World Devouring Snake (Pokemon Fanfiction)

Chapter 7: Stand off (Part 1)

Chapter 7: Stand off

Note: Aura is how Spirit looks like when it manifests in the real world. Energy is used to describe spirit internally.


The Pokémon world had a strict hierarchy.

The Pokémon at the top of the food order had a simple rule.

‘You don’t mess with me and I won’t mess with you.’

What happens when two monsters of similar rank encounter each other and one of them injures the other?

They fight.

There were no apologies in the Pokémon world.

They would fight against each other to the death and he would reap the rewards!

That was what Ren was counting on.


The Charmander’s charge toppled the Gilbe over. Its shiny teeth pierced the Gible’s flesh and ripped out a chunk.

The Gible screamed out in pain.

Its eyes turned bloodshot as it stared at the Charmander in anger.

Energy rushed through its body and concentrated on its head.

Ren could see a deep green aura manifest on the top of its head.

The skill head-butt was activated!

The Gible’s forehead smashed into the side of the Charmander’s face, pushing the Charmander’s body.

The Charmander flew through the air and landed on its back.

It entered a confused state.

The Gible did not let the opportunity go to waste.

It wanted revenge for the wound the Charmander had inflicted!

Green energy once again began to travel through its body, this time concentrating on its jaws.

The skill ‘Bite’ was activated.

The Gible charged at the confused Charmander, its jaws ripping into the side of the Charmander’s body and tearing out a larger piece of flesh.


It was the Charmander’s turn to roar out in pain

In a desperate attempt, the Charmander began to kick and tear at the air wildly. Its claws struck the Gible tearing into its skin and forcing the Gible back.

The Charmander got back up. A part of its side was missing.

The Gible was not doing much better, with flesh missing near its abdomen and claw marks present on the front of its body.

They were both injured.

Ren observed the two draconic Pokémon.

In terms of advantage physically, he would say that the Charmander beat the Gible. The Charmander had versatility. It could attack through biting and clawing with its large arms and long nails.

The Gible had a larger jaw and stronger bite but its arms were too small to significantly threaten the Charmander.

The Gible however had quite a few skills. Ren had only seen [Bite] and [Head-butt] but he was sure that it had more.

The Charmander on the other hand… He had not seen the Charmander use a single skill in the brief battle that had taken place.

Both monsters stood two meters apart from one another.

‘ROOOOAAAAAAARRRR’ The Gible raised its jaws and roared, attempting to display its dominance.

The Charmander soon followed.

Green energy gathered on the Gible’s Legs. Its leg muscles bulged. The aura slowly intensified, becoming brighter and more resplendent.

In an instant, the Gible activated [Charge]. Its large muscles pushed off the ground, propelling it its large body forward at incredible speeds.

The Charmander also rushed forward, much slower than the Gible.

‘Why does it not use Spirit? Could it be…!?!’ Ren thought.

The Charmander had not yet learnt any Spirit skills!

The two monsters charged at one another. Within a second, their bodies clashed. One of the Charmander’s arms pierced the Gible’s body while the Gible’s jaws bit into the Charmander’s other arm.

Both let out roars of anger.

Green Aura immediately began to surround the Gible’s jaws.

It was going to use [Bite] again!

The Charmander attempted to free its arm.

Seeing that it could not, the Charmander’s jaws struck down attempting to bite the Gible, but it was too late.

The Gible had pushed its legs pack and retreated.

In its mouth was one of the Charmander’s arms!

‘The Gible is going to win.’

It was obvious.

The Charmander had lost the one advantage it had… its arms and claws. The Gible with its superiors Spirit skills was going to beat the Charmander.

‘Either way works for me…’ Ren thought.

No matter who won… they were both destined to die!

The Charmander also observed its arm in the mouth of the Gibile.

The reality of the situation caught up with the Charmander.

The Charmander screamed out in sorrow. The pain it felt was unbearable.

Rage, Pain, and Humiliation.

It felt each of these emotions.

Above each of these things for the first time in the Charmander’s life, it felt fear.

Fear for its life!

Pokémon were more intelligent than animals. Even a newborn Charmander could feel its impending doom.

If only it could defeat the adversary in front of it.

If only it could kill and devour its opponent.

It would all be all right as long as it could win!

