World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 306 The First Step

Dagon Valtier felt old… Well… Older than usual… His shoulders felt heavy under the weight of his office. The archduchy he worked so hard to cultivate is now becoming nothing more than a burden on his weary frame. Times have changed so much since he was first sired by the old Nilfan and joined hands with his most trusted friend Alcraz in revolt against their would-be masters. He and his comrade fought and killed to make a new future for their kind. Until those detestable elves interfered… Killing his only friend…

Just the thought of it made his old blood boil, like thick black oil slowly being brought to a simmer, only for it to cool rapidly once the heat dissipated, leaving an old man to sigh in regret and loss. Memories of a happier time played across his mind, oddly brought to the forefront thanks to the storm brewing outside his window, the thunder and lighting reminding him of old fought battles. So long ago had those battles been fought, that even he was amused by how they changed, once they were nightmares that kept him up at night, and now they were nothing more than a method to reminisce on happier times…

A gentle knock on his door temporarily brought him out of it, but the storm had picked up and he couldn’t help but stare into the inky black swirling mass of change and violence that grew in front of him. Another knock came which he ignored once more, staring blankly into the howling wind and the beginning of rain.

Finally, the door opened with a click and his most trusted aid entered, no doubt already expecting his master's mood. Without a word he walked in without a sound, his footsteps graceful and sure with centuries of experience walking the same path on the same carpet for untold amounts of time. The aid paused a little behind and to the side of his master, who was languishing on a chair watching out through the wall-sized window.

The two shared a moment together, neither one speaking, watching the storm build up and the trees sway. They both had memories locked away, deep and buried under so many others. But like a zombie, when the time was right, they crawled out of their graves to haunt them once more…

After what felt like hours but was no more than just a few minutes the aid spoke, leaning over a silver tray with a singular letter out for his master to receive.

“Master, a letter from the new archduchess Roselyn from Bright city. She claims it will be of great importance to you.” The aid spoke, his voice as old as the castle itself and twice as tired of this life, just like the master he served.

With a sigh, Dagon leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes. Every vampire, it seemed, that got a little power, wanted to converse with him, as if his approval gave them some legitimacy of some sort. Or perhaps they just wanted to gossip about how they received a letter from him in response. It wouldn’t be the first time some fledgling or young blood thought they had something he might be interested in the hopes that he would shower them with attention.

He waved the tray away. Archduchess or not, Roselyn still needed a century or two before he would decide to read her letter. Or at least give a damn good reason.

Upon seeing his master's dismissal the aid spoke up. “I should also inform you that her husband, a young blood, Killed Karmila Moonshadow. And apparently, this letter concerns…” The aid hesitated, “Your… Family…” Knowing full well that Dagon’s family was a touchy subject.

Dagon frowned, as most things concerning his family did. While it was impressive that a young blood was somehow able to kill Karmila, a semi-archduchess in her own right, while being a male on top of that from what he could infer from his aid’s words. That still didn’t give Roselyn the right to dare use his family's history to pique his interest…

If he read this letter and it turned out it was just a petty way to grab his attention… Rosalyn would pay… His eyes narrowed with just the thought of what he would do to her if this letter was just nothing but a gimmick to gain his attention.

He took the letter from the tray and opened it up to read its contents…

He sat up, surprising his long-time friend.

He then reread the letter, his mind a tumble, hands gripping the note with a mix of anger and disbelief, wondering if he should feel rage or hope in this strange instance. At first he had simply skimmed the note, so fast he might not have read the letter at all. But something in his subconscious had picked up on a few keywords and pointed his mind back towards the words on the now slightly crumpled-up paper.

Intense red eyes, once blue, devoured each and every word over and over and over and over and over and over again and again. As if something in his mind couldn’t just make it click… Until it snapped into place…

By this time his aid had nervously leaned away from his master and friend. He had only seen Dagon like this a few times before, and knew this was either a cause for celebration… Or a cause for running into the nearest basement until everything settled back down…

“Master… Is… Something the matter?” The aid asked carefully, hoping his prompt might get Dagon out of whatever headspace he was in right now.

Dagon was silent for a tense few seconds before finally putting the letter down on his lap, his eyes still gazing intently in front of him, as if the words had been burned into the very air for him to continue reading.

“Fredrick…” Dagon said, his voice containing a flood of hidden emotions. “Prepare the carriage…”

Rosalyn paced back and forth and then back again, her movements agitated and her body filled with tense energy ever since she got the message that THE Dagon Valtier was coming over for a visit. There was no doubt in her mind it was about the letter she sent about his long-lost heir, and now fear plagued her mind about what was going to happen next. Was he coming to thank her? Or coming to kill her? After all, it wasn’t like he would trust her right off the bat. For all she knew he could be thinking she was pulling his leg, or had purposely held back information on his kin to lord over him with. Either way, it would result in her demise and all those of her friends and trusted allies.

