World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

One Big Massive Lore Dump! Part 1

Just want to write a reminder that all these posts of this nature will be out of date compared to what's happening in the main storyline. maybe one day I will write an up to date Glossary. I also don't want you hating on my grammar or spelling on lore dumps, I never cared for that while I was writing, only wanting to put thought to paper when I was making it. with that in mind, please enjoy the lore dump.

Glossary/Old Info- Character Info

(authors note) Just want to write a reminder that all these posts of this nature will be out of date compared to what's happening in the main storyline. maybe one day I will write an up to date Glossary. I also don't want you hating on my grammar or spelling on lore dumps, I never cared for that while I was writing, only wanting to put thought to paper when I was making it. with that in mind, please enjoy the lore dump.

Character Info 1.0


House Mavros:

Vanris Mavros Solis: the only child of Alvaroz and Lillia. Vanris is a Dhampire, a rare breed of vampire where they usually have all the benefits of being a vampire without any of the drawbacks. Vanris is also an awakened meaning that he has powers or memories of past lives that amplify his body. His body has gone through changes that make him dislimiler to the common appearance. Due to being a dhampir, his mother's blood is strong meaning that not only is he a vampire but also a asimer. And because he is also an awakened he also has the bloodline of other races that have yet been uncovered. He is a young and handsome boy with blue eyes and black hair. He specializes in shadow magic, blood magic, arcane magic, and summoning magic. He is also proficient in hand to hand, sword and herbology and alchemy. He is also a lover of books and has become a decent scholar. His strengths are that he can keep a calm mind and is very analytical, but his weakness is that he is insecure and shy around those he does not know thought he hides it with a strong front, he doesn't feel shy or insecure in front of people he deems as potential enemies. He also suffers from nightmares of many past memories and the changes to his body makes it hard to open up to others that he does not trust. Another factor is that due to the memories of other lives he can sometimes get confused about the social norms of the world around him.

Alvaroz Mavros: when young, Alvaroz decided to make a name for himself and adventure, he knew that many will not take kindly to a vampire walking their lands but he decide to take what life throws at him in stride becoming an accomplished adventurer and going on many exciting adventures that lead him into deep dungeons and grand buried tombs that housed many treasures. The son of a minor baron he was forced to head back home when his parents died under suspicious circumstances along with his lover and a few friends he found out that a nearby baron family who was also a minor noble wished to take over his family lands, when a rumor came out that Alvaroz died in battle with a troll. The minor baron family having long hatred for the mavros family for being forced to share an already very small plot of land and jealous of the mavros families wealth that alvaroz sent back to the estate along with the soft nature of the mavros family in general, took the opportunity to try and take over the land for themselves. After alvarez came back he and his companions took care of the usurpers and Alvaroz decided to stay to take care of his baroney and married his lover and now wife lillia. He is a loving husband, a father, stoic but caring, and a little free willed. He cares for his baroney and those who live on it, something he instilled into his only son. He is a master swordsman and rogue, more of a fighter than a mage, but very intelligent and perceptive. He has blue eyes and black hair. Is a baron.

Lillia Solis: Lillia is a aasimar that wished for adventure and found Alvaroz along the way, at first suspicious of him she decided to follow him to make sure that he didn't do anything bad and become somewhat of a guide and a companion for him. Along the way the two developed feelings for the other and despite the fact that she was a aasimar she decide for the sake of love to take Alvaroz has her lover and then husband against what many would say. A powerful light and staff mage, she help balance Alvaroz fighter aspect and would help the, at that time, slightly hotheaded young man. As they were both long lived races he were able to acru many achievements and grow fairly powerful over the decades. When trouble came for Alvaroz she decided to help him and went into the vampire lands, a place not general safe for people like her but was able to not only help Alvaroz get revenge for his family but also marry him a bare him a child. She now lives happily with her husband and son but his hoping to expand her family just a bit more. She has golden eyes and blond hair.

