World Devouring Snake (Pokemon Fanfiction)

Chapter 28: Daily Life and Improvements

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Ren’s life soon fell into a continuous cycle. 

He would train in the mornings, hunt in the afternoons and rest in the evenings.

Even his resting time became training. He had previously neglected his [breathless breathing] due to non-stop battles. 

He understood the importance of this technique. 

It increased his wisdom significantly.

Wisdom was the very reason that he was able to grasp the ability to control spirit so quickly. It was also the reason that he was able to surpass his limits. 

It could be said that one of the reasons that Ren was able to grow so much was due to the high wisdom provided by this technique.

Ren dedicated most of his evenings to his breathing technique. Even when hunting he would circulate his breathing technique. 

Not only did it make him calmer but it also increased the rate at which the technique improved.

Ren’s daily life of training, hunting and more training continued. 

Day after day.

He would enter battle after battle, train monotonously and put his life on the line. 

It was for one purpose. 

To become stronger and survive.


Ren lay in front of a large pokemon.

It was a large bipedal pokemon. Its body was about 2 meters tall. Its limbs were thick and bulging. 

Most prominent, was the bone mask that it wore over its furry head. 

It carried a large club made of white ebony bone. 



In one smooth movement, spirit reached his eyes and activated his skill. 

Species: Cubone 

Potential: Red 

Level: 2/5

He was not scared.

He might have been fearful 10 days ago. 

Not now.

Rather, Ren was excited. 

A red tier pokemon! 

This would be his first battle against one. 

Over the past week and a half he had fought against swathes of white and blue tier pokemon, constantly honing his skills and increasing his proficiency with his skills. 



Host Name: Ren

Species: Draconic Ekans (Adolescent)

Element: Poison

Level: 2 [Limit: 5]

Bio-Energy: 71/50

Length: 172 cm

Spirit: 18

Power: 13

Wisdom: 9

Agility: 11

Defense: 12

Skills: Breathless Breathing Technique [22%], Poison sting [22%], Terrorize [47%], Acceleration [65%] Tier 2 - Limit breaker [14%] Pokémon Appraisal [35%] Spirit Concentration [16%]

Passive Skills: Spirit Manipulation [99%], 

Racial Skills: Shedding [20%], Draconic body [4%]


His body was nearly 2 meters long! Compared to his length when he had been born he was no more than 17 times longer. 

‘It has been nearly 3 weeks.’ 

Ren had once again used limit breaker to gain more stats. 

In conjunction with his new bioenergy limit caused by the change to his species, he had been able to drastically increase his length and strength. 

Of course, his growth had slowed down a lot. He was not able to find large groups of pokemon together. 

He had not gone and provoked the ants and most other pokemon worked individually.

‘Still… the pain is till there…’

The tremors caused by the bioenergy crushing into the barrier he had put set off tremors throughout his body. 

These tremors rippled through his body, energizing his body.  


A loud roar interrupted Ren’s thoughts. 

He looked at the source of the roar; at the enemy before him. 

[Cubone can provide 8 bioenergy points]

‘A Cubone…’ 

In his memories, the Cubone was portrayed as a loveable creature. 

The bloodthirsty ferocious monster in front him was nothing like the Cubone in his memories. 

‘It is you… the monster that came after the Lotad prey…’ 

Ren heart rate accelerated. 

He could not help but recall the Charmander. The unreachable wall in front of him. 

Now he was going to challenge this wall!

The Cubone could no longer hold itself back any longer. 

Its large bone club raised itself into the air. Yellow aura began to surround its bone club. 

‘Yellow aura…’ Ren thought. 

What type of element did this Cubone control? 

Ren’s question was soon answered. 

[Lighting Rod] 

The Cubone activated its skill.

The yellow aura began to morph and change. Electricity was generated on the tip of the club, slowly spreading. 

A crackling sound emanated from the lightning. 

The Cubone roared. 

The tattoos on Ren’s body began to swirl around. 

Red aura gathered around him and split up from his main body. 

Ren generated a needle more than 1 meter long in front of him. 

‘Copy x 4’ Ren thought out. 

Three more identical looking needles appeared next to the original needle.