On the other hand… If he was coming to thank and reward her…

She stopped her pacing and dared to hope for a few nervous seconds. If things actually played out well, she could be gaining a huge ally and the kind of legitimacy that most vampires could only dream about. That some have fought for centuries for, had destroyed countless houses and clans for, had assassinated and killed for. She could get it all with just a simple handshake from one of the most powerful and oldest political figures in all of Alcray.

Her heart skipped a beat just thinking about-

“Calm down Rosy…” Duvessa said in a calm and collected voice, while still worried for her mistress and her nerves. “It’s going to be alright. At this rate, you’ll suffer from a heart attack even before Dagon arrives.”

“Duvessa is right my daughter,” Thomas spoke up, who had also been watching his daughter become a nervous wreck. “You have nothing to worry about…” He walked over to her gently put his hands on her shoulders and gave a small squeeze. “You have us. Nothing bad is going to happen to you so long as we are here for you.”

Rosalyn wanted to thank her father and friend for their support, and a part of her was grateful as well but…

“It isn’t just Dagon.” She said, turning away, slipping out of her father's grasp, and going back to her nervous pacing as her eyes shifted from left to right while her mind raced. “It’s Malon as well!” She stopped and spun around to look at the both of them. “Don’t you understand? Both Malon and Dagon are coming to visit at the same time! I wouldn't be surprised if at this point even Tethra decided to throw her hat in and come join us for tea!”

Thomas hesitated and wished his words could somehow soothe his daughter's worries. But she had a point. Two of the three most powerful and influential people were coming to visit the newest and youngest crowned archduchess to date. This was either a miracle or a recipe for disaster…

Just at that time a knock came at the door and a maid nervously poked her head in.

Duvessa frowned. “I thought we ordered for us not to be disturbed…” Mildly glaring at the poor girl while also slightly confused as to why she was there. She had trained the maids to be better than that, so it was highly unusual for them to break decorum even under the most stressful of times.

“I-I… T-That is…” The maid looked terrified herself at what she was doing but still did her best to stay strong and open her mouth. Only for no words to come out. She tried again. But still nothing. In the end with tears in her eyes, she rushed into the room and shoved a letter into Rosalyn’s hands, and ran out crying at how she broke decorum and all forms of vampire etiquette.

“What was that all about I wonder?” Thomas commented, confused as to the maids' strange actions.

Duvessa agreed, wondering how she should punish the maid for such strange behavior, and turned to look at her friend and ask about what she received. Only to find Roslyn with a completely pale and terrified face after reading the words on the letter.

Carefully Rosalyn opened the note and read the paper inside. By the time she had reached it’s end, she fainted…

“Sweetie!” Thomas shouted and fear, rushing over to try and catch his beloved daughter.

“Rosalyn!” Duvessa shouted at the same time, rushing over to do the same.

The two barely caught her, using speed and strength that could only be attained with fear for a loved one.

“Sweetie, are you alright!? Rosalyn!” Thomas panicked.

Duvessa remained silent, quickly scanning her mistress’s body for any signs of poison or hidden injury and finding none. Her suspicions slowly fell on the note and its contents.

Carefully she leaned Roselyn’s away toward her father and moved over to pick up the letter suspiciously, wondering if perhaps there was a hidden spell or poison on the paper. She held it with just her nails and turned it over back and forth inspecting it from every angle. Finally, she carefully unfolded the letter and began to read.

Duvessa went pale.

“What? What is it? What does it say?” Thomas asked, watching Duvessa as he held onto his baby girl who was still knocked out.

“It’s a letter from Tethra Umbra…” Duvessa finally spoke. “Saying that she’s coming for a visit and to discuss possible future plans for themselves and all of Alcray…”

“...Oh… Oh dear…” Was all Thomas could say.

Three out of three of the most powerful and influential people in all of Alcray were coming to Bright city. One to discuss plans for the future after Karmila's death, one to discuss the letter claiming possession of a long lost kin, and one to discuss their student and the betrayal of Karmila herself and its effects on all of Alcray. Each one of them was coming for a different reason… But all of them were coming at the same time…

Something never before seen since the founding of their nation, since Alcraz was alive and ruled all of Alcray was taking place. An event that would no doubt shake all of vampire society to its very core was about to take place. All those high and low who have taken notice of this shift, will no doubt follow the wind to its epicenter. There they will find Bright city…

As the day passed and Rosalyn was sent to bed for rest and recovery, whispers and gossip of what was happening spread like wildfire. Vampires from all ranks of society felt it, something was about to happen… They all left to one place, all in the hopes of perhaps being part of this change.

Historians who will look back on this moment would all agree. This was the beginning, the first step, of the rise of the new vampire lord…

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