Rose: the bloodbound maid of Vanris, most vampires have a bloodbound maid or butler that serve their master to death. A bloodbound is a person who can not go against their master no matter what is to loyal serve them for the rest of their lives. Bloodbound are usually the most trusted person to the vampire they belong to and usually end up as close confidants and lovers. Rose is such a bloodbound maid, she has served young vanris since she herself was young, she was chosen and freely gave herself to vanris when she was a young girl, at the time vanris was also a young boy thought slightly older by a year. And like all bloodbound she became a close confidant and friend of vanris who he trusts greatly. She is a quiet person and not given to any open displays of emotion when other she does not trust are around, despite this she does care and love dearly for her master. She feels honored to be a bloodbound and hopes to one day be something more than that prove herself worthy of his attention. She is very good hand to hand rouge type fighter. She cooks, cleans and does many of the miscellaneous tasks for her master. Dark red hair and light ruby eyes. She also has demonic bloodline, she was taken in along with her mother at the same time. There are many low class demons that sometimes flee into the vampire lands from the constant threat of the empire and the constant infighting of the demon lands, the vampire lands are relatively safer than the demon lands.

Lorenz: one of the companions that decided to stay with lilia and Alavroz. While the rest decided to leave, he decides to stay to help his friend and to learn more about the vampire lands and their magic which he became enamored with. Since joining he has become an accomplished necromancer and mage. And an adviser to Alvaroz when it came to the running of the barony. Since he was young he was trained by his father to be a merchant and help his elder brother with the family business but not wanting any of that he took his learning and decide to be a mage and explore the world and learn more magic. He is now very happy with the way things are, he not only has many magical books to study with but someone to take as a pupil in vanris which he views as something as family, and in turn vanris views lorenz as sort of uncle. They both get along very well. He being human does not live as long as his friends but he is fine in that as he sees vanris as a form of inheritor of his life's work, he is also happy with the position that he has now and what it entails. He already lived a full life and has no regrets, despite that he uses his knowledge in necromancy to extend his life so that he can learn more knowledge in magic.

House Moonshadow:

Luna Moonshadow: the daughter of Thea moonshadow. Luna was born unique in that she was born as an elder vampire something that shouldn't have happened considering that her mother is nowhere near that level or stage and that she herself didn't work for it. She was bullied and shunned for her mutant condition. This has left her shy and a little insecure growing up, but as she did she has found Van who was similar to her and they have grown to love, that person would soon be her fiance. She has a bit of a weak constitution which is weird for a vampire, but is decent at magic but unfortunately she shows no real skill at it. Due to her unique constitution she doesn't really need to drink blood or fear the sunlight like other vampires. She has long beautiful silver white hair and bright blue eyes, and while she is deemed somewhat as a failure as a vampire even her worst detractors agree she is beautiful. She also has some demonic bloodline in her.

Thea Moonshadow: when her husband died and her daughter came out different than others she unlike many others decide to raise her as a single parent and with the love she felt her child deserved when she knew that others will not. She is a countess that borders the mavros territory and due to a somewhat similar situation of their son being somewhat mutated due to his awaking the idea was brought to bring the two together for the sake of forming a friendship with each other. To their surprise they have gotten along so well that both parents agreed that they should be wed much to the joy of everyone. Thea is happy with the way life is going now, she feels that she has a family again, especially when she had lost her parents when she had to kill them when they tried to get rid of her daughter, something that has set her out as an outcast in the vampire community since only doing something completely underhanded could be able to kill your parents as for most cases the parents have some power over their children. She is a very skilled ruler with years of experience and a deep understanding of statecraft that she hopes to instil into her daughter to give her something to be proud of and to use for a successful future.

House Umbra:

Katherin Umbra: the daughter of Tethra Umbra she was born and raised to be able to manipulate others just like her mother. Her father and her grandparents all for one were all killed or assassinated over the centuries, leaving only her, her mother, and her older brother. There is some animosity between her and her brother because it is clear that their mother wants her to take over as the next designated heir. Katherine has no friends, only those who try to manipulate each other. When she saw Van protecting Luna like a Knight in shining armor she grew interested in him. As she watched from a distance she became more and more enamored with Van and even Luna and their honest and open nature with each other. Katherine tried to get Van to like her like he likes Luna, so she tries to manipulate him, the only thing she knew how to do, which only went to repel Van away from her instead much to her heartache. Luna surprisingly somewhat understood the feelings of katherine and her desire for a real relationship and over the years and a strange way taught katherine about trust and what it meant to be friends, something katherine has become very thankful for, she also realized the way she treated Luna in the past as wrong and wished to make it up, but habits are hard to break and sometimes it's difficult to change herself, especially since the only people she could be she could trust are only Van and Luna and one of them hate her. She cares more for talent then pedigree and has slowly cultivate low class or low court level vampire’s over the years since she had gotten to know Luna, realizing that it's better to have people who you can tolerate and who actually have something worth talking about then those who high pedigree but nothing at all. Katherine is a beautiful woman with long black hair and blue eyes

