World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 304 Discussion With Rosalyn(NSFW)

“Well… This is… Troubling…” Rosalyn murmured as she read through Van’s notes. She had taken a seat on his lap and was moving her ass to get more comfortable while he tried his best not to respond to her fidgeting or how nice she smelled. Sometimes unable to sneak a quick sniff of her flower-like perfume as they sat on his throne. She reread the note to make sure she was seeing what was right in front of her eyes and started massaging her scalp with a free hand as her gaze grew with intensity, not wanting to let a single bit of information slip.

“What do you think we should do?” He asked as he gently hugged her from behind.

She sighed. “First… I’m going to get a strong drink. Second. You’re going to fuck my brains out because that’s the least you can do for dropping this bomb on my lap. And third. I’m going to have to write a carefully worded message to Dagon…” She gave a pained far-off expression as if she was already predicting the horrific diplomatic kerfuffle that was going to take place in her not-so-distant future. “One that will hopefully not cause any misunderstanding and perhaps start a war…”

Van paled. “Is it that bad?” He asked, not understanding why such a simple message could do all that.

Rosalyn gave a strained expression as she thought deeper on the matter. “Dagon is known to be a very kind, generous, and magnanimous man. Always rewarding hard work and loyalty and even willing to give second chances, even though he might seem like a gruff misanthrope with mean eyes…”

“Well… That doesn’t sound so bad…?”

“He also is known to go ballistic under even the smallest of threats to any he considers his people. With tortures so foul even Karmila wouldn’t dare get on his bad side, considering he wouldn’t care how strong or how high ranking you are so long as he drags you down… And it turns out we have his great-grandaughter… Perhaps his only last living bloodline…”

“What happened to his other children?”

“Have you ever heard of the Grand Duchy of House Eskeria?”

“...NOo-?” Van replied wondering if he should have.

Rosalyn turned her head and gave him a knowing look. “Exactly.”

He blinked at the implications.

“Dagon Valtier literally had them wiped from the face of the map. He even went so far as to kill anyone associated with them or had dealings with them. He then proceeded to burn any and all information about their house ever existing. Much to the dismay of a few bankers mind you and others who had dealings or were allies of house Eskeria. Most people won’t even say the word Eskeria for fear of gaining his ire or word spreading someone said it.”

Van’s eyes widened. “Oh no…”

Rosalyn nodded. “Oh yes… Dagon is a great man, one of the best.” Her eyes turned sharp as if to make sure she conveyed the full weight of her next words. “But only to his allies. To his enemies… He is a nightmare incarnate… Never forget that…”

Van swallowed and nodded. “Right... I’ll keep that in mind…”

Rosalyn sighed and turned back to the note left behind by Lynaria. “Wish I could have talked to this Lynairia of yours… Perhaps she would have a unique insight on how to comprise such a letter… Not that I couldn’t make one myself just fine of course but… Every little bit helps…” Looking like she as going to bore holes into the blue screen in front of her.

Van thought about that until an idea popped in his head. “Maybe you can ask Lyn? She did fuse with Lynaria after all, maybe she has some ideas rummaging around in her subconscious that could help you out.” He suggested.

“Hmm…” Rosalyn rubbed her chin in thought. “While I greatly respect Lyn, she doesn’t have the knowledge or experience of playing the great game… On the other hand… She does tend to have a unique insight into things, and her instincts for digging up information isn’t bad either, not to mention her odd ability to go through leaps of logic to get a correct answer… If she had this Lynaria bouncing through the back of her head who brought up this information in the first place, perhaps there is something to be gained from picking her brain.”

“Thank you, Rosalyn, this means a lot to me. I’m sure the two of you can figure something out. Not to mention Lyn could probably learn a lot from your expertise. Evergreen is a great help, especially when it comes to fairy politics and managing Lyn’s domain. But Lyn is my wife and she should also know a few things about Alcraynian politics as well. Any you can share with them would be greatly appreciated.” Van said.

