World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 40: Castle Town

Van was seventeen years old now and he was finally learning about vampire society and its rules at a breakneck speed that impressed Sheri so much, she decided to take teaching him more seriously. But that's not the number one reason why he was so happy. No. for despite just having his birthday, despite having the respect of his teacher. What really made today the greatest day of his life. Was the fact that his father had finally decided to take him outside the castle and into the town.

He still will have to go with his father, adult supervision, and all that. But it was the closest thing to freedom that Van had ever come to. A visit to the town, followed by a few week's worths of camping out in the wilderness. It felt like all those years of training were finally paying off.

“So are you ready?” Alvaroz asked, waiting near the gate. “Did you bring your hood?”

The hood his dad was referring to was a cloak mix with a rob that most males wore when they are out on the town. Despite being one of the better places for a male to live in, it was still beholden to the old ways of thought on how males should dress.

“Remember, don’t show off too much skin and keep your face hidden with your hood, you don’t want some women thinking you're loose and that they can hit on you whenever they want. While we are more progressive than most. In Alcray, it takes a long time for people to catch up to the rest of the world, and not just in terms of technology. Long lives, longer traditions, and a strong monolithic culture helps bring us all together, but it also makes it harder for the necessary changes to come about... Such as not treating males like sex toys…” Alvoraz added.

Van nodded his head nervously, his expression hidden by the hood hiding his face. He actually enjoyed his cloak/robe/coat. He just didn’t like having his hood obscure his vision. Thankfully, over the millennia, people have made it so those that are wearing it can see through it from the inside out, but not the outside in, through a special enchantment. So it didn’t completely obscure his vision.

“So it's just the two of us? Van asked.

“Well, technically Anna is coming with us…” referring to Van’s ability to store several Anna’s in his soul realm. “but yes, for all intents and purposes it's just the two of us. I want to make sure that you have a better understanding on how to deal with problems that males have without the assistance of a woman to help you out. Does that make sense?” Alvaroz asked.

Van nodded once more. “Ya… it does. I can’t just always rely on everyone else.” he squeezed his hands into fists hard, determined to prove himself as an independent person that can take care of himself without everyone always having to watch him.

Alvaroz felt a measure of pride in his son at his reaction. “Good let's go…”

And with that the two of them went out the gate, making quick and darting movements so that no one would see them leaving their home. Once they were far enough they slowly joined the crowded streets of their hometown and did their best to blend in.

“We’ll be dropping by a general store first to pick up some supplies, after that we will be heading out towards the forest,” Alvaroz said.

Van nodded, trying to keep his head down and not gawk at all the people on the street. It was, by far, very different from watching from a carriage. He did his best to keep close to his father, even as he tried to look about at the same time. The sights, sounds and smells were almost overwhelming for someone who has lived in a more peaceful environment. But he found himself quickly getting used to it, some of his past lives experiences helping him on that front.

What he couldn’t get so quickly used to were the gazes that would sometimes roam over them. Some of them were just plain curious, but others… others seemed hungry… as if they were undressing him with their eyes.

“Just do your best to ignore them…” Alvaroz said, keeping his eyes looking straight ahead and moving forward. “Don’t acknowledge them unless you have to. You’ll get used to it... eventually…”

Van wasn’t sure he wanted to get used to it. But he nodded anyway and made sure to ignore any gazes that seemed... less than kind…

Still, Van’s curiosity got the better of him, and despite knowing he should be more careful. He still looked around as much as he could get away with.

He noticed that just like last time, there were many women that didn’t seem to care what they wore. He wasn’t too surprised. After all, some nobles also were less formal with what they wore. But the commoners seemed to take that even further and some barely wore anything at all… it felt weird to him, as his other lives memories thought it to be immoral, but then again, this was just how it was in this world.

“It almost reminds me of something else from my past lives. Another world where it was the women that had to hide their faces for fear of being improper. Or something like that.” Van thought.

As he walked with his father he noticed that some women were hitting on a male that had his hood off. Another woman was, not too discreetly, having sex with another man out in the open. Finally, he saw a woman knock on a door and then hand some money to a male that opened it, upon seeing the cash he looked both ways before letting her in. He even saw a tavern where two males were serving and some of the women would slap them on the ass as they walked by.

“It's like the opposite of everything my other past lives have told me. Or at least, as far as I know, I haven't gotten around to checking on all of them. But still… women can do whatever they want. While males are subjected to culture and gender roles… in this world, it's the women that are considered the horny ones. Not males… but why?”

“Can it really be just because that's just how things worked out? Did the goddess not care enough about how things would end up? Or is it this bad because of the goddess’s interference? Maybe there's a religious group that, just like in my past lives try to keep things as they are because of religious reasons. The same is happening over here, where the reason why there's such a big difference in freedom given, is not just due to genetics, where women are hornier and more numerous than men. But because maybe women in power want to keep it that way for their own benefit?” Van thought, and the more he thought about it, the more he realized that it might be true.

“We're here.” Alvaroz suddenly said, bringing Van out of his deep thinking.

They had stopped at a large two-story wooden building. From what Van could see, the top half was residential, with the bottom half being the store.

Walking in, Van found a large number of sundry goods, alongside many other mundane and even magical ones. Herbs, potions, clothing, food rations, and survival tools were laid out in neatly organized areas. There seemed to be something for everything or anyone looking to get ready for a hike or short journey, even a few things for domestic use.

A vamp waiting behind the counter perked up at the customers entering her store, a smile blooming on her face upon realizing who it was.

“Well look who it is! My favorite customer! finally here to give me a good shag?” the woman said with a smirk on her face.