Tethra Umbra: the matriarch of the Umbra household and a duchess. A manipulative person who has a bit of a cold war going against house Taldor. Both have large influence, her in the west where she has most of the coast and him in the east where he has most of the influence of the heartland of the vampire lands. She was born unusually frail, something many took advantage of, as she grew up she used her frailness to lure her opponents into a false sense of security so that she can manipulate them in order to survive. Over the centuries she has lost many families over the years making her cold and calculating, but she still cares for her children, just not as much as she used to. Her husband, parents except one, and her brother and sister, all died through mysterious circumstances or assansination. Despite the deep anger she has gained over the years as she grew up, always keep a calm and collected persona. Her holdings are the most economically stable, and not just because she has lots of control over the coast. She is also a shrewd business woman and has a good understanding of how to do proper governance unlike other vampires.

Seral Umbra: the older brother of Katherine, a bit of a loner he has felt more and more distant from his family, all except for his grandmother who genuinely seems to care for him. But even that is not enough, he is aware that his mother wishes for katherine to take over instead of him, something he feels a little bitter about. He wished to prove himself and get the recognition he feels like he deserves. A warrior type of person he trains himself to improve himself for whatever the future may hold for him. He also has a hard time trusting people because of all the times in his family history that killed many of his family. Seral is always trying to improve himself. He is ambitious. He wants to be the heir of house umbra but is afraid that he should get rid of his mother, his grandmother who he cares for won't like him anymore and strangely he realizes that if he gets rid of his mother he would also have to get rid of his sister and while he doesnt like her he doesn't hate her and doesn't want to do that to her. Seral is beginning to think that maybe he should leave to and try to gain land for himself somewhere else so he has decided to join the generational young blood war to gain merits and hopefully land and or titles. He also admires hes uncle, Volax Mamon who he tries to take after.

Maria Umbra: is the mother of Tethra Umbra. When her husband died she took over of the house and raised the children left with her sister wife. Over the years 2 of the 3 children died and her sister wife also died after killing herself after her son died who was supposed to takeover the house. Many said that it was Maria who killed her sister wife's son and drove her into suscide, these rumors are unfounded and she truly loved her sister and didn't mind if her son would takeover, either way, she found herself now with the only heir left and did her best by being extremely ruthless, making a name for herself as bloody maria for the lengths she will go to, to get at anyone who possess even a little threat to her daughter and her grandchildren soon after. While cold and intimidating to strangers, if ever someone proves to be an ally she would welcome them with open arms and do what she can to help them. She acts somewhat like a confidant to her daughter and grandchildren, even after giving up the leader of the house to her daughter she still deeply cares for her family.

Volax Manon: the brother of Maria. He was there for his sister for everything, he saw her at her highest and at her lowest. He loves his sister deeply and is always worried about, doing his best to do what he can for the family that's left. A baron family, his sister married into the duchy of umbra when his sister married the heir of umbra. Volax is a bit of a celabit, he cares not for the matters of the flesh or fulfilling his social duties. What he is thought is very loyal to the family of umbra because it is he believes the last of their family line left, since he doesn't intend to sire a hier. He loves maria’s grandchildren almost like as if their were his own, making him the favorite uncle of the family. Volax is somewhat understanding of Seral’s plight and planes to one day give up his baroney for him.

House Taldor:

Malon Taldor: head of the house of the Taldor Duchy, a conniving snake of a man who has dreams of finally unifying the vampires lands into one land and becoming the next vampire lord. He had most of the influence in the central parts of the vampire lands. He believes the he and only he can unify the vampire lands while not letting others know what he really thinks. He has worked tirelessly over the centuries to make his dreams come true. He plays the long game and finally the fruits of his labors are coming. He is a very amicable person and can make friends with people easily. He has no heirs and all those who could challenge him for leadership in his family for head have mysteriously disappeared. Over the centuries he has gathered a strong group of people who are very much beholden to him and also view his ideal of unify the vampire lands favorably. He has gone through great lengths to get one of the duchy houses to bind themselves into his. The only one he could get was that of house Foswer. He is a little suspicious of this but it his what he needs to finally be recognized as an archduchy and one step away from becoming a lord.