The burning desire filled the Charmander.


The Gible roared! It was heavily injured. It wanted to finish the battle off as soon as it could!

It spit out the Charmander’s arm from its mouth. It fell to the side.

It once again concentrated its energy onto is legs.

This time, less aura surrounded them. The Gible’s spirit reserves were running low!

The Gible launched off the ground towards the Charmander.


The Charmander eyed the approaching enemy.

It instinctively knew that it could not win with its current abilities.

It wanted… it needed power.

The desire in its heart amplified.

Wisps of yellow began to appear.

Aura slowly began to congeal around it.


‘Aura? The Charmander learnt Spirit!’ Ren thought.

It was unlike the Red Aura that manifested around Ren nor like the Green Aura that manifested around the Gible.

It was brighter.

Almost holy.

A pure yellow aura manifested itself around the Charmander’s remaining arm.

It did not behave like Red and Green aura.

It did not coat the Charmander’s arm like an armor. Rather it condensed into a ball the size of a volleyball.

The Gible neared the Charmander.

Its jaws were outstretched, ready to bite of the Charmander’s remaining arm.

The Charmander raised its remaining arm. It clenched its fingers into a fist and pulled back its arm.

When the Gible was just moments away from impact, the Charmander punched forward its arms.

Raging flames as bright as the sun appeared, covering its fists in resplendent light.

Ren was shocked!

The Gible was shocked!

A wave of light erupted from the hand of the Charmander.

The Gible was momentarily blinded.

The Charmander did not let go of the opportunity.

Energy surged through its muscles, feeding the flames…

They grew stronger and fiercer.

If swung its flaming fist and hit the side of the Gible’s face!

[Fire Punch] had activated.

The Gible entered a confused state

The Gible immediately fell to the side. Its body collapsed on the sand like a rolling pin. It had no more energy. It had been knocked out!

The flames on the Charmander’s hands spread onto the Gible, covering the side of its face.

The Gible immediately reacted, rubbing its face against the sands of the beach trying to put out the flame.

The Gible was done for!

Ren observed the surrounding area. Most of the Pokémon had already left the immediate area at the sight of such a fierce battle.

The Charmander stood on in front of the struggling body of the Gible.

It peered down.

Blood flowed down from the stump where its arm used to be.

It sneered at the Struggling Gible, its teeth once again rising into a sadistic grin.

It wanted revenge! It wanted to hear its opponents screams!

The Charmander raised its claws and struck them into the Gible’s legs.

The Gible screamed in suffering.

The Charmander then raised its fingers out of the Gible, causing blood to spray onto the sand.

The Gible screamed once again.

It continued this process, stabbing and then retracting its claws, relishing in the cries off the Gible.

The Gible’s screams filled the beach.

Blood flowed out of its wounds dying the immediate vicinity a deep tinge of red.

Holes covered the leg of the Gible.

Finally, having had enough fun the Charmander raised its hand into the air and once again congealed yellow aura.

Flames erupted from its claws. Its hand reached for the Gible’s throat.

It was over!

The Gible was finished.

A stinging pain interrupted the move of the Charmander. A chill followed the stinging pain.

The Charmander froze for a second.

The flames died down a bit and its punch slowed down as the Charmander turned to look for the source of the sting.

Those crucial milliseconds gave the Gible the chance to use its remaining energy. It concentrated every drop it had left… all of its life force into its jaws.

If it had to die! It would die with the Charmander.

[Bite] was activated.

The Jaws of the Gible struck the leg of the Charmander and locked on.


The Charmander immediately screamed in pain.

It stared at the Gible lying on the ground; its eyes were full of hatred.

It punch with all of its strength, striking the Gible’s head.

The Gible did not let go.

It tried once again. Still the Gible did not let go.

The Charmander continued punching the Gible over and over and over again.

Still the Gible did not relent.

The Gible’s eyes were bloody. Its head was torn apart. Still it did not let go.

The Charmander finally pierced its claws into the Gible’s brain.

It scooped out a part of the Gible’s brain.


The Gible’s jaws finally relaxed.

The Proud and Mighty Gible that was destined to be an overlord over the common Pokémon was dead!

Blood immediately began to fall out of the massive wound on the Charmander’s legs.

It stood victoriously!

It had won!

It was the winner… the most powerful!

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