“Not this time,” Alvaroz said with a gentle smile. “I’m actually here with my son to buy a few things for a camping trip with my son.”

The women’s eyes widened and turned to Van, who was standing a little behind and to the side of his father. A little shy about meeting someone new.

“Well hello dear! So nice to meet you. You look just like your father! So cute! I know a few girls who would looove to make your acquaintance. '' she smiled a leer.

Alvaroz gave a cough, the woman then turned to him with a smirk, “so it will be the usual?”

“Yes please, enough for two for a few weeks,” Alvaroz said.

“Of course dear… but… you did promise me that shag the next time you would visit, and I’ve been so tired lately, I don’t think I have the energy to get you your things.” her eyes roving up and down Alv’s body.

Alvaroz frowned. “I already had everything arranged beforehand, all you have to do is give us the bag. And as far as I remember, you promised that yourself…”

The women pouted. “Come on, you're not going to leave me hanging, are you? I already applied for an appointment and everything. And you did promise to move me up, I’ve been waiting for years now. And I haven’t gotten myself a man yet, I already have one daughter, I'm not asking for another one. Just a quick tumble in the bed and I’ll wish you off… it won’t be much different than the other times we’ve done it.”

Alvaroz frowned further and leaned towards the vamp. “I have my son with me, please don’t do this now.” giving the woman a small glare.

The Vamp only smiled. “He can help! I’ll introduce him to my daughter. Who knows? Maybe she and him will be a good match?” she said, not giving in and backing down. This was followed by a few minutes of hushed arguing as the vamp and Alv went back and forth.

Van was feeling a little uncomfortable and looked around the store in hopes that no one else was there. Thankfully they seemed to be alone, and he soon realized, looking at the door, it was because the sign said the store was closed. He quickly came to the realization that either this was done to give his father, a male and the ruler of this barony some privacy, or because the woman fully planned to have some alone time with his father. Maybe both.

For the first time ever, Van realized what the mature action would be in this world. He slowly walked up to his dad, a solemn expression on his face. “It's okay dad… I can wait.”

Alvaroz turned in surprise. Confusion on his face, before his shoulders, gave out, giving off a defeated look. Then a more serious expression came over him and he looked his son in the eye. “It’s not okay… I may be a male, but I AM the ruler of this barony! And as a male I have the right to refuse anyone if I want to, that goes doubly so due to my rulership. If she won’t sell to us, then we will just go to someone else who will.”

“Don’t go thinking you have to give in to anyone! Just because you are a male. That's why we're training you so hard, that's the whole point of this camping trip. It’s so you can become independent and strong. I don’t want you to go through what most males have to go through. By the gods, I have the power and the authority to make sure you live a happy life and so I will! You have my word on it…” Alvaroz said, hand on Van’s shoulder, doing his best to convey how serious he is and how much Van means to him and hoping it's getting through.

Van looked at his father then down, feeling a little ashamed but also feeling the love that his father was trying to put out. He had no words to say.

Alvaroz then looked away from Van and back to the Vamp, but before he could say anything the women raised a hand to stop him. “Seriously, using me as some sort of villain to have and share a moment. I get it, I get it, here's your bag.” she then pulled over the counter a large rectangular leather bag that looked like it was to be carried across the shoulder. It was somewhat stylish but in a subdued manner. “It has everything you want, food, water, kindling, bedrolls, and of course, some barrier stones.” she handed the bag over with an exasperated look on her face.

Alvaroz nodded. “Thank you.” and stoically accepted the bag.

The Vamp sighed. “You know you did promise me. And I did go through the proper channels...”

Alvaroz’s face softened, “we’ll do it next time, I promise, and I’ll keep it .”

“Sure, sure,” she said, rolling her eyes a little.

Van felt conflicted as he saw his father turn to leave. On one hand, his father didn’t have to have sex with this woman he never met before. On the other, he was always told to keep his promises, and if the woman was telling the truth, his father promised to have sex with her. Was it the morally right to not keep this promise just because he was here? This and more was on Van’s thoughts.

“Are you coming?” Alvaroz called out from across the room.

Van hesitated, then slowly walked over to his father and left the store with him, his thoughts still in a haze of what was the morally right thing to do. Promises were meant to be kept, that was what he was always told, and that was how he was raised. Though he supposed that his father will keep the promise, it just wasn’t specified when he will. A loophole?

This was concerning to Van on a number of levels. But in the end, he slowly chalked it up to him just being too naive and innocent.

“What wrong?” Alvaroz asked as they walked down the street towards the gate.

Van hesitated to say what was on his mind but decided to share alongside his feelings on the matter and how he noticed how disappointed the women seemed after they left.

“I understand what you mean,” Alvaroz said with a nod. “But you have to understand. Every woman is like that, they will use any excuse or reason to get into your pants. I may have promised her, but I never said when… though I suppose I did make her wait… am making her wait a while at that. That still doesn't mean that I have to drop everything for her sake. You have to be aware that there is always going to be a high demand for your attention and only a few hours in a day to give it. You are going to have to learn when to say yes, and when to say no. as for the promise… I will keep it, it’s just taking me longer to get around to doing it. Or would you rather wait for me downstairs until I finish with her?”

That was a fair point by Van’s standards, no matter the world, the thought of your parents having sex was icky. And he didn’t like being reminded of a male's place in the world either. So all he could do in response was shake his head. Agreeing that he didn’t want to wait for such a thing.

But… Van sighed, “just make sure you keep your promise…”

Alvaroz gave a gentle smile, knowing full well his son's kind-hearted nature. “Don’t worry, I will. And you know I always keep my promises.”

And with that, the two walked past the gates, his father greeting the guards as they walked out into the open world.

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