House Foswer:

Celine Foswer: Celine Foswer is the head of house Foswer, a duchy with great influence in the east of the vampire lands. She comes from a long and distinguished family that can date back all the way to the end of the time of Alcraz. An insular family that usually tends to those of the few vampires that are older in nature. Celine has her own reasons for marrying into house Taldor, one is that Malon Taldor will get one heir and she will get one heir that will continue on their houses. Some believe that she too wants a vampire lord once again, or perhaps she actually fell in love with Malon who was trying to woo her, or perhaps there is some other reason as to why she agreed, no one really knows. She is far older than Malon.

Avaline: a love interest of van in the future, maybe a princess. Long blond hair with bright blue eyes and elvenish ears from an elven ancestor. She is a bit tomboyish and a very petite.



Character Info 2.0

House Mavros(name pending)vranater/vrankara

Vanris: the son of Alvaroz and Lillia. Vanris is a Dhampire, a being that is a union of a vampire and another race, technically a half vampire. Vanris is an Awakened, a person with some traits that are unique and sometimes with memories that are not his, this also left many strange changes on his body, something he is sometimes insecure about. Vanris grew up in a loving family, though it took some time for it to get there. Vanris was taught swordsmanship from his father alongside some hand to hand, and was taught magic from Lorenz, his father’s and mother’s friend. Vanris is a more adept mage than sword fighter, mostly due to the fact that he is a sorcerer. Vanris didn't have the intuitive nature of things like most others that were born, and had to learn the hard way the way things worked sometimes, due to this and the way his body is, he is a bit insecure and can be taken for shy, but tries to hide it. He enjoys reading books and learning new magics. He has the benefits of his vampire father and is aasimar mother, meaning he is far stronger than he looks, without any of the weaknesses of ethier parents. Due to his awakenings, he also seems to have hidden bloodline potential for things like dragon, demon, and even godling. He enjoys studying and practicing his magic in his free time. He excels easily at magic, though that doesn't stop his father from trying to train in the more martial pursuits. The years of practice has left his body well trained and toned. He has no nipples or belly button or even balls, yet he can still produce sperm. He has blue eyes and black hair, and his skin is smooth, he only has hair on his head.

Alvaroz: the father of Vanris and husband to Lillia. Alvaroz is head of the house and of the baroney. He rules with a gentle fist. When he was young he always wished to travel outside the vampire lands and explore the world and see all the things it had to offer him. When he was finally old enough he left and made many friends along the way, even meeting his future wife, sadly he had to turn back early from journeys, as his parents were killed by a rival baroney, forcing him to come back, get revenge, and rule in their place. Unlike most vampires Alvaroz is more straightforward and open, he also has a slight disdain for magic and much prefers to use his trusty sword than to any magic tricks. He is a master swordsman of great renown, and tries to instil that into his son, to no great effect. He is very concerned and protective of his son, to the point he sometimes baby's him a little too much. Alvaroz diligently trains as much as he can, and when he doesn't, he is there doing his noble duties, or making preparations to get out hunting with his son, something his son is not too fond of but goes along with anyway to humor his father. He has the same black hair and blue eyes as his son. He is a stoic but caring man, as well as a little free willed.

Lillia: Lillia is the mother of Vanris and wife of Alavroz. She is a kind and very sweet person. When Vanris was born she was horrified that he was an awakened and that he was slightly different than the normal baby, or the fact that he didn't act like a normal baby. But soon she got over it and finally opened her heart to him, finally acting like the mother most knew she could be. Lillia was just a simple librarian pinning for the open road in hopes of writing about her travels when Alavroz entered her life. Soon she was convinced to leave and journey together with him and use some of her knowledge in healing magics and herbs to help them on their journey as well as her light and other magics that she could use, she uses the staff. She never looked back, thought from time to time she worries about her parents and what they might think about all this. Lately she has been thinking about going to visit them. In her free time she writes about her experiences in the vampire lands, about the land, the people, and the court life and its many intricacies. She has blond hair and (green/blue?) eyes.