Rosalyn smiled. “It’s not a problem, Lyn is a blast to talk with. Not to mention… You yourself can learn a thing or two about Alcraynian politics.” She teased.

He blushed a little, embarrassed by how true that probably is. “Yes, you are right, I think I’ll join you when you two decide to write the letter to Dagon. I might learn something from it.”

Rosalyn’s smile widened. “And I would love to help you grow and learn… But right now…” She gently moved his hands up to her breasts and had them squeeze her very hard. “Since there doesn’t seem to be a any strong drink available, lets say we skip one and head straight to two… It’s been so long since I last felt you inside me.” Her voice already sounding hot and heavy.

Van was just about to return her smile when he stopped himself as he remembered there was something else he had to tell her. Such as the fact he had to fuse with Malon Taldor and a few other things. “Actually, there a few other things that I have to te-!”

He didn’t get a chance. Rosalyn had already twisted around and stuck her tongue deep inside his mouth, giving him a deep passionate kiss. As she pulled away a string of saliva still connected them. “No more work.” She commanded ripping her clothes off in one smooth motion laying her breasts bare. “Only fuck.” Her sultry gaze burning and pericing into his own.

Van’s eyes widened. “Yes ma’am!” He said with a small smirk at the sudden turn of events. He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her in for another deep kiss.

—Sex Scene—


—End of sex Scene—

“Well… That was certainly a sight to see…” Kassandra said

Van and Rosalyn stiffened in shock and surprise.

“Oh! Uh… Kassandra, I didn’t see you there…” Van said quickly, his eyes darting left and right in the hopes of finding something to wear.

“I should suspect not my master.” She teased. “Not with how busy you were.”

Van blushed. “Uh, what brings you here?” He asked, quickly snapping a few clothing into existence for him and Rosalyn to wear.

“I practically live here…” Kassandra answered. Which was not far off from the truth, she really did most of her work here since this was one of the places that had direct access to all the goings ons in the entire soul realm.

“Oh, er… Right… Sorry…” Van said feeling a little guilty at the mess he made.

“No no no!” Kassandra quickly replied. “Don’t feel sorry.” She gave him another teasing smile. “Just do me next when you have the time…”

His face went a tad redder. “Did you uhh… Have something for me?” He asked, trying to change the subject.

Kassandra continued her teasing smirk. “Actually… I did! I was looking for you because Isa wanted to go over a few things with you about funding for new equipment. As well as your… Special Input… When it comes to the troops. For you know… Moral and… Reinforcing what we lost…” Knowing full well what her words implied.

“Err, right!” Van said red faced. “Anything else?”

Kassandra’s teasing face fell away and turned more serious. “Yes i’m afraid,” quickly getting Van’s attention. “There is also the matter with Adela and Gwen. It seems they want to talk to you about… Fusing… What should I say to them?”

Van paused and thought about that as he and Roslayn finished changing. “Hmm… tell them I’ll talk to them after I finish up meeting with Isa. Also that…That she should at least try and talk to her sister a little more before going through with such a thing. Once you fuse you can’t exactly unfuse… Ask her to think about it a little longer, but if she’s committed and so is Gwen then…”

He sighed and took a big breath. “Then I’ll allow it, even if Ashina is against it. It’s their choice after all…” Hoping he was making the right decision.

“Yes master… Is there anything else I can help you with?” Kassandra asked.

Van thought about it. “Yes… Can you please take Rosalyn to meet Lyn, the two of them need to discuss a few things. I’ll also like your help in teaching me a few of the game-like mechanics that Ren left in place. I’m sure Lyn would be a quick learner, but if I have the time I should also learn this… Computer coding stuff…”

He turned to Rosalyn. “Is there anything you require?”

She gave a thoughtful look before shaking her head. “Nothing at the moment but I’ll probably be able to think of a few things before I leave. If anything, if you need something please tell me.”

Van smiled. “Thank you, I will.” Then blinked as he actually did just remember something he wanted help with. “Actually… now that you asked…” He told her his issue with Malon.

Rosalyn’s mouth dropped open. “You gotta be shitting me…”

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