesh!

Mouthfuls of blood and flesh entered its mouth, dying its fluffy fur in red.

Ren wanted to see his progress.

He wanted to test his aura.

He slowly controlled the red aura and shaped it into the shape of a spear. Although crude, a functional spear appeared in front of him.

His body slithered forward. He willed the spear to strike down on the rabbit.

The spear pierced the heart of the Buneary and buried itself deep into the soil.

The Buneary did not even have a chance to scream.

It was dead.

The red spear slowly dissipated.

He had used up quite a lot of spirit in that attack

‘Looks like I cannot use it too often…’

Once again, Ren swallowed the fallen Pokémon’s flesh.

[Gained one stat point. Body grows longer.]

Ren felt a slight pain before the feeling of his flesh expanding.

He had grown stronger once again!


Ren’s stats:


Host Name: Ren

Species: Ekans (Infant)

Element: Poison

Level: 1 [Limit: 5]

Bio-Energy: 2/20

Length: 33 cm

Spirit: 3.4

Power: 2.9

Wisdom: 4.0

Agility: 2.2

Defense: 2.7

Skills: Breathless Breathing Technique [7.3%], Poison sting [6 %], Terrorize [13.37%], Acceleration [6%] Evolution Suppressor [9%] Pokémon Appraisal [3%]

Passive Skills: Spirit Manipulation [40%]

Racial Skills: Shedding [8%] 

Hope you guys enjoyed!


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