Lorenz: Lorenz is a dear friend to both Alavroz and to Lillia. He joined the party when it was just getting started when Alvaroz finally left the borders of the vampire land and entered Istra where the two met. Lorenz is the mage of the party, and used his magic both to take control of the battlefield and to buff and aid his allies. Lorenz is a bit of a book bug, he loves reading and finds new knowledge of magic whenever he can. Despite the sudden end to their journey, Lorenz became an accomplished scribe and staff mage by the time they took care of Alvaroz’s enemies, instead of leaving Lorenz decided to stay and become an adviser to his friend, something Alvaroz greatly appreciated. Over the years he not only helped Alvaroz with the governing of the land but used his free time to learn more on alchemy and runic magic and even getting into summoning. He has taken great interest in Vanris, as he sees in him a kindred spirit and pupil who he can distill all that he has learned, something that Vanris is too happy to learn from and Lorenz makes learning magic fun and they tend to sometimes learn together as well. Lorenz has also learned some necromancy over the years and is thinking of making himself a lich. Lorenz doesn't much care for marriage but as a male he does help around doing his male duty. He has brown hair and eyes, supposedly, before he left for his journey he did have a fling with a woman before leaving so there may be some relatives out there.

Twins? Or more? (Anna?) (Annastasia?): the daughters of the women who Alavroz watched die, he decided to spare them. These daughters are the daughters who killed Alavroz’s Parents and tried to take over the baroney for themselves. Instead Alvaroz decided to make them bloodbound to his son, so that they can serve him. The daughters do feel some resentment over the killing of their parents, but they were not born to remember. They have somewhat accepted their life as maids and some of their parents killer and have made peace with it. They all share the same soul realm which is astounding and they all prefer to go by the same name( maybe) They all look the same, with black hair, with the only difference being their different colored eyes( maybe different colored eyes.)

House moonshadow

Luna: Luna is Vanris’s Fiance. Like Vanris, she has mixed blood of both elf and demon despite being a vampire, or more accurately a Dhampire. Due to their shared similarities and how they are both looked down upon in vampire society due to their mixed lineage. They formed a bond that was hard to break, and a deep love for one another. They helped each other out when they were being bullied by the other vampire children and spent most of their childhood together. Luna sadly has a bit of a weak constitution, a slight drawback that will be resolved later as well as little mana in her body. Like most Dhampires she does not need to drink blood nor enjoy the taste of it. She is picked on for having elven blood in her. She has white silver like hair and blue eyes. Over the years she has strived to overcome her weak constitution and trained her body beckoning a decent sword fighter even better than Vanris, as she takes up his dad's offer of sword training, this is because she enjoys the workout just as much as she enjoys the thought of getting stronger. She is also decent with a bow, she uses a rapier of some sort for fighting. She has low magic, but she does what she can to improve it so that she can increase her power, despite her skill at the sword she prefers to stay away from the enemy and attack from afar. She also enjoys sewing and tailoring in general, she knows how to cook a little. She also takes after her mother in being knowledgeable when it comes to state craft and commerce, something that helps Vanris much in their journeys. ( maybe she will not be a sword user)

Thea: the mother of Luna, Thea just like Alvaroz had her family killed off when she came back from the life of adventure they spent together. But unlike Alvaroz it was not an outside threat that did them in but one from the inside. Thea had a sister that wanted to be the head of the county, and with her sister gone with only her mother left, she integrated a cue that overthrew her mother, when Thea returned many of her family members where dead, all because of the jealousy of her sister, a very shocking and scandalous event for vampire everywhere who heard about it. Even more shocking when it was found out that Thea planned to make Luna, a Dhampire with Elven blood her heir to the county and a marriage union with another Dhampire! Thea was good friends with Alvaroz when they were kids, childhood friends in fact, and we're set to be married together and bring Alvaroz’s house into the moonshadow house. But then they decided to go on an adventure and along the way Thea became close to one of their adventuring buddies, who at the time no one knew he was a half elf, since he didn't have pointed ears like her daughters does. At first they didn't get along well, but one night of intoxication and a blank memory later and Thea became pregnant. The man died before Thea and Alvaroz left to reclaim their homes, killed in by the same troll that supposedly did Alvaroz in. Thea was devastated when she found out that she was pregnant with another man's child and thought hard on whether or not to abort it, but it was also the man who saved her from being crushed by the troll, and then she found out that Lillia was pregnant and decided to keep the child. At first when Luna was born she didn't know what to think, but slowly she truly began to love her and know dots on her, sometimes excessively. Now that Vanris and Luna are engaged, she is actually happy with how things turned out, there are also plans to wed Alvaroz and join him as a family alongside Lillia, something that Lillia has been pushing for a while now. She has black hair and eyes.

