World Devouring Snake (Pokemon Fanfiction)

Chapter 54: Solutions

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Ren began to experiment with his spirit. Obviously, he would not be able to create a ‘singularity’ or anything complex like that.

He was after the black hole’s ability to attract living matter towards it.

‘Aura’ itself was not a concrete term. While there were some basic principles, the user’s wishes and desires guided Aura’s usage.

Skills were a ‘shortcut’ that could be used to bypass the actual ‘manipulation of aura’. That was why lower potential Pokémon just used normal skills and higher ranked Pokémon consciously manipulated aura to do their bidding. The aura in front of him began to spin around.

‘What is this?’ Ren wondered. The spirit formed a circle of spinning spirit. The problem was that there was nothing in the middle of the circle. Ren could see the other side of the cave through the opening.

Even if he wished for this ‘circle’ of spirit to attract something, it would not. Ren realized his mistake. He needed a choke point, a central point that where all the aura would flow. He cancelled the circle before trying again.

This time, he created a simple, compressed point of spirit. He then extended out tendrils of spirit from the point, creating rotation. The tendrils of spirit got faster and faster. Pieces of dust flew into the vortex.

‘Good… now a target.’ Ren’s eyes landed on the small pebbles on the ground. He set the target to be the rocks. The vortex spun around rapidly. Slowly, the rock began to move towards the vortex.

‘It needs more pushing power.’ Ren realized. He increased the amount of spirit that the compression point contained and further compressed the point. The stone moved faster and faster before making contact with the black hole.

‘I have to add a bit more…’

Ren was determined. He would find a way out of this situation. He would grow stronger and he would reunite with Eva.

Ren was continued experimenting.


The next day, Ren stood at the mouth of the cave looking at the free wondering undead Pokémon below him.

‘Attraction’ Ren thought out.

A large swirling mass of spirit appeared in the air, on top of the Pokémon

‘Set target to undead Pokémon heads below the swirl’ Ren thought out. The Dinosaur like Pokémon in front of were attracted to the swirling mass.

Because they no longer had any flesh, the skeletons were much lighter. The Pokémon were pulled up by the heads. The rest of their bodies were still attracted to the ground due to gravity.

This created a sort of opposite attraction.


The first head and body separated.


The second head and body separated from its body

This process continued. Snapping sounds went off.

Ren moved the black hole back towards the cave. The heads of the skeletons collapsed onto the ground forming a small pile.

‘My spirit…’

Even after expending all of his spirit, Ren was only able to acquire six heads. This was a good method to hunt down the dinosaurs without getting physically hurt.

‘This is just the start.’ Ren thought.

He would be staying in this ravine for a few more days. Where else could he find such a good farm?


Ren’s monotonous lifestyle began. Most of his time was dedicated to improving his skills while waiting for his spirit to recharge. His other time was spent hunting down the undead in the valley.

Ren soon cleared out the area surrounding his location before moving onto different areas. After consuming a few skulls, the effectiveness of the skulls began to go down. Soon he needed two skulls for one bioenergy… and then three… It only continued to increase.

Still, Ren was not deterred. Rome was not built in a day. His once meter in radius black hole soon extended to three meters. Its power continued to increase.



Host Name: Ren

Species: Draconic Ekans (Adult)

Element: Poison

Level: 5 (Perfect) [Limit: 5]

Bio-Energy: 120/120

Length: 821 cm

Spirit: 99

Power: 69

Wisdom: 30

Agility: 55

Defence: 71

Skills: Breathless Breathing Technique [75%], Tier 2 – Poison Control [23%], Terrorize [62%], Acceleration [99%] Tier 2 - Limit breaker [50%] Pokémon Appraisal [82%] Spirit Concentration [84%], Stealth [45%]

Passive Skills: Tier 2 - Spirit Control [70%]

Racial Skills: Shedding [45%], Draconic body [22%]


Ren felt a cool stream of energy pass through him, refreshing his muscles and increasing his blood flow.

He had reached the limit of level 5.

Apart from that, his [Spirit Control] It had significantly increased in skill percentage.

His Spirit itself had likewise also grown rapidly, reaching 99.

‘It must be another barrier.’ Ren thought. He had reached the ‘perfect’ category reaching the natural limit in Bioenergy.

‘Transcending’ was probably the process of breaking through the ‘level limit’. If so… what would happen when he activated his Limit Breaker?


Ren’s monotonous lifestyle continued. Monster after monster. Development after development.

He had to kill 15 undead to reach his 121st bioenergy.

Days melded into weeks as Ren continued to explore the Ravine and explore more and more of his surroundings.

Ren stared at the sight before him in awe.

A large black tunnel lay in front of him.

Guarding the gate was one large undead.

A Large seven-meter skeleton of what appeared to be some Tyrannosaurus Rex Skeletons.




Species: Skeleton (Tyrunt)

Level: N/A

Potential: N/A


The most chilling thing about the skeleton was its bones. They were covered in a black glossy substance.

Ren could feel its fierce glare and soulless eyes.

Once again, he questioned the origins of these skeletons. Why were they created?

He had a feeling that he would be able to find out after exploring what was beyond the pitch-dark tunnel.

Ren activated his [Acceleration], his body leapt across the terrain.

The Skeleton creature caught sight of him. Its dark, soulless eyes flared up. Its large body emanated a primitive feeling.

The creature charged, its large arms were outstretched.

[Spirit Control: Swirl]

A mass of spinning aura appeared on top of the creature. The creature’s body stopped moving for a few seconds, giving Ren the opportunity he needed.

With great precision and speed, he bit into the creature’s neck.

‘Fuck.’ Ren thought.

The ‘neck’ component was like metal. His jaws hurt just biting down it.


The bones of the creature rattled as it raised its arms and struck down on Ren’s body. Ren grimaced in pain, as the creature’s hand pierced into his flesh.

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