Four needles now lay out in front of him. 

[Compression: Level 1]

Ren activated his skill [compression]. The needle immediately began to compress down.

Thicker and more condensed. 

Four 50cm needles appeared in front of him. 

Ren willed the needles forward. 

Like bolts of red lightning, the needles were propelled forward towards the Cubone at frightening speeds. 

The Cubone’s instincts roared out.

It was going to die! 

The Cubone instinctively moved its raised lightning coated club in front of its body. 


Soft thuds echoed out as two of the needles were deflected. 

A bloodcurdling roar echoed out into the surroundings.

Although the Cubone was able to deflect the life threatening needles, the remaining needles had pushed themselves deep into its leg muscles. 

The needles dissipated, leading to a large torrent of blood flowing out of the wounds on the Cubone’s legs. 

‘Tch… That was supposed to seriously wound it.’ 

Ren had aimed two of the needles at the Cubone’s throat. If it had not deflected these needles, it may have died!

The Cubone’s speed began to lower, yet it continued to run. 

Its bloodshot eyes glared at Ren. It wanted revenge. 

‘Fuck… this monster…’

Ren gathered aura on his body.  


Ren’s body shot forward. 

In less than 5 seconds, the two monsters met in the middle of the clearing. 

The Cubone rapidly struck down its club. 

Ren generated a shield above himself. 

‘Shit… not enough time to compress.’ 

The shield stopped the club for a fraction of a second before shattering into pieces. 

The Club continued downwards 

These crucial seconds gave Ren the time he needed. 

He launched himself at the Cubone’s leg and wrapped himself around it. 


The club had still grazed him. 

A laceration had formed on his skin. Blood began to flow out of Ren’s wounds. The lighting from the spear temporarily stunned him. 

The Cubone’s free arm struck down towards Ren’s body.

Ren did not hesitate. 

A spear materialized next to him. 

With precise control, Ren pierced into the Cubone’s already injured left leg, while simultaneously activating [Terrorize]. 

The Cubone hesitated for a second, giving Ren enough time to pierce his spear deep into the Cubone’s leg. 

The Cubone screamed in pain. 

Ren gave the spear some spin, piercing deeper and deeper into the flesh of the Cubone. 

Flesh and blood dropped onto the ground in fragments and drops.

The Cubone’s screams only continued. 

‘Motherfucker… you should not have messed with me…’ Ren thought as he coldly stared at the suffering Cubone.

Its body began to wobble, no longer able to hold its body weight up. 

Ren did not let the chance go. 

More needles generated around him. 

‘Pierce’ Ren thought, as the needles all pierced into the Cubone’s body at different angle. Wounds appeared all over the Cubone’s body as the Cubone once again screamed in pain. 

Blood flowed down, covering the Cubone in a layer of red.

The shock caused the Cubone let go of its club, as its body collapsed onto the ground.


Ren’s body began to slithered up to the Cubone’s neck. A lance formed in the air, before beginning to spin. 

The lance struck down on the Cubone’s neck. 

The Cubone let out one final anguished scream before going silent. 

It was finished!

From start to finish, it was a methodical and structure hunt perfectly planned to bring his prey to its knees.

First, he had slowed down the movement of the Cubone before further incapacitating it by targeting old wounds. 

Throughout the course of the battle, except the one time that the Cubone’s club had glazed Ren’s skin, Ren had been able to control the momentum of the battle. 

He had not let the Cubone use its massive strength and its lighting abilities to its full potential. 

Ren did not become elated.

‘I was careless.’ 

Ren could feel the painful wound on his back. He had not times his movements correctly. If he had, he would not have faced such a problem.

Ren analyzed the rest of the battle. 

‘I am not fast enough at my [compression]’ Ren noted. It would have saved him from getting injuries.

Most of all, this was only a level 2 Red tier monster. 

If he was facing a higher level, more experienced Pokemon… 

Ren shuddered thinking about it.

‘I still have to a way to go.’ Ren noted. 

Still he had achieved one of his largest goals. He had won against a Red tier pokemon! 

He stared at the corpse of the Cubone. 

It was time to dig in. 

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