House Umbra

Katherin: Katherin is the daughter of Tethra and heir to the Umbra house, a well respected and feared arch duchy in the vampire lands. Katherin was brought up to be a manipulator, just as her mother taught her to, something that sets her apart from others of her age, making it hard for her to make any meaningful connections. She was brought up to be the heir to the house and with that, great expectations were put on her at a young age, forcing her to grow up quickly. She does not have friends, only those who she manipulates and those who try to manipulate her, she was taking part in balls and other formal events when very young and learned very quickly to hide her emotions with a mask to protect herself. When she first found Luna and Vanris together was enamoured by their purity and honesty, how they didnt care for the politics and how happy they were together. So much so that she tried to manipulate them into being close to her, as she secretly wished for friends. Sadly this only backfired, as Vanrise didn't trust her, and the more she tried to manipulate him the more he pushed her away, but surprisingly Luna took it well and saw throught Kathrins attempts and the two so become good friends. Now Kathrine wishes to make up with Vanris, thought it is a bit hard to do, her experiences with the tow has helped her grow, and now instead of just trying to manipulate people, she has started to cultivate a group of vampires, no matter the pedigree or station to become a part of her inner circle, realizing that it's better to have allies no matter who they are and that its preferable to have those with talent and drive than those with not. A group that she can be a little more of herself than the mask that she wears, something that has gone a long way to help her become a power in her own right. She now helps out with and hangs out with Luna from time to time, and wishes for them to rise to power. ( She is also thinking about Joining Vanris’s harem, or maybe not.)

Tethra: The mother of Katherin. Tethra is the head of one of the biggest arch duchies in the west. This gives her a lot of power, especially considering that she has a lot of control of what enters the vampire lands through the many ports on the western shores. Her lands are far more well developed then those of the east and middle, making them almost on par with the rest of the civilized world. Giving her much wealth, more than most vampires, wealth that she reinvests into her lands, and uses to bribe and coarse those around her to do her bidding. Tethra can be somewhat brutal in her governing, especially when dealing with outsiders or those who are not a part of her faction, but this is because she had to grow up in a house where most of her family was assassinated leaving her the soul heir. Tethra grew up with death around her and that hardened her to become the person she is today. She has schemes within scheme, some racing decades and even centuries. She views kindness as a weakness, and tries to instill in her children these virtues of hiding emotions and being manipulative. Despite her cold demeanor she is obsessive with protecting her children to an almost scary degree. Tethra is a woman that has been through a lot, and does not feel safe to open up to anyone, not even her own family, something that has made the connection with her children a bit strained, which secretly breaks her heart. But this is the kind of woman who murdered her husband because she found out that he was trying to replace her to become head of the house, and that he belonged to one of the houses that might have had ties to the house that helped assassinate some of her family members.

Seral: Seral is the older brother of Katherin, but was pushed aside for heir of the house when she was born, something he resented at first but has now come to terms with. He has grown cold and distant with most of his family except for his great grandmother Maria and uncle Volax. Seral has taken to being somewhat of a lone wolf, but despite that he is very close to Maria and Volax. He enjoys working out with the sword and wishes to also travel and prove himself. To that end he has requested to be trained by the best of the best sword instructors in the vampire lands, those with years of training, but by far his favorite instructor is Alavroz, who regales him with stories of daring do, life and death battles, and life threatening adventures. On top of that Alavaroz has actual real combat experience unlike some of his instructors and will use sometimes moves and techniques that are either considered crass in polite society or improper, something that Alvaroz shrugs of saying that it doesn't matter if you're dead. Seral has real respect for Alvaroz. Seral doesn't just train in the sword, he also takes his other studies very seriously and with diligence. There is one thing he doesn't like others to know though, and that is that he likes to play musical instruments in his free time, and that he has gotten quite good at them too.

Maria: the Grandmother of Tethra. Maria also had to experience the cuthrought nature of vampire politics at a young age, and as she grew older she decided to just excuse herself from all of it, being nothing more than an adviser to those who will succeed her house, rather than taking charge herself. Something that Tethra doesn't like her for, believing that if she helped out some of the problems the house faces now wouldn't even have happened. Maria prefers to tend to her gardens, and sew. She loves her great grandchildren dearly and will do anything to help them. She has finally gotten over her fears and is willing to die for her grandchild and great grandchildren. She has a very close relationship with Seral. She is a lot tougher and stronger than most think she is. She is not directly blood related to any of them, since she was the sister wife of the woman who actually gave birth to them and all her children died.

Volax Manon: Volax is the brother to Maria, and cares very deeply for her as the last surviving members of their family. Volax is a bit of a celibite and cares nothing for the matters of the flesh. He tries to bring a bit of levity to the family when he comes to visit. He is the ruler of a small baroney. He feels for Seral and tries to support him, he is even thinking of giving up his barony to Seral if he wishes for it. Volax and Maria always like to talk over a small snack or two about the past and all the fond memories they used to have.

House Taldor

Malon: the head of the house of taldor, an archduchy, who took over the position from his parents through political manipulations. He has a dream of unifying all of the vampire lands into one again, no matter the costs. He believes in vampire superiority and thinks it their place in the world to justly govern all those who are lesser. Malon has much sway over the western half of the vampire lands and is part of the aggressive faction which is opposed to Tethra’s progressive faction that believes in control and influence through trade and agreements rather than through war. Malon wishes to see the vampire lands back to his prime and to that end has done many unscrupulous things in order to further his agenda. He’s very good at manipulating people to his will and has strong control over his faction.

House Foswer

Celine: while it took a lot to convince her, Celine the head of the Foswer house, an archduchy. She was conceived over the course of decades by Malon that uniting the vampire lands is for the best of everyone involved. She is the head of the neutral faction in the center of the vampire lands, Malon in the east, and Tethra in the west. Slowly over time, the two factions of the east and the west have eroded the faction in the middle, making her faction rather weak in comparison. Slowly though she has come to side a little more with Malon in exchange for a few more concessions, but it is still a hard thing for her, considering Tethra isn't exactly weak either. (Worse for her is that she has a child that seems to do whatever she wants and causes nothing but problems for her. maybe)


Roselin: she is a Ingrid( a type of vampiric halfing) who shouldn't have had any land or titles due to being an ingrid but due to her being very politically savvy and knowing the right people as well as manipulating the right people she was able to claim half a duchy when her father died. The mother of her half sister thought, owns the other half, using her daughter to claim the territory. She wishes to marry Vanris inorder to bolster her claim to the land and offer that her half sister marry Vanris as well and any children she has will be heir to the duchy instead of her. This is very politically sound and by having the aid of an outside influence and such she can essentially manipulate her sister and whatever child she has to effectively rule in her place, she needs vanris because his actually an heir and his house and the one he is marrying into has no real connections with the outside vampire politics. ( hard to explain further in a way that makes sense but eventually he agrees for his own reasons) Roseline has beautiful blond almost golden hair and stunning red ruby eyes with a super model like body with narrow waist and big breasts and a face that seems perfect.( she is only slightly taller than vanris’s waist thought)

(half-elf/Dryad:name pending): she is a daughter of a very important and influential dryad in the alria federation. She was to be married off but didnt want to be married off and decided to take the chance of leaving the federation in hopes of avoiding that and looking for another man to marry. She is manipulative and a little too full of herself and believing that everything will go her way. When she saw Vanris, she knew that he was the one and offered herself as a marriage partner only to be turned down which surprised her but she didn't give up. Despite her attitude she is actually very sweet inside and is only like this because of the environment that she grew up in. her mother killed her father because he was being to kind to her and making her “weak” this made her want to leave and chose her own destiny, she wants to marry a person who she thinks is worthey and with potential and political ties that she can hide behind. She is very good with nature magic and she has a very special staff that can transform into a spear/glaive. She learned when she was young how to wield it thanks to her father who was a spear master before he was killed. Due to her dryad side she can create spriggens and control them as well as contract spirits and fae a lot easer. She has a beautiful pale skin and what seems to be green vine like tattoos that huge her in all the right places, she has pink eyes and hair.

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